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Chapter 32 I'm about to sign a contract!)

one year later.

The underground layer of Isla Nublar.

Ding Zheng exhaled slowly in his room.

Open your eyes.

After another year of practice.

The dragon scales on Ding Zheng's body have moved up from the bottom of his neck, and gradually continue to grow along his neck.

A dragon scale necklace has now been formed on the neck, but the back of the neck has not been condensed yet.

Once this "dragon scale necklace" goes around Ding Zheng's entire neck.

It has also become the second level of Dragon Armor Skill.

Has the innate ability to spit out energy!

Ding Zheng stood up. His body looked much smaller than before, with only a length of more than eight meters left.

The condensation of dragon scales greatly reduced its height and size

When it reaches the highest level of dragon armor cultivation, it can even become the size of a bug.

Coupled with the amazing defense of dragon scales filled with the energy of its body.

In terms of vitality, he is definitely far superior to the invincible Xiaoqiang.

However, once the shackles of the Dragon Armor Technique are released, Ding Zheng can immediately return to his original appearance.

Bigger and stronger!

After a year of practice, the Ksitigarbha relics exchanged previously have become half the size.

Moreover, the energy in the external meridians is also assimilating the relic energy.

Therefore, it is natural that the Overlord Body cannot be cultivated.

Ding Zheng can only practice Dragon Armor every day, and then help Isla Nublar recuperate.

Of course, the most important thing is to always search for the whereabouts of Black Widow, Nick Fury and others!

a year ago.

Ding Zheng was satisfied and put the nuclear bomb on Starscream and returned home with a full load.

For humans, Ding Zheng is certainly scary, but after all, it is not as scary as a nuclear bomb.

After all, no matter how strong Ding Zheng is, killing people still has to be punched one after another?

But nuclear weapons are different.

That is something that can kill millions of people in an instant.

As long as there is this thing and Iron Man no longer holds back, then the United States should not have the courage to bother with Isla Nublar anymore.

In this regard, Ding Zheng can only say that its ability to attack in groups and abuse vegetables is holding it back.

If it has the ability to look powerful and kill a large area instantly.

Even if it is weaker than Godzilla's breath, it is still able to intimidate humans.

But unfortunately it didn't.

"I hope you can give me a surprise after completing the second level of Dragon Armor Technique."

Ding Zheng thought to himself.

Who doesn't want to spray water? Of course, it can also spray fire, thunder, or poison.

This will greatly make up for Ding Zheng's shortcomings of only having physical attack methods.

However, Ding Zheng certainly cannot keep Isla Nublar and himself in a passive position.

It will eliminate organizations like the United States from the earth as soon as possible, which have evil intentions for itself and are also threatening.

Except for nuclear bombs, of course.

Ding Zheng also took almost all the revenge he deserved.

Those people who deserved to die were written by the president, and Ding Zheng naturally couldn't let them go.

Killed a lot of them.

For example, the commander-in-chief of the US military, as well as some officials and people in the military region who had personally participated in the Isla Nublar incident.

But there are also some people who started to hide as early as the live broadcast, and then they were never found at all.

For example, Black Widow, who left the United States long ago to perform a mission and lost contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. after the incident.

Another example is Nick Fury, a person who no longer has his family or care, and is still in a high position. He can barely be considered a man with a bright eye and hands in the United States.

If they want to escape and hide their identities, they must be more proficient than Banner.

Ding Zheng really didn't have any good way to stop it.

I can only search slowly.

Moreover, Nick Fury is not as simple as he appears.

Based on the information Ding Zheng collected in his previous life movies.

Nick Fury also has a relationship with an alien called the Skrulls, who can change their body shape at will and become exactly like anyone.

Coupled with its impeccable agent capabilities and anti-investigation methods.

It would undoubtedly be more difficult for Ding Zheng to find it.

However, Ding Zheng didn't actually want to find Nick Fury, he just wanted him to lose his identity as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

There is no way to cause trouble for it openly.

After all, Ding Zheng knew very well that this mother-in-law Frankman had something in his hands that could bring Captain Marvel back from the universe.

Facing an existence that could completely destroy Thanos' space battleship with one strike, Ding Zheng was still a little scared.

But Ding Zheng must find the Black Widow no matter what.

It opened the door to the room and walked out slowly.

On the ground floor, the digging team is still busy.

Although the last war didn't really start, the United States still bombarded Isla Nublar with a missile.

Moreover, in order to have a deterrent effect.

It uses the Jericho missile newly developed by Tony Stark.

Not only the surface layer of the earth was destroyed a lot, but also the underground layer was affected.

If it weren't for the sacred tree playing a role.

I'm afraid it will be more serious.

Fortunately, the Digger team is quite good at construction.

After coming from Skull Island, it only took two and a half months to complete the surface repairs.

Currently, the underground floor is being renovated.

Ding Zheng patted the team leader's shoulder and was very optimistic about these Decepticons.

"I heard that they built some good things on Skull Island. I'll go back and take a look when I have time."

Ding Zheng thought to himself.

Long time no see.

It does seem a little bit like King Kong.

Leaving the underground floor, Ding Zheng came to the surface openly.

Another big benefit after the last war is that many things on Isla Nublar no longer need to be covered up.

It walked on the surface and looked at the peaceful scene on the island, and was quite satisfied.

Isla Nublar has completely lost its former prosperity.

Even if the live broadcast rectifies the name of Isla Nublar.

But the island's tourism industry is still almost at a standstill.

Every few days, a tour group might come, and they were very nervous.

After all, everyone knows that there is a powerful orangutan living on this island.

Fortunately, Isla Nublar no longer needs so many tourists as a shield.

There are enough nuclear bombs and Ding Zheng.

No matter which country or force it is on earth, if it wants to move to Isla Nublar, it must think carefully.


Because of American compensation.

There is no shortage of food or money on Isla Nublar now.

There is even no shortage of materials and instruments for conducting experiments.

Just stay on the island and do research.

It's like the United States paying for scientific research on Isla Nublar.

All the research results are my own.

Is there anything more exciting than this?

Of course, after the last war.

Isla Nublar will move most of the things to the underground level in the future.

The sacred tree showed amazing resilience in the last war.

Ding Zheng plans to build a dungeon under Isla Nublar relying on the sacred tree.

In this way, no matter what Isla Nublar does, no one else will know.

Moreover, with the protection of the ground and sacred trees, the underground city is safer.

It can also more conveniently travel through the Decepticon submarine in the deep sea.

Now the Digging Tigers team is busy with this matter!

Before the dungeon is established.

Ding Zheng has no intention of taking the orangutans or the people of Hoshimura to Isla Nublar anymore.

It is enough to keep the research team of Longxiang Gene Company and the research on dinosaurs as a cover-up.

Although Ding Zheng's height has shrunk to more than eight meters.

But it's still a huge thing.

Like Bruce's office, it had no way to get in. It could only stand outside, let go of the restrictions of the Dragon Armor Skill, grow a few meters taller, and then reach out and knock on the window on the fifth floor.

Bruce opened the window immediately, and BBK also jumped from inside to the window.

"Have Black Widow and Hulk been found?"

Ding Zheng asked.

Previously, Banner disappeared directly after watching Ding Zheng's live broadcast, and has been missing ever since.

Ding Zheng wanted to absorb Banner to Isla Nublar.

At the same time, this is also the reason why it must find the black widow.

in its image.

Only Black Widow can calm the completely transformed Hulk.

Black Widow's life and death depended entirely on Ding Zheng's thoughts, and she had absolutely no ability to resist.

Ding Zheng was not in a hurry and planned to drain the black widow dry before killing her.

"Black Widow doesn't know, she's very good at hiding, but it's certain that Banner is in Brazil. However, the place where he last appeared has been deserted."

"Wait! Hulk shows up!"

Suddenly, a young staff member not far away said.

It pointed to a video on the computer.

I saw a video playing on the screen.

The Hulk, who is more than five meters tall, is fighting a fierce battle with the hated Blonsky.

Yes, a year ago in Washington, Ding Zheng thought he had killed Blonsky, but who knew that the other party just faked his death and waited for Ding Zheng to leave for several months before appearing for the second time and killing an American enemy in the Middle East?

The army was officially annihilated.

Ding Zheng didn't feel too surprised.

It knows that Hulk's recovery ability is very strong, and Abomination will certainly not be weak either.

However, Ding Zheng never expected that the other party could pretend to be dead to get through.

Ding Zheng stretched out his hand so that Bubugao could jump into his ear, and he planned to go directly there.

The Hulk has appeared several times before, but only for a very short time.

Even with Starscream's speed, Ding Zheng would often miss him when he rushed over.

And when you look for it locally, you often find nothing.

It seems that Banner's counter-detection level has suddenly improved qualitatively.

Ding Zheng was very helpless, but there was really nothing he could do.

This time, with Hatred Blonsky involved, Hulk may not be able to return to normal so easily.

It should be too late if it drives Starscream over again.

But obviously, the United States has never given up on Hulk.

Ding Zheng must seize the time.

"You did a good job, young man." Ding Zheng praised the other party, but then he was a little confused, "How come I haven't seen you before?"

"Liu Xing...are you...from Daxia?"

Ding Zheng looked at the other person's name badge and asked in surprise.

Because it suddenly discovered that the other party was actually a yellow race.

The research teams of Skull Island and Longxiang Gene Company are not like this.

The young man named Liu Xing nodded and said: "Yes, I am from Daxia. I... admire you very much, so I came to work on Isla Nublar!"

"Are we still talking to recruiters?" Ding Zheng looked at Bruce next to him.

Bruce shook his head helplessly and smiled: "He came here for a trip. He came alone. After staying for a few days, he asked if he could stay here and work. All he needed was food and accommodation."

"We have nothing to hide, and we are really short of manpower to do odd jobs. People in Xingcun can't do this, so we let it try."

"It doesn't matter whether I make money or not, the main thing is to experience a different life." Liu Xing next to him answered with a smile.

He's an interesting young man.

I was able to go to Isla Nublar at this time and stay and work for a long time.

But it takes courage.

You know, the war between Isla Nublar and the United States has only ended a year ago.

Who is not worried that one day American nuclear bombs will fall from the sky?

Ding Zheng couldn't help but look at the other party: "Then don't worry, I welcome you on behalf of Isla Nublar!"

"Thank you, Great Sage... uh, thank you, the Ape God!" Liu Xing blurted out two words, revealing the true nature of the second one.

Fortunately, it was corrected in time.

As for the word "gorilla god", it was taught to it by people from Xingcun.

Ding Zheng nodded and left.

However, at this moment, Liu Xing suddenly said: "Well, Ape God, I have a few brothers, they may also want to come over, I don't know... is that okay?"

Ding Zheng frowned.

It's not that it's afraid, but if these people really have any bad ideas, they will inevitably get into trouble, and it hates trouble the most.

However, the situation on the Hulk's side was urgent now, and he didn't have time to ask any more questions. He only left one sentence: "We'll talk about it when I get back."

Then he took BBK and left the office building.

"Send Starscream the address."

Ding Zheng said to Bubugao.

Wait until Ding Zheng leaves.

Liu Xing in the office still looked excited.

This was the first time he saw Ding Zheng after a month of staying on Isla Nublar.

"Mr. Bruce, what do you think of the image of the Ape God on me?" Liu Xing asked Bruce quickly.

Bruce smiled and nodded: "It should be very good. Don't worry, the Ape God is very generous. I think your friends will also be accepted."

Bruce is not so suspicious of outsiders.

After all, when he took control of Isla Nublar, many scenic area staff were outsiders.

At that time, Isla Nublar still had to hide its own secrets, and Bruce was able to manage these people in an orderly manner, with almost no problems.

This is enough to prove that Bruce has the ability in this area.

As for the Liu Xing in front of me, although his time was too short, there was nothing amazing about his ability.

But in terms of character, Bruce is quite optimistic.

And he can also speak Chinese.

They speak the same language as everyone on the island.

You know, people like Xingyi don’t have a good command of English at all.

Most people in Xingcun don't like to learn English.

Of course, the more important thing is.

When this young man came over, he actually brought dozens of books from a website in Daxia called "".

How to describe it, it is much better than what Ding Zheng brought back in the Republic of China!

After watching it for a while.

said an intoxicated Bruce.

It doesn’t matter whether I am happy or not, the main thing is that I want to have a deeper appreciation of Daxia culture.

Liu Xing became even more excited after receiving Bruce's guidance.

I sat down directly in front of the computer and took some time to open one of the most popular forums in Daxia. Under a post titled "My Years on Isla Nublar", I started to update it.

After the update is completed, the author area is opened again.

Among them lies a book called "My Years on Isla Nublar". Although it only has 30,000 words, the content is as fluent as a diary.

But there are also more than 3,000 collections.

At that time, it was already a pretty good result.

"Today is the thirty-first day since I came to Isla Nublar. I have good news to tell my brothers. I finally met the Great Sage!"

What followed was a long speech.

The Great Sage is Ding Zheng’s nickname in Daxia.

Not long after the latest chapter was released, there were comments and questions from readers.

Naturally, there are many doubts about the authenticity of Liu Xing's record.

After Liu Xing replied one by one, he felt a little melancholy: "It would be great if I could record a video. Then no one would doubt whether what I said is true or false."

"Unfortunately, I was so excited and scared just now that I didn't dare to take out my phone to take pictures!"

Just when Liu Xing was melancholy.

Suddenly, he received a message in the author's backend.

When I clicked on it, I was suddenly pleasantly surprised: "I'm going to sign a contract!"

This chapter has been completed!
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