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Chapter 195 Planting trees for future generations

 Three weeks have passed since the Chinese team qualified for the World Cup, and the aftermath is still there.

We can see more and more of the national football players on TV, on the Internet, and in various outdoor advertising columns. They endorse a certain brand or product in advertisements everywhere.

Chinese football, which everyone used to shout about and beat like a rat crossing the street, has suddenly become a favorite that everyone loves, flowers bloom, and cars carry.

But too much is not enough.

After everyone was a little tired of being bombarded by the fake smiles of Chinese athletes in advertisements, some different voices emerged in public opinion and began to criticize the current situation.

Critics believe that Chinese players now have a mentality, as if they are done, it is time to drink celebratory wine, sleep on their achievements, and enjoy the sweet rewards.

As for next year’s World Cup…who cares!

This is not a good thing for Chinese football.

In fact, reaching the World Cup finals is just the beginning, and it definitely should not be the end.

In addition, some international players may have been hungry for a long time and are not picky about food. As long as they are given money, they will accept any advertisements and do any endorsements. This has caused some negative effects.

As a result, public opinion began to reverse.

Under such circumstances, "Hulai Forest" seems to have become a landmark event.

Public opinion launched a heated discussion on this matter, and many media rushed to report it. Finally, the national media set the tone:

"As a football star, Hu Lai is not only excellent in football skills, but also has the responsibility of being a star. How stars fulfill their social responsibilities, Hu Lai has set a good example for all of us. At the same time,

The practice of doing real things instead of seeking fame is also thought-provoking - today’s society needs people like Hu Lai who are dedicated to doing real things!”

After this tone was set, the popularity of the international football players' focus on accepting advertising endorsements gradually subsided.

After people were initially happy for the Chinese team to reach the World Cup finals, they are now beginning to realize that it is useless to just be happy to reach the World Cup.

What needs to be considered now is how we can perform in the World Cup.

If it's just going to the World Cup and embarrassing yourself, then it's really better not to go to the World Cup.

The primary factor that determines the performance of the Chinese team in the World Cup is naturally...who is responsible for leading the Chinese team to the World Cup.

So now there are some voices who believe that the Football Association should carefully consider the selection of the head coach of the Chinese team.

Some people may feel confused - isn't the head coach of the Chinese team Shi Wuyin? He has led the team to the World Cup, so why should we carefully consider the choice of head coach and let him continue to coach?

There are really some people who don't think so.

Although Shi Wuyin led this team to qualify for the World Cup, they believe that with Shi Wuyin's level, being able to do this is the limit.

In other words, they feel that Shi Wuyin's level is "Asian level" and it is okay to play against Asian teams. But if he goes to the World Cup and plays against teams from all over the world, he will be unable to do it.

Therefore, in order to prevent the Chinese team from being embarrassed in the World Cup, the Football Association should consider changing the coach. Replace with a famous coach who is higher than Shi Wuyin in terms of reputation and level.

Although Shi Wuyin is a meritorious coach who led the Chinese team to the World Cup, this view is still very popular.

After all, from an objective point of view, whether it is prestige, reputation or level of strength, Shi Wuyin definitely cannot compare with those world-famous coaches.

People who hold this view do not feel that they are denying Shi Wuyin's level. They acknowledge Shi Wuyin's contribution and achievements in this World Cup qualifying match, but they feel that Shi Wuyin's level is not enough for the future of the Chinese team.

This is just like sending a satellite into space orbit, which requires one, two, and three stages of rocket. The first stage rocket is responsible for lifting the rocket carrying the satellite into the sky. When it reaches a certain altitude and the first stage rocket fuel is exhausted, it will automatically disengage.

The second-stage rocket ignites again and continues to propel the flight.

In the end, the satellite was able to successfully reach the predetermined orbit, which was the result of the joint efforts of the three-stage rocket, and any first-stage rocket is indispensable.

For the Chinese team, Shi Wuyin is like a first-stage rocket. His mission has been completed, the fuel has been exhausted, and he cannot continue to accompany the Chinese team, so it is logical to change the coach.

People who hold this view use this as an example and repeatedly emphasize that they definitely do not look down on Shi Wuyin, nor do they distrust Shi Wuyin. It is just for the good of Chinese football and this is the best choice.

The reason why the coach was changed midway through the world preliminaries and Shi Wuyuan was chosen was because the foreign coach did not know enough about the Chinese team. No matter how famous or powerful he is, it is useless. After taking over midway, he may not be able to outperform Shi Wuyin.

Okay. So choosing Shi Wuyuan to coach the team was the best choice at that time.

Now, the Chinese team is still half a year away from the World Cup finals, which is enough for the foreign coach to gradually get familiar with and understand the Chinese team. High-level coaches can bring about radical changes to the Chinese team in half a year. By the time of the World Cup finals,

Only then can the Chinese team perform better.



After hearing the views relayed to him by Uncle Yong, Hu Lai sneered and cursed.

After the "Hu Lai Forest" project was officially launched, Yong Jun also completed all his domestic work, including various commercial endorsements for Hu Lai, Zhang Qinghuan and Wang Guangwei.

Now he has returned to Leeds and is back with Hulay to take care of his daily life.

At the same time, it also brought him the current hot topics in China:

The debate over who will lead the Chinese team to the World Cup for the first time in history.

Hu Lai is very dismissive of those who think that the coach should be replaced by a foreign coach with greater fame and strength.

"Hey, there are many people in the football circle who hold this view, including famous journalists and experts..." Yong Jun said with a half-smile.

"Bullshit famous book experts. Let me tell you Uncle Yong, these so-called experts study this and that all day long, and they speak clearly and clearly. They know the latest developments in international football, the direction of tactical development and so on. All kinds of data, professional vocabulary can be heard at the drop of a hat...

…But in fact, they are all a group of people who have lost their minds." Hu Lai curled his lips and still said in a very disdainful tone.

"What is the saying? 'There is a group of legal professionals in our country who study law all day long. They study and study until they have studied away human nature and become a legal machine.' The same is true now when it comes to these football experts.

, one competition and one major, but they have lost the most basic human emotions, and they don’t even understand people’s hearts. Who doesn’t know that famous coaches have a higher level of guidance than Shi? We all know it too. But the problem is that famous coaches come and go

It must be suitable for us, and it must make us listen to him? Director Shi worked so hard to take us to the World Cup, and now we are in, turning around and kicking others, what is this? Killing the donkey! There is such a thing

Is it your son? If so, who would be willing to work for you?"

"Okay, okay, don't get excited, Hu Lai. I'm just telling you my current opinion. It doesn't mean that the Football Association will definitely adopt this opinion..." Yong Jun saw that Hu Lai became more and more excited as he spoke, and he hurriedly


Hu Lai snorted: "Isn't it said that this year is the tenth year of the Football Association's deepening reform? Through this incident, we can see how the deepening reform of these ten years has changed. It has really changed fundamentally.

The concept is still the same as before, with a bureaucratic atmosphere, with laymen commanding experts... We can just take a look at it through this incident."

When Yong Jun heard what he said, he jokingly teased: "Then what will you do if Shi Wuyuan is really replaced? Is it possible that he will go on strike and not play in the World Cup?"

Hu Lai shook his head: "Of course not, the World Cup is not played for Shi Shi alone. But Uncle Yong, once the blood has cooled down, it will be difficult to warm up again..."

Yong Jun didn't expect Hu Lai to give such an answer, and he suddenly became a little scared - it would be a terrible sight if a passionate person like Hu Lai had his heart become cold.

He originally just wanted to make a few jokes to ease Hu Lai's mood. But he didn't expect Hu Lai to give a very serious answer...

He also became nervous, hoping that the Football Association would not let anything go wrong this time - in the World Cup qualifiers, the Chinese team had not let anything go wrong, whether it was the coaching staff or the players. So now it is the turn of the national team's management body to not let anything go wrong.

The chain is off.

As leaders, the consequences of their failure are very terrible. Not only will they bury the great situation that Chinese football has finally won, but it is also very likely to ruin the future of Chinese football.


"...I don't think reaching the World Cup finals is a historical mission accomplished. Because just reaching the World Cup is not enough. Participating in the World Cup should not be the goal we pursue, but the process we must go through. Entering the World Cup should not be the goal we pursue, but the process we must go through.

What to do after the World Cup is the most important thing. Some people may regard the World Cup as the only opportunity in their lives to gild themselves, while others may regard the World Cup as a good opportunity to earn fame and money... These are all normal, people

It's natural. But such people are not conducive to our overall football career..."

Shi Wuyin stood at the front of the conference room, talking to a room full of leaders, experts, and celebrities, with the PPT he made behind him.

"If the Football Association chooses to let me continue to coach this team to compete in the World Cup, then I may consider letting more young players join the team so that they can personally experience the charm of the World Cup and encourage them to continue to work hard. These young players will be next

When we compete in the World Cup, we may become a new force in the national team. Just like Hu Lai, Chen Xingyi, Luo Kai, Wang Guangwei and Lin Zhiyuan this time.

"This may cause the team's performance in the World Cup to fluctuate, or even be unsatisfactory. But I think compared with the final result of entering the World Cup for the first time, whether we can stably participate in every World Cup in the future will determine

is the most important."

When Shi Wuyuan saw someone raising his hand, he stopped and signaled the other person to ask a question with his eyes.

The person who raised his hand said: "Xiao Shi, I understand your thinking. But cultivating new forces and expanding the talent base, which we are also doing, is not a task that the national team should shoulder. As the highest representative of a country's football level, the national team

Going to the World Cup stage to show your true skills is what you should do."

"Yes, Mr. Huang, you are right." Shi Wuyin was respectful to the white-haired Chinese football star, but he didn't miss a word. "But the situation of Chinese football is different from other countries.

, we have our own special features. For those countries that have participated in every World Cup, they should field the strongest lineup. But for us who are participating in the World Cup for the first time, I think the national team actually also shoulders the task of sowing seeds.

Just like passing a torch, after we light the torch, we also need to ensure that the torch will not go out so that it can be handed over to those who come after us. Allowing talented and gifted young people to participate more in the World Cup will help inspire them

dream, and at the same time, it also allows them to see the future direction clearly and work hard towards this goal, thereby motivating more people to join..."

The other person raised his hand, and Shi Wuyuan immediately shut up and waited for the other person to ask questions.

"Director Shi, I understand what you mean, but if our results in the World Cup are unsatisfactory and we end up with nothing, how can we encourage more people to pursue their dreams? After all, in competitive sports, results have the final say.

I think only outstanding results can really arouse everyone's enthusiasm for football... For example, if we don't have outstanding results in the world preliminaries, how can there be so many people paying attention to football in society now?" asked the person who raised his hand.

"You are right, Director Feng. Results are king. But the problem is that with the current strength of the Chinese team, it is really difficult for us to achieve any decent results in next year's World Cup." Shi Wuyin spread his hands.

His words caused an uproar in the conference room, and everyone was a little surprised by his firm statement.

Shi Wuyin ignored these reactions and continued: "This world preliminaries have exposed this problem - Wilson's national team actually had no problems with personnel before. All the players he selected were from their respective Chinese Super League teams.

The main players have experienced many years of training in the Chinese Super League and the AFC Champions League, and their level is among the top players of this age group in China. But it still doesn't work. We were beaten in the World Cup preliminaries and had no power to fight back. Even Qatar couldn't fight back at our home court.

Can’t win…”

Shi Wuyin saw that the leaders and experts in the conference room couldn't help but whisper, and he continued:

"Yao Huasheng, Hao De and other players are all over 30 years old, and they are still the backbone of the national team. Qin Lin, who retired last year, had an outstanding competitive level in the Chinese Super League until he retired. This certainly shows that Qin Lin's

Self-discipline and strength, but doesn’t it also mean that we don’t have latecomers to fill our shoes? In the age group of 25 to 30, our Mesozoic players should have become the main force of the national team, but in fact, this world

In the preliminaries, we relied on veterans over 30 years old and young people under 25 years old. The Mesozoic era has disappeared."

The discussion became much quieter, and everyone looked a little serious.

"Of course their disappearance has nothing to do with themselves. It is the influence of the overall environment of our Chinese football - when they were growing up, it happened to be the darkest and most chaotic era of Chinese football. Players who came out of that environment were of a different level.

It is conceivable. I am not belittling them. Football is a sport in which what you sow will bear fruit. The tragedy of their entire generation of players is the tragedy of the Chinese football era. It is just that if they are the main players, if they go to the World Cup, the results will be

It will definitely not get better, and this kind of badness is meaningless. Apart from poor results, we will leave nothing behind after going to the World Cup. In this case, why not let more people grow up after the reform?

Young players go to the World Cup to let them accumulate experience and gain knowledge..."

Having said this, Shi Wuyin clicked the mouse, and the PPT on the projection screen behind him changed to a picture. It was a ball of black ashes, but if you look carefully, you can still find red starlight through the seemingly burned ashes.


"As the Chinese team participating in the World Cup for the first time, in fact, no matter what we do, the results will not be very good. Because we are still far from the average level of world football, let alone the advanced level. But if we are in

Under the ashes of failure, there is still residual warmth, and just waiting for a gust of wind to blow, the flame can be rekindled. Then such failure is meaningful."

Then he clicked the mouse again, and a new picture appeared on the projection screen.

It was an aerial photo of a forest on the edge of a desert. The nearby woods were lush and green, not only blocking the yellow desert in the distance, but also leaving some places to advance into the depths of the desert.

"Some time ago, Hu Lai cooperated with the local government of Yala League Right Banner in Tongqi to launch a public welfare project. The specific content is to plant trees. This picture appeared at their launch ceremony. The press conference stated that this is

The future planning of the project, and the effect after it is connected with other surrounding sand control forests. After this incident came out, someone went to the project site and took a photo like this..."

An aerial photo appears next to the "rendering". You can see that except for some saplings that have just been inserted, the photo is full of large areas of yellowish brown, which is what the desert itself looks like.

It is far from the greenery in the renderings.

"Looking at it now, it looks like two completely different worlds from the 'rendering'. But this is the case at the beginning of desertification control in every place, and it was the same before the Umauru Desert was wiped out." Shi Wuyin pointed behind him.

's screen.

"Some people say that the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best time is now. Ten years ago, Chinese football launched reforms and planted a batch of small saplings. Ten years later, we relied on these small saplings to harvest the first ever victory in history.

qualification for the World Cup. We have seen the benefits of planting trees, but is that the end? Of course not, I think it is time for us to plant another batch of saplings for the next decade. Those of us who planted the saplings with our own hands

People may not be able to enjoy the coolness covered by big trees, but someone will definitely benefit from it in the future. At that time, they will remember that these trees were planted by us. I think this is enough. And isn’t this ten years

Is this the original intention of those former policymakers who decided to start deepening reforms and planted the first batch of saplings?"

"The above is my work report as the head coach of the Chinese national team."

After speaking, Shi Wuyuan bowed slightly.

Everyone in the conference room stopped talking and whispering. Many of them looked up and stared at the two pictures on the projection screen.

The yellow sand and soil on the right is the present, and the green trees on the left are the future.

When Shi Wuyin finished bowing and straightened up, he immediately saw someone in the crowd looking at him.

That was the leader in charge who initially chose him to be the head coach of the Olympic team because of his philosophy of "predecessors planting trees for future generations to enjoy".

At that time, he was still a deputy, but now he is a full-time official.

After noticing Shi Wuyuan's gaze, he smiled and nodded.


PS, please give me a monthly pass during the double monthly pass period!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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