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Chapter 89 Professional Football (Please subscribe!)

 When Li Ziqiang returned home at night, the house was dark and quiet. He was in a daze for a moment, and then he realized that his daughter had followed Lao Yang to the mountains and seas in the morning.

He looked at his watch and saw that the plane was almost landing now.

In fact, he could give it away, because the team did not train this afternoon. But he didn't do so. He wanted to maintain a little face as a father in front of his daughter, but he was afraid that his performance would be too bad. So he just gave it away.

If his daughter leaves, at least he won't be discovered by his daughter and his eyes will be red...

Li Ziqiang raised his head and glanced at the dark second floor, put down what he was holding, turned on the lights in the living room and kitchen in turn, and went to cook.

Unlike usual times when his daughter was around, he didn't make a sumptuous meal, but just gave himself a bowl of soy sauce noodles.

Soon, he brought out a steaming bowl of noodles from the kitchen, exuding a complex aroma composed of soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, Sichuan pepper oil and chili oil.

He picked up the noodles with chopsticks, and through the steaming heat, he saw that there was no one on the opposite side.

This is not the first time that my daughter has traveled far away from home. When she was at Quanshun Football School, her daughter would also go to other places to play games with the team.

At that time, Li Ziqiang knew very well that his daughter would come back, she would come back after the game, and she would eventually come back to him.

But now, he understands that his daughter will not come back here again. She went to a wider world, which is too big and too far away from home.

Although this has long been the route he planned for his daughter, she will receive a full set of professional football training at Quanshun Football School, and she will eventually play professional football, otherwise her talent will be wasted. Although there were some twists and turns later, let

He and his daughter lived here, but he never gave up his plan.

Today, he got his wish and his daughter took a solid step towards her goal of professional football.

Logically speaking, this is a happy thing and should be celebrated.

Thinking of this, Li Ziqiang put down his chopsticks and the noodles on them, stood up, walked to the kitchen, and took out a can of beer from the refrigerator.

He opened the ring with a bang, raised his neck and took a big gulp.

Then he returned to the table, put the wine on the table, sat down and ate the noodles seriously.

The room was quiet except for the sound of Li Ziqiang snoring and eating noodles.


Luo Kai didn't see Li Qingqing for two whole days, which was something that had never happened before.

In the past, Li Qingqing just stopped coming to the training after school, but he didn't say he couldn't come to class...

It's been two days. I didn't see Li Qingqing yesterday and I didn't see Li Qingqing today.

And he had no idea what it meant. Was he sick? He was at home on leave so he didn't go to class?

It wasn't until school was over in the afternoon that the head teacher came in and told everyone that classmate Li Qingqing had transferred to another school and left. Only then did Luo Kai know what had happened.

But the head teacher didn't say why he transferred to another school.

Luo Kai turned his attention to Hu Lai.

When everyone was surprised and regretful because of Li Qingqing's sudden transfer of schools, this kid was still lying on the table, looking absent-minded.

Although there was no evidence, Luo Kai always felt that this kid must know something.

So when the team was training after school in the afternoon, he took the initiative to talk to Hu Lai for the first time.

"Do you know where Li Qingqing went?" Luo Kai asked directly.

"I know." Hu Lai nodded.

"Then tell me, where did she go?" Luo Kai stared at Hu Lai.

Hu Lai glanced at this classmate who always looked arrogant, and snorted from his nose: "Are you asking for help?"

Luo Kai was stunned, not expecting Hu Lai to answer him like this.

Because of his face and his skills, the world is generally very friendly to Luo Kai. Whatever his requests are always met, there are fans and younger brothers everywhere he goes, and he is always surrounded by a group of people who praise him for his thoughtfulness.

his people.

But today, he stumbled here in Hu Lai.

If Hu Lai dared to talk to him like this for other things, he would promise to turn around and leave.

But not now, he really wanted to know where Li Qingqing had gone.

In fact, he has transferred to another school, and even if he knew it, it seemed to mean nothing to him, but there was a knot in his heart. Even Hu Lai knew about it, and he had to know it too...

He admitted that he was a little jealous of Hu Lai regarding Li Qingqing.

So Luo Kai clenched his fists tightly, and finally opened his mouth with clenched teeth: "...please, please...tell me, where did Li Qingqing go?"

Hu Lai was also surprised. He looked at Luo Kai who was blushing. It was obvious how difficult it was for such an arrogant person to say these words to him...

He didn't originally think of telling Hu Lai about Li Qingqing, he just wanted to disgust him. After all, this was one of the few moments when he could take the initiative.

He even felt that after Luo Kai heard what he said, he should leave immediately angrily, and then curse himself ten thousand times in his heart.

Who would have thought...

Seeing that Hu Lai still didn't say a word, Luo Kai suppressed another sentence: "Please tell me where Li Qingqing went, classmate Hu Lai, thank you!"

Seeing Luo Kai, who was not "arrogant" at all, Hu Lai suddenly felt bored. He curled his lips and said: "She went to play professional football."

"Play...professional...football?" Luo Kai was a little confused.

Hu Lai snorted: "Do you think she is just an ignorant girl who likes football? Let me tell you, she is much better than you. There are so many women's football clubs in the Chinese Super League, they are all vying to sign with her! You are also called

Genius? That’s the real genius!”

After grossly disgusting Luo Kai, Hu Lai ignored him and ran away.

Behind him, Luo Kai, who had regained consciousness, clenched his fists again.

Professional football!


"Hey, beauty."

Li Qingqing was standing on the court when someone suddenly called her from behind.

She looked back and found that several of her teammates in the reserve team were looking at her with smiles. The leader had short hair and strong facial features. If it weren't for the slight bulge on her chest, she would definitely be recognized at first glance.


"It's such a pity that you're so pretty and you come to play football, tsk tsk. You should become a model. I don't know how many men will chase you by then." The leader crossed his arms and curled his lips and said in an unfriendly tone.

Li Qingqing didn't take it seriously and answered them with a smile: "But I like playing football."

"Like playing football? Hey, I heard you transferred from high school?" the leader asked.

Li Qingqing nodded.

"Really, I don't know what the old man thinks, letting a high school student join a professional team... Hey, don't say I didn't warn you, the intensity of the next team game will be comparable to the family wine you played in high school, little sister.

It’s completely different, don’t be scared to tears by my sisters!”

After she finished speaking, she showed a disdainful smile. When she smiled, several people behind her also laughed.

Facing their roars of laughter, Li Qingqing nodded vigorously, her ponytail swaying: "Okay!"


After the team game started, the assistant coach of the reserve team frowned and said to the head coach of the reserve team: "What did Lao Yang think? He went to Anton for two days and brought back a high school student..."

"I heard that it was his friend's child." The head coach of the reserve team stood on the sidelines, staring at the court while answering the assistant coach's question.

"I can understand the relationship between the back door and the caretaker... But can he send this high school student to the youth team? Why should he directly join our reserve team? Our reserve team is not his private team..." Assistant to the reserve team

The coach is still complaining.

Although Yang Mingyuan told Li Qingqing and his daughter that he had coordinated everything, obviously not everyone had no complaints about the results of his coordination...

"That's why I arranged this game, just to see how good her level is. If her level is not up to standard, naturally we won't be able to let her stay in our team," said the head coach of the reserve team.

While the two people were talking, Li Qingqing caught the ball on the court.

Facing her opponent who was rushing to intercept her, Li Qingqing used the arch of her foot to flick the football forward, and at the same time, she also jumped up.

Just like that, he avoided the opponent's tackle.

After landing, she accelerated to catch up with the football, pushed the ball forward, and shot it out like an arrow from a string!

The second player who originally wanted to defend her didn't have time to run over. He reflexively stretched out his hand to pull her, but he only grabbed a ball of flowing air...

"So fast!" the assistant coach couldn't help but exclaimed.

Li Qingqing is still speeding up on the field. The standard eleven-a-side field is much wider than the nine-a-side football field she played at Dongchuan Nanmen Courtyard before. There is enough space for her to use her speed.


Like a gust of wind, she passed through the distance between the center line and the final third.

As she played the ball, Li Qingqing held her head high, her upper body straight like a sail filled with wind, and her ponytail fluttering in the wind, rising and falling; her palms were like oars, swinging back and forth rhythmically with her arms;

Her legs were as if they were filled with high-energy explosives. Every time she kicked the ground, she would release a strong thrust, pushing her body forward.

"What a beautiful move..." The assistant coach could no longer exclaim and just murmured in a low voice.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Li Qingqing dribbled the ball into the offensive third and faced an even denser defense.

Immediately, a defensive player rushed up from her ribs and tried to get stuck in her inside line. Li Qingqing leaned forward slightly, trying to continue accelerating to dribble the ball, but he gently knocked the football inward with the outside instep of his left foot, and the football came from behind.

The defensive player slipped past him.

At the same time, Li Qingqing stopped suddenly, pushed hard on the ground with his right foot, turned around and cut inside!

The player who came up to defend her only felt a blur in front of her eyes, as if a braid had been thrown around, and she had been passed.

"I come!"

The leader of Jiajiajiu, who also mocked Li Qingqing for playing football, yelled and rushed forward, and she immediately shoveled her without mercy!

She wants to tell this arrogant little sister from high school that this is professional football!

But she didn't tackle the ball or anyone.

When her foot flew over, Li Qingqing had already dunked the football inward with his left foot, changed direction again, and got out of the way of her.

And she was already lying on the ground. She could no longer stop Li Qingqing. He could only turn around and watch her catch up with the football and raise her right leg...

She hit the football with the outside instep of her right foot!

The football drew a huge and obvious arc and flew high towards the goal.

Even though the goalkeeper jumped up hard and stretched his hand as high as possible, he still couldn't touch the football...

The football that went around her hit the lower edge of the crossbar and bounced into the goal!

There was silence on and off the court, and everyone stared at this scene in stunned silence, as if they had just seen a rainbow in the penalty area...

"Bang!" Li Qingqing jumped up happily after scoring the goal.

Professional football is so interesting!


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The next chapter will be updated at 6pm.

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