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Chapter 9 So Hard

The radio is not something so strange that it cannot be accepted.

Ding Zheng used to play when he was young in his previous life.

But a radio that appears on Skull Island...

This is undoubtedly an extremely weird thing!

"Is this a radio?"

Ding Zheng turned the thing over with a steel spear.

I poked it hard a few times, but nothing happened.

It couldn't help but squat down and lie to the side, protecting its head with its hands to prevent accidents, while watching carefully.

The whole body is silver, square, with a metal body surface, and a layer of black gauze-like grid occupying most of the space.

A few buttons whose functions I don’t know.

And two long antennas.

The length is almost as long as the bird feathers that Ding Zheng wore on his head when he sang.

Although it is very different from the radios Ding Zheng had seen in his previous life.

This one undoubtedly looks more advanced and has more texture.

But just looking at its appearance, isn’t it just a radio?

Ding Zheng was puzzled.

It was certain that there was absolutely no radio on the mountain peak where their brothers lived before!

Then there is only one explanation.

This radio fell from the sky with that huge fireball!

But this is even stranger.

What radio can fall from the sky?

While Ding Zheng was thinking about it, King Kong had already grabbed the radio into his hand and started playing with it.

Ding Zheng was a little worried at first, but he felt relieved after he found that no matter how hard King Kong ravaged him, the radio didn't react at all.

Then, Ding Zheng took the radio from King Kong and planned to study it carefully.

Buttons, antennas, and the black gauze above that looks like a speaker.

The entire body is made of an unknown metal.

And it seems to be very hard.

Ding Zheng pressed the buttons above.



The feel is great, the rebound effect is obvious, and it can be seen that the workmanship is very good.

But it tried every button.

Press lightly, long press, or press three times.

The radio never seemed to turn on.


King Kong suddenly snatched the radio from Ding Zheng's hand and threw it to the ground, and then with a spear!


Sparks flew everywhere.

The steel spear lifted off the ground.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Ding Zheng cursed loudly.

King Kong rolled his eyes at Ding Zheng, turned around and left with the steel spear.

It's not interested in this radio.

Not fun at all.

That spear just now was just to avenge his cave and food.

Now that the cave is gone, the two of them no longer even have a place to live.

How can I not vent?

Ding Zheng quickly ran over and took the radio out of the soil.

But to its surprise, the radio was struck by King Kong with such force.

It was intact!

Not even a trace of friction?

No, there is a dent!

A very tiny depression, so small that Ding Zheng thought it might have existed originally.

Ding Zheng stared at the depression carefully. Then, the depression began to change, and slowly returned to its original appearance.

It's like nothing happened!

Ding Zheng couldn't believe his eyes, and his eyes gradually became serious.

It couldn't help but put the radio on the ground, picked up its steel spear, and stabbed it gently.

It's very hard and can't be penetrated at all.

It gradually increased its strength until its whole body was tense and it was exerting all its strength.

But from beginning to end, the radio was not damaged at all.

This weird radio completely aroused Ding Zheng's curiosity.

It no longer cares so much, and completely concentrates on research.

I found out that I got the extremely sharp short knife when I bought the Beast Fist.

Not even a trace can be left on this radio.

There aren't even any screws or nails on it.

Ding Zheng's idea of ​​taking it apart and studying it was ultimately shelved.

Think about it.

Ding Zheng walked towards King Kong and explained.

I want King Kong to try out the quality of this radio.

Unexpectedly, after King Kong understood this, he turned his head away proudly.

Just now I wanted to smash you but you didn't want to, now you specifically ask me to smash you.

Don't I want to lose face?

However, although he acted very resolutely.

But King Kong still picked up the steel spear.

Then he used all his strength, and the tip of the surprisingly heavy solid steel spear in his hand hit the radio so viciously!


There was a violent metal clash, and the steel spear collided violently with the radio.

The radio was knocked directly into the open space more than ten meters away.

After jumping several times, I finally landed.

Ding Zheng hurried over and picked it up. After some searching, he found a dent in it.

Deeper and bigger than before.

But at the same time, the depression began to slowly heal.

Just like elastic skin.

Ding Zheng frowned.

It is simply impossible for humans to create such a hard and strange thing at this stage.

"Is it really from an alien planet?"

Ding Zheng frowned and thought, but in the end he couldn't come up with any result.

It looked at the thing that looked like a radio in its hand and began to think about what to do with it.

King Kong also came over with a shocked expression.

This weird thing can't be broken. It's really magical.

After hesitating for a while, Ding Zheng threw the radio into the still usable debris that had just been cleared from the ruins.

Since you can’t think clearly, let’s stop thinking about it.

Whether it comes from humans or from aliens, shouldn't we just let it and Vajra ravage and beat us?

I'll keep it for now, and I'll figure out what this is sooner or later.

As for throwing it away to prevent any accidents.

Ding Zheng is not that timid.

With such a hard material, it is a good choice to use it as a "heart guard" when necessary.

Why bother to scare yourself? Please recommend, please recommend, please recommend~

This chapter has been completed!
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