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Chapter 62 Not an honest person

 "Hey, Hu Lai, have you started special shooting training?" Li Qingqing stood in the corridor, chatting with Hu Lai who was sitting by the window through the open window. From the chat, she learned that Hu Lai

Special shooting training has begun. Her father has never told her about this. Of course, there seems to be no need to tell her...

"Yeah, except for the warm-up, all training content is shooting training." Hu Lai sat in his seat, leaning his head on his propped up arm, and then used his other hand to move Li Qingqing to the side.

"What?" Li Qingqing asked doubtfully.

"You're blocking my sunshine."

"Oh." Li Qingqing saw that his shadow was covering Hu Lai, so he moved a step to the side and let out the sunlight that came through the glass curtain wall. All the sunlight shone directly on Hu Lai's face.

He raised his head slightly and closed his eyes, looking very enjoying it.

Luo Kai, who was standing in the distance, looked very ugly when he saw this scene.

Is this how my goddess is being called around by you?

But Li Qingqing didn't seem to care at all. After she got out of the way of the sunlight, she still leaned on the window sill and chatted with Hu Lai inside.

"This is good news, Hu Lai. The coach's decision to let you practice shooting is certainly not without purpose. I think he may want you to play in the final..."

"You want me to play in the final?" Hu Lai was also a little surprised. "No, right? That's the final. I wasn't allowed to play in the semi-finals, so will I be allowed to play in the final?"

"If the coach asks you to continue basic training, then it is indeed impossible for you to play in the final. But now that he specifically asks you to practice shooting, it shows that he at least has this idea. He may need you to score, so he just

Let you practice shooting. After all, time is limited. If you are treated like normal training, you may not learn anything in the end. So it is better to strengthen your shooting, so that if you need to play, you will be allowed to shoot and score."

Li Qingqing analyzed it for Hu Lai.

Hu Lai rubbed his chin and showed a thoughtful expression: "It seems that the coach has also realized that Luo Kai can only bully the weak, and you still have to rely on me to fight tough battles!"

Song Jiajia, who was also lying on her desk basking in the sun, closed her eyes and said lazily: "You think too much, Hu Lai. You are Luo Kai's spare tire..."

Hu Lai was furious: "You are Luo Kai's spare tire!"

Song Jiajia originally wanted to refute, but his mouth was opened, and he remembered the scene that happened on the sidelines of the training ground yesterday.

Damn it, maybe in the minds of those girls, there really is some unexplainable relationship between myself and Luo Kai...

But who can be blamed? Didn’t you cause it yourself? Alas, it’s not good to be too competitive...

After thinking about this, Song Jiajia closed her mouth angrily and continued to bask in the sun.


Luo Kai has been staring at Li Qingqing and Hu Lai from a distance. These two people no longer seem to hide from others. They get together openly and openly in school. Unlike before, they seemed to be secretive.

That little trick of meeting each other after school.

When he saw that Li Qingqing stopped coming to watch the training, he thought there was some conflict between the two and that Li Qingqing no longer cared about Hu Lai.

But now it seems that there is no problem between the two of them... which makes him happy in vain.

Then why didn't Li Qingqing come to watch the training?

At this moment, Li Zhiqun suddenly came up and whispered with a strange expression: "Brother Kai..."

"What are you doing?" Luo Kai was in a bad mood and his tone was also bad.

"Well... I just went to the toilet, and on the way I heard some girls seeming to be spreading gossip about you..."

"Gossip? What gossip do I have?"

"Uh, they... they said..." Li Zhiqun was very embarrassed.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Seeing this, Luo Kai glanced at Li Zhiqun.

"They... said you were interested in Song Jiajia..."

"Interesting? What do you mean?" Luo Kai has not yet reacted.

"That is to say, you two are...a pair..." Li Zhiqun pointed at Song Jiajia, who was lying next to Hu Lai and enjoying the sunshine with her eyes closed.

Luo Kai looked at the pig-headed face and was stunned for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and said: "Who is so fucking boring!?"

The aloof persona was not tight, and he even used swear words.


During the afternoon training, the girls specifically looked for Song Jiajia in the crowd. The fat man stood at the other end of the podium, looking at his mobile phone with his head lowered.

Then they all went to see Luo Kai, and found that Luo Kai walked onto the court without looking away, and then began to warm up with the team. During this process, he never once cast his eyes on the podium.

The girls wondered if their comments had reached Luo Kai's ears, and he deliberately didn't look at the podium to avoid suspicion?

Otherwise, deliberately avoiding the rostrum would be too suspicious...

The team that had finished warming up began training, and the offensive team was individually called to the goal for shooting training.

Hu Lai is among them.

Although Hu Lai has done shooting training in basic training before, it is completely different from today's shooting training.

The shooting training in basic training mainly allows Hu Lai to master the technical movements of shooting, such as what the correct shooting movement should be, such as how to exert force correctly, such as paying attention to straightening the instep when shooting, such as using different parts.

What is the effect of shooting?

Only train on the technical action of shooting.

Now the shooting training in the team is really aimed at shooting the football into the goal.

And unlike basic training, it is no longer as simple as placing the football in a fixed position and letting Hu Lai kick the football towards the goal.

In the current shooting training, players need to run to the designated position, receive Chu Yifan's pass, and then complete the shot.

While they are receiving the ball, there is a defensive player in front who will interfere - he will not actually come up to grab the ball, but will just block in front of them to increase the sense of presence and allow the trained players to gradually adapt to completing the shot under the influence of someone's pressure.

technical actions.

These are completely different from Hu Lai's feeling of kicking against the wall alone.

Li Ziqiang also asked them to only touch the ball twice, catch the ball once and shoot once during shooting training.

Hu Lai understands this, because the training is based on actual combat. In actual games, if you touch the ball one more time and adjust, you may miss the shooting opportunity.

At this time, the value of his previous basic training was reflected.

Although they are all very ordinary training, he has been practicing catching and shooting for nearly two months now. In one month, he also had the bonus effect of [Smart Potion], so he is no longer as good as he was at the beginning.

Just like in training, a ball can be stopped ten meters away.

After completing the shooting training with the rest of the team, the team went to other training, and Hulay himself came to the other end of the goal, ready to start his own shooting training.

He picked up a small foldable shelf, walked to the restricted area, and then opened the shelf.

The four borders of the opened shelf are pulled by a tight nylon rope net. Because it is very tight, even if you press hard with your hands, it may not be able to soften it much.

This small prop is the role responsible for passing the ball to him.

Because other teammates had to carry out their own training content, no one could pass the ball to Hu Lai, so Li Ziqiang found such a prop to help Hu Lai practice, and at the same time, he could also train Hu Lai's passing.

After starting training, he would first kick the football towards this small support. After the football was stopped by the tight rope net, it would bounce back. Hu Lai would run to catch the bounced football and complete the shot.

After setting up the rack, Hu Lai began his shooting training alone.

Li Ziqiang stood on the side of the training ground, his eyes wandering between each group of training, and then fell on Hu Lai.

He saw Hu Lai kicking the football towards the rope net with the inside of his right foot. At a distance of about five or six meters, Hu Lai's kick did not miss, but accurately hit the rope net, and the football bounced back.

Fly diagonally forward.

After Hu Lai passed the ball, he quickly moved forward. When he caught the bouncing football, he raised his foot and stopped the football with the inside of his right foot. Then he supported his body with his left foot, then moved his right foot, and there was a muffled sound.

After that, the football was shot towards the lower left side of the goal and finally entered the net smoothly.

After completing a shooting training, Hu Lai did not go to pick up the ball in the goal. Instead, he ran to a large net bag nearby, hooked a football with his feet, took it to the starting point of the shooting training, and continued to repeat all the actions just now.

Li Ziqiang kept staring at Hu Lai. This kid's passing was much better than before, and the connection between catching the ball and shooting was smoother than when he practiced like yesterday.

As he watched, a strange thought grew stronger and stronger in his mind, and emerged uncontrollably - This kid... seems to be progressing a bit fast?

Li Ziqiang still clearly remembers that when this kid first joined the team, he was just a beginner, no different from a blank piece of paper. Of course, letting him do basic training alone was deliberately making things difficult, because at that time Li Ziqiang didn't even know what he was doing.

He didn't regard Hu Lai as a member of this team. He felt that this kid would probably quit the team soon because he couldn't stand the boring and high-intensity training.

Unexpectedly, Hu Lai not only persisted, but the nearly two months of basic training also made this kid look good.

Li Ziqiang now thinks about it, Hu Lai seems to have been conscientiously completing the training tasks assigned to him since he joined the team, and he has never been lazy or complained about hardship.

He always felt that based on his appearance, Hu Lai was someone who was good at cheating and cheating, but it turned out that he trained harder than anyone else - the kind of training he had, it was estimated that no one else would be able to persist for such a long time.

This made Li Ziqiang have very complicated emotions towards Hu Lai.

As a father with a daughter, he doesn't like Hu Lai, but as a coach, he should like Hu Lai, a player who works hard and is down-to-earth...

Like it or don't like it?

This is a problem.

Li Ziqiang forcibly dismissed the distracting thoughts in his mind and continued to focus on Hu Lai's training.

After watching it for a while, he felt more and more that his previous feelings were not an illusion.

Hu Lai is really improving, because his performance is becoming more and more stable. This is not the so-called "good performance" where he occasionally performs well once or twice in training.

Even Li Ziqiang, who was always strict, couldn't help but nodded.

It's a pity that Li Qingqing is not here, otherwise her jaw would be shocked if she saw it - her father actually nodded to Hu Lai!

Just this picture can make Li Qingqing happy for several days...

Of course, Li Ziqiang may have realized his understanding very quickly and did not even nod his head in approval.


Hu Lai had no idea about the intense and exciting inner drama when the coach behind him stared at him for a long time. He kicked the football towards his "teammate" again. The football was caught in the rope net and did not bounce back directly.

Spin upward, then fly out from the upper edge of the rope net, draw a parabola in the air, and fly diagonally forward.

Looking at this perfect arc, Hu Lai suddenly had the urge to kick...

After all, he had also experienced those wonderful volleys, and more than once imagined that he could score such volleys on the court.

Thinking of this, Hu Lai adjusted his pace and did not lift his right foot to catch the ball, but opened his right leg slightly...


Li Ziqiang, who saw this scene from behind, frowned. This was definitely not a way to stop the ball. If it were really like this, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to stop the ball at all...

In the next moment, he saw Hu Lai's right leg swinging towards the football!

He immediately knew what this kid Hu Lai was going to do - he was going to shoot directly without stopping the ball!

The veins on Li Ziqiang's forehead were prominent, but before he could stop him, Hu Lai's right foot hit the football.


The football flew high over the goal crossbar, lowered its height after crossing the bunker, then hit the stadium wall, bounced back and landed on the red plastic track.

When the football landed on the track, Li Ziqiang's roar arrived late but still: "What nonsense! You haven't practiced stopping the ball before shooting, so you just want to volley? Do you want to reach the sky in one step? I'll give it to you.

Say, don’t bother me with all these frivolous things! Keep your feet on the ground and do what you have to do first!”

Hu Lai, who was in the distance, quickly used gestures to admit his mistake to the coach, and then ran to get a football.

This time, his training returned to normal, he stopped the ball first and then shot.

Li Ziqiang saw this scene and snorted in his heart: From joining the team and doing basic training for a month, he wanted to play, to practicing shooting for just one day and wanting to volley. You can endure hardships, but this is honest.

But not necessarily...you still need to keep an eye on it!


After hearing the head coach's roar, Yan Yan winked at Chu Yifan, which meant: Look, our coach is always staring at Hu Lai, and his level of attention is even better than that of Luo Kai!

Chu Yifan did not express any doubt this time and turned his attention to the thin figure.

It seems that the weakest person in the team is actually the person that the head coach values ​​the most.

He is beginning to doubt his eighteen years of life experience...

This chapter has been completed!
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