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Chapter 139 Huge Orangutan Face~~~)

The general is very aware of the power of the Zerg. After all, he was the person who was responsible for exterminating the remaining Zerg on the earth.

He was convinced that the cannon fodder sent up could not possibly be the opponent of the Zerg!

But now this situation...

But this impossible fact was placed in front of him.

There's no way he can't help but believe it!

"Could it be that the mother bug lost something after leaving the earth and can no longer create powerful bugs like those on the earth?

This thought immediately came to the general's mind.

He began to find reasons why the cannon fodder on the Veritas was able to defeat the Zerg army and capture a Cerebrate alive.

Of course, he couldn't possibly think that Ding Zheng or the female insect had seen through their plan.

I don't think that Ding Zheng and the mother insect have the secrets of the human brain that even they can't conquer, and they don't think they can get any information from the heads of those who have been brainwashed.

Those brainwashed humans on board the Veritas were just trying to arouse Ding Zheng and the Mother Insects’ anger even more, so that they could quickly launch an attack on the Earth.

This was the general's original plan and idea.

But obviously, there is a problem with this plan now!

Let alone actively attack the earth, the current Zerg cannot even defeat a group of cannon fodder!

But then, the general's frown suddenly relaxed.

"This seems...an opportunity!"

He immediately pulled out some video footage of the battle with the Zerg.

Then he ran towards the conference room.

While running, he used the communicator to notify everyone with voting rights in BNL.

"There is very important news!" the general said in the group notification.

He needs another meeting.

If it goes well this time.

Then his dream will probably come true!

On the planet where Ding Zheng and the female insect are located.

In order to show weakness to the enemy, and to cover up why the group of people on the Truth were kidnapped.

Ding Zheng connects the plot of "Starship Troopers" with reality.

A new little brainworm has been launched.

The people at BNL were made to think that the people on board the Veritas had their brains ripped out and killed by brainworms.

At the same time, the mother worm was asked to instill some information about the battle into the brain worm, as well as the information that it and Ding Zheng specially compiled for the BNL company.

Of course, this is not an advanced method, it is just a teaching, just like human learning.

It's just that the mother worm can teach the brain worms faster, and it can only teach the brain worms so fast.

Like other worker insects and beetles, the mother insect cannot do much due to lack of intelligence.

At this time, Ding Zheng, the mother worm, and a large number of elite Zerg troops were completely hiding underground on the planet.

There was absolutely no intention of showing off.

They are waiting for BNL to receive false information and make wrong judgments.

Come here to die.

At the same time, through the brainworm, everything in the cannon fodder group of BNL company is monitored.

Occasionally send out a team of bugs to play games with these people.

As for the group of people on the Truth who had been awakened by the fierce tiger, they were silent together with the captain.

Although they all survived.

But those who are still fighting to death on the battlefield are their children.

Even though it was made in a test tube.

But in a relative sense, they are still their children.

When they were on the Veritas, these children grew up healthy and happy, which was their deepest expectation!

However, now they can only watch these ripened children, with the ideas imposed on them by BNL Corporation, continue to fight, kill, and die on this planet.

Survive between BNL and Ding Zheng’s female insect? Become a pawn in the game between the two parties.

Although the people on board the Veritas did not want to see such a thing happen, there was nothing they could do to stop it.

After all, now? It’s not just Ding Zheng and the female insect who are facing pressure from BNL.

And them.

After experiencing that period of life on Earth, no one on the entire Veritas was willing to believe that BNL would treat other humans as their own kind.

To them, the lives of the humans abandoned by them on the Veritas were not important at all.

Life is not worth respecting at all.

If you want to gain freedom and respect, you can only completely dissociate yourself from BNL.

Build your own territory.

Live by yourself, just like you did before on the Veritas.

In this case.

Ding Zheng and the female insect are helping them!

Because relying solely on their own strength, it is impossible to obtain freedom from BNL.

"New feedback!"

Suddenly? The female insect said to Ding Zheng.

"What's going on?" Ding Zheng said.

"The BNL company is having a meeting. It is said that this time, the discussion is whether to directly attack us in a large scale. There are two voices on both sides. One thinks that it is time to take action because the previous attack has shown that we do not have the skills.

High threat? We think we may have lost some source of energy after leaving the earth, so even they can't defeat it."

"The other one is that they only defeated the workers and beetles and captured a brain worm. It is not yet certain that we are only this strong, so we need to think about it in the long term."

"You don't have any doubt that we are looking for them here on purpose, right?" Ding Zheng asked.

"Based on the meeting situation reported over there, there should be no such thing. In order to facilitate the meeting, both parties have video calls, which can more conveniently convey information between the two parties. People from BNL Company do not have such

Judging from their language, they don't think we have advanced intelligence. Of course, it can also be said that they don't think we have the ability to deceive them." said the female insect.

Ding Zheng nodded, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Since they want greater results so much, then we will give them one!"

It looked at the female insect and said: "Can you reproduce another version of yourself? Of course, it does not have your intelligence, nor your creative and technological capabilities, but it has a large enough body and simple reproductive capabilities.

, in this way, it is more likely to deceive them! "

"No problem!" The female insect agreed directly without any hesitation.

Soon after, as the cannon fodder sent by BNL became more and more courageous, they drove the bugs from here to there. Then, they discovered a huge fortress and a large number of bugs fighting back.

According to their measuring instruments, it was obvious that there was an astonishingly huge bug inside the fortress that was constantly producing.

One after another new bugs breed in that fortress.

Then join the battlefield.

The cannon fodder originally wanted to rely on their own abilities to break in and capture the mother insect alive, and then take it to the earth to judge their merits.

But no matter how hard they try, they still fall short.

The Zerg "expend" all their strength to guard the most important female insect, which is indeed difficult to break through.

No matter how many resources they use, they will all be stopped by the overwhelming insects.

In the end, the cannon fodder had no choice but to give up the original plan and report everything to the BNL company on Earth.

Immediately, BNL, which was still holding meetings and debating whether to come over for general supply, immediately made a decision within three days and formulated a detailed battle plan.

After that, a total of seven spaceships left the earth and flew towards the planet where Ding Zheng and the mother worm were...

Travel through a wormhole.

Immediately, seven huge spaceships, far more sophisticated, advanced, and huge than the ones the cannon fodders were riding on before, landed.

Then, one combat aircraft after another emerged from these spaceships, carrying a large number of combat robots.

These planes were like small helicarriers one after another. When they arrived at the place where the false mother worms were, they immediately sent out a large number of combat robots and began to clean up the bugs where the false mother worms were.

The bugs that were originally invincible to the cannon fodder had no resistance at all in front of these combat robots and were easily killed and destroyed.

BNL didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Because they already know how far their true strength is from these cannon fodders.

Such a result was completely within their expectations!

But the cannon fodder looked at it dumbfounded.

Some reacted, looking at the firearms in their hands while watching those combat robots easily emit rays.

The whole person was completely stupid.

Why is it different from what was originally said?

Aren’t we always being oppressed by the Zerg?

Can’t we only use the flesh and blood of our soldiers to win this battle to defend the earth?

Aren't our weapons very scarce?

So what are these robots?

So what are the powerful weapons of these robots?

So what are these huge spaceships?

Question after question popped up in these people's minds.

Of course there are smart people in this world, and the same goes for those who are used as cannon fodder by BNL.

Some of them have even thought of the key to the matter.

That is.

The earth is not that weak, and their situation is not that difficult.

Quite the opposite.

Human weapons and strength are more powerful than these ferocious-looking Zerg!

But why were these powerful robots not used at the beginning?

But let them rush to the battlefield first?

It's also very simple.

You can find out by contacting BNL and asking them to feed back the information on this planet.

BNL did not know before, perhaps not completely, the true strength of these Zerg.

Therefore, they need some people to come and investigate.

Of course, it would be more accurate to say that they need some people to come over and serve as cannon fodder to pave the way for the real battle later!

However, no matter how smart these people are.

There is no way to figure out why BNL didn't give them powerful enough weapons.

Do cannon fodders have to die?

They asked themselves, with the help of these robots and powerful enough weapons.

It can also kill these bugs.

BNL doesn’t even need to take action at all.

But why not give it to them?

Do you want to watch them die on purpose?

Even though I don't want to admit it.

But now, the real situation is before our eyes. BNL wants these cannon fodders to die worthlessly!

Live a lie and then die.

And they have been fighting and dying for BNL.

They thought of the fierce wars before and of countless friends who died together with the insects for the sake of justice in their hearts.

I think of a soldier who sacrificed his own life to kill the insects in order to cut off the queen.

Everything was supposed to be inspiring, even something that was left in history.

Everything becomes meaningless at this moment.

They were deceived and used like fools.

And now, abandoned.

That's right, abandonment.

If it hadn't been abandoned, how could BNL reveal the secret so blatantly?

If BNL paid enough attention to them, how could it not hide anything at all?

After all, what they were facing were bugs that they didn’t need to fear or interact with at all!


There was a gunshot.

Bullets hit a robot.

That is the anger and venting of cannon fodder.

However, their bullets were unable to cause any damage to these robots made of hard materials.

But after the robot was attacked, it turned around and shot a laser at it.

The accuracy was excellent, and immediately, the person who had just fired the gun was shot dead.

What happened before our eyes shocked everyone!

"They are basically using us as cannon fodder! Kill them!"

Someone shouted, picked up weapons and rushed towards the robots.

Many people responded.

But there are also more people who are still confused or afraid.

BNL is their immediate boss, how dare they resist.

Not to mention, after seeing how powerful BNL is.

Resistance is even more pointless.

But even if there were fewer people resisting, there was still some chaos within the BNL camp.

However, in the eyes of BNL managers, these chaos are nothing at all.

They were still clearing away the bugs in front of them at an extremely fast speed.

Then, penetrate deeply into the cave where the "mother worm" is!


On the spacecraft, the managers of BNL Company breathed a sigh of relief after seeing people tying up the huge female insect.

"Why is this bug so much smaller than the previous news from the Veritas?"

Someone discovered the problem.

"Maybe it's because there's nothing for it to eat on this planet, and it keeps reproducing, so it's normal for it to consume too much energy."

"It's very possible." Someone agreed.

In short, no one would have thought that the female insect would reproduce a double of itself.

Because in their view, animal social systems like Zerg.

It is impossible for two females to appear.

So, I didn't think about it at all.

I have to say that the appearance of Ding Zheng and the female insect helped them a lot.

"Let's go back." A manager said.

"Where are the cannon fodder?"

"Let them stay here, do you want to take them back?"

"This is not a suitable place for us to survive. Without enough supplies, they will definitely die."

"Then just die."

at this time.


There was a bang.

Several managers felt the spacecraft they were on suddenly shake.

"what happened?"

"No. 1, what's going on?"

The managers were very panicked and immediately asked the artificial intelligence on the ship to investigate.

But before the artificial intelligence could answer, suddenly, one of them opened his eyes wide, pointed to the window with panic on his face, and said tremblingly: "Then! What is that!"

Everyone turned their heads in confusion, and then they saw an astonishingly huge orangutan face, with a sinister smile, peeking out from the glass next to the spacecraft!

This chapter has been completed!
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