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Chapter two hundred and ninety-eight blow

 When Hu Lai took the shot, he was actually about 36 meters away from the goal.

What is the concept of thirty-six meters?

The straight-line distance from the penalty area line to the goal line is 16.5 meters. The straight-line distance from the center line to the bottom line of Atlanta's Mercedes Stadium is 50 meters. The straight-line distance from the kick-off point in the center circle to the edge of the center circle is nine points.

One to five meters.

Hu Lai basically shot from about five meters past the center circle. He had never shot from such a distance before, let alone scored a goal.

So when he took a shooting stance, everyone including He Feng and Yan Kang felt that Hu Lai's goal was too reckless.

However, He Feng and Yan Kang are different from those who simply think that Hu Lai made the wrong choice this time. They have already begun to prepare in their minds how to make excuses for Hu Lai to prevent Hu Lai from being attacked because of this shot.

For example, "Insisting on shooting no matter where you are is an essential quality of a good forward", "Hu Lai vents his emotions through this shot, so that he can regain his composure", and "Hu Lai is also a human being"

, I’m also anxious, so there’s nothing to make a fuss about” Ah…

Anyway, it’s just all kinds of hard cleaning and embarrassing blowjobs.

Even if they don't believe something themselves, they still have to say it.

Although doing this would make them blush, as the biggest star of the Chinese team, the two commentators still subconsciously wanted to defend Hu Lai instead of criticizing him harshly.

Hu Lai has been upgraded from the "hope of the whole village" to the "big treasure of the country" at the beginning. They are afraid that Hu Lai will bear too much pressure, so they try their best to reduce his burden.

But unexpectedly, the next scene left the two commentators stunned and stunned!

They watched helplessly as the football shot by Hu Lai turned into a white light on the green court, then raised its head in front of the penalty area and pierced into the sky!

Finally, it was blocked by the goal crossbar and fell into the goal behind Algeria goalkeeper Samari!

He Feng was so frightened that he stammered, but he was soon overwhelmed by the huge surprise and roared at the top of his lungs into the microphone.

While he was roaring, Yan Kang laughed beside him.

All the worries about Hu Lai before now seem like a joke.

But so what?

It doesn't matter if we are clowns, as long as Hu Lai and the Chinese team are not clowns!


"The ball is scored! World wave! World wave! Amazing world wave! The Chinese team's first goal in the history of the World Cup..."

He Feng's roar echoed in the living rooms of thousands of households, and also sounded in food stalls, restaurants, bars, cinema screening rooms, KTV boxes... and other places where the live broadcast of the game was watched.

Like thunder.

The uneasy Chinese fans, who had been silent because of the Chinese team's previous passive performance, all cheered at this time.

It is the thunder above the thunder!

"Ah!!!" Xie Lan screamed. She pointed at the TV screen and turned to look at Li Qingqing beside her.

Li Qingqing was waving her fists. After noticing Xie Lan's eyes, she turned her head and smiled: "It was Hu Lai who scored the goal, Aunt Xie! The Chinese team's first goal in the World Cup was scored by Hu Lai!"

Hearing her say this, tears burst out of Xie Lan's eyes uncontrollably.

Seeing Aunt Xie crying, Li Qingqing took the initiative to lean over, put his arms around her shoulders, and gently hugged her into his arms.

Li Ziqiang and Hu Lixin, who saw this scene nearby, looked at each other and then turned to continue watching the TV screen.

On the TV, He Feng was still shouting:

"Ahhh! Beautiful! So beautiful!! Hu Lai!! He wrote the history of Chinese football!!"

In the KTV box, everyone jumped up, and some even jumped on the coffee table. They waved their fists unscrupulously and shouted loudly: "Niubi!! Hu Lai Niubi!! Chinese team Niubi!!"

"Ah!! I will always love Chinese football!!"

“I’m so awesome!! So awesome! So beautiful!!”

"I [silence] it [silence] yo!!"

"I [silence] it [silence] sell hemp [silence]!!"

After the game started, Yan Yan, Chu Yifan and their partners went from full of confidence and hope to despair and silence. There was always a suppressed anger in their chests. Now that anger finally found a breach and was released, as if a volcano was erupting.


All kinds of dirty words are the purest expression of their inner joy.

On the Internet, a large number of excited messages instantly appeared:

"Hu Lai!!! Awesome! So awesome! He deserves to be China's number one striker!"

"Why is China number one? He is clearly the number one striker in Asia!"

"I don't care! Today I'm going to blow Hu Lai away!! This is the best goal of this World Cup!! I won't accept any refutation! If you have different opinions, just listen to me!!"

"Can anyone tell me that this is Hu Lai's farthest goal? The replay just now shows the distance of his shot, 35.63 meters... It's really hard for me to imagine that Hu Lai can score from such a distance.

He kicked the football so beautifully from a distance... He has nothing to do with violent shooting!"

"Stop analyzing this and that, as long as you are awesome! Hu Lai is awesome! The Chinese team is awesome!!"

"Haha! Don't follow the procedure, just blow it!"

"I think just for this goal, even if this game fails in the end, I will be satisfied!"

These irrational and ecstatic words represent the excitement of all Chinese fans who witnessed the birth of history.

As Chinese fans, in the past two years, they have been much happier than before.

When Chen Xingyi scored the first goal of the Chinese Olympic team in the Olympic Games, they thought they were the happiest.

When the Chinese Olympic team drew with the Nigerian Olympic team 2:2 and scored the first point of the Olympic Games, they thought it was the happiest moment.

When Julay scored a hat-trick to beat Argentina and advance to the knockout stages of the Olympic Games, they felt that was their happiest time...

But today, they feel that although those moments before were very happy, the happiest moment is now!

Chinese football achieved zero breakthrough in the World Cup!

Countless people joke about "score a goal, get a point, win a game", the first goal is like this

Very suddenly... it happened!

The Chinese fans at the scene were even more excited than they were, which could be seen from the continuous thunder in the TV broadcast.

When Hu Lai made his iconic celebration at the World Cup, an irregular "HUUUUU!!" rang out over the stadium.

Everyone cheered for Hu Lai spontaneously and naturally without any prior training or coordination. Although the performance was uneven, it was still touching and shocking.


After landing, Hu Lai was surrounded by excited Chinese team players. They were excited not only because this was the first goal for the Chinese team in the history of the World Cup, but also because they were disappointed that Hu Lai could score such a goal.


"Fuck Hu Lai, how did you do that?!"

"Holy shit, Hu Lai, are you cheating?!"

"Fuck Hu Lai, did you save the universe in your last life?!"

"Fuck Hu Lai..."


On the sidelines, head coach Shi Wuyin's first reaction when he saw the football flying into the goal was not to cheer or rush out to celebrate. Instead, he stood there with his mouth wide open and stared in the direction of the Algeria goal.

It took two or three seconds for him to realize that we had indeed scored!

So he, Li Zhifei, and Hong Renjie hugged each other, shouting and jumping to celebrate the goal.

Don’t think about how Hu Lai scored the goal. First, cheer for the Chinese team’s goal!


When Hulay shot, the Spanish TV commentator prolonged his voice, fully demonstrating his lung capacity, and then spoke as fast as a machine gun: "HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! GOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! GOOOOOOOOOOL!!! GOOOOL!!! Hu

Lai!! Houlay!! Houlay!! After being forced far away from the goal, he used such a shocking shot to blast away the Algeria goal! My God! Such a shot is so wonderful! It is the best shot in this World Cup.

The most beautiful goal since the start of the game! A super long-range shot of 35 meters! Super world wave!!! Look at Mousavi next to him, he seems to be frightened, standing there with his head in his hands..."

The French commentator not far away from the commentary box was also holding his head in his hands: "Unbelievable! It's simply unbelievable! I used to think that Hulay was a player who was less threatening the further away from the goal... But now it seems that I

Wrong! This goal... is so beautiful! Even if there is luck in this goal, which world has no luck?! The Chinese team got a goal back with this goal! And there were more than 20 minutes left in the game. They

still have a chance!"

Cox, the commentator of British TV, exclaimed again and again: "I knew that Hu Lai could shoot from long range. He has scored goals from long range in the Premier League... but I never thought that his long shot could go so far! This

We’re almost at the center circle!”

Cox couldn't understand, and Tony Clark, who was watching the game with his friend Matt Dawn in front of the TV, couldn't understand either: "Damn it, when did Matt Hu score from such a distance?

Has his core strength increased to this point? Or is there something wrong with our data?"

Matt spread his hands: "As far as I know, none."

"God, what a miracle this is..." Clark murmured as he stared at the replay of Hulay's goal on the TV screen.

Matt did not respond to him, but looked down at the popular community on his mobile phone. After Hu Lai scored, many posts suddenly appeared on the homepage of the forum, all with similar content.

Players of "The Godfather of Champions" from all over the world are proud to announce:

"I coached him on The Godfather of Champions two years ago!"

"I may be one of the first players in the world to discover Hu Lai!"

"Look! This is my beloved general!"

"Aha! It's almost exactly the same as in the game. He also scored the first goal of the Chinese team in the World Cup!"

"Hulai! Eternal God!"

Far away in China, Zhang Zihao, an investigator from Anton Flash Star, was excited when he saw the enthusiastic posts on the forum.

He remembered why he wanted to become a data investigator for the game "The Godfather of Champions" in the first place.

I just hope that the "Godfather of Champions" players around the world can know how strong Hu Lai from our Flash Star is!

At this time, he suddenly refreshed and saw a familiar post appearing on the forum homepage.

The reason why it feels familiar is because this post was originally posted by him in the popular community...

"I solemnly recommend a Chinese super genius to everyone!"

This post he posted three years ago has long since fallen into disuse, but now it has been reposted.

The latest reply appeared half a minute ago, when a netizen named "Matt" replied to this post:

"This is the first post about Hu Lai that I have seen in the bustling community. Thanks to this 'HAOZI' for his strong recommendation and letting me know about him. And the rough diamonds you discovered deep underground are now

It has emitted an extremely bright light under the Atlanta afternoon sun!"

Zhang Zihao pursed his lips, tears filling his eyes.


"God, what the hell is this..."

On the sidelines, Algeria's French head coach Jimmy Durand looked at the court and muttered.

When he saw Hu Lai score, he even doubted whether the information he collected about Hu Lai before the game was wrong...

He learned that Hulay is a forward who is better at moving in the penalty area, and most of his goals come from the penalty area.

He even knew that Hu Lai could shoot from long range, although long-range goals accounted for only a small proportion of his total goals. So he told his players before the game not to think that Hu Lai

Once you leave the restricted area, there is no threat, and those who should go up must still go up.

But even so, he never expected that Hu Lai could shoot from such a distance from the goal and kill it with one hit!

This is a place where even the famous sluggers in international football would find it difficult to score!

Such a loss of the ball gave Durand a strong feeling of "I've been fooled."


PS, we will continue the third update tomorrow!

Asking for a monthly ticket!!!!

In addition, I will watch two games tonight and guess the winner with everyone.

The French team played Hungary. There was no doubt that the French team won by three goals.

Portugal and Germany... I feel the two teams will draw.

This chapter has been completed!
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