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Chapter 308 The second group match

 On the training ground, the defenders of the Chinese team are undergoing special training.

Each of them had to face two opponents, and the two opponents held up soft cushions and joined forces to squeeze and collide with them.

The defenders must withstand such a collision and then jump up to clear the high ball passed by the coach.

This is a training program specially developed by the Chinese team for Russia.

Although everyone knows the name of "Ivan the Terrible" and what he is best at, everyone was still deeply shocked when they saw him disrupting the Brazilian defenders in the Brazilian team's penalty area during the live broadcast of the game.

Although the physical condition of the Brazilian team's center backs is not the best, after playing in Europe for a long time, how many of them have poor confrontation ability?

They can't stop "Ivan the Terrible" like this, let alone the defenders of the Chinese team?

Therefore, based on the characteristics of Ivan Romanov, Shi Wuyin came up with this special training method.

I hope that the gap between the two sides can be made up to some extent during the game.

"Wang Guangwei's performance is more outstanding than others." After watching the training for a while, team leader Hong Renjie also saw the clues, and he said to the head coach Shi Wuyuan next to him.

Shi Wuyin was not surprised by this. He explained to Hong Renjie: "I heard Lao Zhao say that after Wang Guangwei came back from that European training camp, he asked the club to give him more physical confrontation training. So his current confrontation ability is better.

Better than it was then.”

"No wonder..." Hong Renjie nodded. "It turns out that I was prepared for it."

On the training ground, Wang Guangwei first collided with the duo of Zhou Zijing and Luo Kai, and then jumped up to fight for the top, catching the football before it flew over his head.

However, because he wasted time and energy in the physical confrontation with Zhou Zijing and Luo Kai, his take-off timing was a little late, and the ball was barely pushed forward and did not reach far.

Even so, he has performed well.

After all, he can still hit the ball. Some people were entangled in the confrontation with their training opponents and missed the best time to take off. They could only watch the football fly past...

If this happened during the game, it would be considered a missed goal.

With a Russian player behind him, he can catch the ball and shoot without being defended.

It's a very dangerous situation.

Wang Guangwei's performance was that although he was reluctant, he was able to push the football before the opponent's players behind him. Although he did not succeed in directly clearing the siege, he was able to interfere with it to some extent, causing the opponent to lose the best opportunity to shoot.

After explaining to Hong Renjie, Shi Wuyin walked onto the training field and blew the whistle: "Let's switch to offensive training!"

Against Russia, we not only have to solve the problem of not conceding goals, but also how to score goals.

Yes, Shi Wuyin does not intend to keep 0:0.

Because playing with your opponent with such a mentality is very likely to result in losing the game.

Shi Wuyin knows that Russia is stronger than Algeria, and he still hopes that the Chinese team will not lose even if they cannot win. So scoring goals is very important. As long as we can score goals, whether it is the space for tactical maneuvering or the mentality of the players, it will

much better.

Houlay scored two goals in the game against Algeria. Although you won’t think he is very good after watching the whole game. Apart from those two goals, his performance at other times was not outstanding, but he was still selected after the game.

Best of the match.

It is impossible for the Russian coaching staff not to arrange someone to mark Hulay. Algeria can do this. Can Russia not do this?

In addition, Russian players have better physical fitness and stronger confrontation ability than Algeria. It will be very difficult for Hulay to score in this game.

Therefore, Shi Wuyin decided to use Hu Lai to contain Russia's defensive forces.

What needs to be practiced in training is that Hu Lai takes away the opponent's defender and creates spaces near the penalty area, and how other Chinese team players use these spaces to threaten the Russian goal.

Hu Lai's popularity is not a good thing for him personally, because he is being stared at. But for other Chinese team players, it is a good thing.

Because Hu Lai shines so brightly, other Chinese team players may not be so eye-catching and haven't been targeted yet.

Especially Luo Kai, who also plays in Europe, but is far inferior to Hu Lai in terms of fame and performance.

Although his performance was not as good as Hulay's and he only played at the end of the season in Veronica, in any case, he also received Eredivisie-level training in Europe and is always better than other players in the Chinese team.

It can even be said that there are only two people in this Chinese team who can play for European teams, one is Hu Lai and the other is Luo Kai.

In the last game against Algeria, Luo Kai's performance was not outstanding and he was more active on the wing. However, due to Zhang Qinghuan's poor performance, Luo Kai was also affected.

But this is unintentional, and Russia's defense against Luo Kai may not be so strict.

Let Hu Lai take away Russia's defense, and then rely on the offensive combination of Luo Kai, Zhang Qinghuan and Chen Xingyi to find opportunities to score.

This is the offensive tactic Shi Wuyin prepared for the Chinese team in the second group match.


In the conference room, the head coach of the Russian team, Alkom Mashaninov, had just watched for his players the highlights of the Chinese team's last game carefully edited by the coaching staff, or "the footage of Hulay in the last World Cup game."


"Through this video, we can see Hu's running habits. In order not to go offside, he will always run laterally first, and then suddenly change forward. So when he is offside, he must be determined and not hesitate.

.Secondly, when following him near the penalty area, you must also be careful of his reverse run... For example, on his first ball, everyone focused on the final shot. But that was just a matter of luck.

It's just a goal. I bet that if he were to take another kick from that position, he would never score!" Mashaninov said in a very determined tone.

"So what's important is not his shot, what's important is his running position before the shot. Look at how he ran? He first took the initiative to face the football and pretended to catch the ball. But in fact at this time he

It was clear that he wouldn't be able to catch the ball when he went up to it. Because of the height of the football, unless he jumped up, he would just stop the football and not pose a threat. Before preparing to catch the ball, Hu had already thought about it.

It is very important to understand what Hu is going to do next. This will help you get rid of the thinking logic of just passively following him to defend during the game. If you don’t understand what he is going to do next, then

It would be like the Algerian centre-back... he would use a fake move to catch the ball and be thrown behind him."

As he said that, Mashaninov played again the movements he made just before Hulay scored the first goal.

As a player who knows the ball's placement very well, could Hu Lai not know that he would not be able to catch the ball if he went up to it?

Of course he knew. But he still ran up to catch the ball.


Of course it was because he wanted to use this move to deceive Mousavi.

And he did succeed.

After all, defensive players basically just run after seeing how the offensive players run, without first thinking about why the opponent is doing this. There is no time for them to think about this issue during the game. It is really a race against time. You are half a second slower.

, the opponent has already gotten rid of you. Therefore, defense is often a subconscious action without any careful thought. And excellent defensive players mean that they have enough experience and high enough talent to help them subconsciously

Make the right move when doing so.

"As long as we can ensure that Hu does not get the opportunity to catch the ball in the air and hit the goal during the game, we can contain his goals. Because his physical confrontation ability is not enough to shake our defenders!"

When Mashaninov spoke, his tone was very firm.

He does have such confidence.

The two main center backs of the Russian national team are Alexandrovich Kuzmin, who is 1.91 meters tall and weighs 88 kilograms, and Victor Pule, who is 1.88 meters tall and weighs 84 kilograms.


The two of them were like a wall in front of Hu Lai.

At this point, Mashaninov looked at the two men: "You will have to work harder than usual in the next game, because you are not just holding your position, but you also have to work hard to keep up with Hu's rhythm."

"No problem, coach, we will do our best!" the older Kuzmin promised the coach on behalf of his partner.

"Very good. Now let's talk about how to break the Chinese team's goal. Obviously, their defenders are not strong enough and look very thin..." The pot-bellied Mashaninov shrugged and said. "So what?

Breaking the Chinese team’s goal? It’s very simple, make full use of our physical advantages! Ivan, treat the Chinese team’s penalty area as your home, do whatever you want, do whatever you want!”

The bear-like Ivan Romanov grinned, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, coach. I will stir them like brains."

Mashaninov grinned when he heard what he said: "Next time, you can use a different way of describing me, Ivan. Although you look like a bear, you are not a bear after all."

"Okay, coach." Romanov grinned and nodded in agreement.


"Yesterday, the entire Chinese team moved from Atlanta to Miami, where they will challenge the second opponent in the group stage, the Russian team. This afternoon, the Chinese team came to the Miami Rock Stadium for training to adapt to the venue. From the training, we can see that

Zhang Qinghuan, who was slightly injured against Algeria, performed positively and is no longer a serious problem... At one o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, Beijing time, the Chinese team will welcome the Russian team here. I hope that the boys of the national football team can compete in this second group match.

Show your style and compete with your level..."

The screen changed and Hu Lai appeared in the camera. He faced the reporter's microphone and said: "Russia is very strong, but we are not weak either. The Chinese team will go all out to fight every opponent, minute by minute!"

Reporter Wang Shanshan smiled softly and said: "In the just-concluded selection of the best goal in the first round of the World Cup, your first goal was selected as the best goal in the first round. Are you very happy now?"

"Of course, of course I'm happy." Hu Lai nodded. "I hope I can continue to score goals... Ah, I know Russia is very strong, but I am also confident that I can score goals when facing them! Their two midfielders

Although the defender is strong, he is not flexible enough..."

The scene of Hu Lai speaking these words to the camera was paused.

The Russian subtitles of the video also stopped at the sentence "Although their two central defenders are strong, they are not flexible enough."

Kuzmin turned to look at Pletnev beside him. The two looked at each other, then looked up at the head coach Mashaninov.

Mashaninov opened his hands to them: "He is deliberately irritating you. I hope you will restrain your temper during the game. There is one more thing I must remind you, that is Hu's playing style...

Controversial, he has a 'record' of cheating for penalty kicks in the penalty area. So you must be extra careful and don't just rely on your body to defend him."

Seeing the seriousness of the coach's words, Kuzmin also replied with a serious expression: "Don't worry, coach. We won't let him cheat us and get a penalty kick. We will definitely not let him score a goal!"


PS, three updates tomorrow! Five updates the day after tomorrow!

PS2, the European Cup has reignited the war. In the knockout stage, I am optimistic that Wales will beat Denmark by one goal.

As for the match between Italy and Austria... is there any suspense? Of course Italy won! And it only started by two goals!

This chapter has been completed!
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