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Chapter 73 The Star-Spangled Banner fell down! The wrath of God! (5700~~~)

It was like a rally call was sounded in the military camp.

A large group of dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky over New Mexico, USA.

It was so dark, like a castle, that it almost fell to the ground!

At the same time, raging winds blew up, forming a large sandstorm in the desert area of ​​New Mexico.

Bang, rumble, rumble, rumble...

Compared to Africa.

The thunder here is louder and scarier!

"Why did it suddenly thunder on a sunny day?"

"The weather forecast didn't say it's going to rain today."

"The sun just came out."

After all, scientific researchers are more familiar and sensitive to these things.

They gathered around the hammer and looked up at the unusual weather.

The black clouds in the sky, and the lightning that lights up from time to time, looks like a blue snake.

"This seems a little unusual. The weather is too abnormal."

One of them said.

"It shouldn't have anything to do with us, we are just studying this hammer." Someone responded.

They were still holding various instruments and trying constantly next to the hammer.

The conclusion they reached was that the glow of the hammer and any other changes had nothing to do with the instruments they took out.

More importantly, they couldn't scrape even a tiny bit off the hammer for study.

This hammer is really too hard.

There's absolutely nothing they can do.

Even though Kern made several urgent phone calls in New York, he still couldn't get anything out of it.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning seemed to fall from the sky, hitting the base built by the US military above the hammer.

Everyone felt that the ground beneath their feet was shaking a few times.

Then, one of the researchers suddenly discovered the key point.

"It's moving! The hammer is moving!"


"You weren't dizzy just now, were you?"

"Hurry up and call up the surveillance video and take a look."

"No, it's really moving! Look! Look! It's still shining, it's still shining!"

Following the words, everyone's eyes focused on the hammer that was constantly vibrating and shining brightly at the same time.

at this time.

In the room where Sol is.

Sol had just used his last bit of strength to rush to Jane who was lying on the ground.

He blocked the kick to Jane's head with his own head!

And completely passed out from Jane's scream.

Jane, a female doctor who has received higher education since she was a child and has always devoted her attention to research, has never seen such a battle.

I almost screamed at the top of my lungs.

When the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent saw Thor blocking the attack for Jane, not only did he not restrain himself, but he became even more angry and kicked him again.

And just then.

A bolt of lightning silently lit up, instantly melting everything above his head and hitting him on the head!

After the light flashed, only Jane was left in the room, sitting on the floor with a dull look on her face.

And he stood up from the ground, wearing a black iron armor and a red cloak, changing his previous appearance and revealing his true form.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent was directly chopped into black slag by this exhausting light, leaving no remains.

The trembling Jane was obviously startled by the sudden lightning.

But then, her blank gaze gradually moved from the black mark on the ground to Sol's body.

Then he was even more stunned.

Is this still the Sol she knew?

Boom! Bang!

Just then, a violent thunder burst into Jane's ears.

Just when her ears were about to be blown away by the thunder, Thor flew over instantly, hugged her in his arms, waved the hand holding the hammer, and all the sounds disappeared instantly.

"you you you……"

Jane stared blankly at the man in front of her who was wearing armor and looked extremely majestic.

I really can't connect him with the person before who was a little bit naive, even a little bit idiotic.

"Are you Thor?"

She still asked uncertainly.

Sol smiled slightly: "Yes, I am still the same Sol."

"How's it going?" Sol released Jane from his arms, opened his arms, and looked a little proud, "How do I look?"

When Jane heard Sol admit to himself, she was completely relieved.

At this time, I was completely immersed in the blue eyes, long golden hair, and strong sense of security of this tall man who looked like a god of war.

"I love so much."

Saying that, Jane kissed her.

After a long time, the lips parted.

At the same time, because the hammer flew into the room and smashed the glass, all the sounds from outside were heard.

Jane glanced at the American soldiers wearing combat uniforms and holding machine guns outside, their blushing faces full of worry.

"Let's go quickly! It's too dangerous here!"

Her first thought was to let Sol take her away.

After all, the U.S. military is undoubtedly the strongest in the world.

Just two ordinary people, even if Thor really has superpowers, they might not be able to withstand big guns and artillery.

But of course Jane underestimated her boyfriend's power.

Thor glanced at the people outside who were approaching, and then smiled at Jane:

"Don't worry, have you forgotten, I told you to get all your things back."

As he spoke, he turned the hammer and then raised his arm. Immediately, the rapidly turning hammer was like a helicopter wing, carrying him and Jane into the sky.

Extremely fast, comparable to a fighter jet.

The US military outside obviously did not react.

When they started shooting to stop them, Thor had already flown away.

This scene shocked everyone.

Immediately, the person in charge of the temporary base called Kern, who was waiting for news.

"Mr. President, we may have...provoked someone we shouldn't have provoked. That person flew away with a hammer!"

Kern was confused when he heard this: "I think you should learn to speak well first. Do you need me to teach you this?"

"We were studying the hammer when thunder suddenly started, and then the hammer automatically flew into the hands of the man we detained for interrogation, and then flew away with him. The man... didn't seem to be from Earth."

"Why can't I understand what you are talking about? That person is not from Earth, but from somewhere? An alien?" Kern looked confused.

"I'm afraid so." There was a slight tremor in the person in charge's tone.

Because he saw that the black clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky not only did not disappear, but became thicker and thicker...

Kern was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Withdraw! Try to reduce the losses as much as possible. I will let the haters no longer stop the orangutan. Regardless of whether he is an alien or not, the first priority now is to preserve our own strength.

At the same time, try to get that orangutan to test for us what this guy is."

"Of course, this matter is not that simple. Let's withdraw now. We will think about the solution later."

Kern responded quickly.

He knew things were out of their control now.

But he was not defeated by fear and made a decision quickly.

New Mexico retreated quickly to preserve its strength as much as possible. At the same time, the Abominations also had to retreat quickly and could not continue to suffer losses at the hands of Ding Zheng.

at the same time.

Let's see if we can get Ding Zheng and Saul to fight.

The person in charge also found the backbone and immediately nodded and said: "Yes!"

And at this time.

Sol had already brought Jane to a safe location and put down the woman in his arms.

"Wait for me here."

With that said, Sol was about to turn around.

Don't look at the gentleness on his face now, it's because the other person is Jane, another fool who came to save him even though he knew there was danger.

In fact, there was a huge black cloud in the sky not far away at this time.

These are Sol's true inner thoughts.

He has never suffered such a big loss since he was a child!

Even his younger brother Loki only stabbed him once.

He must take revenge!

Jane quickly grabbed Thor: "Wait a minute! They are very dangerous. The American army and weapons are the strongest. They also have huge mechas. SHIELD also has abominations. That is a kind of weapon that can grow to

Monsters over thirty meters tall, you are no match for them!"

"Believe me." Thor said softly, somewhat dumbfounded, "I said I would help you get those things back. I swore in the name of my father Odin that I would never break my promise to the woman I love. Before, it was only mine.

Mother, and now, I have you."

As the prince of Asgard, he has no regard for all powers on earth.

But when he faced Jane, a woman, he could no longer say such arrogant words.

Jane frowned, looking anxious.

The power of the United States is deeply ingrained in the hearts of humans on earth. Especially in recent years, the military power of the United States has been greatly improved.

After finally getting out of danger, she didn't want Thor to get into danger again.

After thinking for a long time, Jane's eyes finally lit up: "We can go to the gorilla god! That gorilla, as I told you before, if you must help me get those things back, we can cooperate with it. It and

The United States has a hostile relationship, so it might be willing to help us."

"If there is any person or force in this world who is not afraid of the United States, it should be the Ape God."

Sol frowned: "Didn't you say that you hate that gorilla?"

"But now I hate the United States and SHIELD even more!" When Jane thought of what she had experienced in that base, she was so angry that she just wanted to kick Kern's head to pieces.

As an American citizen, she was not protected by American law at all. Instead, her freedom and life were threatened by SHIELD and the US military.

No matter who it is, they can't stand this kind of thing.

She could imagine that if Thor hadn't suddenly exploded at that time, both of them would have died in that base.

"And even though the orangutan broke my instrument, it didn't do it on purpose. I am a person with a clear sense of grudges." As Jane said, she thought of the previous president of the United States who threatened Ding with nuclear bombs and human lives around the world.

political matters.

The old and new hatreds were added together, and she couldn't help but shake her head: "Now it seems that although that orangutan is just an orangutan, it is much more reasonable than these damn guys in the US government and military."

"That orangutan would never use his power against an ordinary person!"

Sol's eyes turned slightly, and then nodded: "No problem, I'll go find it now, you wait here."

"I mean let's look for it together."

"Believe me, I can fly. Moreover, if you are next to me during the battle later, it may distract me."

Jian Wenyan finally let go of his hand.

Thor kissed the other party's cheek, then swung his hammer, flew into the sky again, and then headed directly towards the base just now.

Of course he couldn't waste time looking for Ding Zheng, he didn't even know where Ding Zheng was.

Moreover, he didn't want to give the culprits a chance to escape!


With a flash of lightning.

Thor fell from the sky, lying on the ground, holding a hammer in his hand, and the red cloak behind him was raised high.

No matter how you look at it, he does look like a god.

At this time, the base has not been completely evacuated, although the weapons have been set up and ready for war at any time.

But the person in charge still stood up and wanted to see if this conflict could be eliminated.

"Sir, there may be some misunderstanding between us. Before this, we did not know that this hammer was yours. Moreover, the international situation has been tense recently, and foreign spies often sneak in. For the safety of the people, we can only transfer everything

All people of unknown origin are under control."

"I hope you can understand."

"In fact, we are very welcoming to non-spy visitors. The United States is the freest and most open country on earth."

"We are willing to pay compensation and hope that the misunderstanding between us can be resolved."

The person in charge was sincere: "We just learned that you may have been treated badly in the room, but please believe us, that was not our intention."

"The people who attacked you before were not our real insiders, but spies infiltrated by other forces. We only found out after we just completed the investigation."

"As for the other one, we have it under control and can hand it over to you now. We hope it can alleviate your anger a little and give us both a precious opportunity to communicate!"

With that said, several US troops dragged the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent out.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent had been injected with drugs. Although he was alive, his brain was completely useless, let alone saying anything.

Things have developed to this point.

In order to minimize losses, a small sacrifice is insignificant.

It is undoubtedly most appropriate to give the blame to these two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

After saying all this with his mouth like a barrage of words.

The person in charge of the base looked at Sol nervously, hoping to get a satisfactory reply.

Behind him, a large number of people were evacuating.

Even if peace cannot be negotiated, he still hopes to delay it for some time.

Thor's eyes fell on the SHIELD agent.

With his ability, he could tell the agent's condition at a glance, and immediately thought that the agent was just pushed out to die.

He raised the hammer and clicked it from afar. Suddenly, a flash visible to the naked eye, as thick as his arm, the SHIELD agent's entire body was reduced to ashes.

Now that the United States has sent it away, of course he will not hold back.

This can be called a miraculous method, and everyone's eyelids twitched and their scalps went numb.

"Hand over my friend's things." Thor took back the hammer, but Gu Jing remained silent, as if he had trampled an ant to death, without any reaction.

As the bravest god of Asgard's generation, countless lives have died at his hands.

A human being is completely ignored by him.

There are only two things that matter most to him.

One is my girlfriend’s instrument.

Second, after getting the instrument, you can punish these damn guys unscrupulously!

He wants these poor humans to know that Asgard governs the nine realms not just with kindness.

What's more important is the absolutely powerful force!

That's right.

Although Thor got the hammer, he also realized what Odin wanted him to understand, the importance of kindness to the king.

But he is still the Saul who advocates using force to solve problems.

And, this is the situation now.

There is no doubt that using force is more appropriate!

"We'll get it to you right away!" the person in charge immediately said to the US military behind him.

They wanted those instruments but it was useless.

It was just a precaution, and SHIELD had always acted in a domineering manner and didn't want to cause too much trouble, so I grabbed it.

Now of course you can return it.

However, the hands and feet naturally have to be slower.

So that more people can move out.

Thor saw everything around him without missing a beat.

He had also discovered the thoughts of these people long ago.

But he had no intention of stopping it.

Whether it's a plane or a truck.

In his opinion.

None of them have any effect.

It is completely possible for these people to run 4,000 meters first.

After a long time.

A big car just drove over.

The trunk was opened and filled with things.

"It's all in there. We didn't save any of it. The information is also in there. We didn't make any backups." The person in charge said, "I hope you can see our sincerity."

Sol came closer, took a look, and after making sure it was all right, he stretched out a hand to lift the entire car, and flew it far away before putting it down.

Then, jump back to the base instantly.

The thunder and lightning in the sky became more violent, and the slightly dark sky was continuously illuminated.

Thor raised his hammer and laughed:

"I see your sincerity."

"Next, let you see the wrath of Thor, the God of Thunder."

The person in charge's face changed drastically. Fortunately, he was prepared and immediately shouted: "Shoot!!!"


The bullets shot out like raindrops with only one purpose.

That is Sol within a hundred meters ahead.

Saul held the hammer in front of him, resisting the bullets that hit his eyes and other vital parts, and then slowly took steps forward under the gaze of these American soldiers.

The bullets, as dense as raindrops, hit Thor at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Then it fell to the ground helplessly.

It couldn't even slow down its speed even a little bit.

The person in charge looked at Sol walking over.

In a daze, it was like seeing Ding Zheng again.

That night a few years ago, the huge orangutan faced a hail of bullets, cannons and rockets.

He rushed into Washington step by step, and then smashed the White House clean with his own hands!

At that time, he was just a guard at the White House. He performed well because of his keen sense of smell and outstanding crisis awareness.

Lead the way and close the door in time to protect all government officials at that time.

Got promoted after that incident.

And in these troubled times, the position has risen again and again.

Now he is a very powerful person.

But he still didn't have the guts to face that huge orangutan, which was like a god and demon and had never failed even once since it appeared.

But now, in front of me is a hammer-wielding man with long blond hair and an ancient armor.

Maybe it doesn't look as scary as Ding Zheng.

But its power is revealed.

But it is equally suffocating and hopeless.

Why do people like this always stand on the opposite side of the United States?

Even if we can't cooperate, why can't we live in peace?

Just once.

But this is the second time!

Why does it still happen?

Haven't we learned from what happened before?

The person in charge felt a little heavy and had very complicated thoughts in his mind.

What caused this to happen?

he thought.

Then in just a few seconds, I got the answer.

Two words.


It's arrogance!

Maybe add greed.

Can that be changed?

The person in charge thought of Kern's face, which was often distorted by anger recently, and his increasingly extreme orders.

There are also those words that always burst with confidence when talking about Ding Zheng, saying "We will definitely win" and "America will be great again."

His eyes wandered for a moment.

In a trance, he seemed to see the image of the Stars and Stripes, which symbolized freedom and democracy, falling suddenly.

But then, he came back to his senses, looked at Sol, who had already walked within fifty meters, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Use heavy weapons!!! Hurry!!!"

With his shout.

Thor, the god of thunder, jumped up high and raised the hammer in his hand.

Suddenly, the lightning and thunder surging in the sky all fell silent at this moment, and like sawdust in the whirlpool, they instantly concentrated on Thor's hand at the center of gravity.

Everyone stayed for a second.

The entire sky also lit up for a second.

Thor's figure pierced into the eyes of everyone around the base like a knife.

And, he smashed it down.

He held up a hammer that condensed all the thunder and lightning in the sky and smashed it down!

Great brilliance.

The whole world seems to have stopped!

People have lost their vision.

That radiant hammer was like a huge meteorite. There was nowhere to escape and it was unstoppable.

This is the power of heaven and earth!

This is the power of God!

As a huge ball of light exploded like the sun!

After a long time.


The explosion was long overdue...

This chapter has been completed!
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