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Chapter 116 The impact of nuclear war, the decline of human regimes~~~)

This was originally a very beautiful world.

There are not as many weird things as there are in the main world where Ding Zheng is.

There's no alien invasion, no dangerous Titans awakening.

It's the same world as the one Ding Zheng was in when he was still a human before he was reborn.

Everything is under the control of human beings themselves, without any opponents.

However, precisely because there is no external pressure at all, the competition and conflicts between political powers within human beings have become increasingly serious and increasingly uncontrollable.

Greed is the instinct of human beings, and perhaps even of all living things.

Everyone wants more.

Regimes composed of humans naturally want more.

Although there are some clear-minded people.

They know that no matter how much conflict or contradiction there is between human beings, human beings are all one.

And the earth is limited.

Even if we get the whole earth, what will happen?

If we want to make human beings stronger, we can only find ways to turn our attention to the universe.

As for a real war, naturally it is absolutely impossible.

Money has no power and no value.

There is no profit, and there is no technology.

The most important thing is human beings themselves!

If the war affects humanity itself, then no matter how many benefits it gains from the war, it will be a loser.

However, there are also some leaders who are not clear-headed.

He is keen on and uses unconventional means, biting people like a mad dog, as if he doesn't care about the consequences of his actions.

It just so happened that one of the regimes on Earth in this mission world met such a ruler.

He talks so much that it's impossible to tell whether he's telling the truth or a lie.

Moreover, he also became the president of a country in this world called Beautiful Country!

I don’t know if it’s to benefit myself or the beautiful country.

On a certain matter, this ruler had a huge conflict with the Warring States Period, which was the largest military power in Eurasia but had declined economically.

Moreover, this executive showed no signs of restraining himself.

Maybe he feels that he can do whatever he wants just because his country is richer.

But the Warring States President was also a ruthless man. He could suffer losses, but he must maintain the dignity of the country.

A ruthless guy got into trouble with a lunatic.

The contradiction between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, and until military friction occurs, there is still no intention to stop.

And what is really disappointing is that this madman actually talked about nuclear weapons in the later stage to threaten the other party.

I don't know if he is really stupid, or if he thinks the other party can't believe it.

Anyway, it is to talk about nuclear weapons, which is an absolute taboo for the earth and mankind.

It seems to be using this to make the other person afraid.

But it's a pity.

The President of the Warring States Period did not accept this trick.

He doesn't believe that the president of a beautiful country dares to actually use nuclear weapons.

So it's still very strong, head-to-head.

Ding Zheng, who remembered his experience in the main world, laughed when he saw this.

It reminds me of that idiot Kern.

Some people are really crazy and really know how to use nuclear weapons.

Originally, Ding Zheng thought that the president of this beautiful country in the world had used a nuclear bomb, which resulted in the outbreak of a full-scale nuclear war.

But you won’t know until later.

The person who used the first nuclear bomb turned out to be the deceived Warring States President!

The president of the beautiful country didn't know which part of his mind was wrong. After making a very true declaration, he took the lead in launching a nuclear bomb and successfully passed through the interception system of the Warring States Period.

But in fact, that nuclear bomb was actually a fake.

It won't explode at all.

The president of the beautiful country just wanted to take this opportunity to scare the other party.

And demonstrate the level of military technology of their country.

This kind of thing is beautiful and has been done too many times.

Relying on its leadership in weapons, economy and technology, it often bombs the embassies of other countries as a threat.

After being condemned, they often say that they bombed by mistake, and they can only pay some money and often default on their debts.

After all, it is the most powerful country in the world, and it has such willful capital.

What the President of the United States did was just the same thing, and he used fake nuclear bombs, so nothing would really happen.

He felt that after this fake nuclear bomb fell on the land of the Warring States Period, this hateful country and that hateful president would simply surrender.

But who knows.

Just when the fake nuclear bomb of the Beautiful Country broke through the interception system of the Warring States Period, the ruthless President of the Warring States Period directly launched two real nuclear bombs at the Beautiful Country!

You give me one, I’ll give you two!

The Warring States President's temper was indeed very explosive.

What's really important is that these two nuclear bombs are not fake!

One of them was shot down by a US interception system and exploded at sea.

But one of them directly blew up a city in the beautiful country.

Millions of deaths!

At this time, even if Meimeiguo stood up and said that its nuclear bomb was fake, even if Warring States stood up and apologized, it would be too late to fix the matter.

The people of Beautiful Country were blasted with extremely strong war passion and hatred by a nuclear bomb, and even the regime of Beautiful Country could not suppress it.

The beautiful country in this world is not like the United States in the main world where Ding Zheng lives. Due to the invasion of aliens, the government has very strict control over the country.

This beautiful country in the world is indeed very free in comparison.

The people are forcing the government to step down if they don't return this nuclear bomb!

Moreover, the people of the beautiful country have the ability to do so!

The war enthusiasm stirred up by the beautiful country's government in the country has completely turned them back!

So, the beautiful country's first counterattack nuclear bomb was launched.

The Warring States Period did not have the idea that it would be fair for me to be hit by a nuclear bomb and to use this to resolve disputes.


Nuclear war has begun.

However, the two countries, which were so fierce in fighting, did not expect that mankind and the earth would be so unbearable to withstand nuclear war.

Their two countries have not completely exhausted their nuclear weapons.

But even so.

It has also almost completely changed the appearance of the entire earth.

Humanity, which was originally prosperous, also suffered a huge blow.

And this was only a nuclear war involving two countries, and it did not affect the third country.

Maybe there is a trace of reason in the minds of these crazy politicians that tells them that if one more big country gets involved, the earth may really be destroyed.

Although this nuclear war stopped before the collapse of the earth and human society.

But the impact on humans is still huge.

The most serious thing is.

This sudden and huge nuclear war triggered the largest and most extreme anti-war action in the entire world at that time!

After witnessing the despair that weapons of mass destruction can bring, almost 80% of the human population on the entire earth at that time began to be extremely anti-war!

And this action is the first conclusion drawn.

That is, weapons as terrible as nuclear weapons should not be in the hands of only a small group of people, or even a few people.

Of course, it is not easy to allow all humans around the world to participate in its use, and it is not scientific at the same time.

Therefore, weapons with astonishing destructive power such as nuclear weapons specially developed by mankind for war have been temporarily sealed.

No government in any country is allowed to continue to control nuclear weapons.

No country dares to disagree.

Because there are too many people threatening each other with death.

Under harsh environments, more people are often born who put life and death aside for their beliefs.

Especially those who have seen and experienced the effects of weapons of mass destruction with their own eyes are so crazy that they must either seal up these weapons or die together and welcome the collapse of human society.

Governments simply have no way to resist.

As said before.

What really matters most is humanity!

Of course, because of the technological level of that world, it was not yet time for robots to be able to solve most things.

In short, under the coercion and supervision of most human beings in the entire world.

All weapons of mass destruction have been abandoned by governments of various countries and sealed underground.

Only when more than 83% of humans agree can it be used again.

The information Ding Zheng obtained did not record how the 83% data was obtained.

With its knowledge and experience, it couldn't guess why, so it didn't delve into it.

The ban on weapons of mass destruction did not completely end the anti-war movement.

Because previous nuclear wars were entirely caused by a few irrational regime controllers.

Therefore, countries and governments began to be questioned and distrusted by all human beings.

At the same time, this nuclear war also made mankind more aware that mankind should be more unified and united.

Therefore, state power began to be rejected by human beings.

The governments of many small countries have even been dissolved.

Other countries are also inevitably affected.

Of course, for some countries and regimes, this is simply an unforeseen disaster.

Some countries and regimes always do well.

But under the general trend of the times.

They have no way to control it, let alone use force to suppress the rebels at this time.

That will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism.

Because no one would believe that when a person is running a power or a country, he will completely abandon all his selfishness and personal feelings.

At that time, the whole world was in chaos.

Until a company suddenly launched a system.

This company is the one behind everything in "Wall-E": BNL!

And the system developed by BNL.

It is a very simple administrative management system that can run independently!

This administrative management system is completely controlled by AI to manage all problems in society.

Everything is done according to the rules, there are no back doors, no bribes, no personal relationships, and no selfish motives.

"You can bribe others with houses, cigarettes, alcohol, and money, but what can you bribe a machine with?"

"You can use words, actions, and lies to anger others, but what can you use to anger a machine?"

"Human beings can start wars because of resources, emotions, and memories, but why would a machine start a war?"

These are the three advertising slogans printed by BNL Company at that time.

It must be said that these two advertising slogans fully revealed the distrust of the regime, each other, and themselves, as well as the anti-war sentiments of mankind at that time.

Moreover, it really came up with a solution that seemed feasible.

That's a robot!

Although this robot was also set up by humans.

Although a robot is a program, the program may be attacked, hacked, or tampered with.

Although, I don’t know how many movies and art works that have produced robots that have consciousness and in turn control humans.

But at that time.

It was a time when humans had the least trust in humans, especially those in power.

Give power to machines that at the very least appear to be completely disinterested.

Seems like a very good way!

Driven by the overwhelming majority of humanity around the world, BNL's system immediately began to spread like a virus around the world.

It has attracted many capable and ambitious people, and it has been continuously improved during the implementation process.

Finally, let the system stabilize!

At that time, in the entire world, only the Xia Kingdom, the largest country in Asia, was the country that persisted the longest, and the regime of the Xia Kingdom was also the longest-lasting regime.

The reason is naturally because this country has always performed best.

It is also the most supported by the people.

But under the tide of such times.

In the end, Xia Guo was replaced by machines.

However, Xia State, as the only last powerful country at that time, still accomplished something in the end.

That is, the leader established BNL and the BNL system supervision system.

After all, BNL's system was also created by humans, so these people must accept supervision.

And the people who supervise are all the people in the world!

Everyone involved in the construction of the BNL system must accept the supervision of all humans.

It's like stripping yourself naked and exposing yourself to the world.

There can be no concealment.

People recognize the necessity of this supervision.

This change did scare some people away, but some people persisted and built their own strength to improve the system.

This supervision will continue until the BNL system no longer requires human updates and maintenance.


A model in which a machine manages humans and humans supervise the machine is formed.

Regardless of the shortcomings of the machine.

But the most important point is this.

Machines will not initiate war!

At that time, this was what everyone valued most!

Unless machines really become conscious and want to destroy humans.

But that is undoubtedly a fantasy in science fiction works.

And in a human society without the hidden danger of war, it seems that there are no big problems just relying on machines to manage some problems.

Since then, humans in this world have embarked on a completely different path.

And continue to improve and develop.

It's a pity that Ding Zheng didn't find out how this kind of society developed in the end.

It can only know from some fragmented information that the three letters BNL have been accompanied by all aspects of human society since then.

Until people discovered that the earth's environment could no longer be improved.

Immediately, BNL built the spacecraft with the help of the core system.

I left this planet far away and went to space to find new hope.

After that, when humans leave, the earth's environment will become even worse, and there will be no way to recover at all.

All remaining living creatures began to gradually become extinct.

Let the entire earth almost become a dead place.

until now.

Only then did a strange robot finally appear.

A swarm of bugs.

And, Ding Zheng, an uninvited guest who shouldn’t have appeared!

This chapter has been completed!
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