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Chapter 262 Hu Lai's way

  Ricardo Barea, who scored the goal, was celebrating. He looked very excited.

 Three teammates came up and tried to hold him, but failed.

He is always able to use his speed and dexterity to get rid of his teammates. He does not look like he is celebrating when he runs with all his strength, but more like he is attacking with the ball...

He ran all the way to his coaching bench, where he finally hugged head coach Kevin Locke, and then all the players on the Tramed bench and on the field gathered around to celebrate together.

 Because everyone paid so much attention to this game before the game, the victory in this game is of great significance to Tramed.

 No Tramed player felt their home defeat to Leeds City was acceptable.

 That’s why they were so excited after taking the lead.

The Tramed fans in the stands were also very excited, and their loud songs and cheers resounded throughout the red-domed stadium.

 Even if they know that if they beat Leeds City at home, they will help their arch-rivals Stan Park Rangers win the league title... but they are not thinking about that now.

With Tramed’s dignity as a wealthy team, they do not allow their team to do such unsportsmanlike things as deliberately losing to Leeds City and then letting their arch-enemy lose the championship.

They went all out to defeat Leeds City, and in the end Stan Park Rangers won the championship. Then we Tramed fans can go out and say that Stan Park Rangers' championship was all thanks to our help! Let Stan Park Rangers owe Tramed

Mede’s favor is always owed!

The reason for Barea's excitement is simple. He scored a goal in the game against Leeds City, and it was the opening goal!

Before this game, he had been holding back his energy to defeat Leeds City, and used the most impeccable performance to prove to the French boy that he was completely different from the beginning of the season!

I will defeat you with goals and give you the heaviest blow at the critical moment when you are competing for the league championship, so that you will never forget this defeat!

 Whenever you think of me and see me, Balia, you will not be able to help but think of how you lost the Premier League championship at the last moment in the 2025-2026 season!

Balia, who was in the center of the crowd, struggled to pull his fist out of the crowd and raised it to the sky!


 After Tramed celebrated heartily, the game resumed.

In the home team dressing room at Stan Park Stadium, the players of Stan Park Rangers, who had not yet recovered from the excitement of Leeds City losing the ball, were singing and dancing, just like the fans in the stands.

Brooks straightened his back, leaned forward slightly, and stared at the screen.

Stephen Brown, the assistant coach next to him, knew Brooks well and knew that this small gesture meant that he became more focused.

 So he asked: "What do you want to see, Scott?"

 “I want to see how Leeds City performed after conceding this goal.” Brooks replied, staring at the screen intently.

“And see if they were affected by the loss?” Brown asked again.

 Brooks nodded: "Yeah."

 After hearing what he said, Brown also put away the smile on his face and stared at the screen carefully.


 The people who are staring at the pitch attentively and seriously are definitely not just the head coach and assistant coach of Stan Park Rangers.

 And all the Leeds City fans and Chinese fans in front of the TV.

 They are all concerned about how Leeds City will respond after conceding a goal.

 Will his mentality be affected and the more he plays, the more panic he gets? As a result, Tramed took the opportunity to score another victory. Many people felt that if Leeds City fell behind by two goals, the game would basically be over.

  After all, this is Tramed's home ground...

However, when the game restarted, everyone gradually discovered that... Leeds City did not seem to be as fragile as they thought.

 There was no panic after losing the ball, but he withstood Tramed's attempt to cover up the ball.

 “It’s really rare for Leeds City to retreat to the penalty area with all its players…”

When Matthew Cox expressed this emotion, the television broadcast cut to a close-up of Tony Clark.

Although Clark’s expression in the camera is a bit solemn, he appears to be very calm and not panicked.

This head coach, who is known for his crazy offense, would actually let his team retreat for half of the game just to withstand Tramed's attack. This is really embarrassing.

 Faced with the temptation of the championship, "madmen" sometimes have to let go of their obsession and choose a more practical and safe approach...

So even though he never mentioned winning the championship at the press conference after the last round, his words can deceive people, but his actions cannot. Just look at the tactics he used in the game. It is clear that he is single-mindedly focused on winning the championship.

How to do it!


Although Hulay was often surrounded when Leeds City was attacking, it did not mean that he could not get the ball.

 It’s just that it’s difficult for him to get a chance to shoot.

 Despite this, he was still running, looking for possible scoring opportunities.

 At the same time, he also knows that even if he still cannot score, his movement can create opportunities for his teammates.

This is actually the task arrangement given to him by head coach Clark before the game.

Considering that Hulay has scored 29 goals in the Premier League this season, he is only one goal away from the 30-goal mark. Clark believes that when the game comes, Tramed will not be able to turn a blind eye to such Hulay.

, indifferent. They will definitely try every means to contain Hulay, freeze him, cut off his connection with other Leeds City players, and prevent him from having a chance to shoot...

 So he discussed this issue with Hu Lai.

 The final task he assigned to Hu Lai was simple, but for Hu Lai, it was challenging.

 That is, let him not be the main attacker in this game, but use his own threats to attract the opponent's defensive forces and create opportunities for other teammates.

The reason why it is said to be simple but challenging is that this arrangement actually has no technical content, nor is it a sophisticated and clever tactical arrangement. After all, after a forward is targeted, anyone will consider assigning his offensive burden to others.

People. Just out of psychological inertia, many people probably did not expect Hu Lai to give up the goal scoring task.

 This is also a challenging place for Hu Lai.

 Since he became a professional player, Hulay has been the team's main attacker and scorer most of the time. This is not only because he is very good at scoring, but also because he is actually only good at scoring.

 If you want him to shoulder many tactical tasks like a modern center, he can't do it because the training he received since he was a child is not like that.

From high school, to the Poseidon youth team, and then to the Flash Stars. Along the way, all the coaches have tacitly cultivated Hu Lai as a pure scorer, rarely doing dribbling, passing, and other tasks.

It is true that no one in football and other fields has asked Hu Lai to do so, but they have all failed, such as Sun He.

Because both Li Ziqiang and Zhao Kangming believe that scoring is Hu Lai's greatest strength, so they must practice to the extreme in this aspect. As for other things, they are the icing on the cake. It is good to have them, but if you have these, Hu Lai will be weakened.

In terms of scoring ability, then they are unwilling.

 Under the guidance of these two coaches who had a profound influence on Hu Lai, Hu Lai eventually became what he is now.

Now Clark asked Hu Lai to do something that he was not very good at, and he took this into consideration. He thought Hu Lai might refuse him, so he prepared a lot of reasons and rhetoric, trying his best to persuade Hu Lai.

Unexpectedly, Hu Lai agreed quickly.

But he said he would use his own way to complete the tasks assigned by his boss.

Out of trust in Hu Lai, Clark nodded in agreement without asking.

Now Clark is standing on the sidelines, with a calm expression on his face and a hint of solemnity, wanting to see how Hu Lai completes the task in his own way.


Hu Lai looked at the Tramed center back Steko Wilson beside him. This Tramed center back had been following him closely since the beginning of the game. As long as he entered the thirty-meter area, he would definitely

Post it.

This season, Hu Lai is no stranger to similar treatment. However, there are still very few people who go to the extreme like Wilson.

And it’s not just Wilson. If he appears in an extremely dangerous area near the small penalty area, he will not only be surrounded by Wilson, but also other Tramed players, vaguely surrounding him to prevent him from easily getting the ball, or even if he

Once he got the ball, he had no chance to complete the shot. It was not easy to even pass the ball to his teammates.

 So until now, he has only had one shot, and it was not within the goal frame due to Wilson's personal interference.

He was stroking the red rope on his right wrist, which he exchanged for the "Lover's Red String" from the system mall with 10,000 points before the game.

 For this game, he was bleeding a lot. [Lover’s red rope], [Damaged Bears shin guards] and [Worn Bears jersey] were all used.

  The reason why [Lingxi Card] was not used was entirely because Hu Lai did not have enough points to buy the amount he needed, so he simply did not buy a single [Lingxi Card].

 In fact, regarding the league championship, the system did not issue any tasks, so he spent so much money naturally not because there was still money to be made after completing the tasks.

 He simply doesn’t want to work hard until the end of the season and watch the league title fly away.

Every professional player should pursue the championship spontaneously, so if there is no systematic task, he will still try his best and use all means.

 After withstanding another wave of attacks from Tramed, Leeds City attacked.

They advanced on the right wing, and finally Charlie Potter made a pass from the wing at a 45-degree angle!

However, under the interference of Tramed's left back Joseph Rogers, the quality of his pass was not high. He originally intended to pass it to the high center captain Lorenzo, but in the end it turned into a pass that was neither high nor low.

Half-high pass...

Hu Lai ran towards the ball when Charlie Porter passed the ball. Steko Johnson was stuck on the inside, sticking closely to him and preventing him from having space to catch the ball and shoot. At the same time, behind him and another team

There is also a Tramed player on each side, approaching him, and the encirclement is gradually shrinking.

Make sure that when Hulay receives the ball, he can immediately press him to death and never give him any space to shoot.

Wilson is particularly important here, because he is the one who defends Hulay head-on. He is stuck inside and must ensure that Hulay does not pose a threat with a direct shot. If Hulay wants to shoot directly, he must block it or successfully interfere with it.

So he and Hu Lai stayed close together, using his superiority in strength to suppress Hu Lai.

Hule quickly looked back, as if to confirm who the Tramed player behind him was Tramed's captain Connor Kirk.

Then Hulay quickly withdrew his gaze and jumped towards the football, as if he was going to catch the ball or shoot... This made the Tramed players who were defending him a little confused about the situation.

 Nonetheless, Wilson followed him closely.

At the same time, Kirk behind him did not slow down his pressing pace.

Hu Lai jumped in the air, and the football flew over. He raised his right foot high and then swung it back violently, trying to knock the football behind him!

But at the critical moment, his body was hit by Wilson and was slightly tilted. Just as he was trying to maintain his balance, the ball arrived.

His right foot was not high enough, and the heel did not hit the ball. Instead, the sole of the shoe stepped down on the flying football...

 The football did not fly backwards directly, but turned downwards and hit the turf.

 Then he suddenly jumped up again!

  Just passed between the legs of Connor Kirk who was following behind him!

Because they were following closely, the distance between Kirk and Hu Lai was actually very close. At such a close distance, even Kirk couldn't react when he saw the football suddenly fall to the ground and then suddenly rise up and fly towards him.

, the only thing he can do is just follow the football and look back...

 I saw a player wearing a Leeds City jersey suddenly appear in the middle!


 Matthew Cox shouted excitedly.

 It was Ismail Kamara who suddenly cut into the center from the left!

When Hulay attracted most of Tramed's defensive attention, he stabbed Tramed in the heart!

The French youngster raised his foot to stop the flying football, and then volleyed with his foot!

Although Tramed's England goalkeeper Tom Walker had already rushed out of the goal to block his shot, it was still half a beat late...

He just got in front of Kamara, and the opponent had already whipped the football towards the goal behind him!

 The football flew past his feet and hit the net behind him!


PS, it’s not that I don’t want to break out. In fact, from today to the 6th, I am going to Shanghai to attend the original IP ceremony and annual meeting of Qidian. I don’t know how much time I can use to code... I can guarantee that I won’t ask for leave at this critical moment.

I can support myself by saving a few chapters.

 Also please forgive me.


This chapter has been completed!
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