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Chapter 195 Moving

 No one in the world can refuse a top club like the Kings of Madrid?

Fatty Dong spat and said, "Bah! I'm generous!"

Then he rejected the Madrid King's offer of 3 million euros for Jule.

"What the hell am I doing to you! You want to take away Hulay for three million? What kind of player do you really think Hulay is? Don't think you are the fucking king of Madrid and you want to take advantage of me!"

After rejecting the offer from King Madrid, Dong Wen was still cursing in the office.

I think Leeds City's offer of 4 million was rejected by him. The King of Madrid thinks that the golden sign of their world's top giants is worth 1 million, right?

No one’s face can be saved by me!

Dong Wen has his own calculations.

Ever since the news that the King of Madrid made an offer to buy Hu Lai from Flash Star spread, there have been various voices on the Internet. Many people simply wished that Flash Star could give Hu Lai to the King of Madrid for free. Some people even questioned Chinese companies.

, who is usually so rich, why is he unwilling to send money to the King of Madrid to sponsor Hu Lai to join the world's top giants.

These people are afraid that the sky-high price will scare away the King of Madrid and make Hu Lai miss out on the wealthy. It would be a pity.

But Dong Wen doesn't think so. In business, he only believes in one thing as a businessman: you get what you pay for.

If the King of Madrid is really as optimistic about Hulay's talent as they say, then he must show his sincerity to prove himself.

When Tatsuya Sugiyama moved to the Bundesliga giants Munich Blue and White after the Olympics, Munich Blue and White also paid 8 million euros.

How can our Chinese Hu Lai be inferior to Sugiyama Tatsuya?

Uesugiyama Tatsuya is Hu Lai's loser in the U23 Asian Cup!

Just talking about his performance in the Olympics, Hu Lai, who led the team to break out of the group of death and scored a hat trick in front of Melli, simply outshone Tatsuya Sugiyama, okay?

Oh, Sugiyama Tatsuya is worth eight million, but our Hu Lai is worth three million?

Is it that Hu Lai is not as good as Tatsuya Sugiyama? Or is it that the Madrid Kings are poorer than the Munich Blues and Whites?

Even if you tell me that Sugiyama Tatsuya is worth 8 million, it is because there were many Japanese players before him who, through their outstanding performance and dedicated professional attitude, have enhanced the overall brand value of Japanese players.

Three million Hu Lai is too low!

I, Dong Wen, was the first one not to accept it!

He doesn't care how the fans online will scold him, look at him.

He has his own persistence, and he thinks that what he did is right, and it is not a bad thing for Hu Lai.

He is helping Hu Lai fight for his interests.

It’s not like I quote high prices to everyone.

Is Hu Lai a nobody?

Is Hu Lai the kind of cat and dog who hasn’t proven himself yet?

Chinese Super League champion, the youngest top scorer in the history of the Chinese Super League, the single-season goal record holder, the top scorer in the Chinese Football Olympics, the youngest Golden Boot winner in the history of the AFC Champions League... With such a resume, why should I?

Do you want to accept an offer of three million?

Just because the Kings of Madrid are a top club?

Do top wealthy families have big faces?

No matter how powerful I am, Dong Wen can be as big as me?!

When Tatsuya Sugiyama went to Munich for $8 million, no one came out and said that $8 million is too expensive to buy a young player who is not sure whether he can play in the game. Why do some people think that $3 million is suitable now?


Kneeling is not the way to kneel.

After venting his grievances in the office, Dong Wen took out his cell phone, found Hu Lai's number in his address book, and dialed him.

"Hey, Hu Lai? Are you busy now? Is it convenient to answer the phone? Is it convenient? That's good... I have to tell you something. The King of Madrid made an offer to the club, but I rejected it.

...Well, they offered three million, but I think three million is too low...Yes, yes, that's what I mean too. Okay, I won't bother you anymore. Don't worry, your Uncle Dong will never cheat you.

You, Flashing Star is your home, how could I cheat my family? Haha, bye, bye..."


Hu Lai put down his cell phone, raised his head and met his mother's gaze. Before the latter could ask, he took the initiative and said: "The call from the club's manager, regarding the transfer..."

He briefly repeated to his mother what Dong Wen said to him on the phone.

Now he has already returned to his home. When he answered the phone, he was moving with his parents.

After listening to Hu Lai's story, Xie Lan frowned and said with some worry: "Oh...will that piss off the King of Madrid and make him stop wanting you?"

"What are you talking about..." Hu Lixin, who was packing things next to him, complained to his wife, "It's normal to bargain. Besides, if the King of Madrid becomes angry after being rejected once and refuses Hu Lai, then there is no point in going to this club.


Hu Lai also comforted his mother: "Don't worry, Mom. Flashing Star won't ask for high prices, and I don't think I should only be worth three million."

Now Hu Lai is more confident in saying this than when he just came back from the Olympics.

Because now he is the Chinese Super League champion, the Chinese Super League Golden Boot, and has broken the record set by Shi Shi.

With such a performance as the foundation, if the King of Madrid really thinks that paying more than three million for himself is too expensive, let alone himself, then he will not worry about having nowhere to go.

So he is not really in a hurry right now. He will leave the transfer matter to the club and Song Jiajia. He only needs to know the progress and results.

Kings of Madrid is the world's top club, so it's great to be able to go.

But if he really couldn't go, he wouldn't feel any regret.

After all, he has no "dream of becoming a king", and whether he can become the king of Madrid will not make him feel that his dream has collapsed.

He is more concerned about the ongoing move than a move to Madrid.

"Mom, why do you have to move these sheets and quilt covers? How many years have they been used? Just throw them away... It's not expensive to buy new ones now."

Hu Lai held a sheet with frayed edges in his hand, shook it, and said in disgust.

"What do you know? When you are away from home for a long time, the furniture in your house must not be covered with dust? This thing is used to cover it with dust!"

Xie Lan snatched the sheets from Hu Lai's hand, folded them again and put them in the box.

Hu Lai opened his mouth when he saw this, but was speechless.

He really didn't expect this at all.

In terms of life experience, he is far inferior to his mother.

Xie Lan saw movers coming in and directed them to carry several large boxes placed over there.

"Be careful, there are bowls and cups inside..."

Hu Lixin picked up a suitcase, carried his bag, and followed the workers out of the door.

Hu Lai looked around in the room.

The house where he spent his entire childhood and adolescence was originally very small, only fifty square meters after all.

But now after packing up and moving out, it still feels a little empty...

So much so that my words seemed to have echoes.

"Although I have disliked this house many times, I am still a little reluctant to move it..." Xie Lan also sighed as he looked at the house that was gradually being vacated.

She moved here after getting married and welcomed the birth of her son. This small house contains all the memories of the past twenty years of her life.

Some are very beautiful. For example, when she and her husband brought the infant Hu Lai back from the hospital, the small house that was originally just the two of them became filled with the sounds of babies crying and became lively.

Some of it is very painful. Because of the special family relationship between her and her husband, neither of them can get support from their parents. So all the issues about raising children have to be faced by the two of them by themselves, which is really

It was a miserable and messy day that she could not bear to look back on. If she were to go back to her old life, she would definitely go crazy...

Some of them cannot be said to be painful or beautiful, just as ordinary as life. She, her husband, and her son live an extremely ordinary life in this small house. They are not lacking in the troubles and difficulties that other families have.

.The laughter and laughter that other people’s homes have, they also have here.

Before I lent money to Hu Lai to attend high school, my life was not rich, but it was more than enough.

She originally thought that her life would be so ordinary, and that her son could go to a university, find a decent job after graduation, make money to support himself, and not gnaw at old age... She felt that her son had a future.


Unexpectedly, my son broke into a new world on the road where her husband was hit with a bloody head...

So, this person’s life...

Seeing that his mother suddenly became melancholy, Hu Lai said half-jokingly: "What's the point of not letting go? The old ones won't go and the new ones won't come. Besides, if you really can't let go, this house will stay here. We won't sell it or rent it."

, if you miss it, come back and have a look."

Xie Lan felt that her son was right, and she regained her composure.

Just then she saw her son take out a bank card from his pocket and hand it to her.

"What for?" she asked.

"The money I earned this year," Hu Lai explained, "I can't spend that much, so I'll give it to you."

Xie Lan hesitated for a moment before taking the bank card: "Okay, I'll save it for you. Don't worry, we won't spend your money..."

"No, just spend what you have to. Isn't this a move? Whatever you want to add to your home, just use it." Hu Lai said quickly.

"What you said...whatever you need to add to your home shouldn't cost you money. It's not like your dad and I have no money? I have a salary, and your dad has also found a new job..." Xie Lan rambled on.


Hu Lai only found out after he came back that his father had obtained a D-level coaching certificate. This coaching certificate allowed him to teach in various primary and secondary schools.

Just a week ago, his father Hu Lixin signed a work contract with a primary school near his new home. He will officially take up the post after the Spring Festival and become the football coach hired by that primary school. He will be responsible for leading the training and teaching of children who like football.

They play football.

Hu Lai was very surprised when he heard the news. He thought his mother was joking on him.

He could not imagine that his father would mingle with a group of children and teach them to play football...

Then he became a little jealous - why could other people's children enjoy the treatment of his father teaching them to play football, but as his biological son, he did not have such treatment?

It’s all fucking Wang Xianke’s fault!

"So Mom is saving this money for you, and will give it to you when you get a wife." After Xie Lan finished speaking, he put the bank card into his wallet and put it away carefully.

When Hu Lai saw his mother's insistence, he did not continue to persuade her.

After the movers carried the last box out of the house, Xie Lan took Hu Lai out. She stayed behind and leaned over to look at the house with only basic furniture left.

Her eyes quickly moved across the room, and finally she pulled back, closed the door, took out the key and locked it.

Then he put the keys away and said to Hu Lai: "Let's go, your dad will follow the car, and we will take a taxi."

The footsteps of mother and son gradually faded away, and the room that locked the door fell into silence again.


The packed luggage was moved from the moving company's truck to the new home. The people from the moving company had already left after paying the bill. Hu Lai and Hu Lixin were busy at home taking out the items from the boxes one by one and putting them in the designated places.


Hu Lai put all his trophies, medals, etc. into specially customized glass display cabinets and placed them one by one.

After putting it away, he took a step back and took a closer look. Looking at the other empty cabinets in the room, he couldn't help but shake his head.

Mom really has high hopes for him...

Who knows how long it will take to fill all these cabinets!

At the same time, he also noticed that there was a single cabinet in the center of the room. The cabinet was not big, it could even be said to be small. It looked like it could only hold one thing.

Although it is still empty, Hu Lai also knows that the things that can be placed in this cabinet must be of great significance.

He couldn't think of anything that would fit here.

So he went out and asked Hu Lixin who was busy: "Dad, what is the cabinet in the middle of the room reserved for?"

When asked this question, Hu Lixin looked a little unhappy: "Your mother said to save it for the World Cup..."

Hu Lai's face turned green, and his face instantly became as ugly as his father's: "Can the World Cup be placed in my house?!"

Hu Lixin was obviously helpless: "Your mother said to release replicas..."

"Then I must be able to win the World Cup!"

"Didn't you blow off all the bullshit?" Hu Lixin snorted coldly.

Hu Lai remembered what he said to reporters when he entered the U22 training camp for the first time.

"Your mother is always thinking about you."

Hu Lai opened his mouth, but still nothing came out.

At this moment, Xie Lan's voice sounded in the kitchen: "It's time to eat!"

Hu Lai and Hu Lixin washed their hands and came to the restaurant, where they saw Xie Lan bringing out two bowls of steaming and fragrant noodles from the kitchen.

"Eat whatever you want and make do with it. Let's wait until tomorrow for the official 'Reunion Year'!"

After handing the two bowls of noodles to her husband and children, she turned around and took out her own noodles from the kitchen.

The dining table was piled with things, even the chairs, and there was nowhere to sit.

Hu Lixin sat on an unopened cardboard box with a bowl of noodles, while Hu Lai and Xie Lan ate standing up.

The three of them just slurped down noodles while admiring their new home.

Although it is still a mess now, everyone seems to be able to see a bright future.

November 24, 2024, Sunday.

The twenty-fourth day of the tenth lunar month.

It is advisable to move.

This chapter has been completed!
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