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Chapter 302 Stars

 When the football was shot out by Hu Lai, his supporting left foot also left the ground. Then he was knocked out of balance by Mousavi beside him and fell to the ground.

However, Hulay's neck always kept facing the Algerian goal in one direction.

He wanted to see with his own eyes the result of his shot.

He saw the Algerian goalkeeper Samari flying sideways, and he also saw the football passing through his fingers. Finally, he saw the football flying past the goal line and swiping the goal post, rolling up the goal net.

Only then did he look away.

Then he rolled around on the ground unloading his strength, climbed up, opened his arms and ran towards the corner flag area in the distance.

The huge cheers at the Mercedes Stadium were like a strong wind, blowing his hair and fluttering his clothes.

The red home jersey of the Chinese team crossed the green field, like a fluttering red flag, rustling in the wind.


"Hu Lai! Hu Lai!! Hu Lai!! Beautiful! Hu Lai!!"

The commentator on the TV was so excited that he could only repeat the name of the scorer.

Countless Chinese fans outside the TV were also repeating Hu Lai's name.

"Hu Lai! Hu Lai! Hu Lai... Hu Lai is awesome! Hu Lai!! Hu Lai!!! Ah Hu Lai!!!"

The shouts from inside and outside the TV came together and turned into a combined force, turning into thunder, waking up many sleeping people...

No, maybe not many people can still sleep soundly at this time.

At 5:39 a.m. on June 17, Beijing time, in the easternmost part of the motherland, the sun has risen, and the dawn illuminates the earth. In the westernmost part, it is still a gloomy night, with the blackest ink covering the earth.

, that is the darkness before dawn.

Whether it is a city or a country, there are lights shining through the windows, which are the bright stars on this dark land.

In a land of 9.6 million square kilometers, there are countless such stars and countless such sleepless people.

Hu Lixin heard roars and roars coming from all directions in the community.

He turned to look outside the balcony and found that the sky was already dark.

Only then did he suddenly realize that it was dawn.

A new day has arrived.

Xie Lan clenched his hands in front of his chest, screamed, and joined the community's "ensemble."

Li Ziqiang stared blankly at the TV screen, indifferent to everything around him.

Hu Lai's last shot took him back to the Anton Cup final at the end of 2019.

Facing the goal sideways, swinging his right leg, then shooting directly without stopping the ball...

The football flew into the goal of Jiaxiang High School, and Dongchuan Middle School qualified for the national competition.

Starting from that ball, the young man on the screen embarked on a career path step by step. He overcame the troubles he had created for him, the obstacles of his native family, and many difficulties... and finally scored twice in the World Cup.


He recalled the beginning again, in the old house that had been demolished, under the orange light, he and his daughter were sitting at the dinner table. His daughter pretended to be casual and said in front of him:

Dad, did you know? The person who completed the hat trick with his face today is my classmate.

He is very talented!

Thinking of this, Li Ziqiang turned to look at his daughter.

He found that his daughter was also looking at him.

After noticing his gaze, she smiled, pointed at the TV screen and said proudly: "Dad, your proud disciple!"

Li Ziqiang did not deny it, and a smile appeared on his serious face.

When Li Qingqing saw her father laughing, she turned back happily and continued watching TV.

Hu Lai jumped towards the corner flag, and in the slowed down shot, every detail on his face was revealed, and every subtle change in expression was displayed vividly and clearly in the shot.

His expression was fierce and determined.

This was the first time Li Qingqing saw Hu Lai like this, completely different from the boy she was familiar with.

At this moment, he was not the good-for-nothing who was laughed at in the class; nor was he the clown who could stop the ball in his face; nor was he always smiling and joking with everyone, seemingly forever.

Not so much the boy next door...

But a man who is upright and upright!


When Hu Lai ran towards the corner flag area, all the players who had been standing watching the ball in front of the Chinese team's bench rushed over. The target was the corner flag area that Hu Lai was going to run to!

Zhang Qinghuan also ran out at first, but he quickly realized a problem and turned to look at the court to find Xia Xiaoyu.

After the collision with Sateri, how did Xiaoyu become?

Are there any injuries?

He saw Jiang Wanqing pulling Xia Xiaoyu up from the ground. When he first stood up, his face was still frowning, as if he was in some pain.

But soon he and Jiang Wanqing ran towards Hu Lai. His posture was a bit wrong in the first few steps, but then his running became smoother and smoother.

It seems to be nothing serious.

Zhang Qinghuan glanced at Xia Xiaoyu, but his speed gradually slowed down, and he was thrown away by other teammates on the bench, falling at the back.

He looked at the excited people again. One group on the field and one group off the field. The two groups of people met at the corner flag area. They jumped up and jumped on each other, hugging each other.

It's like two rivers converging and rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

He did not continue to run up, but stopped completely and looked at it from a distance.

His teammates on the bench wanted to go up but had no chance, but he himself was replaced after going up...

He felt like a deserter, unqualified to go up and participate in the celebration.

He admitted that he was scared during the confrontation with Sateri.

When he thought that he had signed a contract with Sarria Club and could go abroad to play in La Liga after the World Cup... he was afraid of getting injured in the World Cup, afraid of being like Xiao Min.

He missed the remaining games of the World Cup due to injury, and also missed the pre-season training of the new team because of injury, so he could not integrate into the team well... As long as he thought about the consequences of these injuries, he did not dare to compete in the game.

If Deli confronts you head-on, you can only hide and walk.

He kept hiding, kept hiding, and finally was replaced by Shi Guidance.

Now he is watching the little brother whom he takes care of both on and off the court... fighting for him during the game.

What qualifications does he have to hug them?


Shi Wuyin didn't notice Zhang Qinghuan's strange behavior. He and Li Zhifei were hugged by Hong Renjie at the same time.

Everyone else on the coaching bench also followed the substitutes and ran towards Hu Lai in the corner kick.

For a moment, the bench was empty except for the three of them.

Hong Renjie laughed loudly: "It's worth it! If you have this game, it means that you didn't come to the World Cup in vain!!"

Before going to the World Cup, there were many voices in the public opinion field about how the Chinese team could perform in the World Cup.

Some people are blindly optimistic, as if the Chinese team has failed if they don't reach the semi-finals.

There are also people who are ignorant and not optimistic, thinking that no one can win the Chinese team in the World Cup and it will only be embarrassing.

More people are neither so foolishly bragging nor foolishly pessimistic, but they also have their own guesses about the Chinese team's performance in the World Cup.

There are 1.4 billion Chinese people and tens of millions of fans. And it is not just the fans who are paying attention to the performance of the Chinese team in this World Cup. There are at least two to three billion people.

Everyone has his or her own point of view, and each point of view will be supported and agreed upon by many people.

The attention of two to three hundred million people falls on every member of the Chinese team. How much pressure is that?

There is a meeting within the Football Association before the game, which is focused on this World Cup.

As the governing body of Chinese football, what goals should be set for the Chinese team during this World Cup trip?

The meeting lasted all day, and the debate lasted all day.

There were divergent opinions and different opinions. In the end, no result was reached.

Finally, the boss made the decision:

Don't set goals.

Since Shi Wuyin intends to keep the fire for Chinese football and train the team so that more young people can feel the atmosphere of the World Cup and accumulate experience, then it is not appropriate to set specific goals.

Because once a specific goal is set, what if the coach's own goal conflicts with the goal set by the Football Association? The head coach will inevitably be forced to abandon the original idea and make adjustments to achieve the goals set by the Football Association.

This goes against the original intention of letting Shi Wuyuan continue to be the head coach of the Chinese team.

So there is no goal set, just let the Chinese team do whatever they want in the World Cup.

Even if they lose all the last three games and fail to score a single goal, it will never be considered a failure for Shi Wuyin and the Chinese team.

Don't put any pressure on the coaching staff and players and let them play freely.

Of course, Hong Renjie knew that this was definitely the boss's true thoughts and was not a high-sounding external propaganda statement. He believed that the boss really supported Shi Wuyin and really wanted to implement the concept of "predecessors planting trees for future generations to enjoy the shade".

But this does not mean that Hong Renjie does not have his own selfish motives:

It's important to train the team and plant trees for future generations. But wouldn't it be better if we could also give some account of our achievements in the process?

What kind of results are considered as explanations?

Hong Renjie doesn’t know either, but he believes that it is definitely not a result of losing all three games and not scoring a single goal.

And now, as the Chinese men's football team makes its first appearance in the World Cup, with these two goals, as the leader of the national team, he can at least explain to the leaders, the fans, and Chinese football...

This explanation is definitely not just because of the two goals, but more importantly, the things that were reflected in the birth of these two goals. Let’s not talk about Hu Lai’s performance. This is his usual normal performance.

After all, the Premier League Golden Boot is the only one. But young players like Xia Xiaoyu, who were temporarily substituted, can still perform like this in the game, which is very surprising and gratifying.

The concept of "predecessors planting trees for future generations to enjoy the shade" advocated by Shi Wuyin is vividly reflected in Xia Xiaoyu...

When more young players like Xia Xiaoyu accumulate experience and confidence in the World Cup, what kind of feedback can they bring to Chinese football?

Hong Renjie is full of expectations for this.


PS, there are two updates today, and one update will start tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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