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Chapter 123 Bring out Kern~~~)

"what happened?"

Seeing the two pilots being lifted out of the mecha's head, the originally confident staff suddenly looked shocked.

Everyone looked at Stark.

Steve, Jack Bruce and others who have been waiting outside are no exception.

But Stark's shock was even more serious than these people's.

He experimented with this driving system countless times on Isla Nublar.

No problems at all.

How could there be such a big mistake all of a sudden?

Stark immediately ran to the computer, and after careful inspection, his face became even more confused.

No mission issues!

At this time, there is almost no difference between the system in the Lighthouse mecha and the system they used on Isla Nublar.

Logically speaking, it should not be like this at all!

"It shouldn't be... There was no problem during the simulation on the computer. How could something happen during the actual operation? Is it the experimenter's problem?" Stark guessed and looked at the two people who were carried away.


They are all people who have been trained as drivers after being injected with the super soldier serum recently, the best among them.

During the Beacon experiment, they all also piloted older models of mechas and performed very well.

They shouldn't have any problems.

The qualification to drive the Lighthouse is naturally the dream of every mecha pilot.

But these two poor guys never imagined that the opportunity they worked so hard to win would actually cost them their lives!

"I don't know what's going on. The computer simulation is completely usable! The system provided by Mr. Stark should have no problems at all. Moreover, real-life experiments have been done on Isla Nublar."

Steve is not very familiar with Stark in this time and space.

Although he was angry when this happened, he could only question other staff members.

Naturally, the staff member didn't want to take on this responsibility, so he took Stark out directly.

Stark glanced at Steve and said, "There may be a problem somewhere, and I will definitely find a way to solve it."

Although it is not yet clear where the root of the problem is, when faced with this kind of thing, Stark naturally needs to stand up and take responsibility.

After all, since he came to this studio.

He directly became the one who gave the order.

Everything is driven by his opinion.

Steve also knew that this kind of thing could only be an accident, so although he was angry, he didn't say anything unpleasant and just asked Stark to solve these problems as soon as possible, and then left directly.

But right now.

A large number of people suddenly left the originally bustling studio.

At this time, everyone is very busy. Everyone gathered together. Originally they wanted to see the birth of hope, but they didn't expect to see such a scene.

Apart from the people on Isla Nublar and the staff of the studio, where else can anyone stay?

Stark checked it carefully over and over again and tried running it on the computer over and over again, but still found no problems.

Logically speaking, there should be no problems with this system.

But something went wrong during implementation.

More importantly, this problem is not reflected in the computer or experimental data at all.

It's completely confusing.

A moment later, the autopsy report of the deceased pilot was sent over. The cause of death was precisely due to the excessive nerve stress that had occurred many times when the mecha was just born.

"Does it take three super soldiers to support this mecha?" Natasha guessed next to her.

"Impossible. We have measured before and found that two super soldiers injected with serum are more than enough. The problem must occur elsewhere." Stark was still thinking.

After a moment, he suddenly turned to Jack and said, "Let Starscream and the others dismantle the system on Isla Nublar and transport it here!"

"No problem!" Bruce directly picked up the communicator.

Then Stark turned to the staff next to him and said: "Remove the main body of the driving system in the Lighthouse. I need to make a comparison."


The staff responded and quickly ran to work.

Stark had no choice at this time.

So we can only use the stupidest method, which is comparison!

Let’s look at the difference between the Isla Nublar system where the experiment was successful and the Lighthouse system where the experiment failed.

If it doesn't work, I'll modify the system on Isla Nublar and use it on the Lighthouse.

There is always a way to solve this problem.

Soon, the system on Isla Nublar was pulled over.

When Stark compared them side by side, there was obviously no difference between the two systems.

Stark, who did not believe in evil, experimented with the driving system on Isla Nublar again, and it was fully connected.

Then, he could only try to install the Isla Nublar system on the Lighthouse.

Then, experiment again!

Steve brought two more drivers to the studio.

In addition to excitement, there was also a little fear in the eyes of the two drivers.

The news of the death of two drivers last time has not been released yet, but as classmates who got along day and night, and from some gossip, most of them should know what happened.

There is a risk of death in this experiment!

But except for those of them who were successfully injected with the super soldier serum, no other experimental subjects could be found.

Orangutans, who are most similar to humans, cannot be injected with the super soldier serum. Ordinary people who have not been injected with the serum, even if they can withstand it, will be directly overwhelmed by the pressure because they have not been injected with the serum.

The pressure the Lighthouse puts on the nerves is extremely huge.

It is simply impossible for ordinary people to bear it!

"If another accident happens this time, we may not even be able to find the experimenter."

Steve stood next to Stark and said.

After all, this is a potentially fatal experiment, and a large number of people will be eliminated first.

Not to mention these people who have been injected with super soldier serum and have the talent to be pilots and have a bright future.

Secondly, even if some talented drivers want to dedicate their lives to the earth, some people may not agree.

Of course, the main reason is that the driving system introduced by Stark is too bad.

People used to be very confident, but now they think this is unreliable.

"Then we will inject the death row prisoners with super soldier serum and then let them come over for experiments. We can't just leave such a big mecha unused, right?" Stark said.

He has really been cruel.

Steve did not comment on Stark's words. Instead, he changed the subject and said: "A large group of people suggested that Kern be released from prison so that he can pilot this mecha."

"Impossible!" Stark said.

He undoubtedly has deep opinions on Kern and really doesn't want to see this happen.

But after blurting out these words, he also knew that this kind of thing could not be left to his own will, and protecting the earth from the hands of monsters was obviously a more important matter.

So Stark could only sigh, and then said: "I will try to find the reason."

That's right, until now, three or four days have passed, and Stark still has not been able to find the reason for the failure of the last experiment.

At this time, the wall not far away showed that there were only more than ten days left for the monster to attack next time!

If we don't fix the driving system, I'm afraid that by then, Kern will really have to be released from prison to pilot mechas to fight.

Now everyone in the world knows the power of those monsters under the Pacific Ocean.

If the next monster appears, it will be specifically aimed at Bowser and Hulk.

I'm afraid Hulk and Bowser are really no match for those monsters.

"It's a pity that the previous experimental equipment, Kern really doesn't do anything good..."

Stark sighed.

When a fatality occurred in the last experiment, Stark's first reaction was to use the instrument that Kern had used before, which could conduct driving experiments in a safe manner.

But it has been destroyed by Kern.

At the same time, the people who created that system were killed by Kern.

That magical instrument only existed for a short period of time before it was completely lost.

Unless Stark can make another one, every subsequent experiment may be accompanied by the experimenter's life!

Of course, it is not surprising that Kern would do such a thing in order to ensure that only he could use the Lighthouse mecha.

That is a very selfish person.


Stark let out a long breath and laughed at himself: "If there is nothing we can do, we may have to actually call Kern out to control this mecha."

"here we go!"

Steve said something, and then he and Stark focused on the experiment in front of them.

Before Isla Nublar's system was put on the Lighthouse, an experiment had already been conducted.

There is no problem at all, almost every two pilots injected with the super soldier serum can connect.

Of course, there were no problems with the driving system that was disassembled from the Lighthouse.

Therefore, from these two cases, one thing is almost certain.

It's no problem to take out the driving system alone.

Whether it is the original driving system on the Lighthouse or the one taken from Isla Nublar.

So if there is a problem, it's either on the mecha.

Or there is something wrong when connecting the two.

But now, they found nothing.

Soon, two more drivers were pulled in.

Start connecting.

Everything was fine at first.

But soon.



In the mecha's head, the core of the driving system, a huge fire suddenly rose.

The people waiting outside were immediately shocked.

Bowser, Banner, Jack Bruce and others will rush inside immediately.

But then.


A violent explosion spread.

It was as if a huge bomb had exploded.

Everyone was shocked.

I quickly found a bunker.

After the scene calmed down, Stark saw the mecha Beacon, which had just experienced a round of explosions, but was only slightly charred and almost undamaged.

And, on the chest of the Lighthouse, there is a reactor that has disappeared.

"what happened?"

Stark couldn't understand what was happening in front of him.

If the situation in the entire studio was not under his control, he might have thought that Kern had sent someone to attack, and then took advantage of the chaos to take away the reactor.

Stark immediately summoned the armor.

Then it flew directly up, first stopping on the chest of the mecha, where the reactor was placed.

See the reactor fragments directly above.

Obviously, the reactor exploded.

Stark felt a palpitation in his heart.

Now he also has a reactor on his chest!

How could the reactor, which has always been extremely stable, suddenly explode?


Stark went up again.

Directly opening the inside of the mecha's head.

Immediately, a smell of burning aroma came.

Stark barely needed to look to smell what was going on inside.

"what is going on……"

Stark's heart sank to the bottom.

At this time, he only had one thought left, which was whether Kern had put something specifically in the mecha to stop them, but he didn't find it.

Steve also stepped on the ladder and walked up slowly, looking at everything in front of him.

The entire face has almost completely darkened.

"Bring Kern out, there must be something wrong with this mecha."

Stark looked at Steve.

This was the first time he felt defeated.

What he couldn't accept was that someone could actually tamper with the machine, and yet he spent so long without even noticing a thing.

This is not something that mechanical genius Stark can do!

Mission World.

Ding Zheng has already met the humans who originally left the earth.

However, it is not seen on earth.

But in a larger spaceship.

If it weren't for Ding Zheng's quick response.

I'm afraid it will trigger another war!

Last time.

After the robot Eva came to Earth in a spaceship.

Ding Zheng originally wanted to communicate with Eva and then contact those humans through Eva.

This will reduce the chance of conflict by not being too abrupt.

After all, Ding Zheng doesn't know what the current situation of these human beings is.

But when Eva got off the spacecraft and saw a large piece of grass on the ground, she directly pulled up a piece of grass, then returned directly to the spacecraft and fell into sleep.

The spaceship was also about to start at that moment.

Ding Zheng looked confused.

After half a day, it realized that the Eva robot in the movie seemed to have this setting.

Once traces of life are found on the earth, they will directly store the evidence into their own bodies, enter a dormant state, and then bring them back to the human spacecraft.

In the movie, Wall-E once thought that she was out of power.

But Ding Zheng ignored this.

In desperation, it could only rush over and hug the spacecraft, and then left the earth with the departing spacecraft.

Because it knows that the artificial intelligence on the BNL company's spacecraft will directly destroy the evidence brought by Eva.

It doesn't want humans to return to Earth!

This chapter has been completed!
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