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Chapter 35 Kill me or kill me)

Too big to play?

At this time, Ding Zheng only had this idea in his mind.

It still couldn't figure out why the panda Po made Master Oogway so angry that he even showed the intention to kill him.

You can only be prepared to deal with everything first.

Surprised. Surprised.

But say I'm afraid.

Ding Zheng was not so scared.

Based on Ding Zheng’s understanding of Master Wugui’s strength.

Although it is not confident in defeating the opponent.

But it is not easy for the other party to kill it.

Ding Zheng was tense all over, always ready for Master Oogway to take action.

But Master Oogway just kept staring at Ding Zheng.

Looking into Ding Zheng's eyes, he seemed to want to see something in Ding Zheng's eyes.

Time passes slowly.

Just a few seconds later.

Master Oogway seemed to have noticed something.

The expression that was originally solemn and full of murderous intent relaxed slightly.


The sky that became gloomy suddenly slowly became clear.

There are no more dark clouds.

The thunder also stopped.

The sun has risen again.

"Isn't it going to rain heavily?"

"I'm still thinking about going back to collect clothes."

"How strange."

Kuai Mantis and others in the audience looked at the sky in confusion.

The young master who sent the residents away also looked at the sky with a confused look on his face.

Except for Ding Zheng, no one seems to have noticed the changes in Master Oogway just now.

Master Wugui acted as if nothing had happened, put on a smile again, turned around and ordered the young master: "Take them back, Ding Zheng and I will have a chat alone."

Ding Zheng felt the murderous intention in Master Wugui slowly dissipate.

The defense gradually relaxed a little.

It looked at Master Oogway and narrowed its eyes.

Although the change just now was very fast, it only took a few seconds in total.

But Ding Zheng felt that if a minute passed.

And it concluded that it was not its own illusion.

No matter what the reason.

Master Oogway is definitely hiding something.

"Yes, Master."

The little master heard Master Oogway's instructions.

He glanced at Ding Zheng.

I just thought that Ding Zheng was going to pester Master Wugui for a private chat again.

In the past, Ding Zheng often pestered Master Wugui for private chats.

From politics to business, from kung fu to philosophy.

I almost racked my brains and tried every method.

All I had to do was bring a female turtle over and buy it.

As for Ding Zheng's purpose, the young master has long been aware of it.

I just want to learn the Qi cultivation method from Master Wugui.

However, the young master's view on qi is the same as that of Master Oogway.

This is not something that can be traced at all.

There is no way.

Be careful.

Someone like Ding Zheng, who only wants to take shortcuts, can never truly cultivate his anger.

At the very least, it has never been heard of among the previous Kung Fu masters.

Which Qi can be cultivated step by step?

Wasting time on Master Oogway like Ding Zheng is ultimately useless.

"Let's go to the practice room."

The young master greeted Hei Xiaohu and several other disciples.

Leave slowly from the yard.

What it doesn't know is.

This time, it was not Ding Zheng who wanted to find Master Oogway.

Instead, Master Oogway took the initiative to chat with Ding Zheng privately.

And what prompted all of this.

In the palm of Ding Zheng's hand, there was the little panda Apo crawling here and there, wanting to get down, but looking at the ground with a look of fear on his face and not daring to get down.

"You can come in with me."

Master Oogway returned to his previous calmness, turned around, and said to Ding Zheng with a smile on his face.

Ding Zheng composed himself and held the red panda tightly in his hand.

Followed and walked in.

Thinking about it in my mind.

Ding Zheng can be sure.

The reason why Master Oogway lost his temper just now.

It was because I saw Apo on my hand.

"Judging from Master Oogway's reaction, he should know about Apo. There is even a high probability that he knows that Apo is the Dragon Warrior!"


In Ding Zheng's opinion.

The possibility that Po became the Dragon Warrior just because of an accident is very high.

Just like in the movie.

Master Oogway can only predict part of the future.

So it doesn't know who the Dragon Warrior is.

Just based on predictions of the future.

Know that you have to point your finger in a specific direction at a specific time.

He had no idea who he was about to point to.

Then I happened to spot Apo who fell from the sky.

That's why.

So Master Oogway can predict that Taro will escape.

But there is no way to predict the way to escape.

So the little master asked the bird to go to the cell to inform the guards and ask the guards to take more precautions.

Master Oogway didn't stop him.

Because it cannot predict the reason for Taro's escape.

It was because of this bird that went to report, by chance.

A feather fell from the body.

One coincidence after another added up, finally contributing to Taro's escape.

But now I see Master Oogway’s performance.

It is clear.

That's definitely not an accident.

There is a high probability that Master Oogway has long known that Po is the real Dragon Warrior.

It seems to make perfect sense.

But looking at the current situation.

Master Oogway obviously knows about Po's existence.

It is even possible to know that Po is the Dragon Warrior.


In the movie, it seems that Master Oogway was influenced by fate, like a puppet on a string, and made all this happen.

It is no longer true!

Ding Zheng changed his mind to another idea.

"If Master Oogway had known that Po was the Dragon Warrior."

"Then it's not a coincidence that when choosing Dragon Warrior, it pointed to Apo."

"Instead, it is a deliberately arranged, seemingly coincidental necessity!"

"Maybe the turtle should have heard Apo's voice a long time ago."

"Maybe it saw Apo flying into the air out of the corner of its eye and about to fall."

"So I pointed out the position where Apo would fall before he fell."

"Then this way."

"Taro's escape is no coincidence."

"No matter how much it looks like one coincidence after another, it cannot be arranged manually."

"But in fact, everything was arranged deliberately!"

"Master Oogway clearly knows that Taro cannot escape."

"But specifically tell the little master the news that Taro will return."

"Then use some method that I can't think of at the moment to promote that series of coincidences and let Taro escape from the trap."

"In the end, he was killed by the Dragon Warrior it deliberately selected..."

"But how did Master Oogway arrange it so that the young master would send a bird to report, and the bird would just drop a feather and unlock Taro's trap?"

"Or are these really just coincidences?"

"Master Oogway originally had plans, but he didn't use them?"


A muffled sound interrupted Ding Zheng's thoughts.

They have just entered the Emerald Palace.

The door will close automatically.

It's like a mechanism is installed.

Master Oogway obviously didn't want to wait any longer.

It jumped directly to the pool at the end of the Jade Palace, turned around, looked at Ding Zheng, and said, "Can you tell me why you brought it up?"

Just as Ding Zheng was about to start, Master Oogway shook his head and immediately interrupted: "Don't talk about martial arts wizards. I know that you must know something, but I also know that you don't know much."

"You just need to tell me how much you know and how you know it."

"Also, it doesn't matter where you are from."

Although I don't know exactly what happened.

But it was obvious that Master Oogway regarded him as someone who knew some facts.

And, the meaning of these words.

It seems like there is going to be a showdown with Ding Zheng!

Master Oogway at this time.

He doesn't look as kind and gentle as before.

Instead, he looked like a wolf that was gradually taking off its disguise and revealing its fangs.

Ding Zheng couldn't help but become nervous.

But the biggest problem facing Ding Zheng now is.

It has no idea what secrets Master Oogway hides.

It is impossible to determine who Master Oogway takes it to be!

I am even more unsure of what I should say and what I should not say.

Ding Zheng thought.

But I couldn't think of a reason for it for quite a while.



Ding Zheng raised his hand and knocked on his head.

Take a deep breath.

"MD, my head hurts thinking about it."

Ding Zheng closed his eyes.

Calm down the gradually increasing heartbeat.

When he opened his eyes again, the expression on his face had changed.

No more solemnity.

Nor is he meditating.

Instead, he looked impatient.

He almost had the words "I don't have to use my brain" written on his face.

"I said Master."

Ding Zheng grinned with an insincere fake smile on his face: "Before you ask me what I know, shouldn't you tell me what you know first?"

"I thought you didn't know anything."

"Disciple, it's really hard to be deceived by you."

Ding Zheng said.

His eyes gradually condensed and were filled with anger.

Red bloodshot eyes gradually crawled up.

Ding Zheng was not out of control emotionally.

The reason why it is so.

It's because I figured something out.

Although it still doesn't know anything now.

But it didn’t lose out!

No matter why Master Oogway is so angry.

He even wanted to kill Ding Zheng.

But in the end he didn't take action.

The reason why Master Oogway didn't take action.

Nothing more than two points.

Or, they are afraid of Ding Zheng's strength.

Or, he was afraid of the panda Abo who was caught by Ding Zheng.

And at this time.

Ding Zheng is in his prime.

The red panda Po is also still in his hands.

Why should it be afraid?

It really can’t figure out the reason for its fear!

I have been staying in the Jade Palace for almost two years.

After doing so many things, I need a way to practice anger every day.

If you want to kill me, you can kill me.

Killed long ago.

Still have to wait until now?

Wait until I got hold of the protagonist before I had to take action?

Ding Zheng doesn’t believe this evil!

On the contrary, I thought you didn't know anything and I was played by you for two years.

Are you still pretending to threaten me?

Ding Zheng was so angry that his eyes gradually turned red.

The look in Master Oogway's eyes showed naked aggression.

It’s like if you don’t get along, you will immediately turn against them and take action.

"I really thought you didn't know anything."

"I have been fooled by you like a fool for two years. I am stupid and I am convinced."

"But, starting from today!"

Ding Zheng stretched out his finger and touched the ground.

It's loud and clear.

"I won't accompany you anymore!"

"I put my words here!"

"Or beat me to death!"

"Either sell me with enough benefits, you know what I want from the beginning."

"You want to scare me by being mysterious?"

"Sorry, I'm really not afraid!"

"If you don't believe it, come and try it."

The words just fell.

Master Oogway's beard and hair are spread out.

In the Emerald Palace.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly condensed.

Full of gunpowder smell.

It seems like just a little spark is needed.

It will explode directly!

This chapter has been completed!
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