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Chapter 255: Show it to me, Hu!

 When Abion's right midfielder saw Kamara taking the ball, he immediately came up to defend and stuck on the inside, preventing him from easily breaking through.

Then I saw Kamara move the football to the right with the outside instep of his right foot, seemingly intending to dribble horizontally in the middle.

So he quickly stepped forward, intending to cut between Kamara and the football, and break the football. Even if it couldn't be broken, he could stick to Kamara and interfere with his control of the ball.

But just when he took a step forward, Kamara's right foot suddenly flicked the ankle and turned back again. The inside of the foot whipped the football to the other side like a whip!

The other party was caught off guard!

"Oh oh oh oh! Cow tail! Beautiful!!"

Amidst the cheers erupting in the stands, Kamara suddenly started to catch up with the football and tried to break into the penalty area from the side.

Two Abion players rushed up at the same time and blocked him.

Kamara accelerated sharply and at the same time kicked the football with the outside of his left foot, as if he was going to break through to the bottom line and pass the ball.

The first Abion defensive player was closer to the baseline. He tilted his body slightly and wanted to catch up, but he quickly realized that this was a fake move?

So he waited a moment.

Sure enough, Kamara's left foot just passed over the football and did not touch the ball, so it was really a fake move!

Just when the Abion defensive player was feeling lucky for his decision, he saw Kamara's right foot coming again, this time from the right side of the football, as if he still wanted to kick the football.

Move towards the bottom line.

The defensive player noticed that Kamara's body center of gravity had tilted greatly towards the baseline, which showed that he should be serious this time... so he took a quick step forward to block the interception.

Unexpectedly, Kamara's kick was still a feint. His right foot passed over the football without touching the ball!

Before the Abion defender who was guarding him could react, Kamara's right foot circled the football and then turned his ankle very covertly, using his toe to poke the football to the opposite right!

At the same time, his whole body came to an emergency stop! He used his strong core strength to fight against the inertia, so that his body did not continue to tilt toward the bottom line, but stopped.

Immediately afterwards, he withdrew from the stiff state faster than the defensive player, and before the second Abion defensive player stretched his foot to destroy the football, he gently poked the football to the left with his right foot!

The opponent missed the kick!

At the same time, Kamara supported the first Abion defensive player with one hand, and with a little help, he twisted around and got in through the gap between the two defensive players!

"Ahhh! Kamala! Kamala!! This is Kamala's moment!!" Matthew Cox screamed excitedly.

Apart from cheers and cheers, there was no other sound in the entire Flanders Stadium.

The Leeds City fans at the scene were not like the audience in front of the TV. They could clearly see what Kamara had just done through a close-up shot. They just saw Kamara facing the defense of two people, looking as if he was trapped in a tight siege.

He was forced into a dead end, but in the blink of an eye he managed to break out of it!

So they gave the biggest cheers to Kamala, applauding his performance.

Amid thunderous cheers, Kamara entered the penalty area.

But at the same time, in a restricted area filled with people, there was almost no room for Kamala to move.

After he entered the penalty area and just caught up with the football, an Abion player immediately ran into him with his hands behind his back and pushed Kamara toward the baseline with his body.

Kamara had to slow down and stop suddenly, bend down to protect the football with his body, and prevent himself from being easily knocked down.

"Kamara passes the ball!!"

I don't know where the sound came from. Kamara heard it, but it was already difficult for him to pass the football out. After all, at this time, he was facing the baseline and his back to the court. He couldn't even raise his head to observe, let alone

Speaking of passing the football... pass it? Where? To whom? How?

Williams, who was calling, was also aware of this problem, so he quickly pointed at Quinn who was pulled to the wing and shouted: "Pass the ball to the wing!"

Kamara did not pass the ball, but hooked the football with his left foot, turned around suddenly and sent the football between the legs of the Abion player who was guarding him!

"Excellent spoon! Beautiful!!"

Cheers sounded again.

But there were too many people in the penalty area, and Kamara just moved from one encirclement to another after grabbing his crotch.

And as he spent more and more time holding the ball in the penalty area, more and more Abion players gathered around him.

They were also smart. They did not commit a direct foul or use too many movements. Instead, they just squeezed Kamara with their bodies and kept hitting each other within the reasonable range of collision force, causing Kamara to lose his balance little by little. Finally, when the inertia accumulated to

To a certain extent, Kamara will no longer be able to control the football. At that time, without any action from Abion's players, Kamara himself will be unable to persist, find it difficult to continue, and eventually lose the ball due to his own mistakes.

Therefore, in the penalty area, the smart defensive approach is to wait for the offensive player to make a mistake, rather than taking the initiative to attack.

Surrounded and interfered by them, it was indeed difficult for Kamara to continue to control the ball.

No matter how excellent his foot skills are, being able to maintain possession of the ball in a circle for such a long time has already reached his limit.

At this time, a thought came to Kamara's mind: If I fall down like this, can I get a penalty kick?

After all, the opponent's players have a lot of physical contact with themselves.

But when he had this idea, he thought of his previous failure experience. What if the referee didn't call it? Then everything he had done so hard before was just for a flop?

Kamara's body was already very unstable. He fell forward. At this time, he turned his head and caught a glimpse of Hulay in the penalty area. Because he had attracted enough Abion players, Hulay's side seemed a little empty. Although

There are still people guarding him...

He remembered the question he asked Hu Lai before the game:

Would this ball go in if it were you?

Of course!

Kamara, who had almost lost all his center of gravity, threw the football forward with the outside instep of his right foot while throwing himself forward!

The football just flew out of the encirclement and rolled in the direction of Hu Lai!

Then come in and show me one, Hu!


"Kamara passes the ball!!!"

Hu Lai ran towards the football and raised his left leg to shoot.

The Abion defender following him stayed close to him and tackled the football at the same time to prevent Hulay from shooting.

But he couldn't stop it, because Hu Lai's shot was just a fake!

After he feinted a shot, he used his raised left foot to step on the rolling football behind him!

Then duck and change direction, turning to the right!

The opposing player has lost his center of gravity and slipped to the ground!


Everyone's eyes were focused on Hu Lai.

After he dodged the defensive player, he used the instep of his right foot to move the football to the right again, shaking away the second Abion player who rushed to block him. Then he raised his right leg and tried to reach outwards.

Then he went to kick the football that was pushed away by him...

He kicked the football, lost his balance and fell backwards!

But his left leg still supported the weight of his whole body, and after he shot the football toward the goal, his whole body collapsed.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the football flew into the goal!

Abion's goalkeeper fell to the ground. He did not look at the football in the goal. Instead, he turned to look at Hulay, who was also sitting on the ground. His wide eyes were full of surprise.

"Hulay!! Hulay!! Good goal! Hulay!! Scored twice! He scored twice! Leeds City led Abion 2:1! They won the championship against Stan Park Rangers

It’s time to take the initiative!”

After scoring the goal, Hu Lai got up from the ground and wanted to run to celebrate.

But in a restricted area full of people, how could his teammates let him run away?

Hu Lai was caught by his teammates before he even ran out of the penalty area.

The first person to hug him was Ismail Kamara!

After passing the ball, Kamara lost his balance and fell. When he saw Hulay scoring, he struggled to get up from the ground excitedly, and happened to collide with Hulay who was running over.

He directly hugged Hu Lai and dragged him hard, and the two of them rolled into a ball in Abien's penalty area.

Then more Leeds City players rushed up and drowned them...

The Leeds City players on the field were celebrating the goal excitedly, and the Leeds City fans in the stands were cheering.

In front of the coaching bench, Leeds City's substitute players and coaches were also celebrating.

The entire stadium instantly turned into a sea of ​​carnival, and everyone's cheers gathered together, which was the sound of the rolling waves!

On the TV screen, real-time points were played. Leeds City, currently leading Abion, topped the Premier League standings with 90 points, going from one point behind Stan Park Rangers to one point ahead!


PS, please give me a monthly pass at the end of the month~


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