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Chapter 106 Robot Wall-E, the dawn of the mission.)

"Isn't this the robot WALL-E!"

Ding Zheng immediately knelt down and gently took out the small machine, which was no bigger than a fingernail.

It didn't even dare to use too much force, for fear of accidentally crushing the little robot.

After taking a closer look, Ding Zheng was even more certain about the little machine in his hand.

It’s the robot that was transformed into Wall-E in the animated movie “Wall-E”!

In fact, it is a bit reluctant to call it a robot.

Because this little machine doesn't look human at all, instead it looks like a small tank.

There are two rows of crawlers at the bottom, and the body is a square metal box that can accommodate and squeeze garbage.

The two hydraulic control arms look like two small excavator heads, but there is a gap in the middle, which makes them more sensitive and the curvature is not that exaggerated, allowing it to make various movements.

There are two big eyes on the top, which is actually a digital camera and is also equipped with a laser that can cut metal.

Of course, in order to ensure sufficient energy, this little robot is also equipped with a solar charging panel.

Overall, it is a machine image that although not humanoid, looks very lovable.

In the movie.

These little WALL-E robots were originally mass-produced to sort out the garbage created by humans.

Because in the movie, the earth's environment has deteriorated so much that almost all plants have died, and humans can no longer survive.

So he could only leave the earth under the guidance of a spaceship built by BNL, the largest company on the earth at that time, and began a life of wandering in the universe.

At this time, BNL also created many WALL-E robots in batches to deal with the garbage left on the earth.

The protagonist in the movie "Wall-E" is such a WALL-E robot.

I don’t know how many years after humans left the earth.

A large number of WALL-E robots have been automatically decommissioned, leaving only the last one.

Moreover, this WALL-E also gave birth to spiritual intelligence!

It is not artificial intelligence in the traditional sense, but the real soul. This last WALL-E robot, in addition to doing lonely tasks of processing garbage generation set by the system day after day.

I also built myself a house, and learned to collect some things that I liked and were interested in from the garbage as collections, and also learned to repair myself.

You can even fall in love.

Moreover, in the movie, he also feeds a powerful cockroach as his pet to keep him company.

My biggest interest is watching a romantic musical that I found in a garbage dump. I especially like the scene in which the male and female protagonists hold hands.

When Ding Zheng watched this animated movie, he was so sweet that he came alive.

Wall-E is really heartbreaking.

What Ding Zheng didn't expect was...

In its lifetime, it can actually see WALL-E.

What’s even more confusing is how the cute and cute WALL-E, a good animated romance science fiction environmental film, has something to do with the Zerg!

Ding Zheng couldn't help but glance at the five-meter-high beetles behind him, although they looked slightly similar to cockroaches.

But it still can't connect these bugs with the movie Wall-E.

Ding Zheng shook his head to clear out the weird thoughts in his mind, then gently held the scrapped WALL-E robot, placed it in front of the brain worm, and asked: "This thing... you only have this one here.


The brainworm's mouthparts quickly moved over: "I don't know either."

"Does the female insect know?" Ding Zheng continued to ask.

It's not because it wants to see the protagonist of the movie, but the appearance of this WALL-E robot makes Ding Zheng unsure which movie world this earth belongs to!

"The mother worm... should know, but she should not know that some of the things here were originally collected by the mother worm herself, but then our people went outside to collect them. You can ask the mother worm yourself." Brain Worm.

Very clearly explained.

"Then let's go now." Ding Zheng said immediately, it didn't want to wait even for a moment.

If this Earth is the Earth in "Starship Troopers", then Ding Zheng would have a hard time determining when humans will come.

After all, in Starship Troopers, humans were on Earth from the very beginning.

As for the Zerg, they attacked the earth from aliens and even directly destroyed a city on the earth.

Therefore, in the subsequent war, the human space fleet specifically went to the Zerg planet to settle accounts with the Zerg in order to take revenge.

Only then did the plot in the movie happen.

If this is the case, then Ding Zheng's task will be somewhat difficult.

Because the background of the movie is different from the world Ding Zheng lives in at this time.

Human beings are not on earth in this world.

If Ding Zheng wants to help humans return to Earth to complete their mission, he will most likely have to travel to the universe.

The universe is so big, but Ding Zheng doesn't even have any knowledge or skills about aerospace, so he probably doesn't have enough time.

But if this world were the world of "Wall-E".

If Ding Zheng's mission were to be completed, it would undoubtedly be much simpler.

Because in the movie, although humans are wandering in space, they have never forgotten the earth. They will send more advanced robots to explore the earth. Once it is determined that the earth has become suitable for human habitation and plants are born, they will return.

Although Ding Zheng is not sure when humans will explore the earth, when they will return, and whether the mission time will be enough, it is much better than the aimless situation in the previous "Starship Troopers".

It only needs to find a way to make the earth's environment better again, and humans will naturally find it.

And you can also choose to study aviation technology during the waiting period. If you really can't wait, take the initiative to find it.

"You can ask here." The brainworm wrapped its mouthparts around Ding Zheng, who hurriedly ran out as soon as he finished speaking, and then gestured in the other direction with his eyes.

Ding Zheng turned his head with confusion on his face and found a familiar turtle-like thing rising up in the distance.

Ding Zheng's eyes immediately widened.

Although it has only seen it once, it can still recognize that this turtle shell is the female Zerg that it has met before!

However, the turtle shell in front of me seems smaller than when I saw it before.

"There are two female worms?" Ding Zheng asked, "Or the female worms have a special passage and can get here quickly from there."

"The female worm is very big. It can appear there or here. It just needs to move its body a little." The brain worm answered truthfully, "Of course, the female worm will not move its body if it is not necessary."

Yes, because it is too huge, even a little action will consume a lot of star ore."

Ding Zheng thought about it carefully and realized that it had just followed the brainworm and walked not only five or six kilometers, but also three or four kilometers.

But the female insect moved her body and arrived.

It's like going from the head of the bed to the end of the bed.

"This... is indeed a bit too big." Ding Zheng sighed and smiled helplessly.

"Originally I didn't plan to show up, but 74 said that you seemed to have made a special discovery, so I came out to chat with you again." The female insect's voice sounded again, "I am also very familiar with the life and history of previous humans.


Ding Zheng looked at the turtle shell that was obviously much smaller than before. Although he was puzzled, he did not ask. After all, this might involve other people's secrets.

It directly lifted up the scrapped WALL-E in its hand: "I don't know, mother worm, do you know where this thing comes from?"

"Well... I found this nearby." The female insect's tone suddenly became excited, "I had just woken up at that time, and I was looking for food and stones... Well, 74 said you named those stones star minerals.

, it’s a very good name, let’s call it that from now on.”

"I was looking for star mines and food at the same time, and then I saw this little thing around here."

"It has been collecting garbage and piling it up into mountains. It is very diligent."

"I thought I could become friends with it, so I took it with me, and then I discovered this star mine."

"Speaking of it, it seems to have brought me good luck."

"But after I brought it here, it still collected garbage like it did outside and never communicated with me. I was very surprised, but I didn't think much about it and left it here. But after a while, it

It died, and I tried many methods to save it."

When the female insect said this, she was obviously still a little sad.

"Then I left it here. Until now, I don't know how long it has been, I almost forgot about it."

After listening to the mother worm's words, Ding Zheng couldn't help but look up at the bright light bulb above the cave.

"Have you ever tried taking it outside and letting it return to its original environment?" Ding Zheng asked.

"No, I think it's better here. The environment outside is too bad." The female insect replied.

"No wonder..." Ding Zheng was speechless.

In order for the WALL-E robot to last for a long time, it is charged by sunlight. The mother insect takes it underground. It cannot be exposed to sunlight and cannot absorb enough energy. Of course, it cannot move?

The battery is out!

Ding Zheng thought that the robot had been scrapped.

Although the big light bulb in the cave is bright, it is definitely not enough.

Ding Zheng put these thoughts aside for the time being, and then continued to ask: "Then do you know if there is this little thing elsewhere?"

"I don't know anymore," the female insect replied.

"Okay..." Ding Zheng was a little helpless, thought for a while, and then said, "Nao... 74 told me about your difficulties, and I am willing to help, but I also have a request."

"any request?"

"My purpose is also to make the earth's environment better again, so I am willing to help you. I don't want to see my former home become like this." Ding Zheng said, originally he was not sure whether he wanted to do this.

, but after seeing Wall-E, its thoughts have gradually tilted towards this.

"So, maybe you will need to help me at that time. Let's restore the earth's environment to normal. At the same time, help me find more information and relics about human beings. I need to know what happened to the earth after I left.


Ding Zheng paused and continued: "I hope you can give me this little thing."

It hopes to use this Wall-E to find other Wall-Es, and maybe even the protagonist in the movie.

Ding Zheng does not think that this Wall-E is the protagonist of the movie. After all, when BNL left, thousands and countless Wall-E robots were left behind to clean up garbage.

This one is probably just one of the very ordinary Wall-Es.

Moreover, Wall-E in the movie was born intelligent.

Ding Zheng does not believe that a robot can gain intelligence at will, let alone fall in love like a human being.

The setting is more like a fantasy in a movie.

However, if other WALL-Es can be found, not only can it be confirmed that this is the world of "WALL-E", but more traces left by humans can also be found.

After all, in the movie, when humans return to Earth, although the buildings on Earth have long been dilapidated, there are still some things that can be seen.

"Maybe, I can cure it." Ding Zheng was afraid that the female insect would not agree, so he added a special sentence.

Although the female insect said she had forgotten about this little Wall-E, she still obviously hesitated for a while before asking, "What do you need it for?"

"I need to try to see if it can help me find more things left by humans." Ding Zheng said.

"Okay." The female insect finally agreed and said, "74 will take you to those places. You can go whenever you want. Also, I hope you can cure it. It has been dead for a long, long time..."

The voice of the female insect became smaller and smaller until finally it disappeared completely.

And the huge black turtle shell slowly sank.

Only then did Ding Zheng see a huge pothole not far away that he had not noticed.

Ding Zheng slowly put Wall-E into his hands and stared at the pothole, feeling helpless.

After seeing it twice, it could not clearly see what this so-called female insect looked like.

All I know is that the other person is very big!

It's so big that I can't even imagine it. In terms of body size, even King Kong, Godzilla, and Ghidorah are not enough to look at in front of the female insect.

"But fortunately, we didn't get everything."

Ding Zheng showed a metal belt that could hold things, then tied it on his finger and put Xiao Wali inside.

Then, it scanned the entire cave and said to the brain worm called 74 by the mother worm: "You can wait for me for a while, I will study the things here, and then we will set off directly. By the way, you don't need to

Bring some star ore?"

"There is enough star ore stored in our bodies, and even if an accident occurs, we can temporarily sleep and let you bring us back."

"What a beautiful thought..." Ding Zheng complained in his heart, having a deeper understanding of these Zerg who acted extremely silly and sweet.

It seems completely careless!

Ding Zheng temporarily put these thoughts behind his mind, then walked into this magnificent-looking "garbage dump" and started searching again.

"By the way, where did you get the glowing things on the cave? And this electricity." Ding Zheng suddenly remembered this question and asked again.

"This lamp washed up from the sea." Brainworm replied.

"What about electricity?"

"What electricity?"

"...that is, how did it light up? Was it lit when you first discovered it?"

"Yes, that's why my female insect asked us to install it."

"Huh?" Ding Zheng suddenly raised his head and looked at the light bulb. Then, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a small star mine inside the light bulb!

This chapter has been completed!
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