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Chapter 172 Lin Zhiyuan, Lin Zhiyuan

"Oh! Oh...oh!!" When the football rolled toward the Chinese team's goal, He Feng began to sigh three times in a row, "Lin Zhiyuan, Lin Zhiyuan..."

Yan Kang asked anxiously from the side: "He shouldn't have hit this ball! Wang Guangwei is still following... What is he doing running up?! It's too rash! He handled this ball too rashly!"

The Chinese fans in front of the TV were dumbfounded. They were ambitious and ambitious just now, as if someone had poured cold water on their heads. Their originally hot hearts made a sound of expansion and contraction, and then they were released.

Lots of white smoke.

Then they came to their senses and angrily denounced Lin Zhiyuan online:

"Has Lin Zhiyuan been kicked in the head by a donkey? He hit this ball like crazy!"

"South China Tigers fans said that Lin Zhiyuan often does amazing things on the court, but we didn't expect him to be so tiger..."

"I had a bad feeling when Hao De came off the field, and now it turns out... Anyway, as an experienced goalkeeper, Hao De will at least not make such a mistake!"

"Shi Wuyin chose him as a substitute, obviously because he had high hopes for him. But with his performance, his strength really deceived the coach..."

"Damn, originally the score of 1:2 was pretty good, but now it's 1:3. Even if we get an away goal, we have to score at least two goals when we return to home... If the Chinese team doesn't win this time

If we still can’t make it to the World Cup, Lin Zhiyuan is the culprit and will be infamous for thousands of years!”

"I have no idea what was going through Lin Zhiyuan's mind at the moment he decided to attack. Even if an amateur goalkeeper were to score the ball, his performance would have been better than his. Because amateur goalkeepers at least know not to attack blindly!"

"Sigh... Is this the fate of Chinese football? Every time there is a little hope, it always falls into such inexplicable things. This was the case with Wang Xiaojun's own goal before, and the same with Zhao Kangming's red card... Our Chinese team

In fact, there are many opportunities to go to the World Cup, but who told us to fail and not be able to seize it even once?!"

"Click a song of Jordan Chan's "I Don't Have That Life" as a gift to Chinese football..."

The fans were very excited and said very extreme things.

This is football. After experiencing such ups and downs, like a roller coaster game, it is really difficult for Chinese fans to stay rational and calm.

Seeing that a good situation was ruined by Lin Zhiyuan's nonsensical and low-level mistake, almost no one could help but curse.

※※ ※

Hao De, who was replaced due to injury, returned to the bench long ago after simple treatment by the team doctor. He still had an ice pack wrapped around his ankle and could only wear slippers.

When Luo Kai scored before, Hao De stood up and waved his fist even though his ankle was still wrapped with an ice pack.

Now seeing that Lin Zhiyuan, who came on as his substitute, made a fatal mistake and lost the ball, he was so anxious that he leaned hard on the back of the bench.

Then he covered his face with his hands.

Huge regret and pain arose in the hearts of all the substitute players of the Chinese team, including Hao De.

It's not that you can't concede the ball. Like the goal Lin Zhiyuan conceded not long after he came on the field, no one except Lin Zhiyuan himself blamed him. Because everyone knows that it is normal for the Chinese team to concede goals in the face of the strength gap.

But losing the ball like this has a great impact on morale. Because this ball should not have appeared. If it weren't for Lin Zhiyuan's reckless move, allowing Wang Guangwei to stick to Ramirez, the opponent might not have a chance to kick at all.

Even if he takes a shot, Lin Zhiyuan should be able to handle it under Wang Guangwei's interference.

As a result, he chose to attack rashly, almost colliding with Wang Guangwei, and giving the other party a chance to hit an empty goal...

From the perspective of Hao De, an experienced veteran, Lin Zhiyuan's mistake was obviously caused by overexcitement.

Some young players suddenly get the opportunity to come on as substitutes in important games, but they are often too nervous to perform normally.

Lin Zhiyuan's problem is different. He doesn't seem to know what nervousness is. Instead, he makes mistakes because he is too excited...

"What is that guy Lin Zhiyuan doing!"

"Damn, this attack is so fucking stupid!"

“Fuck fuck fuck!”

Hao De, who was covering his face, could hear the angry condemnation and curses from his teammates around him.

Lin Zhiyuan's popularity in the national team is obviously not as good as that of Hu Lai. He is usually fine, but now when he makes a mistake, he immediately attracts the resentment of many people.

Moreover, this goal is indeed Lin Zhiyuan's own problem, and it is reasonable for others to scold him.

※※ ※

Listening to the faint shouts and curses coming from the bench, Shi Wuyuan and Li Zhifei looked at each other and saw the helplessness and pain in each other's eyes.

It was Shi Wuyuan's decision to choose Lin Zhiyuan as a substitute. Now that Lin Zhiyuan has made a mistake, Shi Wuyin cannot escape the blame.

"Okay... Fortunately, Luo Kai scored a goal just now." Li Zhifei shook his head and sighed. "Otherwise, it would have been really miserable."

Shi Wuyin was silent, but he had no objection to Li Zhifei's words.

If Luo Kai had not scored that goal, the Chinese team would now be three goals behind and its morale would be severely damaged. It would be almost impossible to cheer up and strive for away goals.

So the only thing they can be thankful for now is that Lin Zhiyuan's mistake happened after Luo Kai scored, and the Chinese national team already had an away goal.

Of course, 1:3 is not as good as 1:2, but it is not a completely unacceptable result.

As coaches, they are angry, but they can still control their tempers better than players and fans.

※※ ※

Lin Zhiyuan was still sitting on the ground in a kneeling position, staring blankly at the goal, his whole body was like a statue.

He has almost lost his ability to perceive the outside world.

Chen Xingyi was pointing at him and saying something not far away, but he couldn't hear it at all.

When he attacked, all he could think about was "I've got this ball!", but in the end he was slapped hard by reality.

And because of his reckless behavior, the team suddenly fell into an extremely passive situation.

To be more serious, it can even be said that he has single-handedly made it ten times more difficult for the Chinese team to compete in the World Cup!

He didn't know how to face the next situation, nor how to face his teammates. He just knelt and sat blankly, as if time had not passed.

"Okay, little Xingxing." Hu Lai pulled back the angry Chen Xingyi, "Stop talking, we will let others laugh at us..."

Chen Xingyi was still angry: "Isn't this a joke?"

"Okay, just say a few words less." Zhang Qinghuan also frowned, rarely very serious.

Seeing that both people were trying to persuade him, Chen Xingyi had no choice but to say nothing. But his eyes full of resentment fell on Lin Zhiyuan.

Not only him, but many Chinese team players did not complain loudly after conceding the ball, which does not mean that they did not complain about the conceding of the ball. So they also turned their blame and complaints to Lin Zhiyuan.

The atmosphere is a bit stiff.

As Yao Huasheng is the captain of the national team and Lin Zhiyuan is the captain of the club, it is certainly impossible for him to stay out of the matter at this time.

He walked to Lin Zhiyuan, bent down and pulled him up. But when he opened his mouth to say something, he got stuck - he didn't know what to say.

Say something like "Don't take this goal to heart" like the previous one?

How could you not take it to heart!

In fact, he was also very angry!

But he is the captain, and he cannot accuse his teammates in person like this, otherwise it will be a very bad start...

So he could only hold back his anger.

In the end, Yao Huasheng could only shake Lin Zhiyuan and said: "The game is not over yet, don't affect the next game!"

After all, it is impossible for Shi Wuyin to replace Lin Zhiyuan who made a mistake now, so of course he has to let Lin Zhiyuan get out of this confusing situation and finish the next game like a normal goalkeeper.

1:3 is the acceptable bottom line for the Chinese team.

If we lose the ball again, the suspense of the two rounds will really be ended in this round...

After hearing his words, Lin Zhiyuan finally came back to his senses. He looked at Yao Huasheng and replied with a dull expression: "Okay, Captain Yao..."

"Are you really well?" Yao Huasheng couldn't believe it.

"I'm fine, Captain Yao, I'm really fine!" In order to make Yao Huasheng believe in him, Lin Zhiyuan even patted his chest hard with his fist.

Sure enough, seeing his gorilla-like movements, Yao Huasheng let go of Lin Zhiyuan with confidence.

Then he turned around and walked towards the other teammates who were watching: "Okay, stop looking and go back to your position. The game is not over yet!"

He said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

Others glanced at Lin Zhiyuan again, turned around and left. Soon he was the only one left in the penalty area. Lin Zhiyuan, who had been facing the eyes of his teammates with his head held high, tried to clap his hands hard and let his gloved hands scream.

There was a dull but clear sound, just like he did before, applauding and encouraging himself.

But this time, his two hands just clapped together feebly, neither encouraging himself nor his teammates.

Because he thought about it, with his current status, he seemed to have no qualifications to boost morale...

Thinking of this, he retreated step by step until he reached the goal line, looking ahead with a dull look.

In front of me are all the backs of my teammates.

Lin Zhiyuan couldn't see their expressions, but he seemed to be able to hear their inner complaints and dissatisfaction with him.

He had nothing to say about this, and he had no intention of making any defense for himself in the future.

He just wants to defend the next game.

He raised his hands and slapped his cheeks hard, which was much stronger than the high-five he had just given.


※※ ※

On the Paraguay side, after Ramirez scored, the Paraguayan fans were so excited that they turned into zombies. They were no longer content to squeeze into the first row to celebrate, but began to climb the barbed wire wall. Some brave ones even

Climb to the top and sit on the top of the swaying net wall, shirtless, waving the jersey in your hand.

The entire Hill Stadium was plunged into a crazy atmosphere.

All the emotions accumulated after the Chinese team scored were released.

2:1 is indeed a very dangerous score, but 3:1 is much more optimistic.

It is still a two-goal lead. This means that the Chinese team has to score two more goals before returning to its home court, and at the same time, Paraguay cannot score...

But how is it possible?

How could we in Paraguay not score a goal?

The advantage of these two goals made the Paraguayans' hearts fall back into their stomachs.

This chapter has been completed!
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