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Chapter 38 What kind of monster is this?

"What is it?" Zhou Long didn't feel much pain. He touched his head and felt a few grains of soil.

"Who! Who dares to throw me away without his life?" Zhou Long immediately cursed.

As the master of the Pier Hall, he has never been the only one to bully others, and he has never been bullied before!

Even the other hall masters had to retreat when they saw Zhou Long.

Just because this person has the strongest combat power and is ranked number one among the gang leaders, he is highly appreciated.

He also has a bad mind and can only use violence to solve problems.

If something goes wrong, he will start taking action immediately.

Who can withstand it?

Zhou Long was already in a bad mood, and now someone dared to provoke him, so he immediately forgot about the Yamen's warning.

No matter whether he is safe or not, fight first and then talk about it!

Moreover, the surrounding area is deserted and deserted. Even if someone is killed, the Yamen will not be able to find anything!


Zhou Long laughed ferociously, "Come out here!"

The words just fell.

Zhou Long then saw a short figure walking out from behind the big tree in front of him.

Very short, the height is even less than his chest.

Just like a child who hasn't grown up yet.

But it's because it's too dark.

The figure was completely black, with only a faint light in his eyes.

"Whose beast are you? How dare a brat touch me? If you don't kneel down and apologize, I will use your head as a chamber pot!"

Zhou Long yelled at him loudly, and the number of children who were maimed and injured by him could not be counted on two hands.

"How dare you not answer what I'm saying?"

Zhou Long was extremely angry, and with the strength of his drink, he walked directly towards the figure.

Even though the figure in front of me does look a bit weird.

But Zhou Long didn't feel the slightest fear.

The figure in the darkness was shaking its arms up and down, as if it was throwing stones.

Seeing Zhou Long walking over, he threw the stones in his hands on the ground, and then suddenly chuckled.


Under the dim moonlight, the white teeth formed a sharp contrast with the rich blackness of his body in the night.

And just on both sides of that white tooth.

The four long pointed tips look nothing like human canine teeth, making them even more eye-catching!

Zhou Long's footsteps stopped, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he suddenly broke out in a hot sweat. He also woke up from the wine and felt panicked.

"Who are you?"

Zhou Long asked again.

But the black figure had no intention of answering. Instead, he actively started to approach him.

And the speed is getting faster and faster.

After all, Zhou Long is also a good player in Foshan.

In terms of force alone in Foshan, I am afraid that only Huang Feihong and his gang leader can defeat him.

Even Huang Feihong's apprentice Pork Rong is no match for him.

So Zhou Long quickly calmed down, got into a good posture, and planned to confront this pretentious guy for a while.

The black figure ran faster and faster, and in the middle, he bent down and started running with all four limbs, and the speed was several minutes faster!


A gust of wind came.

Zhou Long only saw a jet-black monster face covered with hair approaching quickly!

His eyes suddenly widened, his breathing stagnated, and then he subconsciously punched out!


Sound softly.

Zhou Long's fist stopped on Ding Zheng's face.

But Ding Zheng only tilted his head slightly, then grinned and smiled even happier.

But Zhou Long was also hit in the chest by Ding Zheng's punch.


Although the sound of bone cracking was slight, it was even more frightening.

Zhou Long felt a pain in his chest and took a few steps back.

Under the thick darkness of night, the surroundings were silent. The ferocity and anger on Zhou Long's face had completely disappeared. He only felt that his scalp was exploding, and a stream of cold air rushed from his heels to the back of his head.

Then, his expression turned to fear.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Zhou Long immediately wanted to turn around and run away, but the opponent's pursuit was faster.

Ding Zheng had already stepped forward, grabbing hold of his hands and attacking Zhou Long's heart.

Black Tiger takes out his heart!

Zhou Long blocked the blow.

I just feel numb in my arms.

The power he was so proud of had no advantage at all against the monster in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, the opponent attacked again.

It's still the two claws, it's still the black tiger that rips out the heart.

In desperation, Zhou Long could only pull out the dagger behind him and stab it forward!


A strange sound sounded.

Zhou Long felt as if his knife had penetrated into the most flexible wood. The tip of the knife went in, but the blade seemed to be bitten by a tiger and could no longer be inserted.

At the same time, I felt a pain in my chest.


The ribs that were originally broken were instantly broken into two pieces under the strong impact.

Heartbreaking pain exploded from his chest and was violently stuffed into his brain.

Zhou Long felt his ears buzzing.

Then it fell completely to the ground.


Muffled sound.

The second leader of the Pier Gang had only twitching strength left.

Ding Zheng pulled out the dagger stuck on his shoulder, and his right hand, which was covered with black hair, was covered with blood.

That claw had already pierced the opponent's chest, barely missing his heart and pulling it out directly.

There is still room for improvement.

In confusion, Zhou Long opened his eyes, and for the first time he saw the shadow of this rickety beast with black fur very clearly.

A dark face surrounded by hair.

The skin in the middle of the face is also dark, with wrinkles like tree bark.

It has an upturned nose, long canine teeth, and big and smart eyes, full of human helplessness and ridicule.

Is this a person?

This idea emerged from Zhou Long's mind.

Then, his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

Ding Zheng once again put his hand into the wound on Zhou Long's chest and squeezed it hard.

Then he slowly pulled it out, and the blood soaked all the hair on his hand.

Zhou Long's life also lost its last support. After several intermittent and subtle gasps, there was no sound.

Black Tiger Three Styles 41%, Beast Fist 39%

Watching the changes on the panel, Ding Zheng stood up with a look of displeasure on his face.

This was not what he wanted, a hearty battle, and his martial arts proficiency did not improve much.

He was originally looking forward to Zhou Long's strength and didn't even make a sneak attack.

But I never imagined that this would be the result.

This 1.9 meter strong man was so frightened that he could only use 70% to 80% of his strength.

Totally not enjoyable enough.

It shook its head, processed the body, and made it so messy that no traces could be seen, and then confirmed that there were no traces left by itself.

Then he turned around and left, disappearing without a trace under the darkness of night.

I hope the next one will be bolder.

As for the first murder.

Ding Zheng's heart was inevitably a little fluttering.

However, the lives it ended on Skull Island with its own hands were not many at all.

Having been drinking blood for so long, I am almost used to these things.

Is human life necessarily more valuable than rabbit life?

Just look at the value and emotion.

In Ding Zheng's heart, the value of these people from the Pier Gang is negative.

In fact, because he often stays with King Kong, the ones he faces on Skull Island are all mutant species.

Ding Zheng has always underestimated his own strength.

I feel that with my size, strength, speed, physical strength, etc., I am even stronger than ordinary humans.

But it's not much stronger.

But this is not the case!

Although King Kong absorbed almost all the energy in the orangutan mother's womb.

As a result, Ding Zheng almost died from malnutrition, and his body size grew extremely slowly, completely unlike what the King Kong clan should look like.

But the genes inherited from the orangutan's parents have not changed.

special genes.

Ding Zheng and King Kong are destined to have stronger combat capabilities than any other beasts despite having the same body shape.

And the frail constitution of human beings is naturally even worse.

Only these real martial arts skills and inner energy in the world of martial arts can make up for innate deficiencies when they reach a certain height.

Of course, the misunderstanding of his own strength is also related to the fact that Ding Zheng was worried that he would be in trouble if he revealed his danger, so he never used his full strength.

Once an animal hurts or kills someone, such as a dog.

Even Huang Feihong, who has always admired benevolence, would not hesitate to beat him to death.

Once Ding Zheng shows that he is too dangerous, no one will be willing to negotiate fairness with him, and he will only become a real monster that everyone wants to beat.

Human society is extremely unfair and extremely dangerous to animals.

In the absence of an absolute advantage, Ding Zheng did not dare to act unscrupulously.

This chapter has been completed!
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