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Chapter 291 Pre-match meeting

 Text Volume Chapter 291: Pre-match Meeting Hu Lai woke up and opened his eyes and found that it was already bright outside the window.

He was stunned for a moment, then picked up his phone and looked at the time. It was already nine-ten in the morning.

While checking the time, he also saw new WeChat messages.

When I opened WeChat, I found that it was from Li Qingqing.

Ask him if he got up.

Hu Lai replied: "I just got up."

After sending it, he lay on the bed and continued to check his phone for a while. After almost ten minutes, he saw that Li Qingqing did not reply immediately. He looked at the time in Jincheng on his phone and guessed that Li Qingqing was sleeping.

Going to bed so early...

Hu Lai threw the phone aside, jumped out of bed, got dressed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

When he came back after washing up, he saw Wang Guangwei already sitting on the bed.

"Hey, you're awake?"

"I was woken up by the sound of water..."

"Ah, do you want to sleep a little longer?" Hu Lai said, "I just saw a notification in the group saying that everyone will sleep until they wake up naturally today."

"No need, I'll just wake up naturally." Wang Guangwei took the clothes, jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom, "I'll take a shower."

As soon as he entered the bathroom, there was a knock on the door, so he shouted: "Hu Lai!"

"I heard it, I heard it." Hu Lai responded while going to open the door.

Outside the door were four people, Chen Xingyi, Zhang Qinghuan, Xia Xiaoyu and Zhou Zijing.

"Have you eaten yet?" Zhang Qinghuan asked after seeing Hu Lai dressed neatly.

"Not yet, I just finished washing up."

"Let's go then!"

"Wait until Lao Wang takes a shower." Hu Lai pointed to the bathroom with the sound of running water.

The four of them went in to wait for Wang Guangwei.

Xia Xiaoyu saw Hu Lai endure it again and again, and finally asked: "Brother Hu, did you sleep well yesterday?"

"It's okay, I woke up naturally anyway."

"That's great. I tossed until one o'clock yesterday before falling asleep..." Xia Xiaoyu said depressedly.

"Maybe we are similar? Lao Wang and I have been chatting for a long time, from high school to career..." Hu Lai scratched his head.

Hearing his answer, Xia Xiaoyu's eyes widened: "Are you nervous too?"

Hu Lai spread his hands: "Who is not nervous in the first game of the World Cup? Let me tell you, Xiaoyu, if anyone tells you that he is not nervous at all, then he must be showing off in front of you!"

Xia Xiaoyu couldn't help but look at Zhou Zijing. After he got up today, he asked Zhou Zijing why he went to bed so early yesterday. Zhou Zijing told him that it was because he was not nervous at all...

His action was caught by Hu Lai, who laughed: "Zhou Zijing, are you pretending in front of Xiaoyu again?"

Zhou Zijing shouted unconvinced: "Who is pretending? I'm really not nervous!"


"Why are you lying to me? I won't be able to play anyway, so why should I be nervous?" Zhou Zijing defended anxiously.

"Have you never imagined that you would become famous after coming off the bench?" Hu Lai asked.

"Uh..." Zhou Zijing was stunned, apparently Hu Lai had hit his mark.

He had really fantasized about it... no, to be precise, when he was lying in bed last night, he had fantasized over and over again in his mind about the storyline of being ordered to come on as a substitute in a critical situation, and then help the Chinese team beat Algeria.

However, this cannot be admitted in front of Hu Lai, because it was Hu Lai who was ordered to replace him in the critical moment.

Seeing his reaction, Hu Lai knew that he had guessed correctly, and he burst out laughing.

Amidst laughter, Zhou Zijing did not refute, but just muttered: "I have thought about it, but it doesn't mean I am nervous..."

While they were chatting, Wang Guangwei came out of the shower and changed into dry clothes. He no longer felt as listless as when he just got up and became much more energetic.

"Let's go and eat!" Zhang Qinghuan waved his hand, and everyone got up and followed him out to the restaurant.

I met my teammates on the way and said hello: "Have you eaten?"

"Eat it! Are you just going?"

"Waiting for Lao Wang to take a bath."

"Hey, Guangwei is very particular!"

Just chatting like this, we walked into the restaurant and greeted the coaches sitting at the door: "Hello, Coach Shi. Hello, Coach Hong. Hello, Coach Li..."

Then he went to pick up the meal with the tray in hand.


Shi Wuyin, Hong Renjie, and Li Zhifei sat at the table closest to the door. They had finished their meal long ago, but they didn't leave.

Instead, they continued to sit in their seats, each with a cup of coffee, just looking at the door, and then nodded to every Chinese team player who walked in and greeted them.

Whenever a player walks over, the three of them will gather together and whisper: "This seems to be in good spirits..."

"There are no obvious dark circles under the eyes, which means the sleep quality is good..."

"It's right to let them wake up later. If we still wake them up according to the original request, I'm afraid many people will yawn non-stop."

"The nervousness can still be seen to some extent. But it seems to be a little better than last night..."

The three people just commented on the status of every player they saw.

It is possible to know the status of each player well.

Li Zhifei lowered his head and looked at the list on his desk. All the names were checked.

"Everyone is here."

"Okay, let's go back and prepare for the team meeting later."

The two coaches left first.

Hong Renjie continued to sit at the table, turning his head to look at the Chinese team players who were dining and talking in the restaurant.

The look in his eyes was like that of an old farmer looking at the crops in the field, eagerly looking forward to a good harvest, but worried that there were some diseases and insect pests that he couldn't see that would affect the final harvest.


Not long after the team had breakfast, they were informed to go to the conference room for a team meeting before the start of the game.

The team will be scheduled to hold such a meeting before each game.

The main content of the meeting is divided into two points. The first is the technical and tactical level, where the tactical points are repeated again to avoid anyone being unclear. The second is the spiritual level, which is to boost morale and unify thinking.

Generally speaking, the team's pre-match meeting is very simple, especially in the league. It is held once before every game. Some things are said in garbled words, and there is no need to repeat them, so just make simple tactical arrangements.

But for an important competition like the World Cup, the pre-match meeting is particularly important.

At the same time, the match lineup will also be announced in this pre-match team meeting. Compared with the tactical arrangements that have been familiar with in training, this list of players is more concerned about it.

"Every player has put in all the hard work in training, so not being selected for the list does not mean that you are not good enough. Remember, we are always a whole. Only as a whole can we have combat effectiveness, otherwise you will not be able to fight in peacetime.

Nothing you have practiced can be used in the game..."

Before announcing the list, Shi Wuyin said these words as usual, which are words he often talks about.

The purpose is to instill the concept of "team" in everyone, so that everyone can put aside the feuding factions in their respective clubs and be able to unite together and work hard for a common goal.

The Chinese team is not as strong as other teams. If they want to perform in the World Cup, they must unite as one. Otherwise, it will really be embarrassing.

In Shi Wuyin's view, unity is even more important than any tactics.

After once again emphasizing the importance of unity, Shi Wuyin began to announce the list:

"Goalkeeper, Lin Zhiyuan."

Hao De glanced at Lin Zhiyuan. The boy was tense and did not raise his fist in celebration, but he was probably already happy in his heart.

He was not surprised by this result.

Ever since he was injured and was replaced by Lin Zhiyuan, he knew that there would be a day when although he was selected into the twenty-three-man roster, he might not even get a minute of playing time...

The goalkeeper position is very special. Unless the main goalkeeper is injured, the substitute goalkeeper will hardly have a chance to play. After all, other positions can be rotated and adjusted, but the goalkeeper position will not be easily rotated unless necessary. Lin Zhiyuan's first game was

, Unless he gets crazy and makes low-level mistakes like in the play-offs, he should still be the same in the next two group matches.

"Central defenders Yao Huasheng and Wang Guangwei."

Wang Guangwei couldn't help but straighten his back. The result was expected, but he was still very proud.

"Right back Bai Di. Left back Qu Lu."

Bai Di lowered his head and clenched his fists hard.

As a teammate of Hu Lai, Wang Guangwei, Chen Xingyi and Luo Kai in the Olympic team, he was selected for the national team later than all of them, but with his outstanding performance in the club, he still caught up with the World Cup.

The last train. And now he even goes one step further and gets a chance to play in the first game of the World Cup!

He knows that he is destined to be recorded in history. When people look back at the Chinese team's first game in the World Cup, they will post a pre-match photo, and his name and his image will be in it.

"Back midfielders Gao Ruimin and Jiang Wanqing. Attacking midfielder Zhang Qinghuan. Forwards Hu Lai, Luo Kai, Chen Xingyi."

There are basically no surprises in the last few names, and the expressions of those whose names are read are also calm.

This will be the eleven members of the Chinese team in the first World Cup match in history.

After announcing the list, Shi Wuyuan emphasized:

"...Algeria, like us, is participating in the World Cup for the first time. But half of their players play in Europe. Some of their players were even born in Europe, live in Europe, and receive European football training...

So even though they are located in Africa, they are actually a European team. Therefore, they cannot be regarded as opponents participating in the World Cup for the first time... In defense, we need to restrict their center Ode, who is very good with his feet.

At the same time, he also has height and vision to prevent him from passing the football to his teammates..."

Nabil Odé is Algeria's number one star. He currently plays for Almoric, a team in the middle and lower reaches of Ligue 1. He is the main forward of this team. He scored a total of 11 goals in Ligue 1 last season. He is Algeria's top player.

Molik's top scorer.

He has a height of 1.9 meters, but he does not have a strong body and excellent header. What he is best at is his foot skills.

His characteristics are his exquisite technique and ability to pass and shoot.

Behind his eleven goals last season were nine assists and the most chances created in the Almoric team.

It can be said that he is the core of Almorik's offense in the club, and the same is true in the national team.

He does not rely on his body to play football, so even though he is 32 years old and slightly older, it does not affect his performance on the court much.

He is the strongest enemy that the Chinese team has to face on the back line of defense in this game.

During the domestic training camp, the national team spent a large part of their training on how to deal with Algeria, and a large part of the training on how to deal with Algeria was how to prevent Odé from scoring goals and not being able to score very quickly.

Smoothly organize the attack.

In view of Odde's shortcomings that although he is tall but not strong enough, Shi Wuyin adopts a relatively tough tactic. He requires defensive players to press forward immediately when Oede gets the ball and use their bodies to restrict him and defend him.

The movements must be fierce and there must be no hesitation. If necessary, you can foul in non-dangerous areas.

Of course, this tactic carries the risk of losing cards.

But in order to win this game, even though Algeria is stronger than the Chinese team, Shi Wuyin still prepares for the game with the goal of victory and must pay such a price.

As for someone on the defense receiving a yellow card, what to do in the next two games... Shi Wuyin has never considered this issue at all.

After all, if you lose the first game, then the next two games will basically be meaningless.

"...On offense, pay special attention to their defensive midfielder Captain Satori. He has excellent running ability and a fierce, even rough style. Not only must you find ways to get rid of his defense, but you must also be careful not to make mistakes during the game.

Injured." When Shi Wuyuan said this, he mainly looked at Zhang Qinghuan.

As an attacking midfielder, Zhang Qinghuan happened to be opposite the opponent's defensive midfielder and captain Elis Sedley during the game.

Zhang Qinghuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

"However, in comparison, Algeria's defense is not as good as their offense, so as long as we play well, we have a chance to score. If we can score first, the situation will turn in our favor. Because Algeria's offense is stronger than

Defensively, they can only attack when they are lagging behind. We can shrink and attack defensively, making full use of the space behind them when they attack..."

"In terms of offense, we need to be more flexible. Apart from going more wide, I won't have any more specific requirements for you. I believe you should also know what to do." Shi Wuyin looked at Hu Lai and Luo Kai again.

and Chen Xingyi.

The Chinese team's offensive trident often relies on the tacit understanding between the three of them.

Although Shi Wuyuan still doesn't understand very well, Luo Kai and Hu Lai's relationship is very ordinary, why they can create sparks with Hu Lai once they play...

Shi Wuyin is the kind of head coach who believes that when the team is attacking, the fewer rules and regulations, the better the players can perform.

Of course this doesn't mean he doesn't do offensive training.

It's just that in his opinion, the offensive routines in training are actually laying the foundation, and when they are actually on the field, they obviously don't expect the players to copy the routines in training.

As long as the players are serious in their daily training, they can naturally use routines in games to achieve something different.

It cannot be said that his view is necessarily right, but it is obviously very suitable for a team with Hu Lai, Chen Xingyi, Luo Kai, and Zhang Qinghuan.


After Shi Wuyin finished talking about the technical and tactical aspects, the national team leader Hong Renjie stood up, like a political commissar, and wanted to add BUFF to the players.

"Young men!" He stood next to Shi Wuyuan, "After that..."

He raised his wrist and looked at the time, one fifteen.

"In less than three hours, we will have the first game of the World Cup. I really want to tell you not to be nervous...but I know that it is in vain. Those who should be nervous will still be

Nervous. So if you are nervous, take the time to shake your legs now. When the game comes, forget about all the things that have nothing to do with the game, go all out and concentrate!"

Having said this, Hong Renjie raised a finger:

"I just want to say that even if it is not for those illusory meanings, it is just for yourselves, in order to be worthy of your own efforts and dedication over the years, in order to be worthy of the sweat and tears you shed during the training... you also have to be here.

I will give my best in every game! Then when you go back, you will be qualified to say that I did not leave any effort or regrets in the World Cup!"

This chapter has been completed!
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