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Chapter 180: The Resurrected Lin Zhiyuan

  At the moment the goal was scored, enthusiastic cheers erupted in countless bars of all sizes across the country.

The atmosphere at the game was even more lively than in countless bars across China. After all, there were nearly 80,000 Chinese fans at the Lotus Stadium!

 Their cheers can be clearly heard even hundreds of meters away from the stadium.

From a distance, the brightly lit Lotus Stadium seems to be a real lotus throne, with red mist billowing and rolling up, making it look like a fairy-like treasure.

 This is the first time that everyone thinks this strangely shaped stadium is beautiful...

 Lotus Stadium is a professional football stadium. There is no running track around the stadium. It is very close to the stands area and is only separated by a layer of LED billboards.

 The players of the Chinese team celebrated the goal right under the eyes of the fans, and the fans cheered above the heads of the players.

When they got up from the ground one by one, they could clearly hear what the fans were shouting and could also see each other's expressions.

That is a face full of smiles.

 “Well done! Hu Lai!”

“Well done, Luo Kai!

 “Come on, Team China! Come on, China!”


While the Chinese team players and fans were celebrating the goal, the Paraguayan players on the field were stunned.

  It seems that he has not recovered from the blow of losing the ball.

Arce just got up from the ground at this time and looked down at his left hand - the hand he had just pulled Hulay's jersey with.

 He ​​can now be sure that what he sensed in the first confrontation with Hu Lai at the beginning was not an illusion. This kid's power has actually increased!

This made him a little incredible: four days...how could there be such a huge improvement? He could resist his own pull and gain space to shoot!

The only reasonable explanation he could think of was that in the first round, Hu Lai did not try his best, but held back his hand, just to create an illusion for himself that he was not strong in physical confrontation, and then made a key move at this time.


Coupled with what he said before, Arsay strengthened his view. That is, Hu Lai was 100% intentional. He used a trick in front of him and it was successful!

Oh shit!

 In the two crucial rounds where he had to give his best in every game, how could he still hold back?

Arsay looked up at Hu Lai with increasingly evil eyes.

 Young man, you are so crazy...


"Damn..." Arturo on the sidelines couldn't help but cursed when he saw the ball was lost, and he didn't cover his mouth, which fully showed that he was very angry and didn't care that his curse words might be used after the game.

Read by lip readers.

 In his plan, the beginning of the game can be said to be the most dangerous moment of the game, because the Chinese team will definitely strengthen its offensive and strive to score early.

 The Chinese team did play this way, and it did not exceed his expectations.

 So his mentality is still very stable, because he has made special arrangements for this situation before the game.

And he believes in Arce's ability and preventing the Chinese team from scoring goals will not be a problem.

 All the arrangements made before the game fell into place!

 Who else would have to swear?

 At least Arturo is still clear-headed and knows that he should make adjustments immediately.

  So before the game started again, he grabbed Sosa, who was closest to him, and asked him to convey his latest instructions to other teammates:

“After the Chinese team scores a goal, their morale will definitely be boosted and they will try to attack more violently. So we need to continue to defend, don’t think about counterattacks, we will survive this wave!”

After Arturo finished speaking, he remembered that the person in front of him was Sousa Espinola, the top scorer in the history of the Paraguay national team. It seemed a bit... strange to tell him to stick to him, so he added: "

When the Chinese team presses hard and tries to score another goal from us, there will definitely be space behind their defense. By then we will need you to counterattack them, Sousa!"

 Sosa nodded: "Don't worry, Mr. Arturo, I know the priorities."

  Doesn't seem to be unhappy about being asked to defend first.

Looking at Sosa turning back to grab his teammates to convey his instructions, Arturo was filled with emotion:

It would be great if these two people joined forces early...Why do we have to wait until their careers are nearing the end to reach the World Cup?

People, they always have to wait until the opportunity is about to pass before they remember to cherish it, and then regret it later... What did you do earlier?

 But fortunately, it’s still not too late. We still have a chance to reach the World Cup!


 Because of the timely order given by the head coach, Paraguay's players quickly unified their thinking. After losing the ball, they played steadily, contracted the defense line, and resisted the Chinese team's attack.

 They really managed to keep it.

After five or six minutes of indiscriminate bombardment, the Chinese team’s fierce offensive that had continued from the beginning of the game to the present was unsustainable and finally temporarily stopped.

During the game, it was obvious that they had slowed down the pace of the game. Sometimes when they got the ball in the midfield, they chose more cross-passing or back-passing. If it had been before, they would have been more direct.

Pass, more attempts to play behind the Paraguayan defense.

 After the Chinese team slowed down its pace, it was Paraguay’s turn to attack.

 And quickly create a threat!

Souza, who had been holding back for almost 20 minutes, took the lead outside the penalty area and hit the goal with a long shot!

With everyone worried, Lin Zhiyuan jumped into the air and threw himself at the football.

 But he failed to catch it!

 The football flew straight to the stands behind the goal!

 The Chinese fans in the stands let out a sigh of relief...

“This is our first shot of the game!” said the commentator of Paraguay TV. “Sosa is calibrating the shot and he is expected to hit the target soon!”

 Sosa, who did not hit the goal frame, did not regret the shot. He turned around gracefully and gave a thumbs up to his teammate who passed the ball to him.

 As if to say to his teammates: It doesn’t matter, I will definitely make it next time!

 The style of a confident master is thus established.


"The quality of Sousa's kick is still very high... Although he didn't score. But if we don't tighten the restrictions on him and let him continue to get the ball at the front of the penalty area, the goal will be in danger!" Yan Kang said worriedly


He has also served as a commentator for Bundesliga games, so he naturally knows the main striker of Munich's blue and white team very well.

Souza is 1.88 meters tall, has a slender figure, excellent foot skills, and a cool playing style.

Fans who like him call him "chicken and unrestrained", while those who don't like him criticize him for being lazy.

 But no matter what, people can score goals.

 There was once a game in which he ran only 2,500 meters, and his running distance was very close to the goalkeeper. But he scored the winning goal.

This made the media after the game particularly divided. On the one hand, it was a fact that he was too lazy to run on the court, and on the other hand, it was a fact that he could score goals even while walking.

 No one knows whether to criticize him or praise him.

But in fact, Sosa did not play like this at the beginning. He suffered a very serious injury in the middle. After returning from the injury, in order to extend his career, he changed his style of play and started playing "health-preserving football".


But for such a player who doesn't run much, he made a long-distance run with the ball in the midfield and then assisted Ramirez to score. And that was not the only time he actively ran.

He ran a distance of 6,400 meters in the game.

 In today's football world, this is definitely not a lot, but for Sosa Espinola, it is an unprecedented "diligence".

 This shows how determined he is to participate in the World Cup - he even changed the way he plays football.

For the Chinese team, this is a dangerous signal. Just like before the first round of the game, he and Arce shook hands in front of the media reporters. It is a dangerous signal and represents the need for Sosa to participate in the World Cup.

Try your best.

So is the Chinese team ready?

  After all, it was Lin Zhiyuan who started the game on behalf of the national team, and Lin Zhiyuan just made a very low-level mistake in the first round, which caused him to be at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion in the past few days and almost lost his right to breathe.

It’s not that I don’t have confidence in Lin Zhiyuan’s ability. As the main goalkeeper of the South China Tigers, a giant Chinese Super League team, his level is definitely high.

 But it’s hard to say whether the controversies about him in recent days will affect Lin Zhiyuan’s preparations and mentality.

 After a low-level mistake, whether he can overcome the psychological shadow and perform well is something that many people are unsure about.

Such Lin Zhiyuan meets a world-class shooter who is trying his best to go to the World Cup. Can he last for 90 minutes?


Lin Zhiyuan turned over, looked at the football that had flown out of the field, and sighed: He lost an opportunity to prove himself!

He knows that many people must be looking at him with suspicion now, and he also understands these people's worries. After all, he already has a criminal record.

 But the past will pass. What matters is whether you can use your performance to prove that you are still worthy of their trust.

 Unfortunately, the game lasted for more than ten minutes and he had not yet made a successful save, so he was unable to prove to everyone that he was no longer the former Wu Xia Amon.

 Watching the Chinese team's fierce play in the opponent's half, Lin Zhiyuan was really envious.

Finally waited for Sosa's long shot, but unexpectedly, this top-notch striker in the Bundesliga did not hit the goal frame at all...

For a moment, he really wanted to ask Sosa in German: "Uncle, can you do it?"

 Fortunately, it didn’t take long for the opportunity Lin Zhiyuan was looking forward to to come.

Three minutes later, Paraguay once again organized a frontcourt offensive. This time it was Sosa. He ran back in the penalty area, stopped his teammate's pass with his chest, and then pushed the ball to the far corner!

 I only saw Lin Zhiyuan!

 Pounce across the body!

His hands are like iron pliers to tightly clamp the opponent's shot, put it into his arms directly in the air, then fall to the ground and curl up, holding the football to his heart!

 A set of beautiful and standard goalkeeper moves!

“Oh, it’s so beautiful!” He Feng couldn’t help but exclaimed when he saw this scene. “Lin Zhiyuan’s save was so beautiful!”

 To be able to have well-informed commentators shout like this, it naturally means that Lin Zhiyuan has something up his sleeve - usually faced with this kind of shot, the goalkeeper will choose to use a single palm to push the football out of the baseline or knock it away.

Although this will give the opponent a chance to take a corner kick or a direct follow-up shot, there is no other way. This is the only way to deal with it, because this is a subconscious save action like a conditioned reflex for most goalkeepers. They can block the football.

Not bad, not to mention that you can hug the football directly...

Lin Zhiyuan gave another answer besides this - I grabbed the football directly with both hands, whether it was a corner kick or a follow-up shot, I wouldn't give it to you!

Although Sousa's kick was a push shot, not a volley, so the shot was not very powerful. But it is still very difficult to catch the football directly in the air.

Even Sosa himself was surprised and looked at Lin Zhiyuan with wide eyes.

Lin Zhiyuan noticed Sousa's gaze after standing up from the ground. He raised his head proudly. As he was already taller, his action was like looking at people with his eyelids, and the meaning of "disdain" was particularly strong.

 Then he no longer paid attention to Sosa's reaction, and took a step forward, rounded his arms, and threw the football towards the midfield to Luo Kai who was pulling away.

Roquet tried to turn around after receiving the ball, but the Paraguayan player jumped on him and knocked the football off the sideline.

At this time, everyone has the opportunity to re-appreciate Lin Zhiyuan's wonderful save just now through slow-motion replay.

Many people didn’t have time to savor it during the live broadcast just now, but now they are amazed after watching the replay and feel incredible.

This performance is comparable to that in a basketball game. It is good enough for others to be able to block the opponent's shot, but Lin Zhiyuan chose to jump up and directly catch the opponent's shot with both hands...

Yan Kang said: "I suddenly remembered, this is Lin Zhiyuan's first effective save in this game, right?"

He Feng replied: "Yes, the first effective save. Although he also made a save just now, Sousa's shot did not hit the goal frame."

"It feels like Lin Zhiyuan's condition today...is also very good."

Yan Kang said hesitantly, because Lin Zhiyuan's first save in the last game was also very good. Everyone thought this indicated that Lin Zhiyuan was in excellent condition today. Who would have thought that he was too good and made a stupid mistake?

It can be called "negative optimization" on the football field.

 So as soon as Yan Kang said his words, he was afraid that it would herald a bad outcome...

He Feng naturally knew what Yan Kang was worried about, and he couldn't say anything, so he could only choose to remain silent.

How Lin Zhiyuan performed today will probably have to wait until the end of the game to make a final decision.

Lin Zhiyuan in front of the goal acted as if he didn't know what everyone was guessing about him, slapping his hands hard and hitting each other with his gloved hands, making a dull but clear sound.

 At the same time he was shouting: "Attack! I'm behind!"

  ※※ ※

  PS, there are still three updates today, the second update is at 1:00 noon, and the third update is at 6:00 pm.

  Tomorrow will be the third update too.

 Your monthly votes can be saved until the end of the month when the votes are doubled!

This chapter has been completed!
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