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Chapter 17 Happy New Year to everyone

 Wang Haoxi and his two roommates formed a group with other Chinese students in Leeds to watch the game.

Because Leeds City fans are boycotting the club on a large scale, it will be much easier for them to buy tickets for this game at last minute.

During the competition, shots of these international students appeared on the big screen many times. After all, a group of people with yellow skin and black hair were constantly waving the five-star red flag in the stands, which was indeed quite eye-catching.

Every time they waved their arms to the camera, jumped up and down, and looked very happy.

But the total number of times before may not be as good as now——

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

“Hu Lai is awesome!!”

All the Chinese students in the stands jumped up, pulling each other with their companions, shouting excitedly, and venting their emotions.

Looking at these excited Chinese young people appearing on the screen, Matthew Cox, the commentator of Sky TV, which broadcasts the Premier League game, laughed: "Look how happy they are! Hi, Chinese fans, I know today

It is the most important holiday in your country... This ball is the best holiday gift for you! Happy New Year!"

David Miller stared blankly at the TV screen. Behind him, his wife was cheering.


"Today's game also saw a large number of Chinese fans present, most of whom are international students studying in Leeds. After Hulay scored, they were the happiest people because they witnessed history at the nearest distance!"

Yan Kang said to the Chinese fans who appeared on the TV broadcast.

In the bar, countless cups of beer were thrown into the sky, and some people were shooting at each other with beer bottles to celebrate Hulay's goal.

"Hu Lai is awesome!"

They were shouting loudly and were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

Even Yan Yan, who encouraged Hu Lai all day long, changed his usual indifferent performance after Hu Lai scored.

You know, this is a Premier League goal!

Premier League!

An event they could only watch from a distance before.

Every teenager who plays football may have dreamed of joining a Premier League giant and enjoying football in the place with the strongest modern football atmosphere.

Many people in the Premier League have their own home teams, and they criticize and argue with each other online. Especially those teams that are already mortal enemies, their fans naturally want to stand with their home teams and defend themselves.

Favorite team.

Even a pair of rival fans far away in China seemed to have lived in the UK for decades, sending cordial greetings to each other's families online.

But now things have changed a little.

The vast number of Chinese fans also have a home team - Leeds City!

This small team, which had no reputation among Chinese fans before and had no fans, has suddenly become the team with the largest fan base in the country.

And all this is just because of one person.

Hu Lai!


After Hu Lai, who scored the goal, confirmed that the football flew into the goal and did not hit the side netting, he turned around and ran towards the camera in the corner flag area.

Coming, coming, coming...

Matt saw this scene from above the stands and muttered silently.

When Hu Lai jumped into the air, turned 180 degrees, and landed with his feet spread apart, he also opened his mouth and said:


It was as if a bomb really exploded over the Flanders Stadium.

"Ah! After scoring the goal, Hu did his signature celebration!" Sky TV commentator Cox introduced to the viewers who had never seen this scene in front of the TV. "In the Olympics, he has many

This is the first time to celebrate like this after scoring a goal, it’s impressive!”

Andrew Thurman exclaimed: "This celebration... is so handsome!"

Matthew Miller snorted proudly: "I'm tired of watching it at the Olympics!"

"Hu Lai! Well done!" Yan Kang said loudly, "He brought his signature celebration to the Premier League! So cool! This is the first time this action has appeared in the Premier League!"

After Hu Lai finished this set of celebrations, his teammates ran up.

Charlie Potter, who was running at the front, shouted: "Quick, Hu! How do you do that move?"

Hu Lai made a gesture of raising his hands in front of him, and Porter followed suit. Then the two of them turned towards the camera and shouted: "Spring (season) is about to start.

) Fun (to mess with)!”

The other Leeds City players ran over and awkwardly gave their hands to the camera.

"Hahahaha!" The two commentators in the studio behind, He Feng and Yan Kang, couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene. They didn't care that they were commentating on the game. The happy atmosphere spread in the studio.

Then through satellite signals, it reaches thousands of households.

No one expected that Hu Lai and his Leeds City teammates would wish the Chinese people a Happy New Year after scoring!

After He Feng finished laughing, he said: "I think at least we don't have to worry about Hu Lai's popularity in this team... Ha!"

"Indeed." Yan Kang agreed. "It seems like he can do well wherever he goes!"

In front of the TV, the Flash Star players had just cheered and celebrated Hu Lai's goal when they saw this scene again.

Some people are still happy for Hu Lai's goal, while others suddenly feel lonely.

Although Hu Lai has been chatting with them in the WeChat group, it gives people the illusion that he has never left.

But when I thought of that huge villa, two people were suddenly missing.

When they went back, it was deserted and deserted.

Only then did they realize that the lively days when everyone got together to train, compete, and play were gone forever.

Although it was time to feel happy, Wang Guangwei couldn't help but sigh softly.

Although the scene was very noisy, Zhang Qinghuan still heard Wang Guangwei's sigh. He raised his hand and patted Wang Guangwei on the shoulder: "That's how professional football is. There are always partings, and we can't always be teammates."

Wang Guangwei turned to look at Zhang Qinghuan: "Brother Huan, will you leave too?"

Zhang Qinghuan was silent for a moment and said, "I won't leave now."

That means I will leave in the future.

Wang Guangwei continued to be silent, not knowing what to say.

"Old Wang, you can go out from now on." Zhang Qinghuan suddenly said in silence.

"Ah?" Wang Guangwei was surprised.

"Go out, go to Europe. Like Hulay."

"But I am a defender..."

"Can't defenders go abroad to play football? The key is whether you want to play abroad, not what position you play." Zhang Qinghuan looked at Wang Guangwei, "Do you want to play abroad?"

"Who doesn't want this?"

"Then work hard towards that goal. We will all go to Europe from now on to find that bitch Hu Lai."

Wang Guangwei did not speak, but thought about such a future.

He was somewhat moved.

There was some hesitation: "But Flashing Star..."

"Hey, this shouldn't be something we should consider... Let Director Zhao bother you!" Zhang Qinghuan waved his hand.

Wang Guangwei glanced at Zhao Kangming in the distance, and finally nodded: "Yes."

Xia Xiaoyu, who had been listening silently, also said at this time: "I will also try to go to Europe in the future!"

Morikawa Junpei: "Let's go together."


Qin Lin, who was already a member of the Flashing Star coaching staff, looked away from Zhang Qinghuan and the others and said to Zhao Kangming: "Old Zhao, I feel that your method of getting everyone together to watch Hu Lai's game is not good for you.


"What?" Zhao Kangming asked.

"I just saw the look of yearning in the eyes of several young people. I'm afraid it aroused their thoughts of going to Europe."

"Just go, if you have the ability, go. In fact, our country should encourage these young players to go abroad to play more. If they stay in the Chinese Super League, what big future can they have?" Zhao Kangming snorted.

"Then you haven't thought about it. If Zhang Qinghuan, Wang Guangwei, Xia Xiaoyu, and Morikawa Junpei all leave, what will happen to us Flash Star?"

Zhao Kangming was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head and said: "If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come. We can't keep them in the country because of the team's interests, right? Then we can discover and train new people. Now campus football is also

It has developed, and Dai Zetao has sent us a lot of information about high school players... Besides."

At this point, he paused and looked at Qin Lin who was gloating about his misfortune and smiled: "Isn't there still your son Xiaoqi?"

This time it was Qin Lin's turn to be surprised.

After the accident, he smiled helplessly: "You have ideas about my son so early?"

"More than that, earlier." Zhao Kangming said with a smile, "There are talents from generation to generation. As long as our country has laid a good foundation for youth training, how can the shining stars among them not be used? And... there is Hu Lai. They have made a good start. Flashing Star is now famous for being able to train young people and giving young people opportunities to play in Chinese football. I don’t know how many young players are willing to come and play for Flashing Star, even if the salary is slightly lower. It’s no problem.”

After hearing what Zhao Kangming said, Qin Lin sighed with emotion: "Times have really changed..."

In the past, various sky-high contracts in Chinese football made it impossible for many young players to move out of their homes - who would be willing to take risks outside when they could easily make a lot of money at home?

Things are different now. With the severe salary limit policy in the country, the good days of just lying around and making a lot of money are gone forever. Let’s not talk about the older players. They have more than they want but lack the ability. But the young players All my thoughts changed accordingly.

Especially after seeing the impact of Hu Lai playing abroad, many young players are willing to temporarily give up their current income. When planning for their careers, they consider more about going to a team that can give them opportunities and make them more capable. A team that has grown on its own.

Therefore, Flash Star, a team with a young team that won the league championship, has naturally become a "holy place" in the minds of many young players.

In the new season, the Flash Stars not only recruited several young players from their own youth team, but also from other places, hoping to cultivate one or two who can be of great use.


Tony Clark screamed the moment Hulay scored. He did not rush out, but turned around and hugged the assistant coach Sam Landill next to him.

"Sam! Did you see that?!" he yelled in the assistant coach's ear. "I told you, this is him! This is his best way to score goals! Run into space! Shoot. !Goal!”

Sam nodded repeatedly: "I saw it, I saw it..."

He was a little uncomfortable being choked by Clark, and his voice was almost gone.

Only then did Clark finally let go of him and turned to look at the area above the rostrum behind him.

He knew that video analyst Matt Dawn was there to record the game and do preliminary collection work for the subsequent video analysis.

He also knew that Matt, who was above him, could definitely see him, so he waved his fist in that direction.

Matt saw Tony's fist.

Then he also waved down.

We finally brought him to Europe, Tony!


"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Li Ziqiang was watching the game at home with his father-in-law and mother-in-law. When the picture of Hu Lai's goal appeared on the TV, before he had time to react, he heard roars from the same community coming from outside the window.

And there was more than one call and more than one place. Similar shouts came from different directions in the community.

Beside him, his parents-in-law clapped their hands and applauded: "Okay, this kid is really good!"

"As expected, she is as famous as our granddaughter!"

Li Ziqiang's emotions were complicated and he didn't react for a while. His mother-in-law pushed him: "Are you stupid? Didn't you expect that he would score in the first game?"

"Yes... Mom, I didn't even expect that he could... score a goal."

"Hey, you are his first coach, how could you not expect that he will score a goal? You have to have confidence in him." The mother-in-law first complained about her son-in-law, then smiled and patted his shoulder. "Are you happy? It's okay.

, feel free to laugh, these are the players you trained!" Mother-in-law smiled and patted Li Ziqiang's arm.

Turning to look at his elated mother-in-law, Li Ziqiang squeezed out a smile from his face, then squeezed out some more, and finally combined it into a smile that he didn't know whether it was a smile or not.


The plush doll in Li Qingqing's arms has been thrown aside by her. Now she is running in circles in the small living room with open arms. She nimbly crosses the dining chair with one long leg, jumps onto the sofa, and sits on the soft sofa.

Place one foot deep on the cushion and one foot shallow, then jump onto the small wooden coffee table.

Finally, she jumped off the coffee table and knelt directly in front of the TV, looking at the figure on the screen surrounded by her teammates.

Great, Hu Lai!

Very good!

The light from the TV screen reflected on the girl's face, as if her own face was glowing.

There are billions of stars in her eyes, all focused on that one person.

In her sight, the Leeds City players next to Hu Lai were gray and their faces could not be seen clearly. The fans in the stands further away were also a blur, like a static background painting.

Only Hu Lai is clear, colorful and vivid.

He looked back at the camera lens, his gaze seemed to be able to pierce through time and space, and he directly saw the girl kneeling in front of the TV.

He laughed, his smile was brilliant.


PS, on the last day of January, I’d like to ask everyone for some monthly votes so that we can push forward further!

This chapter has been completed!
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