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Chapter 132 Next step, Zhenjin and Wakanda!~~~)

Dr. Zola has almost everyone in the world under his thumb.

Even Ding Zheng didn't take him to heart, it could even be said that he didn't think of him at all.

That's why the people on Isla Nublar and Skull Island were never warned to take precautions.

Dr. Zola is too forbearing.

At this moment, he finally stood up.

It wasn't because he had to be discovered, but because he already had enough confidence to rely on his own strength and the power of Hydra.

Bring the peace he wants to this world!

The two eyes of the Beacon that were originally extinguished suddenly glowed.

Then a low voice came from the Lighthouse: "Whether they come or not, we need to go to them. Isla Nublar has what we need."

"But the most important thing now is to find the country with sound-absorbing steel as soon as possible."

Dr. Zola raised the arm of the Lighthouse and looked at it: "Although this body is powerful enough, there is still no way to completely reassure me."

The new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately looked nervous, gave a Hydra military salute, and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Zola, I have already contacted the guy who sells vibranium, and he can't escape from our grasp!


"Well..." Dr. Zola nodded and did not continue to say anything.

Although they have mastered the method of making the Ark Reactor, the Ark Reactor belonging to Hydra is still being made at this time.

He had to conserve energy for the time being.

This is to prevent the troublesome group of people from Isla Nublar from attacking and fighting each other until they end up in a dilemma of insufficient energy.

Although the probability of this happening is extremely low, you still have to guard against it!

Although the current Hydra is huge, if the Lighthouse controlled by Dr. Zola is removed.

In fact, the overall strength is not as good as that of Isla Nublar.

Just like before, when Isla Nublar relied on Ding Zheng alone.

Currently, Hydra can only rely on Dr. Zola and the Lighthouse for its cutting-edge combat capabilities.

But similarly, the crushing strength brought by Dr. Zola and the Lighthouse is comparable to that of Ding Zheng back then.

Ding Zheng didn't know that the situation in the main world at this moment had reached an extremely dangerous level.

He didn't even have time to think about it.

Because just half a month ago, he suddenly realized that he had overlooked something.

That is to ignore the matter of time dilation.

Time dilation is a physical phenomenon. Simply put, if you hold the same two clocks in two different places, one clock may run slower than the other.

And that's why.

So when Ding Zheng, the female insect, and the captain, drove the Truth together, they experienced the speed of time halfway to this planet.

In fact, it is different from the time on earth.

And more importantly, the new planet they are on is also very different from the time on earth.

Of course, Ding Zheng and the others couldn't measure how much it was.

The only intelligent driving system of the Veritas that could measure the time difference had already betrayed them the moment they saw the BNL company's spacecraft fleet.

It turns out that the driving system on the Veritas actually has a backdoor left by BN L.

As for this backdoor, the other party has always been able to start, but because the time is too long, hundreds of years have passed and the Earth's galaxy has not been found, so the other party has also forgotten this backdoor.

Therefore, it has not been activated, so that no one on the Veritas noticed anything was wrong.

Until the moment Ding Zheng, the mother worm, and the captain traveled through the wormhole to this planet, they saw the other party's fleet, and the other party's fleet also saw them.

After the other party arrived on Earth, they immediately found this information.

And successfully relied on the methods left by their ancestors to activate the backdoor of the artificial intelligence driving system on the Veritas.

When the opponent's fleet saw them, made a decision in a very short time, and activated the backdoor.

The artificial intelligence driving system on the Truth no longer belongs to the captain and Ding Zheng.

Instead, it has become something used by the other party to detect them and monitor them.

In order not to arouse suspicion, the artificial intelligence driving system on the Veritas did not mention the concept of time dilation at the beginning.

Ding Zheng was not a scientist to begin with, and he had only traveled a handful of times in the universe, so he naturally could not have thought of time expansion.

This is especially true for the mother worm. For the large map of the universe, the mother worm is a newer newcomer than Ding Zheng.

Needless to say, the captain has naturally been exposed to this information, but because he has not used his brain for too long, he has always relied on machines to help him complete everything.

So when the artificial intelligence driving system on the Veritas didn't say anything, the captain naturally didn't think of it, and defaulted to the fact that the time flow rate on the earth and this planet is exactly the same.

In this regard, Ding Zheng could only feel deeply speechless and had absolutely no way to change anything.

As for how they knew all this, we have to start talking about it half a month ago.

Half a month ago, the two months that Ding Zheng and the others were waiting for finally arrived, and then they planned to pilot the Truth to counterattack the earth.

Unexpectedly, the Truth was carrying a large number of fighting Zerg species bred by Ding Zheng and the female worms, as well as many worm eggs, as well as the captain when they left the planet and flew to the earth.

The Veritas suddenly began the countdown to self-exposure.

This time Ding Zheng and the captain were really shocked.

Under the captain's questioning, the artificial intelligence driving system of the Veritas finally told the truth.

In order to prevent the Truth from exposing itself, Ding Zheng could only directly deploy his hegemony and destroy the Truth from the inside.

But because the situation was so urgent, the captain was not able to fully understand everything.

For example, what is the difference in time velocity between the planet they are on and the earth at this time?

And what kind of situation is the earth in at this moment?

Ding Zheng and the others were almost completely unaware of everything.

The only thing we know is that the people at BNL on Earth at this moment know the coordinates of this planet.

Ding Zheng and the others have no way to cause trouble for the other party for the time being, but the other party can come back to cause trouble for them after they are ready to deal with the entire earth.

With the Truth being destroyed, Ding Zheng and the others could only wait for the mother worm to upgrade its aerospace technology. Only after reaching a certain stage could they return to Earth.

But it will undoubtedly be a long wait.

While Ding Zheng was practicing, he thought about it and finally found the female insect and told her identity as a time traveler.

Of course, he also told the other party everything that happened.

Ding Zheng really couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

You know, before he came to the Earth in the mission world, the survival of the Zerg was basically not a big problem. If nothing unexpected happened, the Zerg could only live better and better, and slowly become famous on that earth.

The king dominates.

Possessing extremely high intelligence and a huge body, they are probably just like the dinosaurs many years ago, occupying the earth for centuries.

No matter how bad things get, it will never be emptied out by humans as it is now, leaving only the mother worm, and another worm will be needed, and the worm will slowly reproduce and develop again.

It can be said that if Ding Zheng had not brought the Truth back to Earth, it would not have been possible to welcome the BNL fleet.

In this way, the Zerg race will not be destroyed.

Of course, it is indeed far-fetched to put all the responsibility on Ding Zheng, but Ding Zheng couldn't do it. He completely ignored the matter and left directly.

After all, during the period of time spent with the Zerg, the various performances of the Zerg have made Ding Zheng regard the Zerg and the mother worm as good friends. Of course, there is also the one who has been guiding him when he first came to the mission world.


At this time, Ding Zheng did not have much time left before the mission ended and he left the mission world.

What Ding Zheng is most worried about is that the female insect has not fully studied aerospace technology, and he has to go back because the countdown is over.

So telling the female insect about this can be regarded as giving the female insect a motivation.

Of course, Ding Zheng did not inform the female insect that he had completed the mission.

It's not that Ding Zheng is afraid that the female insect will hate him.

Not to brag, even if the mother worm and the worms under him were twice as strong, they would still not be Ding Zheng's opponent.

It is not worried at all that the female insect will be angry with itself, but is worried that the female insect will not be able to digest the news emotionally.

After all, in the eyes of the female insect, Ding Zheng is very trustworthy, a good person, and a powerful assistant to help it deal with humans.

If the mother insect has a grudge against Ding Zheng because of his mission.

So is it seeking revenge against Ding Zheng, or is it seeking revenge against humans?

If the female insect seeks revenge on him, should Ding Zheng fight back?

Ding Zheng didn't want things to become so complicated.

After the female insect heard the news that Ding Zheng would eventually leave.

There isn't much to express.

Instead, he remained silent and continued to study aerospace technology.

Although the female insect has not interacted with too many people, her consciousness is very mature.

The female insect knows that at this moment, nothing she does or says is of any use.

The only useful thing is to research all aerospace technology as soon as possible!

Two years have passed.

On Earth, 5 years have passed.

At this moment.

Mission world on Earth.

The garbage that once filled most of the continent has long since been cleared away.

BNL Corporation has established a human gathering place on the earth.

Then all the animal genes and plant seeds carried are spread.

Their speed is many times faster than the humans on the Veritas.

Nowadays, the face of the earth has changed and is slowly returning to its former beautiful appearance.

Humanity continues to develop centered on the sacred tree left by Ding Zheng on the earth.

The whole earth is a scene of prosperity.

But today.

A huge sphere is approaching the earth at a very fast speed.

The sphere even eluded detection by satellites orbiting the Earth.

It fell directly on the recovering earth.

And it happened to land on the island where the sacred tree is located!

The Earthlings from BNL Company were a little confused at first. They didn't have time to react. They didn't know where this thing came from. A group of people gathered around to watch the fun.

"What is this?"

"It looks like... it's a meteorite?"

"It's impossible. If it was a meteorite, how could the satellite not notify us at all?"

"I do not know then."

"Tell me, does this look like an egg?" someone said.

"What eggs? Our eggs? Haha!"

"It does seem to be somewhat similar."

A group of people were having a lively discussion.

But at this moment, suddenly, the seemingly huge round sphere suddenly cracked open.


Following a sharp cry, something that looked like a maggot emerged from inside!

The people watching the excitement around were startled and quickly wanted to run out.

But the maggot-like insect had six very thick legs, moved very fast, and rushed directly towards the crowd.


A "bang" sound!

A ball of sparks exploded among the crowd.

A distance of several tens of meters in a radius.

When the fire disappeared, everyone within the coverage area also disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, one after another such maggots crawled out from the spherical object.

Then, like a shark that smelled blood, it chased after the fleeing humans!

Even the elite humans specially selected by BNL Company cannot escape the pursuit of these bugs at this time.

They are indeed better, and they are not like the humans on the Veritas who are so fat that they can't even move.


For a long time, they have also lost a lot of skills by relying on machines.

Just like today.

Almost all human beings believe that the war on earth is over, so there is no need for weapons to fight anymore.

So they put on working instruments and equipment to experience this kind of life that they couldn't experience at all on the BNL spacecraft.

But this happened to cost them their lives.

Although BNL responded quickly.

Half a minute later, a combat robot came over to deal with the bugs and destroy the spherical object at the same time.

But, it's only half a minute.

Humanity has lost nearly three hundred.

This is a completely unbearable loss for BNL!

"Where did this thing come from?"

In the BNL high-level conference room, a middle-aged man in military uniform had an angry face.

"According to the reappearance of the trajectory, it should have fallen from the sky, maybe... from the universe."

"The universe? Then why didn't the satellite detect it?"

"That thing should be able to avoid satellite detection, but it has been destroyed. We are not sure how they did it."

"Damn it!"

"Could it be someone who escaped from Earth before..."

Suddenly someone said.

Instantly, the entire conference room fell silent!

This chapter has been completed!
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