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Chapter 90 Don't bully the poor young

  Kamara sat upright in the back seat of the Renault, staring out the window. When he saw the outer wall and roof of Flanders Stadium appearing on the roadside, he patted the front driver's seat.

Backrest: "Archie, be careful to slow down when you turn around."

 Then he rolled down half of the car window so that people outside the car could see half of his face.

 But not so much that his whole face was exposed, as if he was eager for others to know that he was sitting in the car.

 Then he took out his sunglasses and put them on his face.

 Having done all this, he leaned back against the back of the seat and tried his best to express the cool, handsome and charming expression and posture he imagined.

 Soon the car turned onto the road leading to the training base.

From the intersection of this road to the gate of the training base, there are some people who obviously look like fans scattered along the road for tens of meters.

 Besides them, there are also some media reporters waiting with cameras.

Kamara tried hard to maintain a calm expression when he saw this, but his eyes hidden by his sunglasses kept glancing out of the car to observe the movements of the fans.

As soon as they find you and show their intention to come up, you will immediately lower the window glass...

Sure enough, fans soon noticed Kamara in the car, and even though he was wearing sunglasses, he was still recognized.

 Immediately, two fans came closer excitedly.

 “Archie.” Kamala whispered.

Fataki slowed down the car again to make it easier for the two fans to get closer.

Kamara lowered the window glass again and turned to look at the two fans.

 “It’s Kamara!” The fans who came closer finally confirmed it and they exclaimed.

 Then he raised the mobile phone in his hand: "Kamala, can I take a photo with you?"

  Kamala can now understand some simple English. Besides, the other person has a mobile phone in his hand, so it’s very clear what it means.

So he nodded, took off his sunglasses, and put his face close to her, so that the other person would be in the same frame as him outside the car.

 After the fan's companion took a photo of the two of them with his mobile phone, he exchanged the mobile phone and asked him to do it again.

 After taking a group photo, the two of them asked Kamala for an autograph.

“Thank you Kamara, your performance in yesterday’s game was great! Come on! I believe you can succeed in the Premier League!”

 The two fans whose demands were met happily praised Kamara for being so obedient and free of charge.

 “Thank you. Thank you.” Kamara maintained the reserve of a star and nodded and smiled at them in thanks.

Fataki then continued to drive forward slowly. The distance of several dozen meters seemed to take him half an hour...

At this moment, Kamara found that the fans on the roadside were running, and the fans at the gate in front were also running towards him!

Kamala is excited!

 Is your popularity so terrifying?

 “Stop the car, Archie!”

 The car that was driving slowly pulled over completely.

Kamara had a reserved smile on her face, waiting for the moment when she would be surrounded by fans.

 But these fans ran straight past their car without even looking at Kamara in the back seat.

 “What…what’s going on?” Kamala was surprised.

Fataki, who was in front, glanced at the rearview mirror, and then said: "Brother, look back..."

Kamara turned around and looked back and found a car parked on the side of the road about ten meters behind their car.

 A man got out of the car and was taking photos with the fans who had gathered around him...

 It’s Hu Lai!

Kamala stared blankly at this scene.

 He was extremely upset:

 Why didn’t I think of getting off the car?


When he came to training the next day, Kamala asked Fataki to stop the car before turning into the intersection. He got out of the car, put on his backpack, and waved to Fataki in a farewell gesture.

 Then a man turned around and turned onto the road leading to the training base.

Achie Fataki, who was in the driver's seat, looked at the back of the fans who were influenced by them and shook his head with a smile.

 Then he drove the car straight away.

Fans on the roadside quickly noticed Kamara walking to training.

To be honest, apart from the young players who have just been transferred from the youth team to the first team, there are probably no other Leeds City players who come to training.

After finding out it was Kamara, more fans gathered this time and asked Kamara for autographs and photos.

 Let him enjoy the feeling of a big star.

Just when he was feeling proud of his decision today, a car passed by them, slowed down and finally stopped on the side of the road.

The Leeds City fans who were originally surrounding Kamara cheered and turned and ran up, shouting: "Hu! It's Hu!"

Some fans ran to Hu Lai’s car and did one of his signature celebrations: “HUUUUU!!”

 It made Hu Lai, who had just got off the car, laugh.

The number of fans originally surrounding Kamara suddenly decreased by more than half, and Kamara grinned.

 Still not good...the popularity is too different.

 After satisfying the requests of the last few fans around him, Kamara walked around with a backpack on his back.

 But he was stopped by Hu Lai.

 “Hey, Ismail? Why didn’t you... take the car?”

He asked in French while responding to fans' requests for photos and autographs.

 “Ah, I...my car broke down...” Kamala made a random excuse.

"Really? How about you take my car tomorrow?" Hu Lai asked with concern.

"No, no need... Archie... my agent has already gone to fix it. It's a small problem. You're busy, I'll leave first..." After saying that, Kamala left quickly, leaving the large group of people behind.


 He finally understood why Hu Lai could ask people if they wanted to sign.

  They are really so popular here...

 Kamala could only cheer herself up in her heart: Come on, Ismail! You can do this too in the future!


With a whistle, Kamala rushed out, quickly dodging left and right through the gaps between several sign poles.

After rushing out of the sign pole, he listened to the coach's voice prompts, immediately braked and turned sharply to the left, jumped up and over a low obstacle, landed and jumped over the second obstacle in the opposite direction.

 “Straight dash!”

Kamara rushed to the next change point in two steps, turned around the green sign pole, sprinted in a straight line again to a red sign pole, stopped suddenly, turned around and rushed towards the first corner cone.

Using the pyramid as a turning mark, he stopped suddenly and returned to the red sign pole, and continued sprinting back. This time he rushed to the second pyramid before turning back...

After turning back four times in a row, he sprinted another fifteen meters in one breath, ran to the blue sign pole, circled back, and went back the same way to complete the entire set of actions he had just done.

Until he rushed back to the starting line, assistant coach Sam Landill also pressed the stopwatch in his hand, and then praised with an approving tone: "Not bad, Kamara. Your time is faster again."

 Hearing the coach's praise, a smile appeared on Kamala's face while panting.

 Looking at Kamara with a smile on his face, Clark nodded and decided to let him continue to start in the next home game against the defending champion.


 Saturday, August 16th, Leeds City’s first home game of the season was against the powerful Stan Park Rangers.

 Last season's league champion is currently ranked third after one league round.

 Leeds City are just one place below them, ranked fourth.

Both teams won the first round of the league, and the goal difference was the same, with the same goal difference of three. However, Stan Park Rangers scored one more goal than Leeds City, ranking ahead of Leeds City with the total number of goals.


This does not mean that Leeds City and Stan Park Rangers are teams of the same level.

 In the game, Kamara, who performed well in the last game, encountered the tight defense of Stan Park Rangers.

His speed advantage and technical advantage cannot be fully utilized in the opponent's defensive system.

Especially when he met Johnson Law, the main right back of the England national team.

This England's main right back is fast, experienced, and capable of both offense and defense. He can be ranked among the top five right backs in the entire world of football.

 Young Kamala looked too immature in front of him.

 In terms of absolute speed, Johnson Law may not be as good as Kamara. But football matches are not simply about running. People will use their rich experience to make Kamara unable to rush at all.

Coupled with accurate, decisive and ruthless tackles, Kamara played very hard against Law.

Although he played very hard against Burley in the last game, the hard work cannot be compared with now. The former is like the necessary fun you have during the game. No matter how difficult it is, players can always do it.

Overcome these difficulties. When you pass the level, these difficulties will become part of the player's game achievements, making the player always remember it with a smile on his face.

But compared with the hard work of Stan Park Ranger, that is, as a first-level blank slate player who has just been born. Facing the top BOSS, no matter how you try to change your strategy or how to come back again and again, it is absolutely impossible.

The only way to defeat the opponent is to be killed instantly. This kind of hard work is meaningless and seriously affects the game experience. Even people who like to abuse themselves will not be happy to play games like this.

 Facing Johnson Law, Ismael Kamara fell behind in all aspects and had no choice.

After being shoveled out of the sideline with a flying tackle by Law, the referee did not call Johnson Law a foul.

 Because the latter did not commit a foul.

Law stood up and reached out to Kamara with a smile on his face, as if saying: "Welcome to the Premier League."

Kamala raised her head and saw him like this, but she did not choose to hold his hand, but gritted her teeth and got up from the ground.

Seeing his unfriendly look, Lao didn't take it seriously. Instead, he smiled, shook his head and walked away.


Kamara, who failed to perform as he did in the last game after playing for 65 minutes, was replaced by head coach Tony Clark.

 After being substituted, he lowered his head and looked very frustrated and unhappy.

 When he returned to the bench, he took off his sneakers and slammed them on the ground in front of him.

 He could only use this method to vent his dissatisfaction.

Kamara's inability to face Johnson Law is a microcosm of the situation between the two teams in this game.

 Leeds City, playing at home, was almost unable to resist when facing the defending champion.

 Finally lost 0:2.

 Back in the locker room after the game, Kamara looked very frustrated.

Peter Williams comforted him: "The loss is not your responsibility alone, Immels. There is still a huge gap in strength between us and the defending champion, and it cannot be made up by one person..."

Both he and Hu Lai worked hard in this game, but they still couldn't do anything to stop Park Rangers.

Hule shot a total of five times in this game, three of which were on target. All three were blocked by Stan Park Rangers goalkeeper Victor Lemos.

As the main goalkeeper of the Brazilian national team, the 27-year-old Lemos is definitely not a cat or a dog. Standing one meter tall, he has a slender figure and an excellent wingspan. He can easily save some balls that seem difficult to save.

It can be easily resolved by relaxing your arms.

The same is true for Pete Williams. He was marked by Stan Park Rangers midfielder Harry Bogard in the midfield and was unable to perform his abilities normally.

Although Pete Williams, as a young rookie trained by Leeds City, has the possibility of being selected for the England national team, what he encountered in this game was the double captain of Stan Park Rangers and the England national team. A famous player in English football

A "tough guy", an all-around midfielder with a strong fighting spirit, never tired and a tenacious style.

 In front of Bogarde, Williams is still too immature.

 It can be said that Leeds City's team is completely suppressed by the defending champion no matter where they are. Even if they have the home court advantage, there is no room for improvement.

 In fact, it didn’t take Williams to say anything, Kamara could see it, but he was still dissatisfied with his performance.

Facing Williams' comfort, he clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth in French: "I will work harder. Next time, I will make that guy look good! I swear!"

Williams looked at Hu Lai next to him, meaning: What did he say?

Hu Lai spread his hands:

 Thirty Williams:???

This chapter has been completed!
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