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Chapter 76 Ding Zheng VS Thor! The United States is in trouble! (6200~~~)

What Ding Zheng didn't expect was...

It has been very polite and careful.

Sol actually rushed up to him as soon as they met and wanted to fight directly.

Ding Zheng has always been wary of Sol.

The reason is very simple. No matter what people say, he is the god of Asgard and has lived for tens of thousands of years.

There is also the support of Asgard and a family of gods behind him.

They are all beings that can live for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Logically speaking, it cannot be that weak.

Unlike Ding Zheng and King Kong, the two evil orangutans can only rely on themselves.

And in several subsequent movies.

After Thor was stimulated, he became stronger and stronger, as if there was endless power in his body.

In addition, after Thor awakened, Hela was still unbeatable.

And Odin, who was able to seal Hela when he was young.

All of this made Ding Zheng have to pay attention.

After all, this is a family that can refine a star into a weapon and play with it casually.

Although there must be a magical reason why Thor and others do not have to bear all the weight of the hammer when holding it.

But it is still enough to prove.

Because this family has almost no fuel-efficient lamp.

Only the adopted Loki seems to have lost some of his fighting ability.

But that's also because Loki himself is inherently deficient.

As a descendant of the ten-meter-tall Frost Giant, he was as big as a human child when he was born.

It's simply worse than Ding Zheng.

Although Ding Zheng also slipped out at that time.

But it didn't get that small after all.

All in all, Ding Zheng does not want to conflict with Asgard from the bottom of his heart.

With the current strength of it and King Kong, it is definitely not wise to conflict with Asgard!

So from the beginning, it never thought about using violent means to get information from Thor.

First of all, the background is incomparable and cannot be messed with.

Moreover, it may not even be comparable to its own combat power!


What Ding Zheng didn't expect was that Thor would be so strong!

In terms of the strength that Ding Zheng is most proud of, Thor is not far behind at all.

You know, the difference in body shape and weight between the two is surprisingly large!

But Sol didn't miss much, plus the hammer.

What's more, when Ding Zheng was hit by a hammer, he was almost powerless to fight back!

Ding Zheng doesn’t understand Asgard’s magic.

And no matter how powerful it is, it cannot support a weapon with the weight of a star.


Ding Zheng was knocked directly into the ground by Sol.

A large hole half a meter deep was made.

Sol stood up and placed the hammer on Ding Zheng's chest.

The huge weight made it difficult for Ding Zheng to break free.

"It seems not enough."

He looked at Ding Zheng with a smile.

Ding Zheng felt an evil fire coming out of his head. He sneered and the sand beneath him suddenly began to move.

The body also quickly grew in size to eighteen meters, and then shrunk in an instant.

At the same time, the whole body twisted like a bow.

Move sideways.


The hammer hit the ground directly.

Ding Zheng got out of trouble instantly and kicked Sol, who was retreating several meters away. At the same time, his body shape returned to more than eighteen meters tall.

Fangs and golden hair grow, directly entering the zombie form.

Sol was obviously taken aback by Ding Zheng's body's amazing flexibility and rapid changes in size, size, and size.

As a result, he didn't react and was hit by a kick, causing him to fly out immediately!

In zombie form, Ding Zheng is even more powerful!

However, Sol was not surprised, and instead smiled.

In Jane's words, there would really be a problem if such a powerful being couldn't even take one of his own moves.


Thor fell into the desert and made a pit deeper than Ding Zheng.

The body weight of a strong person is not low. Sol's body size is much smaller than Ding Zheng, so this point is highlighted even more.

Ding Zheng was unreasonable and rushed forward again.

Thor also ejected from the deep pit.

The distance between the two quickly narrowed and they collided hard.


There was a loud noise.

Two black shadows flew out at the same time.

Sol knelt on the ground with one knee and pulled out a trace that was a hundred meters long.

Ding Zheng stopped more than thirty meters away. He seemed to have a slight upper hand, but his whole body was filled with lightning, and even his muscles were in a state of paralysis.

The impact just now made it feel as if it had been struck by lightning.

And it's no ordinary thunder.

After about three seconds, Ding Zheng slowly exhaled, moved his body, and assumed an offensive posture.

Sol's eyes were full of surprise. He looked at Ding Zheng. Thunder and lightning gradually gathered on his body, and the sky became filled with dark clouds: "You are beyond my expectation, and your resistance to thunder and lightning is even beyond my expectation." Strong! It’s hard to imagine that there is such a powerful being like you on earth.”

Ding Zheng heard something noteworthy from this sentence. It looked at the other party and said slowly: "Have you never heard of the names Godzilla, Ghidorah, or Mutolaton?"

Sol frowned: "I've never heard of it. Is this your name?"

Ding Zheng became even more confused, but then he thought that the names Godzilla were given by humans.

Thor is not from Earth and has never been here before. It is normal that he has never heard of it.

"You mean, you don't know that there are beings stronger than me on Earth?" Ding Zheng changed his question, "For example, there are other monsters that are bigger than me."

Thor still shook his head. At the same time, the electric light on his body had reached a critical point, and his eyes were filled with rich light, crackling and making crisp and shocking sounds.

Although such a powerful power has only been awakened for less than a day.

But Sol is already confident and fully able to use it.

"Okay, if you still want to ask anything, just try my punch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body shot out like lightning and struck towards Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng narrowed his eyes, feeling helpless.

It felt no malice from Thor at all.

In other words, Thor fights purely for the sake of fighting, only deciding the outcome, not life or death.

Like a martial artist.

It seems that the foundation of all communication is based on combat.

Ding Zheng didn't like this kind of meaningless battle very much.

But it's not exclusive.

For the truly strong, there is no better exchange than a fight.

After a fight, the way of communication and the thoughts of both parties almost don't need to be said, everything is left unspoken.

It saves a lot of effort on the mouth.

At the same time, you can also feel the other person's temperament, part of the other person's personality and attitude.

Those who enjoy the fight are friends, and those who do not enjoy the fight may not be able to continue to get along with each other.

Of course, more importantly.

In these battles, both sides know very well that they need to end immediately and will not deliberately threaten the life of the other party with cruel attacks.

It can also quickly improve your combat experience.

Compared with the way Ding Zheng communicated with King T'Chaka in Wakanda before, it was much more efficient, and it also made Ding Zheng feel much more comfortable.

However, Ding Zheng is a little too tired now.

I just "killed" a group of abominations by biting them, and only fifteen of them ran back.

He has been feuding with the King of Wakanda for a long time.

After all, he couldn't compete with the other party.

The strength is not on the same level.

Once he takes action.

For Wakanda, it must be dealt with seriously.

Moreover, Wakanda does have the ability to restrict Ding Zheng.

In the subsequent conversation between Ding Zheng and the king, it learned that in order to be able to deal with Ding Zheng, Wakanda specially made several sets of locks with vibranium!

Several sets of locks that can control Ding Zheng.

If Ding Zheng wants to launch an attack on Wakanda, these locks will be released at the same time, locking Ding Zheng.

If Ding Zheng couldn't break free, he might really be in trouble.

Of course, the premise is that Ding Zheng can be locked up.

So in order to achieve this goal, Wakanda also used a large amount of vibranium to create a mecha like the United States!

With Wakanda's ability, it is actually not difficult to obtain American mecha technology.

Especially during the war in 2008.

Ding Zheng indeed damaged many American mechas, and many forces with ulterior motives took advantage of that opportunity to obtain something.

Wakanda, on the other hand, has obtained all those technologies, digested them, and made improvements.

As long as they are super soldiers who have eaten heart-shaped grass.

You can control a large mecha that exceeds 40 meters and fight Ding Zheng!

Moreover, the purpose of these mechas is not to defeat Ding Zheng, but to contain and resist.

Make Ding Zheng unable to cause harm to Wakanda.

If Ding Zheng persists in his obsession, he will be easily detached and locked by those vibranium locks!


After listening to T'Chaka's story, Ding Zheng couldn't help but feel chills standing on end, even though he had experienced many storms over the years.

These people are really shady.

Compared to before, it is simply pure and cute.

Not knowing anything, I rushed forward directly.

If he didn't have the ability to control the size of his body with one hand, those locks would not be so easy to use.

In addition, Wakanda does not dare to believe that vibranium and its own methods can deal with Ding Zheng, and is not willing to take risks.

Maybe Ding Zheng might be imprisoned inside.

By then, no matter what the people of Wakanda want to do to it, it will not be able to resist.

After all, vibranium is indeed something that Ding Zheng is quite worried about.

I haven't experienced it in real life either.

I don't know which one is harder than my own bones or this precious metal.

It can be said that Ding Zheng spent a lot of brain cells by communicating with T'Chaka.

Although the final result is completely satisfactory to everyone.

But still tired.

So, now I have to have physical communication with Sol again.

Even someone as strong as Ding Zheng is still a little overwhelmed.


In fact, the most important reason is.

Ding Zheng feels that he may not be Saul's opponent!

And it is very convinced that according to the plot of the movie, Thor should still be an ordinary person now.

I didn't get the hammer.

It wasn't until Loki sent Asgard's mechanical killers down and Thor was almost beaten to death in order to protect innocent people that he finally woke up.

As a result, when the Decepticons arrived in New Mexico, they discovered that for some reason, Thor had awakened early.

And based on the pictures they were taken and then sent to BBK.

It looks obviously more powerful than in the movie!

Ding Zheng knew that something unexpected must have happened, causing Thor to explode in advance and possibly have stronger power.

Therefore, it is naturally more unwilling to conflict with Thor, or even fight.

But I still had to come and see him.

After all, it is Party B who wants something from others.

How can you not have fun with Party A’s dad?

Of course, all this is based on the fact that Ding Zheng can feel that Saul has no ill intentions.

If Ding Zheng senses murderous intent from Saul.

After it breaks free of the hammer, it will immediately turn around and head towards Skull Island.

Although the other party is the eldest prince of Asgard.

But it also has the support of the eldest prince of Skull Island!

"After today, I must lie down for two days, watch movies, listen to music, and read novels. I don't even want to practice anymore. Being the boss is really awesome..."

Ding Zheng took a deep breath and secretly swore!

In a moment of thought.

Thor has already rushed forward.

When the thunder and lightning completely broke out, Thor's speed was more than twice as fast as before.

It's even a bit beyond Ding Zheng's reaction ability.

Ding Zheng's state at this time is.

Eyes: I see it!

Body: No, you don’t!

Ding Zheng only had time to hold his arms in front of his chest, and then he felt a sharp pain wrapping his arms.

The pain spread quickly and enveloped the entire upper body.


With a crisp sound.

Ding Zheng's entire body has flown out.

It stepped on the ground with both feet, creating two long deep pits.

It was hard to stand still, and when I looked down, I saw that all the hair on both arms and chest was singed.

Even the skin had burn marks.

The thunder and lightning power of Thor, the God of Thunder, is so terrifying!

And more importantly, the opponent hasn't used the hammer yet!

"very good!"

Before Ding Zheng could react, Sol's angry roar sounded again.

The lightning struck again, and Ding Zheng quickly tried to block it, but found that his arms were paralyzed after being attacked, and there was a problem with his nerve transmission, so he couldn't keep up with his movements at all.

So it hurriedly relaxed its legs, leaned back, and let Thor fly over it.

Although he dodged this attack, the raging thunder and lightning still made his hair stand on end!

Ding Zheng stood up straight again. He had just breathed a sigh of relief, and the numbness in his arm had only slightly improved, but the sense of crisis hit him again!


Another punch hit Ding Zheng hard.

A ball of lightning exploded on the spot.

But this time, Ding Zheng stood where he was.

Thor felt as if he had punched a mountain, and the mountain was still soft.

He quickly noticed something was wrong, and the excited smile on his face froze. He raised his head and found that Ding Zheng's body was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than a second, it had grown to a height of over forty meters.

And finally, it stopped at a height of forty-three meters.

Sol couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although I have heard from Jane that Ding Zheng may control his body size.

But when I actually saw it, I was still surprised.

And before he could react, Ding Zheng had already turned his head and kicked him back with his feet.

He directly kicked the stunned Thor into the air.

At the same time, he grabbed his hand directly, pinched Thor's entire body in his palm, raised it high, and smashed it to the ground!


Sol felt like his body was about to fall apart.

But this did not give him the slightest intention of retreating.

Instead, it made him become more courageous as he fought!

"Very good! It's my turn next... uh!"

Soon followed by a muffled sound.

Sol was picked up from the pit by Ding Zheng, placed in the palm of his hand, and smashed him down hard with his fist.


Sol's unspoken words were stuffed back directly.

Then came the second punch, the third punch, the fourth punch...

With the help of the stronger strength and stronger defense brought by the hegemonic body, Ding Zheng regained a victory. At the same time, due to Sol's weight, he had no advantage at all when facing Ding Zheng, and his strength was not enough to break away from Ding Zheng.


Completely at a disadvantage.

And he has no power to fight back!

With a depressed look on his face, Sol could only be held in his hand by Ding Zheng and kept ravaging him.

And he was surprised to find that his lightning power had no effect on Ding Zheng.

Even though Sol was already covered in electricity like an electric ball at this time and couldn't even see his body, Ding Zheng still held him firmly in his hands.

"What the hell is going on?"

Sol was confused.

He has never experienced anything like this.

What he doesn't know is.

At this time, Ding Zheng was already very different from before.

The energy in the meridians outside the body isolates the surface of Ding Zheng's body from the inside.

Although Sol's thunder and lightning still made Ding Zheng very uncomfortable, it was difficult to affect the inside of Ding Zheng's body.

The energy in the meridians outside the body has some insulating effect on thunder and lightning after all!

For a moment, the battle between the ape and the god reached a stalemate.

Sol was almost unable to resist in Ding Zheng's hands and could only protect himself.

Ding Zheng seemed to have the advantage, but without using his teeth, it was difficult to cause any harm to Sol.

And what they didn't notice was...

At this moment, several aircraft were watching the battle from a distance.

And record everything.

The person in charge of the previous research on Thor's Hammer Base had already followed most of them to a place not far from the battlefield.

He stared wide-eyed at the images coming from the frontline planes, not daring to miss them at all.

At the same time, the call with Kern was never hung up.

The moods of the two of them, as well as the surrounding US military and S.H.I.E.L.D. members, continued to peak as the battle between Ding Zheng and Thor continued.

In Kern's view, in a short period of time, when there are no more breakthroughs in their mechanical technology and biotechnology, Sol has become what they must strive for, the best magic weapon to deal with Ding Zheng!

Originally, he was ready to communicate and cooperate with Sol.

Unexpectedly, Ding Zheng rushed over.

So Kern immediately gathered his troops and planned to take the lead. Even if the hatred between them and Sol could not be resolved, he asked Sol to help deal with Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng and Sol must not be allowed to unite.

Unexpectedly, they had only arrived halfway when the plane that flew over in advance carried the news that Ding Zheng was fighting Saul.

Along with this, there are also extremely clear battle scenes!

A gorilla and a guy who is suspected of being a god, have a crazy attack and fight in the deserted desert!

This news made Kern and everyone on this team breathe a sigh of relief.

In their view, starting a fight means that there is a high probability that there is no possibility of cooperation between Ding Zheng and Sol.

Because they cannot understand that strong men like Ding Zheng and Lei Shen rely on their own strength. The meaning of fighting is not only competition, but also discussion.

After all, when fighting in the United States, either resources or troops have to be consumed.

These losses can only be replenished slowly by oneself.

So they naturally thought that Ding Zheng and Saul were determined to fight to the death.

Especially seeing the amazing scene and destructive power when the two fight each other makes me believe this even more!

At the same time, I was secretly cheering for Sol in my heart.

After all, no matter the level of hatred and conflict.

Or the difference in appearance between Ding Zheng and Sol.

It's easier for humans to side with Thor.

Therefore, Sol had the advantage at the beginning, which made the team and Kern, who had been monitoring everything through the phone, extremely excited!

If Ding Zheng can't defeat Sol, then if they join forces with Sol to deal with Ding Zheng, wouldn't it be a defeat?

But as Ding Zheng began to form a zombie, he regained the victory.

Kern and others' hearts were in their throats again.

When Thor began to use the power of thunder and lightning to defeat Ding Zheng, he also cheered up all the people in the Free Country.

It was as if they had defeated Ding Zheng themselves.

But, when Ding Zheng started to dominate, he grabbed Sol in his hand and rubbed it.

They suddenly became anxious again.

And I have been anxious until now!

The person in charge looked even more anxious.

Thor had just let him go, and he had been completely conquered by Thor's strength and charisma.

Even if he doesn't consider the struggle between countries, he definitely hopes that Sol can win!

After a moment of silence, the person in charge's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said to Kern on the other end of the phone: "Mr. President, now is an opportunity!"

He said very excitedly: "We can now attack the gorilla by firing artillery shells, or even let the haters come over to help. Although we can't cause any harm to the gorilla, we only need to find a way to remove the gorilla." Just save me and that’ll be it!”

"This can not only express goodwill, but also take the opportunity to directly resolve the misunderstanding. Maybe, we can also use the opportunity of this battle to directly stand on the same line as Thor!"

"Although we don't know why they fought, as long as we help Sol, it must be right!"

The person in charge was very excited, and even added another sentence out of fear that Kern would disagree:

"And we have reason to do so. Now they are fighting on our country's territory. It is a complete provocation. Even if they do not consider their position at all and do not say who they are helping, we have reason to remove them from the United States. Drive them out of our territory!”

"And that orangutan is more than 40 meters tall, and Sol is still caught in its hand. No matter how precise we are, we can't hit Sol, can we?"

Kern was a little hesitant at first, but as soon as he heard the last words of the person in charge, his eyes immediately lit up!

Shameless enough.

I like!

Immediately, Kern began to give orders: "What is the strongest weapon on your side now?"

As a result, at this time, the person in charge was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly:

"Reporting to the President... we don't have any weapons. In order to prevent being misunderstood, we only brought ordinary firearms and Rubik's Cube protective shields."

The Rubik's Cube protective shield is a protective shield made of the energy of the Universal Rubik's Cube.

It is similar to the instrument used to lock Ding Zheng in the 2008 war.

However, this instrument is used to protect the people inside the cover.

To face Ding Zheng and Sol at the same time, all they have to consider is self-protection.

After all, Thor can summon a large amount of lightning power at will to affect the magnetic field.

The American mechas are just toys in front of him and are useless.

And Ding Zheng just proved that it can handle even the abominations.

Now those bones are still buried everywhere, and the United States has not even had time to search for them.

Apart from these two major weapons, the other weapons are even less durable.

You can't come here with a nuclear bomb, right?

The scene was awkward!

This chapter has been completed!
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