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Chapter 80 I have news from Mr. Sol (5500~~~)

Liu Xing obviously didn't expect that his little friend would be so fierce.

I didn't respond for a while.

Until a scream of "Hit someone!" in English spread.

He finally reacted.

After hesitating for a moment, he simply refused to do anything and shouted angrily: "I'm going to hit you!"

I also rushed forward!

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

However, Liu Xing and the others were outnumbered.

There is only one opponent, so there is no need to say which side has the upper hand.

And the other party obviously didn't realize that these Daxia people dared to take action directly on Isla Nublar!

Although there weren't many people around.

But they all stopped and stared at this group of people, their faces full of horror.

This is Isla Nublar!

The legendary land of the ape god!

Don't look at the fact that there isn't even a single armed security guard here.

But as soon as something goes wrong.

The consequences for those who cause trouble are probably more serious than in any other country, right?

Are these people crazy? Aren't they afraid of bringing out the orangutan god?

In order not to get caught up in this trouble, the onlookers didn't even dare to say a word to stop the fight.

Those who are more courageous can at most

He was afraid that Ding Zheng would come out of nowhere and be crushed by a kick before he even had time to raise his head.

Although Ding Zheng made it clear that he would not cause trouble on Isla Nublar, he would certainly not do so.

But who can not be afraid?

Who dares to reason with Ding Zhengjiang?

However, this farce did not last long.

After Xing San handled an emergency on the phone, he immediately discovered that Liu Xing and others were fighting in the distance.

He rushed over immediately.

As soon as they saw Xing San arriving, the onlookers immediately dispersed fifty meters away.

But there are only a few who leave directly.

Although it feels very exciting, everyone is curious to see how this kind of thing, which has never happened before on Isla Nublar, will be handled.

It’s human nature to watch the excitement!

The arrival of Xing San made Liu Xing and others stop their movements.

Although he knew at a glance that Liu Xing and others had the upper hand, Xingsan still looked at Liu Xing and others first and asked: "How are you? Are you not injured?"

Liu Xing shook his head. Several of his friends knew that it was wrong for him to start the fight first. Even if they suffered a little loss, they did not dare to say anything more and shook their heads in the same way.

Only then did Xing San focus on the black man who was sitting on the ground and whining continuously, not wanting to sit up at all.

He narrowed his eyes and his gaze turned cold: "What country are you from? What are you doing here? Why are you causing trouble?"

Although there have been conflicts on Isla Nublar before, they were all related to the interests of both parties, were justified, and were just squabbles at most.

They all know that Isla Nublar is not a place for mischief.

This is indeed the first time that a direct fight like today has occurred.

For the first-class brothers who currently manage the order of Isla Nublar, this is undoubtedly a slap in their face!

So Xingsan's tone was very stern.

The people watching nearby felt chills on their bodies.

Xingsan is angry!

Just by looking at it, you can tell that Xing San's body, which is more than three meters tall, can completely slap an ordinary person into pulp.

The black man, who was sitting on the ground and kept ouching, was also stunned for a moment.

He raised his head and looked at Xing San in disbelief.

He opened his mouth, originally wanting to shout that he was wronged, but was so frightened by Xingsan's cold eyes that he didn't dare to speak out!

"You want me to teach you how to say it?" Xingsan asked again.

The anger in the eyes is even worse!

The black man sitting on the ground was immediately shocked. He got up from the ground and looked at Xingsan with an aggrieved look. He said, "Didn't you hear? They just said racial slurs. They insulted


"Didn't you hear my first two questions?" Xingsan continued to emphasize.

The black American immediately felt even more uncomfortable because he did not want to reveal his nationality.

Almost everyone in the world knows that the country with the worst relationship with Isla Nublar is the United States.

If it weren't for the fact that many people around him went to Isla Nublar to make money, he probably wouldn't have come here.

But he filled in his personal information on the plane that came over, and it could be checked at any time. He couldn't deceive anyone even if he wanted to, so he could only bite the bullet and report his family name.

"I'm an American and I came here to find a job."

That tone was completely different from the way he acted before Liu Xing and others just now.

He almost lowered his head to the ground.

"Then did you say anything discriminatory against him?"

Although I think it is unlikely that Liu Xing and others would do such a thing.

But Xing San still turned his questioning gaze to Liu Xing and others.

Although Liu Xing is already considered a native of Isla Nublar, after this period of management, Xing San also understands the importance of fairness.

It was impossible for him to choose to cover up and attack the victim even though he knew clearly that Liu Xing and others had done something wrong.

This will undoubtedly cause a great loss to the prestige of Isla Nublar.

Of course, if the facts are as what this black man said.

When the time comes, he will at most just give a show of punishment to Liu Xing and others, and he will definitely report the matter to Bubugao, and ask Bubugao to convey it to Ding Zheng.

Xing San's gaze shocked Liu Xing's friends.

Liu Xing was about to explain.

The person who was the first to take action and had the most explosive temper stood up directly: "I was the one who hit me first. If there is any responsibility, I will definitely bear most of it, but I can guarantee that we did not say any racial discrimination."

, instead this dog B suddenly rushed out and scolded us!"

Liu Xing also nodded beside him: "That's right! We have been talking about ourselves all the time. I was introducing the Stark Group to them, and this black man rushed over. I can guarantee that my friends and I know everything.

Didn’t say anything!”

"Instead, he came out and directly cursed people and insulted our race. He also said that since he was an American, he could curse us casually and made discriminatory gestures towards us!"

"You lied!" the black man shouted anxiously. He looked at Xingsan and said, "You must believe me, they really said it, and they said it more than once!"

"There are cameras here and we can watch the video. When the time comes, it will be clear what we said and what we didn't say." Liu Xing looked at the black man, his face full of anger.

I finally called a few of my friends and tried to do my best to be a landlord, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

The other party is still unrepentant and wants to wrong them.

It's just a waste of time.

The black man was stunned when he heard Liu Xing's words. He didn't expect Liu Xing to throw himself into the trap.

Although he thought what the other party did was a bit strange, he also strongly supported taking out the video record.

Xingsan dialed the number, and a moment later, a small drone flew over.

It also has the Stark Group's logo printed on it.

It's the same product Tony Stark used to advertise Isla Nublar.

It is of high quality and low price. Although there is no particularly amazing breakthrough or black technology, it is better than the price.

It is one third of the price of products with the same functions.

Of course, it is impossible for Stark to do business exclusively at a loss.

One of the most critical materials of this drone can be replaced by a substance in the skull lizard's mind.

And there are a lot of those things in the skull lizard's head.

Also because of the reproduction ability of the skeleton lizard, there is no risk of running out.

That's why the price is so low.

Nowadays, almost everywhere on Isla Nublar is filled with such drones, making many things very convenient.

The drone stopped, and with a simple deformation, a screen slowly stretched out, showing all the scenes about Liu Xing and the black man in the airport.

When Liu Xing opened his mouth, he said "he's the one inside".

The black man immediately jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on and shouted: "Look! This is it! Look! He said nigger!"

The video was still playing, and the faces of the people watching changed.

Looking at Liu Xing and others, they looked like they were looking at crazy people.

Just like what the black man said, Liu Xing and others kept saying nigger-like words from their mouths.

This is very serious internationally.

It symbolizes racial discrimination.

Who dares to mess with black people?

Especially black people in America.

Aren’t you afraid that ZZ is incorrect?

When Liu Xing and others heard the black man's words and saw the reactions of the people around them, they finally understood what the problem was.

Several of Liu Xing's friends were also immediately panicked.

For a while, I even forgot that Isla Nublar was managed by a group of Chinese-speaking people.

Especially the most classy one, who secretly glanced at Xingsan and felt his heart pounding.

Xingsan is also a black man!

"Does he also think we are discriminating against him?"

He looked at Xing San's amazing muscular dimensions and could completely imagine what it would be like if he got punched.

Liu Xing quickly stood up and explained: "That's not the case. We are speaking Chinese, and we don't mean to discriminate against others."

But he explained it to the onlookers around him.

As for Xingsan, he didn't even look at it.

People around him were very depressed about Liu Xing's performance, and they wanted to tell this poor young man: Don't tell us, tell the man next to you, didn't you see that he is also black?

Aren't you afraid that he will slap you to death?

Because of his skin color, people naturally think that Xingsan must also feel that he has been discriminated against.

The black American finally straightened his back at this time, looked at Liu Xing, and sneered triumphantly: "Don't even think about getting through, do you think everyone doesn't understand what you are talking about?"

"Today I want to let you know that racial discrimination is wrong!"

As he said this, the black American looked at Xingsan next to him, hoping to see Xingsan suddenly realize and become furious.

But who would have known that Xingsan didn't react at all and just watched quietly as the entire video was played.

Instead, he frowned when the black American insulted Liu Xing and others and made insulting moves.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xing San, waiting for his reaction.

But these people are destined to be disappointed.

When Xingyi and others were on Isla Nublar, they had been responsible for training dinosaurs in a forbidden area and had no contact with the outside world at all.

After that, Isla Nublar was sanctioned by the United States.

Until now, the Xingyi Six Brothers have officially come into contact with the outside world, and they have only been responsible for managing the order of Isla Nublar.

Regarding the issue of discrimination, they had indeed heard from the teenagers from Star Village who had followed Bruce to the outside world from the beginning.

But the understanding is not deep at all.

So he just looked at the black man with some doubts and said, "That's it?"

The black people were all dumbfounded.

What do you mean by this?

But what Xing San said next made him even more stunned.

"Why did they insult you and discriminate against you? It's not in the video?"

"They said Nico!" The black man collapsed a little. Doesn't this person in front of him know who he is?

"Nico? They were obviously talking about the inner one? Did you hear it wrong?" Xing San was equally puzzled.

Now everyone watching was dumbfounded.

There are actually black people who don’t know that Nico means discrimination.

At this time, it was Liu Xing who stood up: "What we are talking about is a word in Chinese. Nei is quite similar to than in English. It does not have any discriminatory meaning. This person has misunderstood it."

Xingsan also nodded. He knew very well that this was just a misunderstanding. He looked at the black man and said, "Apologise."

When have black people ever been wronged like this? This method has been tried and tested in the United States. Unexpectedly, now I am the one who apologizes.

He pointed at Xing San and shouted angrily: "This is impossible, there is no way you don't know what Nico means! You did it on purpose! Have you forgotten the days when black people were used as slaves in the United States? You are a black person


"Have you ever been a slave? That's right." Xingsan was a little surprised, and then said in a more serious tone: "Apologise!"

The black American is still unwilling: "There is absolutely no way I can apologize to a racist! Never!"

"Then kill him. If he dares to cause trouble on Isla Nublar, he must be ready to die." At this moment, a voice that is extremely familiar to humans all over the world suddenly sounded.

Xing San was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around. Although he only saw two thick black legs outside, he still quickly saluted Ding Zheng: "Ape God! Why are you here!"

Ding Zheng was condescending and stared at the black man through the glass above the corridor. The black man was frightened and fell to his knees. He could no longer stand up: "God Ape, I didn't mean to cause trouble. This time it was really just an accident.


"I apologize. I will apologize now and ask the orangutan god to come around me once. I will never come to Isla Nublar to cause trouble again."

He kowtowed to Ding Zheng like crazy. This was the news he heard from his friends from the Orang God Cult.

Like the ancient emperors of Bactria, the Ape God likes to be kowtowed to.

Therefore, once you provoke the Ape God, as long as it is not intentional, you should quickly kowtow and apologize.

And if it was intentional, just wait for death.

He dismissed these words at the time.

But now I am convinced.

I just hope those friends from the Ape God Sect can be more reliable.

Having watched countless videos of Ding Zheng stepping on someone to death, he had no doubt that Ding Zheng could easily kill it.

The appearance of Ding Zheng shocked everyone including Liu Xing and others.

Ding Zheng almost never appeared in public before.

It also knows how frightened its presence can make people.

Everyone doesn't understand that Xingsan can handle such a small matter easily.

Why did you provoke Ding Zheng?

The outsiders stood there, motionless.

The Americans were even more worried about themselves, and Ding Zheng vented his anger on the United States on them.

But at this time, Ding Zheng's attention was not on these people at all. Even though the American black man kowtowed and broke his own head, he ignored them completely.

Instead, through the Ape God, he was monitoring a SHIELD agent not far away. After he appeared, he immediately ran towards the villa where Jane and her friends lived at a very fast speed!

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been on Isla Nublar for a long time.

Because the other party didn't do anything out of the ordinary, Ding Zheng ignored it.

After all, Isla Nublar has just begun to develop again. If it continues to kill people casually, it will lead to regression.

But this time, he saw the SHIELD agent who had figured out the situation on Isla Nublar sneak away, and then two more people came over, one was an agent and the other was an ordinary person.

These agents thought they were doing something very covert, but they didn't know that there were more than one or two souls in Ding Zheng?

He has already included most of Isla Nublar under his control.

He could see the whereabouts of these agents clearly.

So today, Ding Zheng wanted to see what SHIELD was going to do without exposing himself, and try to take advantage of it!

The agent and the ordinary person were still wandering around the Isla Nublar Airport, looking for people to talk to. It seemed that something was indeed going on, and at the same time it was inconspicuous and well hidden.

But when Xing San and Liu Xing came to pick them up, they immediately followed them.

Obviously, they knew through some channels that Liu Xing's friends would come today, and they also knew that Xing San would pick them up.

I also know that Liu Xing's position on Isla Nublar can be exploited.

After Liu Xing and his friends arrived at Isla Nublar, the two of them followed them directly, while trying to avoid Xing San as if they were planning something.

When Xing San went to answer the phone to deal with the matter, the ordinary people among them walked directly towards Liu Xing and others, obviously looking for trouble.

But the black man who was kowtowing to Ding Zheng got there first!

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. obviously didn't expect something like this to happen.

So I hid with my companions nearby, watching the situation become more and more anxious, as if we wanted to leave but didn't dare.

Ding Zheng watched for a long time and thought that the agent was probably worried about being discovered by him, so he decided to show up and give them a chance.

Sure enough, when he saw Ding Zheng appearing outside the airport, the agent left without thinking at all.

Another ordinary person was still in the crowd, watching Ding Zheng carefully, ready to inform his partners at any time.

In order not to reveal his purpose, Ding Zheng turned to look at the black man and said, "Do you think an apology is useful? You hurt innocent people because of your ignorance."

"However." It changed the topic, "Now that things have happened and you have realized your mistake, I still give you a chance. In order to prevent you from making another mistake, here, copy the word 'that' and its meaning.

A hundred times before you leave, I will be here to supervise you."

Xing San, Liu Xing, and everyone looked at Ding Zheng with wide eyes.

They had never heard of such an outrageous punishment.

Is the Ape God really not joking?

But Ding Zheng seemed not to have seen it at all, and said to Xing San: "Take Liu Xing and the others, and leave this place to me."

After finishing speaking, he said to other onlookers: "Everyone should be busy with their own business. I am a very kind orangutan. Don't be afraid. I will wait here. He will leave after finishing writing. You can pretend not to see me."

The whole airport was quiet.

It was like being cast into silence.

The SHIELD agent who left the airport had almost arrived at Jane's residence.

Thinking of the black man who made trouble at the airport, he couldn't help but laugh mockingly: "I originally thought that these niggas couldn't do anything well, but I didn't expect that they would come up with such a big surprise today, which would allow our plan to be implemented smoothly.

Even if you die on Isla Nublar, it will be considered an honor, and I have not treated you unfairly by living in the United States for free for so many years."

In a blink of an eye, he had reached his destination, stopped, without blushing or out of breath, took out a machine from his body and placed it next to him, which could temporarily isolate all eavesdropping machines. Then he put on a false smile and knocked on the phone.

Opened Jane's door.

"Ms. Jane, I am a member of the U.S. military. Please don't be afraid and listen to what I have to say."

He spoke very quickly: "We know that Mr. Saul has disappeared for several months, but we can find Mr. Saul, so, Miss Jane, do you want to know more?"

He had a smile on his face and seemed confident of victory.

Jane, who was still frowning and meditating on experimental matters, instantly opened her eyes!

This chapter has been completed!
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