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Chapter 126: Kern's conspiracy~~~)

The arrival of humans has also brought a different color to the earth.

At the very least, it makes this slightly desolate land more popular.

The Zerg did not feel nervous because of the arrival of humans. Just like when they saw Ding Zheng, they were not only a little wary, but also more welcoming and curious.

Humans are not afraid of the existence of the Zerg, just like when Ding Zheng appeared outside the Truth, they were just curious.

These human beings on the Veritas live like a mobile brain. All their desires are satisfied by the Veritas, and they have almost no bad intentions.

Both sides are like a blank slate. Although the Zerg are indeed a bit scary, they don't need to get along day and night.

The Zerg just want to find another place to find more star mines.

They have almost finished searching for the star mines on that island.

Human beings, on the other hand, began to work with Ding Zheng to improve the earth's environment under the guidance of the artificial intelligence on Ding Zheng's Truth and the guidance of rich data.

Numerous plant seeds and animal genes are preserved on the Veritas.

And with the current technological level aboard the Veritas, as long as the earth's environment gradually improves, these things will reappear on the earth.

The entire earth will return to its original beautiful appearance.

Ding Zheng's mission has been completed.

So it doesn't care what the people on the Veritas do.

He was just practicing while communicating with the Zerg.

WALL-E was also protected as a miracle by the humans of the Veritas. They studied it carefully, cared for it, and re-equipped it. It looked more advanced than before, but it did not lose its original taste.

The humans on board the Veritas are quite curious about the fact that WALL-E can generate consciousness independently.

He also learned about the existence of star mines, and specifically asked the robots on the Veritas to cooperate with the Zerg to establish a star mine research team.

Of course, the disciples of Zuodao Sect also participated.

As for the humans on the Veritas, they are completely unreliable.

The only thing they know now is to live and enjoy.

Even how to farm has to be learned bit by bit.

Ding Zheng didn't know how these humans became like this.

Almost lost most of the enterprising spirit.

And there are no exceptions.

It's like they all drank the ecstasy soup.

Logically speaking, no matter how much you enjoy life on board the Veritas, the entire human society should not be so decadent.

But Ding Zheng is not an anthropologist after all.

That is to say, I occasionally complain in my heart.

I didn’t really think about these things that had nothing to do with me and didn’t seem that important.

Everything seems to be developing in a good direction.

At least that's what it seems on the surface.

Main world.

After all, Stark was unable to find out what was wrong with the driving system and the Beacon mecha.

What was even more incomprehensible was the previous explosion in the reactor.

The energy contained in the reactor is astonishing. Once it explodes, the damage caused will definitely be more than what was shown before.

But something strange happened.

Although the reactor exploded.

But even the Lighthouse was not seriously damaged.

It was as if something had absorbed all the energy in the reactor.

This simply baffled Stark.

But all the absorbed energy disappeared without a trace.

The entire studio is completely under Stark's supervision. In order to be able to control the situation of the mecha at any time, Stark asked Jarvis to stay in the studio and watch.

But even so, it is still not possible to find where the lost energy went.

Even more desperate.

The second reactor placed on top of the mecha exploded again when the system was being reloaded!

The frequency of this kind of accidents, and the rules that are simply impossible to figure out.

Make everyone afraid.

Even fewer drivers are willing to try it.

Moreover, the second explosion was exactly the same as the first explosion.

It also didn't produce much power.

It was as if all the energy in the reactor had disappeared into thin air.

Stark was so driven that he even wondered if there was something wrong with his reactor.

Steve and other staff also thought of this.

After all, the Lighthouse had never had any accidents before.

It was after Stark's reactor was installed that the problem arose.

But now, without Stark's reactor, the Lighthouse cannot be put into use at all.

Completely caught in a dilemma.

If it weren't for the arrival of the monster, which was getting closer and closer, he would have started dismantling the lighthouse and inspecting it carefully.

If that doesn't work, just use the raw materials from the Lighthouse and let him handle it, and then make a new mecha!

But that's definitely not possible now.

So much consumption.

The arrival of the monsters is imminent, and there is not much time for Stark to do these things.

Therefore, in order to solve the driving problem, in order to enable the Lighthouse to deal with monsters.

They had to pull Kern out of prison and install a normal driving system.

Originally, Stark and others thought that Kern would be directly exploded and sent to the west when he got on the mecha.


What is unexpected is.

Nothing happened.

Kern can perfectly control the mecha!

But Kern is a man with ulterior motives after all. Neither Isla Nublar nor Steve, who now controls the United States, can hand over the Lighthouse to him with complete confidence.

Therefore, we can only think of ways to manipulate Kern's hands.

So Isla Nublar took out the mixed poison they brought from Skull Island.

Except for the group of orangutans on Skull Island, no one can detoxify him. They want to use this to contain Kern and prevent him from doing anything bad.

But Kern had no intention of resisting and accepted it readily.

A series of things came down.

Kern became the pilot of the Lighthouse again.

The only difference is that Kern is no longer clamoring for a reactor, and Isla Nublar also has a way to control Kern.

That night.

Stark called Jack Bruce and others, went directly to Steve, and expressed his guess: "I'm sure Kern must have done something on the Lighthouse!"

"Just looking at the relaxed expression on his face, it is clearly saying that he firmly believes that no one can use this mecha except him, only he can use it. In fact, not only can others not be able to use it, but they may also use it because of it.

Lose your life!"

"I have thought of this too." Steve nodded, "But Kern will definitely not tell anyone what he did. Now that he is confident, it is us who are at a disadvantage."

"Of course this is a question, but there is another question that is also very important!" Stark said.

"What's the problem?" Steve asked.

"Don't you think..." Stark asked Jarvis to cut off all the signals around them, and then said, "The way you captured Kern and put him in prison was too simple?"

Stark's words were shocking, and in an instant, Steve's face turned serious.

It wasn't that Stark was suspicious, but that Jack and others had such speculation after seeing Kern's performance.

Even Steve himself.

"Actually, I've thought about it too." Steve said a little dullly, "I'm just worried about affecting everyone's emotions, so I plan to investigate on my own, but now that you've all discovered it, there's no need for me to hide it anymore."

"Actually, what I haven't been able to figure out is how did Kern do it?" Steve looked at Jack and others and said seriously, "Suppose he really arranged everything and didn't do it at all.

Worry about being replaced."

"But how can he be sure that the entire U.S. government and all the American people will still regard him as the president he was after his downfall?"

"Also!" He turned to Stark and continued: "You also checked the inside of the Lighthouse and didn't find any problems."

Stark shook his head.

Steve said: "This is the most critical point!"

"If it is as we suspected, where did Kern get such strong confidence that nothing will go wrong with him? Unless there is really a problem with the Lighthouse! But where is the problem?"

"There must be something wrong with the Lighthouse." Stark said fiercely, "It's just that I haven't found it yet. I plan to wait until the monster is solved this time, and then I will dismantle the Lighthouse and take a closer look."

Everyone looked sideways, and Steve also looked surprised and said: "I heard that the Lighthouse took the United States more than half a year to build. Even if the monster is solved this time, judging from the pattern of monsters appearing, next time

I'm afraid it will only take a little more than a month for a monster to appear. You..."

Stark smiled: "I may have said a bit too much. In fact, I will only dismantle the more complicated places on the Lighthouse where something may be hidden, and then check them carefully. It is best to rebuild them myself.

, I don’t believe there will be a problem with my driving system, trust me, it won’t take long.”

Since Stark said so, everyone naturally had no objections.

They believe that Stark still has this ability.

But Jack said: "But during this period, we can only rely on Kern? I always have a bad feeling, I am afraid that Kern will really do something big. Do you have any other ideas?

, can you watch Kern more closely? And this mecha."

Ever since Steve approached Stark and revealed his plan, Jack has actually not been very supportive of this matter.

Because based on his understanding of the United States, or even any major country, this kind of thing seems too unbelievable.

Until now, various signs have shown that there seems to be something hidden behind Captain America's seemingly incredible behavior, and Jack is naturally even more unable to calm down.

Everyone fell silent.

"To be honest, if Kern doesn't control the mecha, we don't need to take him seriously at all, so I don't think we have to worry too much. From another perspective, even if Kern really has some conspiracy, what can he do?

What did you get?" Stark said.

"Moreover, there is poison in him now. If he cannot detoxify, he will be controlled by us. In fact, as long as we can control things like nuclear bombs and prevent him from causing greater losses, there is no need to go too far in other matters.

Be on guard.”

"Actually, we may have fallen into an ideological misunderstanding. We couldn't guess what Kern did and how he did it, so we began to be afraid of Kern. We felt as if Kern really had some huge conspiracy, as if he

After it is realized, it will really be able to do something to us, like it can really rule the earth. In fact, it is impossible for him to do so!"

"I also think it makes sense. Could it be that everything Kern did was just to get the right to use the mecha and get Stark's reactor? Even if he succeeded, we can still control it with poison.

He, he is still just a thug."

"And now, no matter what, monsters are the first problem we should face. We can't make Kern unable to fly the mecha, right?"

People expressed their opinions, and all of a sudden, most of the haze that Kern left above their heads disappeared.

"The launcher of the nuclear bomb is now in my hands." Steve said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately became more relieved.

Only Jack was still a little worried.

But he really couldn't do anything.

In addition, what my partners said does make sense.

Of course, the more important thing is, as someone just said.

Now you have to rely on Kern to deal with monsters.

Even if Kern had any conspiracy, it has become a conspiracy now.

They have to let Kern pilot the mecha.

Stark must also contribute his own reactor.

All we can do is wait until the monster that is about to be logged in in a few days is solved, and then we can talk about it!

Everything in the mission world is proceeding as Ding Zheng envisioned.

But after more than half a year, suddenly, the female insect came up and told Ding Zheng some surprising news.

It plans to visit other planets.

Moreover, I want the Zerg to continue down the path of the star mine that Ding Zheng provided before.

Because the bugs that have been eating the leaves of the sacred branches gradually began to become weak and thin. Although they could survive, without the powerful energy support provided by the star mine, the decline of the bugs became inevitable.

The existence of humans and the advancement of human technology have also made the female insects feel the crisis.

It is worried that sooner or later, humans will conflict with the Zerg.

Because the mother worm cannot tolerate the Zerg to survive in the shadow of humans.

It wants to grow its own ethnic group.

But I am worried that it will attract human hostility.

In fact, some of this has happened.

Some bugs are attacked and played with by humans for no reason when they go out.

Although the humans on the Veritas don't have bad intentions, the kind of life they have been living has also caused them to lack due respect for other lives.

Especially after knowing that the Zerg were born after they left the earth, this arrogance becomes even more serious, because for humans, they are the true masters of the earth.

However, the humans on board the Truth did not do anything excessive, so Ding Zheng could only give verbal advice.

But obviously, the female insect has a long-term vision.

It knows that if this continues, there will definitely be a conflict between humans and Zerg.

Because neither side wants to submit to others.

At the same time, in terms of interests, there is no mutual help.

Compared to Veritas, whose level of technological advancement is astonishing to the point where humans don’t have to do anything and its own robots can do almost everything.

The Zerg are really too backward!

At least now, they can't give humans any help, not even a little bit.

As for the Zerg's amazing ability to evolve and progress, in the eyes of the humans on board the Veritas, it is indeed no big deal.

This chapter has been completed!
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