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Chapter 121: Kern's downfall, the United States is replaced by the sky, this is too fantastic!~~~)

Main world.

Two months later.

The second Pacific Monster appears.

Head straight to the United States.

American mechas were no match for these new monsters, and were easily defeated, damaged, and ultimately...

Kern found a way to push the monster to a sparsely populated area and used two nuclear bombs in succession to kill it.

And the place where the monster died.

Also because of the monster's blue blood and nuclear radiation, it has become a completely dead place, and it is feared that no one will be able to live in it for hundreds of years.

Although Kern had already expected that the monster would attack the United States, and had already prepared for it.

In this case, the actual loss was not that big.

Only more than 10,000 people died. In the past, when mechas were no match for monsters, tens of thousands of people would die every time monsters invaded.

Even hundreds of thousands.

So Kern's reaction and plan should be pretty good.

But here's the thing.

At this time, international public opinion on Kern was not optimistic.

Isla Nublar has been running around in these years, fully opening up its mecha technology, and only charging a nominal fee to rescue other countries to deal with giant beasts, and it is completely obligatory to save the people of other countries.

Isla Nublar has received a lot of praise and recognition during this time.

After Bruce posted the conversation between Stark and Kern online, it immediately caused an uproar.

Kern is being insulted and questioned all over the world.

Anyone with a little bit of brains will understand that this is the most critical time for the earth. However, Kern did not join forces with Isla Nublar for his own selfish desires, and almost pushed the entire world into a pit of fire.

Although Kern later argued why Isla Nublar didn't just publish the reactor technology to benefit the world.

But people have a common sense in their hearts.

Stark has already said that he is willing to use the reactor for use by American mechas.

Now it is Kern who wants to use the mecha to force Stark to hand over the entire technology of the reactor. In order to succeed, Kern is even unwilling to use the mecha to cooperate.

In comparison, it is clear at a glance which one is more excessive.

After this incident happened.

Even within the United States, a large number of people criticized Kern.

But I don’t know why, even in such a bad public opinion environment, Kern still doesn’t seem to let up at all.

It seems like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Instead, he stepped forward and held a unique press conference.

What was released was the giant mecha specially manufactured in the United States: the Lighthouse!

Almost the whole world has seen how big this giant mecha Le is.

At a height of almost 150 meters, all the materials on his body are of the most precious kind.

At the same time, it is also paired with the most powerful weapon that the United States can now produce and carry!

It can be called a killer-level mecha. After all, its size alone is nearly twice the size of other mechas.

The weight is even worse, more than three times that of other mechas.

These data can show how honest the materials used were when the United States manufactured this mecha.

At the same time, Kern also came up with other data.

For example, the weight, height, strength, speed, and defense of the new monsters they collected.

After doing each other.

The conclusion reached is that as long as this mecha is put into use, those monsters will no longer be able to cause any trouble on the earth.

This mecha can even guard the entrance to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, waiting for monsters to come up and kill them one by one. It is extremely domineering!

But the only problem is.

This mecha has no power.

Originally, the power of all mechas could not be used, whether it was nuclear power or anything else.

Will not work.

If you want this huge mecha to run, you must have the reactor in Stark's hands.

At this time, the mecha was hanging like that, and an empty circle on its chest was very conspicuous, as if it was telling Stark: Hand over your reactor quickly, this is all it needs.

There is nothing people can do about this.

It’s impossible to attack the United States and kill Kern, right?

Therefore, since this press conference, the public opinion of the entire world has gradually flocked to Isla Nublar.

Since Kern was too thick-skinned and couldn't help it, Stark just accommodated him, which became the tone.

Of course Stark would not agree.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

This monster invasion undoubtedly broke this stalemate.

Although Kern used nuclear bombs to get rid of the monsters.

But it also brought his personal reputation to the bottom!

"I'll say it again! Let Stark give me the reactor technology, otherwise, don't let me use the mecha, don't even think about it!"

Kern faced the live camera and gave another ultimatum.

His ugly face filled the eyes of the officials behind him with anger.

Now, almost no one in the world likes Kern.

But he doesn't care.

There is a reason why he must get the reactor.

As long as the technology of the reactor is obtained, then the president will not be the right one!

The live broadcast didn't last long, as Kern kept saying the same thing over and over again.

He wants all the data and technology of the reactor and wants to be able to create it himself.

Otherwise, there is no need to discuss anything.

After the live broadcast, a brief meeting was held as usual. Finally, under the protection of bodyguards, Kern walked to his resting place.

Even though he no longer needs bodyguards after being injected with the super soldier serum, habits are still hard to break.

But Kern's car suddenly stopped halfway.

When Kern was wondering, suddenly, the bodyguard who was driving for him opened the door, jumped out, and ran away after a few rolls.

Kern immediately felt something bad, and he also opened the car and wanted to run away, but as soon as he got out, he saw a strong figure standing in the moonlight, with a handsome face looking at him coldly.


"Hello, Mr. President, my name is Steve Rogers. Maybe you are more familiar with my other name, Captain America." Steve said.

The next day, a huge uproar spread!

Seventy years ago, the American hero Captain America Steve woke up from the ice.

And he is extremely dissatisfied with Kern's leadership, especially now that the monsters are powerful and the world is in danger.

United with the U.S. Military District, Kern was forced to step down.

When there is a vacancy in the office of the President of the United States, all matters, big and small, are decided by Congress through deliberation and voting.

And, the U.S. Congress has promised.

We will definitely find a way to successfully connect the mecha with Isla Nublar. I hope that Isla Nublar can send Stark to the United States to participate in the research on the mecha.

Remove the mental binding that Kern placed on it.

When the news reached Isla Nublar, everyone's first reaction was disbelief.

Especially Jack.

It's not that he's suspicious.

But all of this was really going too smoothly.

All of a sudden, half of the US military became Steve's men. Kern's bodyguards surrendered and captured Kern together with Captain America.

There are simply as many fantasy stories as there are fantasy stories.

Can a person's personality charm really be so great?

Jack expressed disbelief.

But the fact was right in front of them.

Kern was imprisoned like a street prisoner in a prison specially made in the United States for extraordinary creatures.

It also made the news.

At the same time, even S.H.I.E.L.D., which had unearthed Steve before, but did not wake him up, and continued to freeze him with Kern, was also completely cleaned!

If Kern's downfall was not so believable.

Isla Nublar has already believed half of SHIELD's fall.

Slowly, Isla Nublar has almost accepted this.

However, under Jack's reminder, he still remained more or less vigilant.

So, when Captain America Steve issued an invitation, Bowser and Banner led the team.

Almost all the most powerful people in Isla Nublar went to the United States together.

Then I saw with my own eyes Kern who was locked up, with a calm face and no idea what he was thinking.

As well as a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who are also imprisoned.

There is also the U.S. Congress, which has undergone a major reshuffle.

All of this is explaining one thing.

That is.

Things have changed in America!

Jack felt as if there was a pair of invisible hands that turned everything around at once and arranged everything.

Just over ten days.

Kern stepped down and Steve came to power, but the entire U.S. government did not experience any fluctuations.

Although Steve is not the president, he is just a symbol of the new United States, just like choosing a mascot.

But this is still too exaggerated.

It doesn't seem like the president is changing.

It's about changing the president's driver.

It’s true that the president doesn’t get used to changing drivers so quickly, right?

It's too fantasy, just like everyone in the US government is an NPC in the game.

I have absolutely no ideas of my own.

Just follow the procedure.

Jack couldn't understand how all this happened.

Also incomprehensible are naturally the other people on Isla Nublar.

Naturally including Stark.

But they didn't have much time to think.

Especially Stark.

As soon as he arrived, he was taken directly to the mecha.

"Mr. Stark, can we test the connection effect between the reactor and the mecha first? Since we have never come into contact with your reactor before, the connection of our mecha is based on our imagination."

In the studio, the staff spoke to Stark anxiously.

In the entire studio, everyone is busy with what they are doing.

The whole atmosphere was extremely tense.

There is a huge electronic screen on the wall next to it. On it is a countdown. There are still one month and three days until the next monster attack.

"Of course, to reassure you, we will not specifically explore the inside of the reactor, so the lighthouse will not be connected to the Internet, nor will it be connected to any external lines," the staff member said.

Stark smiled: "It's useless even if you connect ten thousand computers."

He took out the prepared reactor.

He set up a safety net on the reactor. With this safety net, it is impossible for anyone to explore anything inside.

Of course, this insurance also has another function, which is to prevent poor contact between the reactor and the mecha!

Because he really felt that this thing was going incredibly smoothly, Stark could only do some tricks in this regard.

He really couldn't completely relax.

Of course, even without this insurance, Stark was not worried that the reactor's technology would be leaked.

This is the self-confidence of a genius.

Unless there is another person as smart as him in this world.

At the same time, he is someone who has the same mechanical attainments as him, or even has higher attainments than him.

And we have been researching putting the reactor into the mecha for several years.

Maybe we can research something.

The staff called the elevator car, and then rode the elevator up with Stark. Stark placed the reactor in the center of the mecha's chest without hesitation.


Energy circulated, and the entire mecha glowed brightly in an instant.

Just as the mecha was about to start, and everyone was smiling, suddenly, the light that was lighting up flashed.

Then, the entire mecha returned to its original appearance.

The staff next to him immediately frowned, and Stark also looked helpless.

"Let me check this mecha, okay?"

Stark took out the reactor and asked.


The staff member said: "Mr. Stark, please do whatever you want. If you have any requests, please ask us. We will definitely satisfy you. If you have any questions, please ask. We have recorded all the data and information here."

"No problem." Stark nodded and began to carefully inspect the machine. He quickly entered working mode and said to the staff, "It may take me some time to match the mecha with the reactor.


"Just try to succeed before the third monster appears."

"That's definitely no problem." Stark replied, and then he devoted himself to the mecha.

Of course he wanted to take this opportunity to inspect the mecha.

Use this to determine if this mecha has any other plots specially set up for him.

Although I am very confident in my abilities, sometimes I still have to guard against the areas that should be guarded against.

The failure to start just now was entirely due to the safety set by Stark on the reactor.

But only after making sure that there is nothing wrong with the mecha, such as not being connected to a computer, or something similar, or not having a microcomputer installed in it.

Only then will he take off the insurance.

At that time, you will be able to connect smoothly.

The whole studio became busy again.

Everyone is preparing to fight the third monster.

In this kind of atmosphere, it is also very easy for people to ignore other problems and directly devote themselves to work.

After all, the monster problem has not been solved yet.

Naturally, we should focus our main energy on this.

Jack just felt that things were going too smoothly, and he didn't find any evidence, and he didn't expect there to be any conspiracy after this.

So, I just reminded Stark to be careful.

Stark was naturally very careful.

In his profession, he is more careful than anyone else.

So after checking the mecha, he was finally convinced that there was indeed nothing wrong with the mecha.

There is no such thing as someone outside being able to read the data inside the mecha, especially the reactor.

That is to say.

He can safely remove the safety on the reactor and place it in this mecha.

Stark didn't hesitate.

He is very confident in his abilities.

I simply took off the insurance and put it back into the mecha.

Then, the entire mecha lit up instantly and was officially ready for use.

The only problem left now is the driver.

This chapter has been completed!
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