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Chapter 129: The reactor technology is stolen, and no one can stop Kern!~~~)

It has to be said that the Lighthouse mecha made by the United States using almost all the highest-end materials is indeed very powerful.

The huge Beacon mecha is equipped with almost all the most advanced weapons in the United States that can be placed on the mecha.

There are also stronger melee weapons available.

The tough body can release more powerful power.

Even though Kern himself has little combat experience, he is able to achieve crushing combat power while piloting the Lighthouse.

Although the monster on the opposite side has very powerful attack power, it cannot cause much damage to the Lighthouse.

However, every attack from the Lighthouse was completely unable to be resisted by the monster's body, which was slightly weaker than the previous monsters.

The monsters were defeated steadily by the Lighthouse.

Victory was about to come, but at this moment something unexpected happened.

This has happened several times before, and Stark has not found the problem or solution yet. It happened again.

Even at this time when Kern was piloting the Lighthouse, the Ark Reactor placed on the chest of the Lighthouse experienced another explosion.

Although this explosion did not endanger Kern's life, it also did not completely destroy the Ark reactor. The power was much smaller than the previous ones.

But the problem that arises is that there is no way to stably supply energy to the Lighthouse inside the Ark reactor.

"The battle cannot continue. The Ark reactor must be repaired first."

Kern in the Beacon immediately spoke to Stark and others through communication.

"what to do?"

The staff in charge of communications immediately turned to look at Stark, Steve and others.

"It's impossible. Why did something like this happen? My Ark reaction has never had such a problem. What's going on?" Stark felt that he was about to collapse, but he also knew that now

This is not the time to collapse.

After rubbing his temples and thinking for a while, Stark immediately ordered: "Let Kern drive the boarding ship back first, and I will go up and replace the reactor now."

"Kuba, Hulk, and the Abominations go up first, and let the other mechas provide support on the side."

The entire U.S. government was mobilized again.

Even the entire world, every country that owns mechas, took out their own mechas under the notice of the United States to stop this monster.

Now the fate of the entire world is the same. If the Lighthouse cannot deal with this monster, they can only place their hope on nuclear bombs.

Although nuclear bombs can also destroy monsters, the speed of technological progress in this world is obviously much faster than that of the mission world where Ding Zheng is currently located.

The leaders of every country know one thing very well, and that is the consequences of misuse of nuclear bombs.

The misuse of nuclear weapons will eventually make the earth uninhabitable, and no one wants to see this happen.

Therefore, it is natural to use nuclear weapons if they can be used.

Even though many mechas will be lost in this battle, there is nothing we can do about it.

Soon, Bowser, Hulk and the American Abominations took the lead, killing the monsters that were chasing the Lighthouse.

Mechas from various countries were also pulled by planes and rushed towards the place where the battle took place.

Naturally, the fleets at sea and the planes in the sky are not far behind. At this moment, the entire earth is almost using all its strength to stop this monster.

Except for nuclear weapons.

It has to be said that the development of weapons on the earth is now in a completely abnormal state. Nuclear weapons are so powerful that humans simply cannot bear the consequences of their use.

But the power of other weapons is too small. When encountering such a situation, using other weapons will not be very effective at all.

However, this shortcoming cannot be fixed overnight.

Even if you want to make up for it, there is a probability of success and failure.

Like now, people can only watch as the mechas are constantly being destroyed by monster attacks.

Hulk and Bowser were beaten back and forth, and the scene on the battlefield suddenly turned upside down.

Fortunately, humans used most of their power to temporarily resist the monster, and Kern was piloting the Titan to fly below North America.

Stark is waiting there.

Seeing that the Beacon had landed, Stark flew over in his armor and stopped at the reactor on the Beacon's chest.

"What happened? Did anything abnormal happen before and after the reactor exploded? Was it attacked by a monster?" Stark asked Kern in the mecha while checking.

Originally, he thought that all the situations in the mecha were caused by Kern.

Specifically so that he can master the mecha perfectly.

But now that Kern was inside, the reactor had exploded, which made Stark's speculation slightly uncertain.

"Nothing unusual happened. The battle was going on. The reactor suddenly exploded during the battle, and the monsters did not attack the surrounding areas." Kern answered very calmly, his voice was very old, but there was not much nervousness.

However, at this time, Stark obviously did not notice these details and focused all his attention on the reactor on the Beacon's chest.

Originally, Stark wanted to dismantle the half-destroyed reactor and install the new one he brought.

But after checking it, he discovered that there was no way to disassemble the reactor on the Lighthouse. The explosion just now affected not only the reactor, but also the chest of the Lighthouse, and a series of places.

The high temperature caused by the explosion condensed the broken reactor and all the parts on the Beacon's chest together.

If you want to dismantle the reactor after the explosion.

It is necessary to disassemble all the parts on the back and chest of the entire lighthouse and reinstall them.

This time-consuming process cannot be completed in just a few minutes, it will take at least half a day.

Because a mecha is not a simple splicing of metals, there are various circuits and parts inside, which must be perfectly matched together.

Therefore, this method cannot work, and another method must be found.

Stark continued to study the area around the reactor intently.

As a result, they were surprised to find that although the reactor exploded, this area of ​​​​the Beacon's chest was destroyed.

However, the reactor was not completely destroyed, and neither was the Beacon's chest.

Whenever an energy pulse occurs in the reactor, the Lighthouse can still operate. It is precisely because of this intermittent energy pulse that Kern can control the Lighthouse to escape back.

That is to say.

Although this area was bombed once and many parts were damaged, the core part was not damaged. Once the reactor is repaired, the Lighthouse can still carry out operations.

Although there may be some minor glitches.

But the high probability will not affect the overall situation.

In other words, all Stark needs to do at this moment is to find a way to repair the reactor that has already exploded once.

Then Kern could continue to control the damaged Beacon and fight the monster.

"How could it be such a coincidence?"

An idea like this came into Stark's mind, but the urgent situation at this time did not allow him to continue to think about it further.

So Stark directly began to repair the reactor, which had been destroyed by half.

Although this reactor was destroyed, its general framework still exists.

Stark only needs to replace all the destroyed parts inside and then fill them up.

Just add in the missing elements.

However, this project is not easy. It is almost equivalent to Stark remaking half of the reactor.

"I'll need a little longer, maybe an hour."

Stark used the communicator to pass this information to Steve, and then began to repair the reactor in earnest.

Steve hung up the address book and looked very serious. He was fully aware of the huge price that would be paid to stop this monster for an hour with the power of the world today.

But obviously, this hour is what they have to fight for.

Although Stark has encountered problems in almost all his work since he came into contact with the Lighthouse.

But the only thing the whole world can rely on is Stark's brain, and others are powerless even if they have the will.

They don't even have the qualifications to cause problems.

As a result, the mechas in front of the monster, as well as Bowser and Hulk, all rushed upward even more desperately.

Just to stop the monster's progress and not let it affect Stark's repair of the Lighthouse.

Time passed slowly by minute by second.

Stark put almost all his energy into repairing the Ark reactor as soon as possible.

So he didn't realize at all that the mecha in front of him was actually a little strange.

During the time he was repairing the Ark Reactor.

There are constant pulses of energy surging on the mecha, and the current is constantly being stimulated.

It seems normal, but these actions are almost all on top of the Ark reactor that is being slowly repaired.

Stark's talent for machines is indeed amazing.

Although he told Steve that he needed an hour, it only took him 40 minutes to complete the repair of the reactor.

After replacing it with a brand new shell.

As a blue light lit up, the entire mecha was re-energized and filled with energy, and then the Lighthouse slowly stood up.

"Where are the coordinates of the monster now?" Kern asked in the Beacon.

Stark quickly told the coordinates of the monster's location.

Then the Lighthouse immediately set sail and flew in the direction specified by Stark.

It was only then that Stark noticed something strange.

For example, when he was repairing the reactor just now, Kern in the Beacon didn't even say a word.

Moreover, ever since the Ark Reactor exploded, Kern's panic expression until now has been pitifully limited.

In addition, he originally suspected that Kern had done anything, and thinking about these things made Stark even more suspicious.

He even began to wonder whether the explosion of the reactor during the battle was deliberately arranged by Kern.

After all, judging from Kern's performance, this is really very possible.

"After this battle is over, we must find a way to control the guests, and then carefully dismantle the lighthouse and take a look at it."

"The worst case scenario is that we have to throw all the parts into the furnace and make it again, and build a new mecha. We can't go on like this."

Stark thought secretly.

The repaired Lighthouse once again showed its great strength.

The monster that defeated the Hulk and the mechas was simply unable to survive a few rounds in the hands of the Beacon.

He was immediately killed by the Lighthouse.

And he used a melee weapon to directly cut off the monster's head.

This is undoubtedly very exciting.

This battle, which almost everyone in the world is paying attention to, has finally come to an end.

And everyone who was watching this battle was cheering and shouting for this moment.

The haze caused by the second batch of monsters has finally dissipated a little on the earth.

The Beacon's first expedition went very smoothly. The only flaw was the explosion of the reactor during the battle.

Of course, if we insist on talking about it, the man who piloted the Lighthouse was the old guy Kern, and he can be counted as one of them.

Because of this, even though this victory came very easily, Stark and others could not be happy at all.

"When Kern comes back, I will definitely dismantle the Lighthouse and reinstall it." Stark stood next to Steve and said.

Steve was silent for a while, and then nodded. He really couldn't refute this request.

Because this matter is so important.

Plus the reactor that was just repaired.

On the Lighthouse, the fifth Ark reactor has been exploded.

And it's predictable.

If this problem cannot be solved, more and more Ark reactors will explode in the future.

Even if the raw materials of the Ark Reactor are not that precious, if it is damaged by an explosion like this, it will be a huge loss!

In particular, Stark, Jack and others became more and more suspicious of Kern and the Lighthouse because of these things.

If you want to solve these problems, you can't just make do with it.

"Tell Kern he can return now."

Steve said to the staff.

The staff immediately passed on the information and planned a return route for Kern.

Keep Kern from being too exposed to the public eye.

Steve kept the information about Kern as the pilot of the Lighthouse tightly and did not let any public know about it.

At the same time, they also decided to make this news known to fewer and fewer people as much as possible, or even to keep everyone unaware.

Originally, they all thought that there shouldn't be any big problems. After all, Kern's body contained poison that was difficult to solve.

As long as Kern wants to live, it is impossible not to obey their orders.

But what everyone expected was that after the battle, Kern did not follow their instructions and sail the Lighthouse back.

Instead, he drove the Lighthouse and flew to the top of the United States.

"Kern, you must know clearly what you are doing now. If you continue to act in this way, then the only thing waiting for you is death, and we will no longer give you the antidote for treatment." Steve

He immediately grabbed the microphone and said to Kern.

But Kern chuckled: "I'll tell you good news. All the words you just said were recorded by me. If you want all the American people, and even all the people in the world, to see you so upright,

If you threaten the only savior of this world, then you don’t have to give me the antidote."

"And I'll tell you what I'm going to do now. I'll fly above the Statue of Liberty, and then open the mecha's mask so that everyone can see me, and let everyone know that I am their savior.


"Unless you can find another person piloting the Lighthouse now, but I can tell you very clearly, you can't find it."

"In this world, only I can use the Lighthouse."

"I hope you won't make a decision that you will regret." Steve continued, but his tone was much heavier.

It has to be said that Kern does have an indelible identity, that is, he is the only one who can control the Lighthouse.

This is the sense of security that the people need most. No matter how much Stark promises that he will re-create another more powerful mecha after dismantling the Beacon.

Not many people would be willing to believe it.

As long as Kern flies over the United States and announces to the world that he can control the Mecha.

Then he is a star all over the world.

No one can do anything to him, at least not until the monster threat is eliminated.

Steve kept trying to dissuade Kern, hoping that he would not do this, hoping to stabilize the other party.

But Kern had no intention of cooperating at all, and he didn't even care about the poison in his body.

This was how he planned to openly show his identity as the pilot of the Lighthouse to the world.

No matter how many threats Stark and others made over communications, there was no response at all.

It's obvious that Kern is very confident in himself.

"By the way, I can tell you another secret."

"This is the moment I've been waiting for."

"I know that you must need me to control the Lighthouse. Only at this time can I directly defeat the monster and announce my existence to the world, so that you will have nothing to do with me."

"At the same time, I can also get the method of making the Ark Reactor as I imagined."

"Otherwise, why do you think you can really control the government of an entire country so easily and directly trample the president of a country under your feet? Dear Captain America, the great hero of the United States!"

With Kern's mocking words, he had slowly flown over the United States.

And what he said also confirmed the speculations of Isla Nublar and others.

But at this moment, it seems that no one can stop Kern's conspiracy.

This chapter has been completed!
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