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Some explanations about the style of this book and a discussion on creative ideas

 Post a few complaints.

I always think that by now, when this book is written, everyone and I should have a tacit understanding.

That is, everyone knows what kind of story they expect to see, and I believe everyone is looking forward to it.

But now it’s 2.7 million words, and it’s been serialized for almost a year. I’ve also seen some people saying that there’s a lot of foreshadowing and the writing is slow… Is this the first day you read this book?

In order to pave the way for Hu Lai’s career in professional football, I wrote a total of 700,000 words about campus football. In order to pave the way for his experience in the Chinese Super League, I wrote another 700,000 words in the Chinese Football League. In order to prepare him for playing football abroad,

To pave the way, I paved the way for a total of 2.2 million words...

It is my style to take pains to prepare and describe before important games. This is my style, and it is also the style of this book.

Up to now, you are still talking about the foreshadowing and the slow pace. Didn’t the more than two million words of foreshadowing and slow pace scare you away?

Before Hu Lai's first goal in the Premier League, I also spent a lot of pen and ink describing all aspects, and some people were impatient. But I insisted on writing because I knew it was necessary - I am the author of this book, and I am the world's author.

Creator, I know which descriptions are necessary and which descriptions are unnecessary.

In fact, after a lot of preparation, the explosion and aftertaste of Hu Lai's Premier League debut became more attractive, and the effect was indeed very good, both in terms of quantity in this chapter and in terms of subscriptions.

So I know what's good and what's bad.

To be honest, as an author who has written about football for eighteen years and a total of more than 35 million words, I know how to write it, and I also know how this book should be written:

This book has a slow pace and long foreshadowing style from the beginning. It uses sufficiently delicate descriptions and writing to lead everyone to integrate Hu Lai into this world that is different from the real football world. Therefore, it is different from the previous books based on real football.

I have no choice but to write about things, I have to write them thoroughly. Because I am actually shaping a world.

Judging from Hu Lai's playing style, he is not the type who carries the ball everywhere and is everywhere, but a shadow killer. Naturally, the pen and ink and perspective cannot be focused on the protagonist alone. He must be divided into different parts.

Give a lot of space to other characters.

For example, the previous chapter spent a lot of time describing the interaction between the club general managers on the rostrum. In fact, it can be finished in one sentence: "At the same time, on the rostrum, general managers from various Chinese Super League clubs are also gathered together.

, have expressed their support for the Chinese team and their expectations for their own team players. These general managers who have broken their heads in the league have never been so united as they are now."

Look, how many words can be saved to enter the competition...

But writing like this is not in line with the style of my book. Writing like this can only explain what happened on the rostrum, but it does not take the opportunity to describe the characters and ways of doing things of these people, and thus enrich the book.

World. To me, this is an invalid description, real water.

In fact, when I wrote this paragraph, I was slower and more thoughtful, because I needed to completely construct such a stage in my mind, just like a movie scene, where everyone is, what they are saying,

To whom, why did they say it, what is the meaning behind it...

Just like the beginning of the Godfather movie, through a wedding, the relationship between the characters is involved - I am not saying that I wrote to the level of The Godfather, I just said that I hope that I try not to use that dry way when introducing the description.

The explanatory text should be combined with the pictures and have lens language.

Some characters need to be described many times before I can create them successfully, such as Hu Lai's father and Li Ziqiang.

Some characters I only need to describe one point of them to complete. For example, the commentator who appeared when Zhang Qinghuan returned to the Workers' Stadium has no role anymore, but he has become a part of this world.

These managers and narrators are just a few of the many characters I write about in my books, but they and countless others make up the world.

Only through the description of a large number of characters and plots other than the protagonist on and off the scene can a believable and immersive world be formed.

This is also the reason why this book did so poorly at the beginning, and I felt very painful inside, but I still insisted on writing this book according to the established rhythm and planned pace.

Because if I don’t write it like this, this book will be completely useless and useless. Then I might as well write a simple and direct novice-style cool article from the beginning, maybe the subscription score will be higher than this book...

But no.

Now that I have chosen to shape this book in my current style, I will stick to it.

From the beginning to the end of this book, I will maintain this rhythm, laying the groundwork before important games and events, and describing people and things that make some people impatient.

If someone doesn't like this slow style, it's your right to remove it from the shelves and not read it. I can't and won't stop it, and I won't change it just to keep you. I spent 2.7 million on this book.

A self-accumulated style.

This is my attitude and persistence as a creator.

Because I know that only in this way can the book "" be written well, and only in this way can Hu Lai's story and this world have a beginning and an end.

When this book is finished, in ten years, there will be people who are willing to read it over and over again and be moved by the people in the book and the stories that happened.

This is my ambition in this book. It has nothing to do with subscription results. I just want to give myself an explanation.


The above is what I originally planned to say at the end of tomorrow's chapter update, but it turns out that there are too many words, almost 2,000 words. If I put it in the VIP chapter, it would be a scam. By then, many readers will probably shout: RNM

Get your money back!

So I will open a separate chapter.

It just so happens that I haven’t published a single chapter for a long time, so this is an opportunity to explain my thoughts and ideas in writing this book.

In short, that’s it. Whether you like it or not, I will stick to my style and rhythm and finish writing this book.

And I firmly believe that as long as I finish writing this story like this, the results will not be too bad.

Yes, I have this confidence.

Finally, I wish you all a happy reading and a happy life.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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