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Chapter 186 Go!

Li Zhifei pulled up Shi Wuyin who was kneeling on the ground. The latter and Hong Renjie were hugging each other.

After Hulay scored, the three of them were the only ones who did not run to Hulay in front of the coaching bench to celebrate the goal.

Because Hong Renjie immediately hugged Shi Wuyin, the two of them knelt down directly in front of the coach's bench.

Team leader Hong Renjie was the most excited among the three. He hugged Shi Wuyin and burst into tears.

The tremendous pressure he was under was finally released at this moment...

Choosing to let Shi Wuyin continue coaching until the end of the World Cup qualifiers seems to be a very simple matter. The Football Association only issued a news announcement, and there were no repeated rumors during the period.

It seems that people from the Football Association got together and held a meeting and finally decided on this matter.

But only Hong Renjie knew how much pressure he was under behind this. After all, he was the one who suggested the idea, and it was he who patted his chest as a guarantee for Shi Wuyin.

If he fails, he will not only lose his position as the national team leader, but more importantly, he will become the culprit of another failure of Chinese football to compete in the World Cup.

If it were before, if it failed, it would be a failure, it didn’t matter. Are there not many failures in Chinese football?

But things are different now. Ten years after Chinese football deepened its reform, the Chinese Olympic team made a historic achievement in the knockout rounds at the Olympic Games... Under this background, it will become unforgivable for the Chinese team to miss the World Cup finals again.


As a footballer, Hong Renjie himself cannot tolerate failure, let alone others.

This is a bit like gambling. Since he bet on Shi Wuyin, he will naturally have to bear all the consequences of his trust in Shi Wuyin.

When Julay pushed the football into the Paraguayan goal, he felt relieved.

He made the right bet!

The bet was won!

He did not become the "sinner" of Chinese football!

As soon as he thought about this, Hong Renjie could no longer control his emotions, hugging his comrade Shi Wuyuan and burst into tears.

Shi Wuyin was actually very excited, but in front of Hong Renjie like this, he could no longer show his excitement. He could only hug him and pat his back constantly to comfort him.

After a while, they were pulled up by Li Zhifei.

"The game is not over yet, Lao Hong." After being pulled up, Shi Wuyuan said to Hong Renjie.

Hong Renjie nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, there are still a few minutes, there are still a few minutes!"

In fact, he also knows that it is incorrect to say that he has won the bet now. If Paraguay scores a goal in the last few minutes, all his previous efforts will be wasted.

But he couldn't help the excitement just now.

This time Shi Wuyin did not let Li Zhifei go to the sidelines to give orders, but chose to do it himself.

When the Chinese team players ended their celebration under the interference of the referee and returned to their own half, Shi Wuyin stood on the sidelines and kept yelling to the Chinese team players on the court: "Hold on! Don't get carried away! Calm down!"

Please clear your mind!"

There is nothing that needs to be adjusted in the team's tactics. He is only worried about the mentality of the players.

There are too many people who get too excited and get carried away, which eventually become a "lesson" for clowns.

Isn’t Lin Zhiyuan in the last round a typical representative?

Shi Wuyin hopes that everyone can still remember the mistake Lin Zhiyuan made in the last round at this time and learn from it.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this. On the court, the Chinese team players who are running back to their own half are also reminding each other.

Captain Yao Huasheng even ran to his teammates one by one, patted their shoulders hard, and reminded them.

"Hang on! It's only a few minutes! You can't let it slip at the last minute!"

"Concentrate! Forget about the score for now! Don't think about the World Cup!"

In the commentary box, He Feng and Yan Kang also recovered from their previous excitement and ecstasy, and began to remind everyone not to be happy too early:

"The game is not over yet. Counting injury time, there may still be six or seven minutes left. Paraguay will definitely counterattack in a big way, and we must withstand their attack... We must not let the other side give us another 'Black Three'


"The time has come to test the boys of the national team! Chinese football has failed many times at critical moments...this time, can they not fail?!"

After hearing the two commentators say this, many people in front of the TV became nervous.

People who had stood up before the goal were unable to sit back at this time.

Some people even tremble slightly nervously and cannot restrain themselves at all.

Some people trembled even more when they thought about the dark history of Chinese football.

Some people even turned off the TV and did not dare to watch it anymore.

Of course, more people did not turn off the TV, but turned their backs or closed their eyes and only listened to the sound.

After the whistle blew, the game restarted, and huge boos erupted from the Lotus Stadium.

Paraguay attacks with the ball!


Paraguay is really anxious.

Originally they were only a few minutes away from the World Cup, but now they are one goal away from the World Cup...

While the Chinese team was celebrating wildly, the Paraguayan players did not lie on the ground in despair and could not get up. Instead, with the encouragement of the coach off the court and the captain on the court, they cheered up and waited for the game to start.

We haven't reached the point of exhaustion yet.

All it takes is a ball…

Only one ball is needed and we can still go to the World Cup!

Every Paraguayan player thinks so.

After the game started, they launched an attack on the Chinese team's goal.

The Chinese team's recovery of defense also gave them a chance to press forward.

Of course they know that after pressing forward with all their strength, the space behind them will be used by the Chinese team to counterattack. But now, like the Chinese team just now, they are not qualified to look forward and backward. They can only attack, and they can only attack.

Suddenly the offensive and defensive situation on the field was reversed.


Sousa Espinola went from being a center out of the paint to becoming an offensive playmaker.

Because he is the most skilled player in the Paraguay team and has rich experience. When he was in Munich Blue and White, he also had times to be pulled out to organize attacks.

With his cool playing style, he is indeed very suitable for this kind of job.

But now Sosa is completely unrestrained.

Not to mention the appearance, from a mental point of view, Sosa is not cool now.

He was anxious, very anxious.

On the court, he kept shouting at his teammates to move.

"Put it in, Ramirez!"

"Pass the ball! Pass the ball!"

While using passes to create murderous opportunities, he will also suddenly take a long shot from outside the penalty area, trying to break through Lin Zhiyuan's fingers.

But in fact, most of his shots never reached Lin Zhiyuan, and were blocked by the desperate Chinese players with their bodies.

Time passes by second by second. From the perspective of the Paraguayan players, it flies by quickly, but for the Chinese team, it feels like every second is like a year!

It wasn't until the fourth official raised a sign indicating four minutes of injury time on the sidelines that everyone realized that the ninety-minute game had ended!

"Four minutes left! Hold on!" When He Feng said this, his voice was obviously trembling.

Having commented on three World Cup finals, he couldn't help but become nervous.


Hu Lai suddenly found that Arsay was no longer around him.

I searched quickly and found that Alsay had rushed ahead...

Was this inspired by Wang Guangwei?

Of course Jule doesn't think so. It's obvious that Paraguay is going to make a desperate move.

Even the injury time went to the last moment. Paraguay's offensive opportunities were getting fewer and fewer, and they still had not scored.

Central defender Arce did not continue to stay in his defensive position, but rushed into the Chinese team's half to increase the number of people in Paraguay's attack. This style of play, similar to the early free man, can often create unexpected threats.


Soon Arce picked up the ball in the frontcourt and sent a pass!

But Sosa, who had been organizing attacks outside the penalty area and helping the team create opportunities, suddenly moved forward and hit a gap in the Chinese team's defense!

At this moment, the players on both sides of the Chinese team's penalty area were intertwined with each other, but Arce and Sosa still found the space!

Center back Arce's pass is very accurate, and Sosa's forward penetration is also very decisive!

For a moment, the Chinese team's defense was unable to do anything about the cooperation between the two of them!

"Be careful!!" He Feng and Yan Kang at the commentary table exclaimed at the same time.

The boos above the Lotus Stadium also reached their peak.

Amid the deafening boos, Sosa turned back to confirm the trajectory of the football, adjusted his pace while running, raised his right leg, and prepared to shoot directly!

At this time, there is not a single Chinese team defensive player beside him!

Paraguay's head coach Arturo clenched his hands into fists and was trembling slightly...

In the distance, Shi Wuyuan's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, but he didn't make any sound.

In the blink of an eye, the football flew to Sosa's position and was hit by the outside instep of his right foot!


The football flies towards the back corner of the goal!

After finishing the shot, Sosa had the opportunity to follow the football with his eyes and take a look at the situation in front of the goal.

The scene where he expected the football to bypass goalkeeper Lin Zhiyuan and fly into the goal did not happen. Instead, he saw the figure of the young goalkeeper flying in the air!


With his roar, the football flying towards the back corner of the goal was stabbed hard by his fingertips, deflected and jumped out of the baseline!

After finishing the shot, Sosa's knees weakened and he knelt in the Chinese team's penalty area.

"Lin Zhiyuan wow!! Beautiful!! Beautiful!!! A world-class save! He saved Sosa's shot from close at hand! It can be called the ultimate save!!"

The huge boos at the Lotus Stadium seamlessly switched to cheers!

Amidst the cheers, Lin Zhiyuan lay on the ground and turned to look at the football that had flown beyond the baseline. He clapped his hands hard and stood up from the ground.

Then he pointed hard at the land under his feet and loudly announced in German to Sosa, who was still kneeling on the ground: "This! Is! My! Territory!!"

Sosa had no reaction, just looked at the football outside the baseline absentmindedly...


Arce, who was outside the penalty area, rushed into the penalty area, pointed to the corner flag area with his finger, and loudly reminded his teammates: "Go for the corner kick! We still have a chance to attack!!"

He rushed directly in front of Sosa, pulled the latter up with both hands, and roared loudly in his ear: "The game is not over yet, Espinola! We still have a chance to attack!"

The Chinese team players who were about to come up to celebrate with Lin Zhiyuan were also stopped by Yao Huasheng: "What are you doing?! The game is not over yet! Guard their corner kick first!"

So everyone didn't have time to cheer for Lin Zhiyuan's world-class save, and went back to fighting.

That's right, the game isn't over yet, it's not time to be happy yet!

There was also a roar in the stands: "Come on, Team China! Come on, Team China! Come on, Team China!!!"

There was only one voice in the entire venue, and everyone could hear it clearly. Even if it was transmitted to the TV through a satellite signal, the audience could still hear it clearly.

In the living rooms of countless families, in bars, teahouses, restaurants, food stalls, and squares...the audience gathered in front of the screen followed the fans in front of them and shouted in unison:

“Come on Team China!!”


At this corner kick, Paraguay goalkeeper Almiron also rushed up from the goal, preparing to make a last-ditch effort.

Naturally, the entire Chinese team retreated into the penalty area to defend.

Lin Zhiyuan turned a blind eye to the players from both sides competing for position in front of him. He just raised his arms as if to declare his sovereignty over this place.

Yao Huasheng followed Arsay closely, and the two of them moved around in the penalty area, back and forth.

Wang Guangwei stayed next to Sosa, with his back to the corner flag area and his eyes focused on the Bundesliga star.

Other players also have their own tasks and are mingling in the penalty area.

Xie Lan didn't say anything in front of the TV. She put her clasped hands to her mouth and stared at the TV screen.

Commentator He Feng said: "... This should be Paraguay's last offensive opportunity in this game... As long as the ball can be defended, the Chinese men's football team will enter the World Cup finals for the first time in history!"

In the hustle and bustle of the scene, the referee's whistle was almost inaudible. It was not until they saw the football being kicked towards the goal that many people realized that a corner kick had been taken!

Xie Lan paused for breath.

The football drew a clear arc and went straight to the Chinese team's goal!

Yao Huasheng and Arce jumped up at the same time, and behind them Wang Guangwei and Sosa also jumped up... In the end, it was Yao Huasheng who shook Arce's head hard and pushed the football outside the penalty area!

"Yao Huasheng has arrived!"

Hulay, who was on the edge of the penalty area before, saw the football flying out, so he quickly ran towards the landing point of the football, and quickly looked back to observe the situation. He saw a Paraguayan player rushing towards him.

He jumped up first and rubbed the football backwards. The opponent's player jumped directly towards him and knocked him to the ground.

"Ah!" Hu Lai screamed in the air.

He heard a whistle!

Then there was another sound!

It wasn't until the third sound that he realized the game was over!

"The game is over!! The game is over!!! Qualified!! We qualified!!!"


PS, two updates have been restored, thank you all for your understanding and support!

Don’t forget to vote for your monthly ticket when it doubles at the end of the month!

In addition, during the May Day holiday, there will be only one update on the three days of March, April and May, but the normal double update on the 1st and 2nd. Because I will take the children out to play three days after the holiday, after all, I still have to leave time for the children to do their homework.

Other times when I don’t go far away, I just work hard at typing at home... So you don’t have to worry about all the five days being single updates...

This chapter has been completed!
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