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Two hundred and fortieth chapters Merry's comfort

 Hulay's goal was like a charge. Leeds City, which was leading by one goal, was morale-boosted and continued to attack Manchester Athletic's goal.

The rain was heavy and the field was muddy and slippery. Therefore, Leeds City adopted the simplest and crudest method of playing: long passes from the backcourt to find Hulay and Lorenzo in front, or directly high balls from the two wings to the Manchester Athletic goal.


Utilize Lorenzo's aerial ability and cooperate with Hulay's excellent judgment on the second position to threaten Manchester United's goal.

There is nothing technical about this style of play, and it can even be regarded as one of the most hated styles of play by Manchester Athletic coach Gutierrez. After coming to Manchester Athletic to coach, the Spanish coach once expressed his opinion that football should

Flying in the air is "blasphemy" to the sport of football. He also issued a soul question:

"If God wanted us to pass footballs around in the air, why didn't He move the football fields to the sky?"

Therefore, everyone knows how much Gutierrez hates this kind of football. The Manchester Athletic Club he coached is also based on delicate passing and control coordination at the feet. When he first came to coach in the Premier League, he even prohibited his players from playing more than

A thirty-meter pass in the air.

Just to correct some of the team's "bad habits".

After his transformation, Manchester United is one of the few teams in the Premier League with a very entertaining style of play. Even though today's Premier League is no longer the "rough" where long passes and rushing were prevalent in the early years, Manchester United is one of the few teams in the Premier League.

It is still a very special team. A British reporter once joked that Gutierrez's team should play in La Liga instead of the Premier League.

Of course, Gutierrez is not a stubborn old man. After four seasons in the Premier League, he and his team have gradually adapted to the Premier League, and there has been a fusion of styles. Now he has not complained about the referee's treatment for a long time.

His players were violated but remained indifferent, and he had not criticized those who used their physical advantage to attack Manchester United's defense for a long time. He only occasionally complained about opponents who barely came out to attack.

At the beginning, the playing style of Manchester Athletic under him was soft. The English media commented that the Manchester Athletic players only knew how to complain to the referee on the court. They could complain about anything, just like aggrieved children. But doing so often did not work.

They will not be allowed to receive the care of the referee during the game, because the Premier League referees have developed their law enforcement habits and standards for many years, and they will not easily make changes for the sake of a team.

Now, on the basis of maintaining delicate footwork and paying attention to passing and control, Manchester United's playing style is also tougher.

But overall, Gutierrez's Manchester United is still a continental-style team. When encountering a team that uses its physical advantage to be unreasonable, Manchester United will fall into a passive position.

But if the opponent is much weaker than Manchester United, Manchester United can still use their strength advantage to win, but of course the scene will not be so pretty.

But if you encounter an evenly matched opponent...

That's like it is now.

Gutierrez paced back and forth impatiently on the sidelines. His originally straight suit was drenched by the rain and crinkled against his body. He looked like a drowned rat... This Spanish coach, who is very particular about his image, this time

At this moment, there is no image at all.

Logically speaking, Manchester United, which was one goal behind, should have launched a counterattack, but now they were beaten down by Leeds City's simple and crude offensive tactics.

In fact, based on the current points of Manchester United, even if they lose this game, it will not affect their final qualification for the Champions League next season. After all, they have also locked in the Champions League place in advance.

But as a qualified head coach, who is willing to see his team lose?

That's why Gutierrez is so restless.


"This rain really helped us a lot!" Assistant coach Sam Landill couldn't help laughing in front of the home team's coach on the sidelines.

Clark said with a straight face: "Now is not the time to say this, Sam. The game is not over yet, and we are only leading by one goal!"

Randall reacted: Even though Leeds City had the upper hand, the current score was indeed the most unsafe score for Clark. It would be strange if he could feel safe...

So he nodded quickly: "Yes, you are right, Tony."


The assistant coach walked up to the frowning Gutierrez and asked: "Do you want to replace Kabangka?"

Gutierrez looked back at the bench and saw the Brazilian genius sitting on the chair with a solemn expression.

He shook his head: "Kabonka has just recovered from his injury. Today's venue conditions and weather are not suitable for his characteristics. There is no need to take this risk. Besides, there will be a World Cup after the season, so we must also consider him."

One of the main reasons why Manchester United's performance has been so poor this season is that the absolute main force and core player Kendall Kabangka suffered a serious injury at the end of November. He rested for more than three months and only recently returned.

I haven't played with the team since I came back.

Although Gutierrez put Kabangka in the squad for this game, he did not let him play, just to be on the safe side.

Kabangka's injury has a great impact on Manchester United, because Kabangka with excellent skills is the core of the team's midfield. He can pass, dribble, shoot, and is versatile in the midfield and frontcourt.

After the injury to the midfielder engine, Manchester Athletic's offensive quality was greatly reduced.

The team's performance also began to decline.

At the beginning of the season, they were able to compete with Stan Park Rangers, but later they became inseparable from Leeds City.

As a result, the point difference between Manchester Athletic and Leeds City now reaches 12 points, and they are so far behind that they can barely even see the tail lights.

If it weren't for Kabangka's injury, it would not be so easy for Leeds City to easily occupy the second position in the league.

So for Leeds City this season, if they want to win the championship, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Except for the stable performance of Stan Park in G6, the other teams' results this season are very poor. They have been unable to threaten Leeds City from the beginning. Now London Bridge and North London Wanderers are playing a bloody game, which is just

Compete for a Europa League qualification.

Warship Port even dropped to ninth place.

Stan Park, which has always been very stable, seemed to be plagued by bad luck since being defeated by Leeds City at home. The main players were injured one after another, and the team's performance was up and down. This gave Leeds City a chance to catch up.

In fact, the one who should feel the most unwillingness now is not Manchester United, but Stan Park Rangers. Because if it weren't for Leeds City's sudden emergence, and other performances that forced G6 this season, there would be no suspense at all for them to defend this league championship.

As a result, due to the sudden emergence of Leeds City, Stan Park Rangers' dream of two consecutive championships may be shattered.

In their defending season, they encountered the toughest G6 team, but they also met the best Leeds City...


Gutierrez did not replace Cabonca in the end, but replaced Ramon Cantero with Belgian forward Reggie Lacrosse.

Cantero was replaced with dirt all over his body and looked very frustrated.

When he returned to the bench, he smashed the mineral water bottle to the ground.

This is the second time he has lost to Hu Lai!

No...it's the third time!

Damn it! Why? I just want to take revenge for the Olympics... Why do old grudges remain unavenged and new grudges added!?

Cantero sat on the bench, covering his face with his hands.

Merry, who was watching the live game on TV, felt sad when he saw this scene.

Although the game was not over yet, Merry suddenly lost interest in continuing to watch.

He originally just wanted to watch Manchester United stop Leeds City, but now Leeds City is about to win, and his friend Cantero has also been substituted, so why does he need to watch anymore?

Although Hu Lai's stoppage of the penalty kick really shocked him, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes, which felt like an eye-opener... But this was the only highlight of this game.

Thinking of this, Mei used the remote control to turn off the TV, got up and left the living room.

At the same time, he picked up the phone and felt that he should leave a message to comfort his friend.

Ramon can't see it now, but after the game is over, he should be able to see his message.

I hope my encouragement and comfort can make Ramon feel better...


In the last ten minutes of the game, Manchester United also fought hard.

But unfortunately, the right time, place, and people were not on their side in this game, and they failed to score until the final whistle.

A one-goal lead, a score that made Clark feel very unsafe, turned into an insurmountable chasm in this game.

"The game is over! Leeds City defeated Manchester Athletic 1:0 at home and got a precious three points! Now they kick the football to Stan Park Rangers, and it is Rangers' turn to handle the ball!"

Amid the heavy rain and cheers at the Flanders Stadium, the Manchester Athletic players quickly left dejectedly and returned to the locker room. They dried the rain and sweat on their bodies with towels, took a hot shower, and changed into dry clothes.

Cantero didn't do this. He immediately picked up the phone.

When he unlocked his phone, he saw a message from Melly comforting him:

"It doesn't matter, Ramon. There are too many objective factors for the failure of this game, so you don't have to blame yourself for it. Remember, the important thing is always the next game!"

Seeing this sentence, Cantero's eyes heated up.

He felt guilty and frustrated because he failed to fulfill his pre-match promise to Melli. But at the same time, after seeing Melli's message, a warm current surged in his heart:

Melly is such a good person! He is obviously the strongest genius in the world, but yet he is so considerate and gentle...

Cantero pursed his lips tightly, trying to control his emotions.

He took a deep breath and gradually calmed down, and then...he suddenly noticed that the time of Melly's message was twenty minutes ago...

Twenty minutes ago?

Cantero felt a little strange. The game hadn't ended twenty minutes ago!

This... So Merry had already determined in advance that we would lose before the game was over?

Cantero was stunned for a long time as he looked at the sending time of the message on his phone.

Finally, he put down his phone and slowly leaned against the wall.

This chapter has been completed!
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