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Chapter 110 Gorilla God No. 1, the second attack of monsters!~~~)

What Stark brought was undoubtedly great news.

And this is not just for Isla Nublar, but for the entire planet!

After hearing the notice, all the core personnel on Isla Nublar ran to Tony Stark's studio.

It's said to be a studio.

But in fact, it should be a formation.

Because Isla Nublar is a small island after all, and the construction of the underground floor has almost stabilized, there is definitely no way to build a nearly 100-meter-high building specifically for the research and development of mechas.

But in order to prevent Stark's work from being monitored and sabotaged by the United States and other countries.

Of course, it was also to prevent Stark's failure from being known to others except Isla Nublar.

So Bruce specially designated an area for Stark on Isla Nublar and arranged a formation.

The purpose of this formation is to prevent any investigation from the outside world.

Compared with building a building with excellent confidentiality.

This formation looks very shabby, with a few pieces of yellow cloth with ghostly symbols painted on them.

Coupled with the fact that it has no invisibility effect, it has been ridiculed by many people in the world.

I was trolled on the Internet for a long time.

Some people even say that a typhoon can blow these cloths away.

But it turns out.

The effect of this formation is surprisingly good!

Don't talk about the wind.

Not even bullets can penetrate!

It took Bruce a whole month to draw these symbols.

Apart from eating and sleeping, all that's left is drawing talismans.

Everyone on Isla Nublar lifted their talisman and walked in.

Then, a somewhat familiar mecha came into view.



Everyone who saw the appearance of the mecha was shocked.

The entire body of this mecha is a familiar black color, with golden spots on the joints. It is slightly stooped, as thick as a mountain, and has a broad back.

And two long, huge figures that were touching the ground and lying on all fours.

The head is also very huge, and it looks like it has no neck. The two facial eyes are slightly glowing blue in the space of the talisman paper!

Exactly what Ding Zheng looks like!

Stark almost turned his gorilla armor into a giant one.

However, although it seems so on the surface.

But in fact, the changes to be made are far from simple.

This is the most mechanically talented person in the world today, and it took Tony Stark nearly half a year to finally make it.

Moreover, if it weren't for his close contact with American mechas.

And with my own experience in making armor, I'm afraid it would be impossible for it to go so smoothly.

Of course, the reason why Stark made the mecha look like this is not for sentimentality or anything completely unreasonable.

But he is more familiar with this form of mecha!

When he modified his armor before, Ding Zheng helped him a lot, including things like the force exertion method and joint details that were not visible on the surface parameters.

Stark's gorilla armor can even fight like a martial arts master because of Ding Zheng's help.

Therefore, Stark is naturally more familiar with mechas of this appearance.

Moreover, although Ding Zheng is gone now, there is still Bowser who can also give Stark certain suggestions when he develops mechas.

Make Stark's job more comfortable.

Without these, I'm afraid Stark wouldn't be able to create the mecha under such circumstances.

Everyone's eyes slowly slid down from above the mecha, and finally fell on Stark, who stood beside the mecha's fist with a proud look on his face.

At this time, Stark looked completely different from the suits and ties he used to wear.

He was only wearing a tight-fitting vest, he had lost weight, and even his beard had grown out, but at this time, he was looking at everyone who entered the place with a smile.


Stark opened his hands and made a gentleman's salute.

Ever since Ding Zheng was bombed by a nuclear bomb, Stark has been in a state of extreme self-blame.

Because that disposable armor was handed over to the United States by him himself.

Although he didn't know that something like that would happen, there was no doubt that he could be blamed for half of what happened to Ding Zheng!

Although Stark didn't show it on the surface, he always remembered this matter in his heart.

That's why he works so hard on research and development of mechas. Sometimes when inspiration comes, he won't even sleep.

I have to take it several times more seriously than making my own armor, and I almost have a mental problem.

Because he not only wants to develop the mecha, he also wants to develop it to the best! Even better!

In the end, he completed the research and development of the mecha, and the results made him very satisfied.

"Stark, please introduce this mecha to us." Banner withdrew his reluctant gaze.

Mecha is a man’s romance, there is no doubt about it.

Even Banner wants to control such a powerful mecha to fight.

But with Hulk on his side, he could only think about it, otherwise the kid Hulk would definitely be jealous.

"That's right! Let me introduce you." Bruce also said.

At this time, Bruce Jack, Benna, Natasha, Xingyi and others had all arrived.

Even Thor sneaked in while eating watermelon and looked at the mecha.

When Stark saw the people gathered, he no longer held back and nodded immediately, saying: "Okay! Next, I will introduce to you the most powerful mecha in the world!"

"I call it, Ape God No. 1!"

When everyone heard this name, their expressions couldn't help but become serious.

This is a kind of nostalgia and a symbol.

If it were a mecha created on Isla Nublar, what would be a more appropriate name?

Of course, it is more suitable to be related to Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng is the symbol of Isla Nublar.

This is true at all times.

"This mecha is stronger than any mecha in the world!" Stark emphasized again, he was full of confidence, "Yes, it is stronger than any mecha. All American mechas are impossible.

He is the opponent of this mecha."

"Of course, those monsters can't be either!"

"First of all, let me introduce to you the energy source of this mecha."

Not far away, Stark's armor suddenly flew over and was automatically put on, leaving only his face exposed. Then, he slowly flew up and stopped at the chest of the mecha.

"The new generation of Ark Reactor, larger model, more energy, completely crushes the energy of all mechas in the United States."

Following Stark's words, the Ark reactor on the mecha's chest suddenly lit up, emitting a faint blue light. Then, Stark continued: "And there are three such reactors in total!"

The words just fell.

Suddenly, in addition to the one on the chest, another blue light circle lit up on the thighs of the mecha's legs.

Bruce and others all know how powerful the Ark Reactor is. The United States and Kern have always wanted to get the reactor, and they have spent huge resources, time and manpower trying to copy it.

But they all failed.

And there are actually three such powerful Ark reactors on this mecha!

This shows how luxurious Stark is.

At the same time, you can roughly guess how powerful this mecha is.

"The combination of these three reactors can not only bring longer battery life, but also bring more powerful and durable explosive power."

"So, our mecha will be the first mecha on earth that can fly autonomously!"

Stark's voice rose in vain.

At the same time, everyone present was suddenly startled and then clapped their hands.

Nowadays, American mechas must be pulled by planes or transported by aircraft carriers.

Mechas that can fly autonomously are simply unheard of and unseen on the entire planet.

This alone is a huge surprise!

Then, Stark continued to explain other designs on the Ape God 1, including the two extremely thick arms that can perform ultimate attacks, as well as more flexible joints and a more scientific way of exerting force...

There are all kinds of things that definitely sound several times more powerful than American mechas!

And because the narrator is Tony Stark, no one doubts the authenticity of these words.

At this moment, everyone looking at this huge mecha was extremely shocked and at the same time extremely excited.

Stark was naturally extremely excited.

However, in the end, Stark calmed down and told a very bad news: "Although our mecha is very strong, it is not the strongest! I still have many ideas that I have not conquered yet.

And realize that as long as you give me time, I will definitely be able to develop a stronger mecha."

"But!" Stark paused, "We may not have enough materials."

"Since the monsters didn't even begin to appear, the United States has been vigorously manufacturing mechas to deal with the ape gods. Almost all of the materials that were previously unused were sold out by them. After the monsters appeared, the United States increased its purchasing efforts.

Although we also grabbed some, it was no longer enough to build a second one."

What Stark said was true, and Bruce and others were also a little helpless.

The originally lively scene suddenly became a little deserted.

"It's okay. Daxia and Russia should still have materials. We can buy them from them and use our mecha technology to exchange them!"

Someone said.

"But if our news leaks out, the United States will definitely make arrangements in advance to snatch away more materials. If the United States directly uses their old mechas to replace them, I think other countries will not refuse. This is the most commonly used weapon in the United States.

The routine is that when other countries can produce something on their own, they will immediately reduce the price of their own products, firstly reduce the price, and crush the organizations that directly produce those things with price wars. Other countries should also choose American mechas. After all,

If you take away our stuff, you have to develop it yourself, but the American stuff is ready-made."

Someone pointed out the problem.

"But our mechas are stronger than those of the United States!" Some people were unconvinced.

"Who knows? Do people believe us or do they believe America?"

"It's a pity that there is no monster that can let us prove our strength. We can't go to fight with American mechas. It seems that our mechas have to be hidden for a while longer, so as to catch the United States by surprise!"

Jack said, "Of course, we can also contact the countries that have the materials in advance and say hello to them in advance!"

"Yes, by then, if our mecha debut goes well, let alone Daxia and Russia, even the island countries that have already cooperated with the United States will probably turn to us." Bruce also said, "Now there are more and more monsters.

The stronger it gets, everyone has discovered this, and the American mechas can no longer hold on!"

Everyone nodded, but they were less happy than before.

After all, I have made good things, but I can't show them off happily and openly.

Instead, it was as if I had done something wrong and I wanted to hide it. Naturally, I couldn't be happy. Instead, I couldn't avenge any old or new grudges, and I was still holding my breath.

However, they also know.

At present, in order to prevent the United States from jumping over the wall, it is spending money to monopolize the material market before the Ape God 1 has proven its strength. By then, even if Isla Nublar can obtain the materials, it will have to cost even more!

At this moment, Bruce's communicator suddenly sounded.

When he answered the call, his eyes suddenly widened: "The second monster appeared and attacked Bowser directly. Now the two sides have started fighting, and Bowser is at a disadvantage!"

"I just said that the monsters lost too easily this time, as if they were just here to kill someone. Unexpectedly, they sent two of them this time! How is this monster?" Jack asked immediately.

Everyone was a little surprised.

Two monsters appeared at once, something that had never happened before.

But today, it happened to Kuba.

What is more worrying is whether Kuba can handle it safely?

After all, with the style of those monsters, after the first one fails, it is absolutely impossible for the second one to follow the same old path.

"It seems that they are taking the flexible route, and they are inseparable from Kuba. Moreover, Kuba has consumed a lot of energy before, so now he is at a disadvantage." Natasha next to her immediately took out an instrument and said while looking at it.

"Leave it to me!" Suddenly, Stark said.

He patted the Ape God Mecha No. 1 and said, "This is an opportunity that just came to your door."

Bruce and others all looked relaxed.

Jack glanced at Stark with some worry and asked doubtfully: "Can you withstand the pressure of controlling a mecha?"

"Uh..." Stark was stunned. It hadn't had time to equip the mecha with artificial intelligence.

And he is not sure whether artificial intelligence can operate smoothly.

After all, the model is too big.

There may be delays in the transmission and reception of artificial intelligence information.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the United States to completely stop going in this direction.

"Then let me do it!" At this moment, Xingsan stood up. He looked at the huge mecha, his eyes shining, "I have the best score in all the driver tests."

In order to control the mecha, Isla Nublar also has its own tests.

The people in Xingcun all have excellent results, but Xingsan is the best.

"In that case." Bruce and Stark looked at each other and nodded to each other, "Then let our Ape God No. 1 fly into the sky!"

On the sea.

A slender, monkey-like monster was entangled with Bowser in the sea water.

Bowser's previous loot had already been forced to be thrown into the sea.

And because this monster is fast, it is a little difficult to deal with it.

After all, it had just finished off the previous one and was constantly releasing the absorbed life energy all the way back.

As a result, there are only seven or eight meters left, which is much weaker than before.


Bowser dodged another attack from the monster and was about to continue running away.

Suddenly, a huge roar came from the distance.

Both Bowser and the monster stopped and looked towards the place where the sound came from!

This chapter has been completed!
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