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Chapter 146 Two kinds of applause

 After Leeds City scored the goal from Hulay, they suddenly recovered and launched a defensive counterattack.

This was far beyond the expectations of the London Bridge players and coaches, as well as the commentator Cox: "My God, what did I see? Tony Clark would choose to defend instead of continuing because he was one goal ahead.

Attack, trying to expand the lead...I suspect that Coach Clark has been secretly replaced, otherwise it would be difficult for me to explain why such a situation occurred...I thought he would continue to be crazy!"

If Clark could hear Cox's complaints, he would definitely say: I am crazy, not stupid!

With Leeds City's unexpected shrinking defense, they faced a weak London Bridge.

In the end, the home team actually held on to their lead until the end of the game!

When the referee blew the whistle to end the game, the cheers above the Flanders Stadium also reached its peak.

"The game is over! Leeds City defeated London Bridge 2:1 at home! After losing to Boscombe at home in the sixth round and losing to the Royal Gunners in the League Cup, Leeds City achieved two consecutive wins in the league, and this

Both wins came against the top seven teams in the league... It's amazing! The team whose goal was to avoid relegation before the season is now ranked second!"

Because Manchester Athletic, who was originally ranked second, was defeated by Woldhampton 2:0 at home and lost the second position in the league. Leeds City, which defeated London Bridge at home, successfully took a step forward and accumulated 18 points.

, surpassing Manchester Athletic by 16 points.

The third place in the league is already a position that Leeds City fans could not even imagine before. Now they have gone one step further and reached the second place. Many Leeds City fans even feel that they are dreaming and pray that they will never wake up...

Leeds City players celebrate their victory.

The London Bridge players looked very frustrated.

Many of them fell to the ground in pain and covered their faces with their hands when the final whistle sounded.

Park Soon Tae is one of them.

He tried his best in the final stage of the game, hoping to equalize the score for the team.

But faced with Leeds City's shrinking defense, Park Soon-tae, who is just fast and not very skillful with his feet, lacks the means to break through this dense defense.

He later also tried to hit long shots from outside the penalty area, but they were blocked by the united Leeds City players.

In this way, he fought until the last minute and could only accept the bitter ending of failure.

For other London Bridge players, maybe they just lost a game.

But for Park Soon-tae, he lost more than just a game, and it wasn't just as simple as losing to Hu Lai once.

At the age of thirty, he is at the peak of his career, and his body, skills, and experience are improving day by day.

The injury to the soleus muscle has also healed.

Without any excuse, he lost to Hu Lai, who was eight years younger than him.

This gave him a sense of sadness with no way out.

Park Soon-tae, who was lying on the turf of Flanders Stadium, heard the Leeds City fans in the stands shouting "HU!" "HUUUU!" "HUUUUUU!!", and this thought popped into his mind:

The future life is to be feared.

This momentum is unavoidable - Korean football will face a powerful and terrifying opponent in the future. The situation of East Asian football is no longer that they and Japan are competing for supremacy, but will officially enter the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" stage.

Park Soon-tae thinks so not just because there is a Hu Lai in Chinese football, but also because the impact of last year's Olympic Games and the previous Top 12 games on Park Soon-tae made him believe that there is definitely more than just one Hu Lai in Chinese football.

When I think about the young people represented by Park Guixian... I am afraid they still know nothing about this and have no sense of crisis at all.

Park Soon-tae finally got up from the ground. He could not appear in the eyes of Korean fans with such a decadent image.

He is the hero of Korean football. How can a hero be so downcast?

He came to the southwest corner stand and, together with several other teammates who were not defeated by the defeat, applauded the London Bridge fans who came with the team.

The leader was James Montgomery, captain of London Bridge.

The 32-year-old London Bridge captain's chiseled features outline the image of a resolute warrior.

He held the captain's armband in his hand, raised his arms high and applauded continuously.

The frustrated London Bridge fans were revitalized by his arrival. They applauded Montgomery and the other London Bridge players behind him, gave a thumbs up, and shouted: "It doesn't matter! Keep working hard in the next game."


For a time, two kinds of applause coexisted at Flanders Stadium:

One is for the winner, and the other is to comfort the loser.


After the game, Tony Clark was asked this question by reporters at the press conference: "Mr. Clark, Hu said in an interview after the game that his long-range goal was a result of luck. Did the team correct it?"

Will there be targeted training for Hu’s long-range shooting?”

You really said that!

Clark saw that Hu Lai was just as he expected, and suddenly felt that his tacit understanding with Hu Lai was one step closer.

He naturally knew how to answer this kind of question, so he coughed and said: "Yes. We found that the most suitable area for Hu Lai's activities is in the penalty area. His playing style is also that the closer he is to the goal, the more threatening he is. So there was no such thing before.

I thought about improving his long-range shooting ability... To be honest, I was surprised that Hu was able to score such a beautiful long-range shot in the game. Because he had no such precedent in training..."

"It is reported that he once scored a long-range goal in a national team game..."

"Yes, I heard." Clark replied simply.

"Then will the team consider carrying out special long-range shooting training for Hu after this?"

"This... I have also noticed this, but it still depends on the player's personal wishes. At present, he still prefers to move in the penalty area. This game is also because London Bridge's defense in the penalty area is really good.

He had no choice but to take more long-range shots outside the penalty area... This game is a special case and cannot be used as a reference." Clark didn't finish his words. He hadn't communicated with Hu Lai yet, so he could only rely on a little tacit understanding.

That’s it.

Next, he will meet with Hu Lai again to discuss how to deceive his opponents... No, they will discuss how to use their brains to play football.

But this matter can only be discussed after Hu Lai returns from the national team - he has already flown directly to London to return home to participate in the World Cup qualifiers, and the league will also enter a truce period.

Listening to Clark's answer, the Korean reporters complained in their hearts:

Hu Lai also said after the game against our top 12 players that he was fooled, and he was still fooled in this game... How can there be so many good things that can always fool you?

They were generally in a low mood because Park Soon-tae failed to score in the end.

The showdown that I had been looking forward to since the top 12 ended in a hasty way.

If they had known this result, they wouldn't have hyped up the "East Asian Derby"... You can totally imagine how the Chinese media and fans would laugh at them.

This topic was brought up by the Korean media themselves, and it really feels like a waste of money.

Park Soon-tae was very generous when he was interviewed after the game. He praised Hu Lai's performance and gave Hu Lai a very high evaluation.

However, the Korean reporters did not want to congratulate Hu Lai for winning at all. They even wanted to curse him for his poor performance in the national team, which caused the Chinese team to lose the qualifying play-offs, so that the Korean reporters could save some face.

They don't care about the "Asian Football Community of Destiny". Anyway, it doesn't matter whether there are more or fewer places in the Asian Football World Cup. The Korean team will always have a place in the World Cup.

There is absolutely no need to cheer for Asian football.

Only Chinese football, which wants a free ride, will care about the results of Asian football in the World Cup...

After all, with one and a half less quotas, their hope of participating in the World Cup becomes even slimmer, although it is slim to begin with...

Chinese media also often report on Korean football, especially Park Soon-tae's performance in European football.

However, the Korean media rarely reported on Chinese football, and they almost ignored it before Hu Lai went to play in the Premier League. In their eyes, what is there to report about Chinese football, which is seriously lagging behind? It is a waste of media resources.

After Hu Lai landed in the Premier League, before even playing a single game, the Chinese media continued to pay attention and follow up the reports, and it was very lively. The Korean media seemed to have nothing to do with it, and rarely mentioned it. If they did, it would be Park Soon-tae.

Damn, it sounds like "Versailles".

What "After Park Soon-tae landed in the Premier League, Chinese player Hu Lai also took advantage of this trend and was spotted by the Premier League relegation team Leeds City..."

What? "Although Hu Lai has not played a minute of the game after joining Leeds City, the Chinese media and fans are still excited that Hu Lai has joined Leeds City. After all, this is the first player in their football history to play in the Premier League -

— Oh, actually I haven’t played in the Premier League yet — it’s understandable that I’m so excited..."

And they are not optimistic about Hu Lai's development prospects in the Premier League, saying that Leeds City chose to sign Hu Lai just for the sponsorship of Chinese companies. With Hu Lai's physical condition and technical characteristics, there is no way for him to stay in the Premier League. Maybe it can be customized.

After half a season as a water dispenser keeper, he returned to Anton Shining Stars on loan, hastily ending this Chinese football overseas trip...

Otherwise, after Hu Lai scored five goals in three games, the Chinese fans chose to go crazy against the Korean fans and media, because they had long been unable to bear the Koreans' curses and ridicules for the hope of their whole village.

It is said that everything has a cause and a result. But when the Korean media and fans accuse the Chinese fans of disrespecting Park Soon-tae after Hu Lai scored five goals in three games, they will never think about how they treated Hu Lai before.

Damn it. After all, how could the Great Universe be wrong? It must be someone else who is wrong!


On the flight from London to the Chinese capital, the cabin lights were dimmed, the visors were lowered, and the cabin was dark and silent.

Flight attendants have also suspended cabin service.

Most of the passengers on the plane were asleep.

Hu Lai was among them.

He had just finished the game against London Bridge. He arrived in London earlier than London Bridge and took the evening flight back to China to compete.

He was indeed very tired after playing a game, so he did not go to the toilet to use [Stamina Potion], but chose to take advantage of his fatigue to sleep on the plane and get rid of jet lag.

Adjust for the next two games against Uzbekistan.

In the next play-offs, whether the opponent is Uzbekistan or Paraguay, he will face it in the best physical condition.

This is the closest he has been to the World Cup, and he doesn't want to wait another four years!


PS, two updates will be resumed tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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