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Chapter 49: Desperate Virus~~~)

New York Presidential Palace.

The clock on the wall has reached two o'clock in the morning.

Ever since Ding Zheng easily defeated the Hateful Commandos in California.

He took Bucky and others away in a high-profile manner, and only gave the United States three days to pay off all debts.

Kern has been in meetings all day.

After holding several meetings and arranging most things, I was able to go back to the room and take a rest.

For the first time, he felt that being a wartime president was so exhausting.

Although too much data has explained all this, it was only after it happened that we finally realized it deeply.

Moreover, the troublesome thing is not just repaying all the debts owed to Isla Nublar.

After all, this was the worst outcome that Kern had planned for a long time.

What really made him helpless was...

this afternoon.

Ding Zheng just left.

Kern drank another cup of coffee.

He was still not convinced.

Suffered such a big blow today.

Not only did it not demoralize Kern, it actually made him more motivated!

"I must take revenge and let that damn orangutan see God. No! Damn things like it should go to hell!"

Kern's eyes were ruthless: "I will definitely take revenge!"

After taking office as president, everything Kern did has won him huge attention and reputation.

The U.S. economy, which is in crisis, is slowly beginning to improve.

It can be said that it was smooth sailing without any setbacks.

It was precisely because of this that Kern became so arrogant that he felt that he had no tricks and could do anything, so he immediately prepared to deal with Ding Zheng.

It just so happened that at this time, Project Abomination made new progress.

Although progress on Iron Man Tony Stark's side is very slow.

But the already swollen Kern was no longer willing to endure it any longer.

A press conference was held immediately.

Then he arranged a plan for Ding Zheng.

Of course, in order to prevent further losses, he did not let the mechas who were known to be unable to defeat Ding Zheng take the field.

Naturally, he was easily slapped in the face by Ding Zheng.

And he was beaten again and again.

The United States also suffered huge losses as a result.

Although the people are not aware of the hate plan.

But the supplies and wealth that will be delivered to Isla Nublar three days later were collected from all American people.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the rapidly recovering U.S. economy.

One can imagine the pressure Kern has to face.


Kern let out a long breath, then turned on the computer and started browsing the posts and hot searches on the Internet.

He really likes to express opinions online.

At the same time, he often reads online comments, which he believes helps him understand public opinion.

Enter the world of young people.

Of course, that's what it says.

In fact, there is a more important reason, which is that Kern likes to see his supporters on the Internet, praising him and praising him.

Kern, who was originally the largest Internet celebrity capitalist in the United States, still has difficulty changing his habit of liking attention and being able to keep a low profile even after becoming president.

And his status as president has indeed brought him more attention than before.

Open Twitter.

Looking at the astonishing number of interactions on the account, Kern couldn't help but laugh, and then he directly clicked on the hot search.

Immediately, the top most searched item came into his eyes.

"Question the President! You could have done otherwise!"

The smile on Kern's face froze immediately, and he quickly clicked in with his finger.

The contents inside made him pale!

"Ask President Kern, why do you suddenly do such unnecessary things? We are used to what we owe to Isla Nublar, and experts have calculated it, but it affects our economic recovery, can't we just pay it back slowly?

?Wouldn’t it be better to develop yourself vigorously while paying back the debt, and wait until you are absolutely sure to take back what you deserve?”

"It has to be like this. I want to ask the president, where do you get the confidence? Should we bear the consequences? Our taxes are already heavy enough, and I don't want to find out that the government continues to take money from the people.


"The president should be solely responsible for this matter, we..."

Kern didn't finish reading the tweet.

Just push it out and look at the next hot search, hoping to see what you want to see.

But immediately afterwards, the second hot search was "Iron Man Tony Stark left the United States and appeared on Isla Nublar"

Kern naturally knew the news, because he almost single-handedly caused it.

Kern couldn't help but feel a little more angry in his eyes.

Compared to Ding Zheng's failure, what happened this afternoon was even more unbearable for Kern.

Because I have been negotiating with Tony Stark, hoping to use various methods to obtain the other party's technology.

Even if you pay a high price.

But Tony Stark had no intention of agreeing and even refused to talk.

So this afternoon.

Kern directly court-martialed Tony Stark.

And he had already thought that the other party might refuse, so he arranged for Bronski to ambush him, hoping to use force to force Tony Stark to submit.

In court, Kern argued hard, saying that Tony Stark was an American, and his family was what they are today because of selling arms in the United States. Now that the United States is in trouble, it doesn't help, and he is simply not worthy of being an American.

But Tony Stark is also insufferable.

Instead, he mocked Kern in front of everyone.

Seeing that the talks had collapsed, Kern stopped hiding and called out Bronski directly.

But Kern didn't expect that.

Tony Stark is already prepared!

He has actually developed an armor that can be controlled remotely and passed the security check.

And looked at Bronski rushing in from behind the door.

Tony Stark directly used the device to summon two armors from a distance.

One is worn on the body and is covered in black gold. It looks very similar to Ding Zheng. It has strong defensive power. At the same time, in order to be able to fly quickly, many weapons have been removed, so the offensive power is insufficient.

The other body was completely silver-white, not even painted, and was left empty in the courtroom.

"There is a bomb inside. As long as it explodes, everyone here will not survive." Tony Stark aimed the weapons in his hands at Blonsky and Kern respectively.

"Except me, of course." He added at last.

Facing the dead Tony Stark.

No matter how unwilling Kern was, he could only watch the other party leave.

At the same time, in the evening, it heard the news that Tony Stark appeared on Isla Nublar.

He scolded Tony Stark at the meeting, but he never thought that as president, he had no respect for him at all.

Tony cannot easily defend his core interests.

Moreover, as the richest man in the United States, he really did not take Kern seriously as the new president.

You know, the current reserves of the US military's weapons arsenal.

A large part of it is still produced by the Stark Group.

As the son of a hero who contributed to the rise of the United States, Tony Stark doesn't want to suffer at all.

Moreover, he knew very well that Kern's purpose in obtaining the reactor was to start a war.

And he shut down his family's arms sales business just to stop the war.

Nowadays, it is naturally impossible to personally cause war to happen.

"Damn Tony Stark."

Kern gritted his teeth and clicked on the hot search.

no doubt.

It was full of curse words for him.

Said that he forced away the richest and most talented people in the United States.

Not worthy of being president, no brains, etc.


It can be said that as much as people respected Kern before, they scold him now.

Kern flipped through them one by one.

There is almost no good word to say.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Kern scolded as he turned over his words, his whole face turning red with anger.


There was a bang.

He closed the computer so hard that even the screen was shattered.

"Ape, Tony Stark, I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!!!"

the next day.

Isla Nublar.

Seeing the images of Bowser sent from Skull Island, as well as all the experimental data that could be produced, Banner and Tony frowned together in wonder.

Banner has been confirmed to join Isla Nublar.

Tony Stark also agreed to stay for a long time, and said that at least until President Kern leaves office, he will stay here most of the time.

Moreover, Tony Stark also agreed to help Isla Nublar build a nuclear bomb interception system.

Therefore, Ding Zheng did not deliberately hide anything and let the two of them analyze it together.

Although Tony's major is not biology.

But he is also a genius, so if he happens to be able to figure it out, it would be an unexpected surprise.

Banner was immersed in the magical realm of the T-virus and couldn't extricate himself.

Tony only glanced at the video a few times, and then looked away.

Just when Ding Zheng thought it was Tony who thought there was nothing he could do.

The other party suddenly said: "This symptom reminds me of something I have seen before, which is also a virus...it has extremely strong healing properties...what is it called...I may have drunk a little too much at the time, so I can't remember it well."


Ding Zheng's attention was immediately attracted.

Tony patted his forehead while walking, trying to remember.

"Hiss...what is it called...Jedi virus? No, no, no...Earth virus? No, no, no...Global virus?"

"Extremis virus?" This entry suddenly appeared in Ding Zheng's mind, then he blurted it out and read it directly.

Tony Stark, who was next to him, immediately raised his head, looked at Ding Zheng, blinked, and then became delighted: "Yes, yes, yes, it's called the Extremis Virus!"

"But how did you know?" Tony was obviously curious about why Ding Zheng knew this.

"You said all the words. I just pieced it together casually. I didn't expect it to be right." Ding Zheng said perfunctorily with a smile. Of course, he couldn't say that he saw it from the movie.

Then, Ding Zheng's thoughts suddenly went to the "Iron Man" movie he had watched before.

If he remembered correctly, this terminal virus should have been presented as a villain's method in the movie "Iron Man 3".

However, the first appearance of the Extremis virus dates back to before Tony became Iron Man!

This chapter has been completed!
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