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Chapter 84 Training (please subscribe)

 Hu Lai really didn't expect that he originally wanted to participate in the team training, but ended up spending more time attending cram school...

He even wondered if his mother was waiting for him here on purpose - in fact, everything was under his mother's control. As soon as he asked for help, his mother would smoothly send him a gift package of English and math tutoring during the winter vacation.

And he couldn't help but refuse to go to cram school.

Nowadays, extracurricular tutoring apps have advanced functions. The teacher will call the student's name once before class and again after class. Only when the student's name is called twice, the tutor will use the teacher function in the app to guide the students.

After the teacher signs in, parents will immediately receive a push message from the app telling them that their child has completed the course in the cram school.

The school actually does this to avoid controversy, lest students lie to their parents about not coming to class even though they did not come to class. If something goes wrong, the school will be held responsible.

Parents can use this function to clearly know whether their children have attended cram schools.

After all, unlike cram schools for primary school students, high school students generally go to cram schools on their own and do not need parents to pick them up. If a student goes to an Internet cafe, game arcade, etc. on the way, the parents will have no idea at all.

If Hu Lai wants to deceive his mother and pretend to go to a cram school, but actually goes to the school during the school team training time to participate in the training, then in just one day, the offensive and defensive alliance formed by him and his mother will collapse


After losing trust, all the basis for cooperation will cease to exist.

Hu Lai himself obviously knew this very well.

He originally asked his mother to help him hide the fact that he went to the finals from his father, and her mother kept her promise. He could not do anything treacherous. After all, in this family of three, his mother was the only ally he could and must win over.


In this way, after the final exam, Hu Lai began his hard life of going back and forth between cram school and team training.

Because he did attend cram school, and his mother also paid for the tuition fees, his father did not doubt that there was anything wrong with Hu Lai running out every afternoon these days.

It's just that when other players come to train, they only need to carry training clothes and sneakers in a bag. But Hu Lai has to carry a schoolbag with teaching materials and textbooks.

As for the equipment for his training... of course his good friend Song Jiajia came to the school gate to deliver it to him.

After delivering the goods, you have to wait at school, wait until Hu Lai finishes training, and then carry the dirty clothes, smelly socks and shoes back to him...

Specific to the training content, during the training camp, Li Ziqiang did not let Hu Lai continue basic training, but allowed him to train with the team.

But he still wasn't treated as an ordinary team member.

In addition to training with the team, he also has to do his own training.

The content of the special training is very simple. In addition to the original shooting training, passing and receiving training is also added.

At the same time, the training goals he set for Hu Lai were obviously higher than others. If Hu Lai failed to meet the target once, he would be scolded by the coach immediately.

Originally, after Hu Lai defeated Jiaxiang High School and helped the team reach the national competition, his teammates thought that the head coach's attitude towards Hu Lai would change.

Unexpectedly, it seems that Hu Lai's situation has not changed at all - look at the amount of training the coach has arranged for him, few of them can stand it...

When I saw the coach treating Hu Lai like this before, my teammates only had disdain and ridicule towards Hu Lai, and even some gloating about his misfortune, thinking that you, Mr. Nan Guo, who is just trying to make up for his misfortune, only deserve this kind of treatment!

But now seeing the same situation, they all sympathized with Hu Lai.

Only Yan Yan had a different opinion. Every time he saw the head coach yelling at Hu Lai, his eyes flashed, and he silently recited the most famous passage in Mencius' "Born in sorrow, died in happiness" in his heart.

: "Therefore, when Heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, he must first work hard on his mind and body..."

As for Hu Lai himself, he doesn't really care about the coach yelling at him. Isn't it normal for the coach to yell at the players?

Although he had never received formal training before, he had learned about what would happen during training through various channels.

He doesn't care what the coach's attitude is towards him, as long as he lets him play.

Therefore, not only did he not complain about the training content arranged for him by the head coach, but he showed up at the training ground with high morale every day.

Moreover, these two training contents just allow him to give full play to the effects of the two primary training scrolls he has on hand.

With the blessing of the training scroll, Hu Lai is not afraid of high training intensity, but only of insufficient training intensity. Because of the scroll's improvement in training effect, his own benefits from training will be higher.

For others, it would be a waste if you are not happy to sharpen your weapon in battle.

For Hu Lai, who has the training effect buff, sharpening his weapon in battle is quick and easy.

The national competition will start on March 11th, not long after the new semester starts, leaving him really little time.

So when other teammates were sympathizing with Hu Lai's situation, Hu Lai just wanted to say:

Please don't pity me because I'm a delicate flower. Come on, train me to your heart's content!


The days passed in this unpretentious and boring cram school and team training.

There is also a Spring Festival in between.

Although Hu Lai’s mother’s natal family is located in Jincheng, a 35-minute drive by high-speed rail, Hu Lai’s family has no plans to go to Jincheng to celebrate the Spring Festival this year – in fact, they have not returned to their natal home for the Spring Festival in many years.

It seems that it was because her mother-in-law's family looked down on Hu Lixin and strongly opposed Xie Lan's marriage to Hu Lixin. After the marriage, they did not show any disdain for Hu Lixin. Every time they met, there was always some cynicism, which made people feel uncomfortable.

In order to prevent her husband from being wronged, Xie Lan rarely went back. Even if she had to go back to her parents' home for something, she would go alone and come back soon.

Hu Lai knew these things, so he didn't care at all about not being able to go to his grandparents' house to celebrate the New Year. Those people looked down on his family, and he looked down on those people.

As for Hu Lai's father's hometown, because it is far away, they rarely go back.

So the family of three spent the Chinese New Year in their own small house. My mother cooked some special dishes and went to the supermarket to buy a steamed grouper, saying that she wanted "fish every year." My father drank some more wine.

I made an agreement in advance that during the New Year, I would not bring up test scores or such embarrassing topics as how other people’s children are doing.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, the family sat on the sofa with the Spring Festival Gala on the TV. Occasionally they looked up once or twice, and most of the time everyone was holding their mobile phones.

At twelve o'clock, dad and mom send out a lucky red envelope to the family group where the three of them are alone, and everyone grabs it to see who is lucky.

After grabbing the red envelopes, they went back to their respective rooms, washed up and went to sleep.

And this is probably the best period of the year between Hu Lai and his father.

After all, during the Chinese New Year, one should be happy, and one should not beat or scold children, nor should husband and wife quarrel, otherwise they may be in bad luck in the coming year - Hu Lai quite likes this kind of feudal superstition.

Hu Lai didn't care at all whether the year was deserted or not, whether there was any so-called New Year flavor.

All he can think about now is the national competition.

He even wished he could sleep and wake up. When he opened his eyes, it would be the eve of the national competition.

As for what to do if he has to be away from home for many days to participate in the national competition, he has already discussed it with his mother.

At that time, it was said that he followed the school's science and technology team to participate in competitions in other places and visited and studied.

Anyway, there is indeed such an activity in the school at the same time. After all, this is a requirement to promote quality education. Students are not allowed to study in the classroom and study to death. Students are encouraged to go out of the campus more, carry out more social practice activities, and participate in various activities.

Class competition...

As long as he doesn't play football, his father doesn't object to him participating in such school club activities.

After attending cram school seriously before the Spring Festival, Hu Lai has fully won her mother's trust and cooperation.

The biggest obstacle to going to the national competition has been lifted.

All Hu Lai has to do is train seriously and wait for the national competition to come.


ps, there will be another update at 6pm, please subscribe!

This chapter has been completed!
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