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Chapter 24 Like a magician~~~)

In the New York command room, after the commander-in-chief of the US military had a phone call with current US President George W. Bush, he immediately began to arrange the next steps.

The people were evacuated, defense lines were set up, and preparations were made for the final victory.


Naturally, it is impossible not to plan for failure.

Although with the military power of the United States, there are really only a few people on earth who can defeat them.

But the U.S. government is not so arrogant that it does not even think about losing.

And facing Isla Nublar and Ding Zheng.

Their preparation for defeat was to directly bomb Isla Nublar with nuclear bombs.

As long as Ding Zheng doesn't want Isla Nublar to be damaged.

I dare not do anything to the United States!

Of course, it is the biggest demand of the U.S. government today.

It is better to try to talk to Ding Zhenghe.

Nuclear bombs and the land destroyed by nuclear bombs cost money, this is one of them.

The second and most important point is.

That is, witnessing Ding Zheng's triple form transformation, each one more powerful than the last, and the scene of freely coming and going in the sea at extremely fast speeds.

At this time, the United States also had some doubts about whether a nuclear bomb could kill Ding Zheng.

And this suspicion is not groundless, or the United States is scaring itself.

But it is well-founded!

The U.S. government and imperial organizations were well aware of the emergence of the Death Swarm and Godzilla during World War II.

At the same time, we also know the reason why so many nuclear explosion experiments were conducted at sea at that time.

It was all about killing those two titan beasts.

But at that time, Godzilla was not found dead.

In addition, in 1999, the Imperial Organization discovered two Titan eggs, and discovered that these two eggs actually needed nuclear material to grow.

And this shows that Titans, at least one of them, or several Titans, are not afraid of nuclear matter.

Maybe the nuclear bomb explosion only gave the opponent a boost of energy?

According to the clues and information provided by the Imperial Organization, such a possibility is not impossible.

What if Ding Zheng happens to be a Titan who is not afraid of nuclear materials?

Everything is uncertain.

Especially after Ding Zheng transformed three times and showed almost invincible strength.

The United States no longer has much confidence in defeating Ding Zheng.

You definitely can't beat him.

It is possible to kill the fish and break the net.

But it is also possible for the fish to escape.

So right now,

Of course, the only option is peace talks.

"Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick!" Seeing that everyone in the command room was still a little confused and obviously had not recovered from the shocking battle just now, the commander-in-chief immediately began to urge.

At this time, everyone in the command room began to take action.

Nick Fury, who was next to him, was also frowning at this time. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Should I call the agents from Isla Nublar back now?"

The commander-in-chief glared immediately after hearing this: "What are you waiting for? How can we negotiate if we don't call you back? Don't think about Isla Nublar's technology now. Whether we can protect our interests is a matter of two opinions!"

"Damn gorilla!"

As he said that, the commander-in-chief cursed again.

This war was lost, and it was lost so cleanly, and a large number of extremely expensive mechas were lost.

Even if the losses stop here, life for the US military will not be easy in the future.

Military spending will definitely be reduced a lot.

His personal position and even his life may be at risk.

Someone has to pay the price for losing this battle.

"Commander, the orangutan has returned to the aircraft carrier and started destroying the aircraft carrier."

Suddenly, someone in the control room pointed at the picture on the screen and screamed loudly.

Although they cut off the live broadcast signal, the internal signal will naturally not be cut off, and everything at sea can still be seen.

The commander-in-chief looked over immediately after hearing this.

His eyes suddenly froze.

In the picture, Ding Zheng just punched the aircraft carrier and a small piece collapsed.

In order to be able to dismantle it faster, it even turns on the zombie form, and every movement can cause huge damage.

In just a moment, one of the aircraft carriers began to slowly sink into the water.

Ding Zheng immediately jumped onto the second boat.

The commander-in-chief immediately took the microphone and shouted: "Mr. Ding Zheng, I think we can calm down and have a good talk."

Ding Zheng searched for the voice and found the location where the commander-in-chief's voice came from, and kicked him there. 2018

"Talk about nm!"


Hearing the voice coming from the stereo, the commander-in-chief threw the microphone away angrily.

"Damn damn damn!"

The crazy curses silenced the entire command room.

At this time, Nick Fury had already ran outside and began to contact the special agent team that had arrived on Isla Nublar.

"Listen, no matter what the situation is now, don't let the incident continue to worsen, just come back! Remember, don't take anything away from Isla Nublar."

"That's great, we're just thinking about coming back." The dry voice of the team leader came from the other end of the phone.

"What's going on now?" Nick Fury sensed something was wrong.

"The people on this island are all crazy!"

The team leader explained with lingering fear...

Time goes back to before.

When the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent team made a long way around Ding Zheng and finally arrived at Isla Nublar, they thought that the next day would be the day of harvest.

After all, they have weapons on them and can completely restrain the soldiers on the island.

The last action between Black Widow and Nathan has proven the strength of the weapon.

They only need to worry about Bruce, who looks ordinary, but who knows he can shoot invisible sword energy with his fingers.

But what these agents never expected was...

Isla Nublar has long thought of ways to deal with their weapons.

That is the internal force plus Tao method!

Everyone in Hoshimura practices the "Dragon and Elephant Prajna Kung Fu", and the accumulation of internal strength has already been extremely impressive.

They are just used to fighting in close quarters and practicing hard skills.

But this does not mean that they cannot use internal power to attack remotely.

When they learned that SHIELD had weapons specifically designed to deal with them, the Hoshimura warriors on Isla Nublar immediately began to change their attack methods.

There are countless secret books brought by Ding Zheng, and there is also the guidance of Bruce, an old guy who has been immersed in the Six Meridians Divine Sword, Flame Knife and other martial arts for nearly a hundred years.

It only took the surviving warriors of Isla Nublar a few months to master several fully adequate long-range internal attack methods.

Moreover, Bruce also gave each of them a lightning protection charm!

This lightning protection talisman was made from Maoshan Taoism, which made zombies and ghosts, or did something against the will of heaven, to ward off lightning disasters.

The lightning protection effect is excellent.

However, since the heaven was closed, the thunder tribulation naturally disappeared.

Lightning protection has lost its effectiveness since then.

Bruce also studied for a long time before finally successfully drawing it.

I immediately collected materials and drew a lot of them.

Each person puts one on his body, and when one is finished, he uses another.

There is no greater wealth than this.

So, when the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent team met the angry Hoshimura people on Isla Nublar.

Such a scene occurred.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team just shoots with their guns.

Xingyi and others blocked the vital parts and charged without fear, allowing the bullets to hit their bodies without even leaving any injuries.

After the agents finished firing a round of bullets, Xingyi and others immediately began to fight back.

The Six Meridians Divine Sword and the Flame Knife are released without mercy.

It's like a magician releasing magic.

The agents were stunned at the time.

How come these people can learn this kind of thing faster than they can practice shooting?

Although the long-range internal power attacks of Xingyi and others are still a little weak.

But Bruce was holding the line from behind, completely beating the agents so hard that they couldn't hold their heads up.

The agents quickly found a small place that was not suitable for long-range attacks.

Take out the weapon that easily defeated Xing Yi last time.

Waiting for the people of Xingcun to fall into the trap.

Although the effect of the lightning protection talisman has been verified on thunderstorm days.

However, in order to avoid accidents, Xingyi and others still acted in batches.

Led by the Xingyi and Liu brothers who wanted to be rewarded the most, a group of people immediately chased after them.

Watching Xingyi and others rush forward.

The agents immediately targeted several people with weapons specially prepared for the people of Xingcun.

Pull the trigger!

Suddenly, violent electric current spurted out from the muzzle of the gun!

But at this time.

On Xingyi and others, a yellow talisman suddenly glowed!

This chapter has been completed!
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