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Chapter 84 The first class of the second grade

  Levin stood in the visiting team's stand at Cadweiler Stadium, looking at the list of both teams printed on the stadium's big screen, and frowned: "Clark actually let the one make up the number... I really can't understand it at all!"

"What's so incomprehensible about this? Clark asked Kamara to introduce him to the club by name, which means he is very optimistic about this person, so of course he must support him..." His companion shrugged and curled his lips, with some sarcasm in his tone.

John Falkenhayn interrupted their conversation: "Come on, have you forgotten how you treated Hu last season? What about the end? I thought Levin, you would remember some lessons..."

When he said this, Levin blushed, but he still said: "Do you think everyone is a Hu? If the club buys a young man and becomes the next Hu, then we will make a lot of money! But this

Is it possible? I don’t know what Kamala is capable of. I just think that from a probability perspective, your chances of winning the jackpot twice in a row when buying lottery tickets are really slim..."

Although he was arguing with John, he did express the sentiments of many Leeds City fans.

Hulay's performance last season slapped many Leeds City fans in the face, and they recognized that Hulay is indeed a genius.

How many such players are there?

 Leeds City was so lucky last season that they got the SSR card of Hu Lai.

But who can guarantee that every young player Leeds City recruits from lower-level leagues or overseas will have the quality of Hu Lai?

 With such luck, why do we have to fight for relegation every time in the Premier League?

According to the law of conservation of luck, we had Hu Lai last season and all our good luck was used up. Then we will definitely not have such luck to buy an undiscovered talented player in the future.

After the last warm-up match, a Leeds City fan posted on the Internet, claiming that he once coached Ismael Kamara in "The Godfather of Champions". But he was not speaking for Kamara. This

Fans believe that Kamara has random potential in the game, which is very unstable. If you are lucky and can catch a fairly good potential, then it is worth cultivating. But if you are unlucky... then it is garbage.

 Obviously, he thinks that Leeds City have just randomly encountered a piece of rubbish this time.

Some fans ridiculed whether Leeds City's coaching team is using the game "The Godfather of Champions" to discover talents. It is better to use the scouting tool directly, which is more convenient and more accurate than finding people directly in the game.

John knew that Levin was right, and he had no way to refute, so he could only remain silent.

Finally, David Miller stood up and ended the meaningless debate: "Okay, is this the most important thing now? The Burley bastards are mocking us, and you still have time to bicker here.


Burley Lancashire comes from Lancashire, and Leeds City comes from West Yorkshire. Historically, these two places were feuding.

 If it is reflected on the football field, it will be even more popular.

 When the two sides met at this stadium last season, the fans of the two teams had already exchanged insults.

At this moment, Burley fans, taking advantage of their home advantage, are using their songs to taunt and attack the Leeds City team and fans.

There were about 1,300 Leeds City fans who came with the team to the away game, and they were all concentrated on the narrow triangular stand in the northeast corner of Cadweiler Stadium.

On the left and right are Lancashire fans, separated by two rows of police officers wearing yellow reflective vests.

However, this does not prevent fans from both sides from choking each other. As long as they do not take action, the police do not care how they greet each other's female relatives.

When David Miller said this, Levin and John stopped arguing. They turned to the stands next to them, raised their arms, raised their middle fingers and sang along with other Leeds City fans: "Last night we were on your mother's body,

Just like last season’s standings! We were on your mom last night, just like last season’s standings!”

At the end of the Premier League last season, Leeds City was ranked fifteenth, and the sixteenth place happened to be Burley Lancashire. So in the standings, Leeds City was indeed above Burley...


While fans from both sides exchanged greetings in the stands, Leeds City and Bury players were waiting in the tunnel to play.

Unlike the mutual hostility between fans, the players of the two teams are obviously not that angry. The two teams have not yet risen to the reputation of "mortal enemies".

 So it was calm in the corridor before the race.

Hulai stood in the team and watched Ismail Kamara, who was right in front of him, enter the system space and use the [Lingxi Card] he had just redeemed on the French boy.

 A milky white chain of light flew out from his head, and then sank into Kamala's body. At the same time, a new chain of light emerged from Kamala's body and flew towards Pete Williams.

 The three of them were connected together by the white light chain.

In the last warm-up match, Kamara performed poorly and was questioned. Since Hulay hopes that Kamara can help him complete the task of scoring 30 goals in the season and winning the Premier League Golden Boot, he must first help Kamara integrate into the ball.

Team. Otherwise, how can others help me?

 As the saying goes, receive with peaches and repay with plums.

 There is a harmonious and correct team-mate relationship where there is gain for both efforts.

In addition, Hu Lai also bought himself a [lover’s red rope] to wear on his wrist.

They say "a good start", and he naturally hopes to score a goal at the beginning of the new season to get a good start to the season and get a good start.

Spent points like this, and the points are getting less and less. However, if the points cannot be exchanged for tasks, these points will still be deducted, so it is better to exchange them for props to help him complete the tasks...


 Despite these preparations, Hu Lai still felt the tenacity and ferocity of the opponent's defense after the game officially started.

 Last season he played at this stadium for Leeds City.

 At that time he was still coming on as a substitute, and it was his second Premier League game for Leeds City.

 At the same time, it was also the first time he scored twice in the Premier League.

 After the game, he was elected as the best player of the match in the Premier League for the first time and received champagne. With his outstanding performance in this game, he also won the honor of the best player of the Premier League round.

 It can be said that he left good memories in this stadium.

  He also left a very deep impression on his opponents.

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 So at the beginning of the game, he was closely guarded by Burley.

Central defender William Barton, who was teased by Hulay in the last match, was also responsible for guarding him this time.

Not long after the game started, he completed the defense against Hulay without saying a word. When Hulay got the ball, he suddenly went around to defend and knocked the football from Hulay's feet, destroying Leeds City's attack.

Hu Lai didn't seem upset when the ball was stolen. He even had time to say hello to the opponent: "Hey, isn't this...who is that? I didn't expect to see you again at Burley!"

Barton turned to look at him and ignored him.

 "How heartless, who is that..." Hu Lai muttered.

Hearing his whisper, Barton's forehead throbbed with veins, but he still held it back and did not open his mouth to say anything.

 Just roaring in my heart: You can’t even remember my name, who are you so heartless!?

Before this game, Button specifically reflected on why he was scored two goals by Hu Lai last season.

 The reason is that he believed that Hu Lai was chatting with him, which distracted his attention, and at the same time aroused his emotions, causing him to lose his cool, and then he gave Hu Lai a chance.

 It is very simple to find the cause and then think of a solution.

As long as I don’t get hooked up by him during the game and face his provocation, I will never speak. This person will definitely be unable to do anything to me.

 When the time comes to purely compete in terms of physical strength, this guy will no longer be my opponent!

 And the successful defense just now is proof!

Looking at me coming around to grab the ball, he had no choice but to watch the football being snatched away by me...


"Hu Lai seems to have been heavily targeted by his opponent..." He Feng, who commented on the game, said after observing the game for a period of time.

"It's normal. After all, Hu Lai scored twice at this stadium last season..." Yan Kang said, "If I were the head coach of Burley, I would also let the team focus on defense against Hu Lai.


"Well, this is the so-called 'second year'. Generally speaking, players who shine in the first season will easily suffer greatly in the second season. It's because the opponents don't know enough about them in the first season.

But after the second season, opponents understand and pay more attention to it, and it will become difficult to perform the same as in the first season..."

“We all hope that Hulay can perform well in his second season in the Premier League, but everyone must also be mentally prepared. The long season has just begun, so don’t be anxious because of the temporary ups and downs...”

 The league has just begun, and the two commentators have already begun to vaccinate the Chinese fans in front of the TV.

 It’s not that they deliberately badmouthed Hu Lai, it’s that they had seen too many similar “lessons from the past” before.

Of course they don’t want Hu Lai to encounter setbacks, but this is an objective law and does not depend on their personal wishes.

They also hope that fans will understand this. Realize that this is an objective law and has nothing to do with Hu Lai's subjective wishes.

When Hu Lai hits a trough, don't follow the trend on the Internet and criticize Hu Lai as "famous, but it's hard to live up to it", or put too much pressure on Hu Lai because you care too much.

 No matter the peaks and troughs, this is the path Hu Lai wants to take and the path he should take. We onlookers can't help him, so at least we shouldn't cause trouble.

  Let’s not make it seem like we Chinese are all a bunch of callous people who don’t know how to cherish our heroes. That will hurt people’s hearts.

It is not that China has never produced representatives with influence comparable to Hu Lai and greater achievements than Hu Lai in other sports fields before, but what is difficult to understand is that the domestic controversies of these representatives are greater than those of their sports.

Achievements are greater.

A Chinese athlete who broke the Western monopoly on short track racing was called a dog in his own country. This widespread and long-term insult and all kinds of rumors and ridicule continued until he retired.

Let him go.

 Is this how we should treat a national hero?

 Neither He Feng nor Yan Kang hope that Hu Lai will have such a future, so they have been instilling this concept in everyone.

For Hu Lai, they hope to be neither arrogant nor discouraged in defeat.

 For the fans, they want to win and love to lose.

This is Hu Lai's first class in the second grade. Give him more patience. The only seedlings of Chinese football need careful care. People are facing the wind and rain outside, so let's not dig up their roots behind the scenes.

This chapter has been completed!
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