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Chapter 176 Iron is burning

  After finishing his training in the morning, Li Qingqing quickly returned home, then cooked a bowl of simple pasta as quickly as possible, topped it with instant tomato minced meat sauce, and a simple lunch was ready.

 Then she brought the steaming noodle bowl to the coffee table, sat cross-legged on the carpet under the coffee table, set up her tablet, opened an event webcast APP, and found the live signal for the match between the Chinese team and Paraguay.

The game hasn’t started yet, and the APP’s own advertisements are still playing in the live broadcast signal.

Li Qingqing picked up the noodles in the bowl, blew in a few breaths, and then sucked it into his mouth.

 While enjoying her lunch, waiting for the game to start.

This key battle of Chinese football kicks off at 7:30 pm local time in Beijing, and at 12:30 noon in Paris, France.

  There is another training session at Eger in Paris in the afternoon, but it starts at four o'clock in the afternoon.

 It didn't delay Li Qingqing from watching the game at all. The game ended only after two o'clock.

 The only problem is that after the morning training, the time from the training base to home is a little tight.

 So Li Qingqing made lunch just like fighting.

 Eat the noodles casually and then deal with it.

 In fact, generally speaking, it is not a problem to miss a few minutes of the game. After all, the first few minutes of a game are basically a stage for both sides to test each other, and there will not be any exciting scenes.

 But Li Qingqing didn’t want to miss even a minute of this game.

 The advertisement on the tablet finally finished playing. After a short loading, the live scene ahead appeared on the screen, along with the noise from the Lingnan Lotus Stadium.

Li Qingqing just raised his head for a glance, then lowered his head again, and ate ordinary spaghetti with tomato meat sauce amid the hustle and bustle of the competition.


“Good guy, this is really noisy with gongs and drums, firecrackers are blasting, and there are huge crowds of people...”

In the stands of the Lotus Stadium, some fans expressed this emotion while holding up their mobile phones to take videos.

Before the game even started, there were already fans organizing in the north and south stands to warm up the field. Along with their uniform shouts, rhythmic drumbeats sounded.

 Other than the fact that there were no firecrackers, this fan’s description was really apt.

Although the result of the first round was unsatisfactory, the Chinese team fell behind by two goals on the total score, and their hope of advancing was somewhat slim.

 But the Chinese fans did not give up on the second round. At their home court, they did their best to create the most enthusiastic atmosphere.

 Hope to be able to help the Chinese team in the game, so that the opponent Paraguay will feel huge psychological pressure and thus perform abnormally...

 Today is Wednesday, a working day.

The Lotus Stadium, which can accommodate 80,000 people, is still full. Except for the seats that must be vacated for safety reasons, all other seats are occupied.

 In terms of momentum, the performance of the Chinese fans today was no less than that of the Paraguayan fans at the Hill Stadium in the first round.

 Chinese fans must show their enthusiasm and longing for the World Cup.

Of course there are still many people who are concerned about the Chinese team's roster for this game. This is the most important thing at the moment.

Ever since Lin Zhiyuan made a low-level mistake in the first round, public opinions calling for him not to be allowed to take over have gained the upper hand.

Now everyone wants to see how Shi Wuyin will react in the face of such public opinion.

“The list is out! Lin Zhiyuan is indeed the same!”

 “Holy shit…it’s over!”

“Shi Wuyin really likes the people in his Olympic team... I don’t understand why Sun Rong is inferior to Lin Zhiyuan!”

"That's right. I'm not saying that if a young man makes a mistake, he should be knocked over with a stick. I'm also not saying that he will definitely make another low-level mistake in this game... But after experiencing that incident, both on and off the court

So many voices will definitely affect Lin Zhiyuan's preparations. Under such circumstances, it is really doubtful how good he can be. So comprehensively considering, Lin Zhiyuan is indeed not suitable to continue..."

 Whether it is the fans at the scene or on the Internet, everyone is discussing this list enthusiastically.

In the eyes of many people, Lin Zhiyuan’s performance is definitely a failure. There are even a few pessimists who have concluded that the Chinese team will definitely lose this game...


 In the home team's locker room at Lotus Stadium, the roster has just been announced and everyone knows who will play in this game.

 Actually, there is no suspense about this list. After these days of training, everyone knows what to expect.

  Generally speaking, the lineup has made several adjustments compared to the previous round.

For example, if Qu Lu, who is more adept at attacking, is asked to serve as the left back, Shi Wuyin values ​​​​this player's excellent offensive ability, although the defense is a bit stretched. But what the Chinese team needs most in this game is not defense, but scoring goals.

 But the most eye-catching adjustment is the goalkeeper position.

 Original goalkeeper Hao De was unable to play due to injury, and Lin Zhiyuan replaced him.

 This adjustment did not surprise anyone.

From the first training session back in Lingnan, everyone knew that Director Shi would definitely choose Lin Zhiyuan.

as expected.

 Since he apologized to everyone in the locker room, everyone's attitude towards Lin Zhiyuan has changed.

 It doesn’t mean that we really became intimate.

 Many people accepted Lin Zhiyuan’s apology just because of face.

 But it’s hard to say what they really think about Lin Zhiyuan.

To put it bluntly, if Lin Zhiyuan wants to truly gain everyone's forgiveness and acceptance, it is useless to just say a few nice words. In the end, it has to come down to his personal performance. If he can prove that what he says is true with actual performance,

Then everyone will accept him again. Otherwise... just stay where it's cool!

Lin Zhiyuan also knows what these teammates think of him, and he agrees that he still needs to show a convincing performance.

 So I won’t let Paraguay score a single goal in today’s game!

Lin Zhiyuan believes that this is the only way to make up for the mistakes he made in the last game.

 Because of that mistake, the Chinese team had to defeat its opponent 2:0 at home, scoring two goals without allowing the opponent to score.

 Lin Zhiyuan can't control the fact that he scored two goals, but he can be responsible for not letting his opponent score.

So things became very simple. I just needed to prevent Paraguay from scoring during the game, and I could atone for my sins!

Come on, Paraguay!

 Come on, Sosa!

Lin Zhiyuan slapped his hands hard, and there was a snap, which attracted the attention of other people in the locker room.

 When everyone saw it was him, they looked away without any surprise.

Hu Lai didn't care about Lin Zhiyuan at all. He exchanged for himself a [Lover's Red Rope] and [Damaged Bear Leg Guards] from the system mall, as well as a [Worn Bears Jersey]

], spending almost all his points.

 But in order to successfully reach the World Cup, he is willing to pay any price.

He rarely redeemed [worn Bears jerseys] in games before, because he does not rely on strength. But in this game, he must consider the situation where he needs to fight his opponent hard. If it is because of his physical confrontation ability

He would never forgive himself for missing a perfect scoring opportunity if he missed it.

After the first round of the contest with Arce, he also knew that the core strength of this central defender who did not look outstanding was terrifying. Even if he had experienced nearly a year of training in the Premier League, it would be difficult to compete with Arce in this regard.

To compete, he had to resort to plug-ins.

In addition, choosing to exchange [Broken Bear Leg Guards] does not mean that Hulay thinks that Paraguay players play dirty and need to be careful. It is because he wants to choose a more adventurous style of play in the game this time. If there are some

If the opportunity does not allow him to dodge, then with the support of such a shin guard to avoid injury, he will have the capital to go head-to-head with his opponent.

 As for the [lover’s red rope] that adds luck, that is all a routine operation.

 Coupled with the three [Lingxi Cards] he exchanged for Zhang Qinghuan, Chen Xingyi, and Luo Kai in the first round of the game, he spent a total of 150,000 points for this game. He almost instantly returned to before liberation.

 But if you can break out of Asia and go global, then a mere 150,000 points is the most cost-effective investment.

 Turning on the system vision, Hu Lai confirmed that Brother Huan, Xiao Xingxing and Luo Kai all had white light chains connected to him, and then he closed the system vision with confidence.

 Just like an experienced driver, he must check all the key components of the car before getting out of the car to make sure everything is perfect, and the car must not suddenly break down on the most difficult road sections.

Just after he checked his equipment, the door to the locker room was pushed open and head coach Shi Wuyin walked in.

 The sounds in the locker room disappeared instantly. Everyone looked up at him, but no one spoke.

 Shi Wuyin felt the gazes of the team members, and he took a deep breath to calm down a little.

This game is equally important to him, even more important and critical than when he led the Chinese Olympic team to face Argentina.

 After stabilizing his emotions, he said: "...We walked a long way to get here. It was not easy. You have all experienced how difficult it is, and you should know it better than me later."

The senior players in the national team all had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

 It is indeed not easy.

Nearly halfway through the top 12, they all thought they had to say goodbye to the World Cup again. For many of them, they even said goodbye to the World Cup forever, because they are not young anymore and it is impossible

Give it another four years.

Unexpectedly, with the appointment of Director Shi, the Chinese team's performance in the top 12 competition would actually undergo a huge reversal.

  They finished third in the group with an unbeaten record in the second half of the top 12, qualifying for the play-offs.

 Then they eliminated Uzbekistan in two rounds of the Asian play-offs, and then came to face Paraguay.

Shi Wuyin raised his hand and looked at his watch: "In five minutes, for many of you, the most important game in your career will begin. Because this may be your last chance to charge for the World Cup.

At this moment, I don't want to emphasize any tactical requirements to you. I have repeated them too many times in the past few days. I just want to talk to you... what is 'team spirit'."

He raised a finger and gestured from left to right. He followed the finger and turned his eyes to the Chinese team players in the direction pointed by the finger.

“Because of the well-known incident in the last round, the team has not been very peaceful both inside and outside during this period. I also noticed some unharmonious voices..."

 When he said this, Hao De was sitting in his seat.

Although he could not play in this game, he still wore the uniform of the Chinese team and appeared in the locker room with everyone in order to express his determination to be with the team.

"I hope all of you understand a very simple and simple truth. Unity is strength. If we cannot unite as one, what awaits us when we take the field will be a massacre, and our opponents will defeat us one by one. What is the point of complaining at this time?

It doesn't make any sense who is at fault. You just need to keep in mind that 'if we can't unite, we will die'! The mistake may be made by one person, but everyone will die together! It makes no sense to blame who made the mistake.

Meaning will not save you from death!"

 Everyone turned their attention to Lin Zhiyuan intentionally or unintentionally. It was obvious that they all knew what Director Shi was talking about.

 After Lin Zhiyuan’s mistake, everyone’s attitude towards him was indeed relatively cold.

"It's normal for teammates to make mistakes. Because no one will make mistakes. Today it was him, and maybe tomorrow it will be any of you!" Shi Wuyin pointed in the direction of Lin Zhiyuan. "Some people may think, 'He made a mistake.

It's his fault, why should we all wipe his butt for him?' But the fact is that the whole team should wipe one person's butt, that's it! Because without such a team, it cannot be called a team! It must be

When asked why, the answer is just one: 'Because you are teammates!' Isn't it natural to sacrifice and pay for your teammates?"

When Lin Zhiyuan heard what Director Shi said, his head that had been held high before gradually lowered his head until he stopped looking at anyone and just stared at his toes, his hands already clenched into fists.

 She was still shaking slightly because she exerted too much force.

"You sacrificed for him at this moment, and he will sacrifice for you at the next moment. Everyone is for me, and I am for everyone! This is team spirit! Everyone must keep this in mind, otherwise we will not be qualified to go to the World Cup.

We don’t deserve to go to the World Cup. If we go there, we will be embarrassed! For you, what you are trying to do and spend your entire career is just to go to the World Cup and be embarrassed and laughed at?!"

Shi Wuyin posed a soul question. He did not wait for the players to give him an answer, nor did he need to give him an answer, so he continued: "I believe no one wants to be treated as a joke... But Chinese football, to be precise, is

The Chinese men's football team has been treated as a joke for too long! After all, we have a chance to clear our name, will it be ruined by internal strife?! Then let everyone point at your heads and say: 'Look

"The men's football team is just a bunch of mud that can't stand up to the wall!" I don't accept it anyway! If I could accept it, I wouldn't get involved in the muddy water! I don't deserve to be scolded because I can go to the club just based on my results in the Olympics.

Make a lot of money... Why should I come to the national team to put out the fire? Just because I am not willing to see my career become a joke to everyone! I want to save it again and do my little bit."

No one would think that the middle-aged man in front of him was showing off, because he did lead the Chinese Olympic team to achieve a historic breakthrough for the Chinese men's football team at the Olympics, and he could indeed get better treatment with this historical breakthrough.

There is no need to come to the national team to put out the fire.

 Because of this, even though Shi Wuyin became a monk halfway and coached the national team, there are still many players in the team who listen to his words.

 Because such a head coach really deserves everyone's respect.

"I've said all I have to say. If you are like me and are not willing to accept the fate of becoming a joke again, then go out and fight. Of course, if you are used to being laughed at, then just pretend that I didn't say it, and it's up to you.

Anyway, I have a clear conscience..."

Before he finished speaking, the team captain Yao Huasheng stood up suddenly and said with some excitement: "Director Shi, I am not willing to give in! I, Yao Huasheng, have been playing football for so many years and I have not yet gone to the World Cup to see it. I am not willing to give in!"

And...I believe there are many people in the team who are just as unwilling as me!"

“That’s right, I’m not willing to give you guidance!”

 “Yes, we are not willing to accept it!”

 There was a lot of noise in the locker room, and everyone was scrambling to express their opinions.

Lin Zhiyuan even shouted at the top of his lungs: "I promise not to let Paraguay score a goal! I can swear a poisonous oath!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the locker room was getting heated, Shi Wuyin raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

Then he said: "In that case, that's good. In football matches, the winner takes all. Especially in such a crucial match, if you win, you are the hero. If you lose... no matter how you lose, there is no 'winner'."

"Yourong's" statement that losing is a bear is a joke! Only by winning and going to the World Cup can the fate of Chinese football be changed! So in this game, I ask you all for victory! Victory! In addition to victory, it is also victory!!!"

 “Fuck Paraguay!!”

 “I want to go to the World Cup!!”

 “Fight them! This is our home court! I’m afraid of a hammer!!”

The door to the locker room was slammed open, and the Chinese team players wearing red home jerseys poured out of it. It was like the door of a high-temperature furnace was opened, and hot flames and molten steel poured down, igniting everything in their path.

This chapter has been completed!
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