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Chapter 57: Peter Parker and the Cult of the Apes~~~)

One thing Peter Parker remembers most clearly.

It was the night when I was three years old, about to turn four, when my parents took me to my uncle Ben's house.

Because since that day, his parents have never appeared again.

It seems that he has forgotten this child.

Peter Parker, who has just turned eight years old, cannot use his naive little mind to think that his parents may have lost their lives and therefore never appeared.

All he knew was that he had been abandoned.

So I have always felt insecure.

I never dare to offend others, and I am often bullied by others in school.

And he never dared to resist, he just resigned himself to it, because he knew that resisting would usually bring more bullying and torture.

Peter Parker is a very smart kid who knows how to survive in the school environment.


When Ding Zheng looked at Peter Parker, who still had a childish face and was no bigger than his hand.

Suddenly I felt a little headache.

He realized that he had thought of things too simply.

At this age, Peter Parker shouldn't get Spider-Man's powers right away.

Otherwise, he may never grow up.

What Ding Zheng needs is a warrior with good character, trustworthy, strong and determined.

Rather than a child who has great power but never grows up.

So Ding Zheng thought for a while and decided to completely pull Peter Parker into his camp first, and wait until the other party's mind was cultivated to a sound state.

Then give Spider-Man's power to the other party.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Peter Parker only gained his powers when he was fourteen years old.

And now, he is only eight years old, still six full years away from turning fourteen.

Originally, Ding Zheng thought that six years would not be much different.

But it does have some misunderstandings about the concepts of age and time because it was reborn as an orangutan.

Eight-year-old Peter Parker is really too young!

It was so small that even Ding Zheng thought it was too much!

"However, what should be cultivated must be cultivated."

"Although there is no way to make him become Spider-Man now, I can still let him form a healthier view and thoughts about me and Isla Nublar from now on."

Ding Zheng moved Peter Parker in the goggle surveillance video to Tony Stark next to him, and said: "This task will be left to you. Of course, you only need to spend some money and hire some trustworthy people. If

If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time.”

Tony Stark looked at little Peter in the video with a look of helplessness on his face: "I really don't understand now why you attach so much importance to this child."

Ding Zheng smiled and told about Peter Parker's father.

But after hearing this, Tony Stark was even more shocked: "How did you know? And you know it so clearly? Didn't Osborn say that this happened four years ago?"

"Of course you have never appeared on Earth."

Ding Zheng smiled and said casually: "Because I understand a kind of metaphysical power and can calculate it. If you want to learn it, I can ask Bruce to teach you."

Tony Stark's eyes widened immediately: "Can I learn?"

Ding Zheng looked at the other party's excited expression and complained in his mind. Could it be that the unknown is so attractive to every scientist?

"Of course, but this thing is very difficult to learn, and it is completely derived from the East. If you want to learn it, you must first learn Chinese and Chinese to the point where you can understand ancient oriental texts."

"Uh...I can translate."

"If something like this is wrong, it can make a difference. Once there is even a small problem in translation, it may cause serious consequences."

"Then I'd better think about it again..." Tony Stark calmed down and gave up decisively. He still had too many things to do, and in a person's life, energy is often limited.

Just like Ding Zheng.

If it wants to be strong, it must practice.

You need to keep practicing, keep completing tasks, earn more manifestation points, and manifest things that can make you stronger.

It cannot waste time on scientific research, because this will inevitably affect the speed at which it becomes stronger, and more importantly, it may not be successful.

Therefore, Ding Zheng must find ways to find someone to fill this vacancy.

Nor can it remain under the protection of Isla Nublar.

So we need to find more strong people to protect us.

In the entire universe, except for completely invincible beings, no one is omnipotent.

Because everyone has to face a crisis, we must seize the most effective way with the least risk to make ourselves stronger as soon as possible.

Tony Stark shook his head: "After all, I am thirty years old. Life is really short."

"Of course, if I can get the life-extending method you mentioned and extend my life by ten or twenty years, I might be able to give it a try later."

As he spoke, he secretly glanced at Ding Zheng.

The better you understand Ding Zheng, the more you will know how many good things Ding Zheng has in his hands.

He is so greedy!

School is out today.

Peter Parker mixed in the crowd as usual and slowly walked out of the school gate.

Uncle Ben is on a business trip somewhere far away today and cannot pick him up.

Originally, he asked the school teacher to help send him home, but Peter refused.

In addition to being a little embarrassed, another very important reason is that he likes to walk alone on the way home from school.

Because in this way, you can pick up any rubbish or other things that others do not use on the road.

As the richest country in the world, the United States wastes resources very seriously.

Even a kid like Peter Parker can find many useful things on the road or in the trash.

On the road, Peter Parker was wearing very simple clothes, walking forward, his eyes with thick lenses constantly scanning the surroundings, not wanting to miss anything of value.

Especially when he walks to the alley where garbage is piled, he will walk slower, walk in, observe carefully, and pull things.

He doesn't mind it being dirty. Anyway, he can wash his hands when he gets home, as long as he doesn't put his fingers in his mouth or rub his eyes with his hands.

Usually Peter Parker can only pick up some very simple gadgets, such as discarded toys thrown away by other children, or some broken electronic supplies.

He would pick it up and try to fix it himself.

But sometimes, there are unexpected surprises.

Suddenly Peter was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hands and dug out a small computer host in the trash.

"Assembled by myself, the configuration... is so high!"

His eyes lit up, and his whole person suddenly became excited.

"Although I don't know yet what went wrong with this host that caused it to be thrown here, but based on my experience, there are no obvious injuries on the outside. Even if it is broken, the contents inside should not be all.

None of them can be used.”

"It must have been that after it broke, I was preparing to update another console, so I just threw away the old one..."

Peter Parker blinked and exclaimed: "So rich."

Peter Parker has been very interested in machinery and other aspects since he was a child, and he also has extremely outstanding talents.

There is knowledge about this in the school. As long as the books are handed out, he can master it as quickly as possible and put it into practice.

However, due to Uncle Ben's average family conditions.

There is not so much spare money to support Peter Parker in pursuing his own science.

It costs a lot of money to build these sophisticated electronic machines.

Therefore, Peter Parker gradually developed the habit of "sweeping goods" from the garbage dump outside on the way home from school or during holidays.

However, after nearly half a year of "sweeping goods", Peter has never encountered such a big harvest as today.

"I hope there are more good things in it, so that I can give the computer in the room a good update. It is really too old."

After getting such a big harvest, Peter Parker was obviously a little ecstatic and not in much mood to continue searching.

He looked around casually for a few times, and after finding nothing more, he hugged the host and left with a little difficulty, heading home.

But just when Peter walked out of the alley.

Suddenly, several figures rushed over at extremely fast speeds.

With a snap, Peter was knocked to the ground, and the back of his head hit the ground. It took him a long time to get up.

Peter Parker got up and immediately started looking for the treasure he had just harvested. When he saw it a few steps away, he immediately rushed over and held it in his arms, feeling a little relieved.

But looking at the marks on it, he wrinkled his face again, looking sad.

Then he raised his head and looked at the people who knocked him down.

But there were several children who were much bigger than him in terms of height and body shape.

His classmates.

Peter immediately lowered his head.

These classmates often bully him in class.

But he was weak and had no strength, so he didn't dare to resist at all.

The tallest one among them was looking at Peter with a mocking look on his face and said with a smile: "Look, look, I told you that Peter picks up garbage in the garbage dump every day and you still don't believe it."

"That's not food. Isn't that a computer host?" Another child next to him said.

"It looks so new, it doesn't look like it was picked out of the trash." Another child said with a bit of envy in his tone.

"He didn't steal it, right?" Suddenly a voice like this rang out.

Peter immediately turned red with anger, raised his head, looked at these classmates, and defended himself aggrievedly: "I didn't steal it, I picked it up in the trash."

The biggest kid looked at the console in Peter's hand and suddenly felt a little envious. He wanted to make that thing his own.

Even though he has a very well-equipped computer at home, he doesn't need this kind of thing at all.

But when children do things, it is always just an idea, and basically they don’t think about it so clearly.

So he turned his eyes and immediately pointed at Peter Parker and shouted: "Whatever you picked up, I think you stole it. We will punish you and confiscate the things you stole! Hand it over quickly!"

"I don't!" Peter Parker plans to defend his gains.

But these classmates who were already used to bullying him would not be polite to him.

The tallest fat white kid had already rushed forward with his fists raised.

"Hit him!"

With a shout, a total of five children rushed to Peter's side. Peter wanted to run away, but it was a little difficult to hold the main unit. He was immediately caught up and pushed to the ground.

The children's fists fell on him like raindrops.

Although these children who are only seven or eight years old are not very destructive.

But Peter, who was also only eight years old and thin, could not resist at all.

After just a short while, Peter felt a little dizzy.

But at this moment, suddenly, an angry shout sounded: "What are you doing!"

The volume of the angry roar was so shocking that it immediately frightened the children who were violent towards Peter Parker.

"Are you bullying others? Stop your wrong behavior quickly! Otherwise, the Ape God Cult will definitely punish you!"

As he shouted "arsenic", the children stopped what they were doing.

Peter also raised his head and saw several young men walking over with angry faces.

When they saw the adults coming, several children were frightened and ran away.

"You'd better be smart and don't let us see you continue to make trouble, otherwise, the Ape God Cult will severely punish you villains. We don't care whether you have grown up or not, since your parents have not disciplined you well.

, we will discipline them for them, and we can even help you discipline your parents so that they can learn how to educate their children!"

"Did you hear that? A bunch of violent kids!"

Several young men who called themselves the Ape God Cult cursed and warned while coming over to help Peter up from the ground.

Peter held the computer host tightly in his arms, still with a fearful look on his face.

He was afraid that these young people would also bully him.

But to Peter's expectation, these young people did not do this. Instead, they patted him on the head: "Little brother, go home quickly after school. Even New York will become very dangerous at night."


Peter was a little surprised and said nothing.

One of the young men couldn't help but said: "Are you lost? Do you need us to take you home?"

Peter quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "No, no, no."

"Just go home quickly. If you encounter something similar again in the future, you can shout to the Ape God. If we happen to be nearby and hear it, we will definitely rush over to help."

"Of course, don't shout randomly, otherwise you will also be punished."

With that said, several young people left together.

Only Peter Parker was left standing, looking at the backs of these young men, his eyes involuntarily focused on the image of the gorilla on the clothes behind them.

"The Ape God Cult..."

Peter Parker pondered these three words, blinked, and then continued walking home.

Unknowingly, these three words "The Cult of the Ape God" have left a lot of weight in Peter Parker's heart.

What was also remembered by it was the image of the huge star.

When he got home, after having dinner, Peter Parker quickly finished his homework, then took apart the computer mainframe and looked at the completeness of it. He was very surprised.

After some operations, I finally upgraded the elderly computer in my room.

He plugged in the power and turned on the computer.

Then I suddenly opened the Internet and accidentally typed out the words "Ape God Cult" and started reading it with interest.

When he saw many entries saying that the Ape God Religion should not exist and was a cult created by a group of bored people, he frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

This was different from what he had seen and experienced with his own eyes.

But after all, this is the mainstream voice on the Internet now.

Peter Parker continued to scroll down unwillingly.

Fortunately, the people who established the Ape God Religion were not completely lacking in fighting ability.

They have also published many posts online to explain themselves, show the meaning of the Apes God Religion, culture and other things, so that everyone should not be biased.

After seeing these posts, Peter Parker's sad little face finally showed a little smile.

But there are really too few posts like this.

He looked at the posts on the Internet that were extremely critical of the Ape God Religion, and was filled with grievances and doubts.

Wait until the time is a little later.

It was only at Aunt Mei's urging that I had to go to bed.

"The Apes God Cult is not who they say it is, and the posts on the Internet have never given any examples of the Apes God Cult doing anything wrong. Why do you have to say this about them? Isn't this unfair?"

Peter Parker thought about it and fell into a deep sleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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