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Chapter 12 Artifacts

Ding Zheng stabbed the last dire wolf to death with his own hands and walked towards the natives with a steel spear.

King Kong picked up the steel spear and followed Ding Zheng.

The two brothers walked together and slowly walked to the group of natives.

King Kong had a serious expression on his face and said nothing.

Ding Zheng was smiling.

When Ju Shan and others saw King Kong and Ding Zheng approaching, they knelt down faster and more devoutly, their heads bleeding on the ground.

Their piety and gratitude to the patron saint are also based on great fear.

Jushan kept kowtowing, full of hope in his heart.

God is back.

From now on, they no longer need to fear dire wolves.

It would save a lot of people from dying.

Live the good old days!

Ding Zheng stood in front of the giant mountain.

It can tell that the man in front of it is the leader of these indigenous people.

It slowly stretched out its hand, placed it on Jushan's trembling head, and touched it gently.

Just like petting my own dog in my previous life, my movements were very gentle and gentle.

The giant mountain gradually became quiet, and its body stopped shaking.

After a long time, he finally raised his head.

What I saw was Ding Zheng's amiable smile and the admiration in his eyes.

Jushan suddenly felt a sore nose, and a surge of excitement and joy from being praised by his father when he was a child welled up from deep in his heart.

My eyes suddenly became wet and I cried straight away.

I am recognized by God!

He leaned down again and bowed deeply.

This time, I was more religious than any time before.

He didn't raise his body for more than ten seconds.

“Thank God for salvation!”

Ding Zheng also had some surprises.

This went smoothly beyond imagination!

Until I followed these natives to their village and saw the murals painted by the natives full of orangutan parents.

Only then did Ding Zheng realize that it was exactly as he imagined.

These natives have long been devout believers of the orangutan father and mother.

The tenth day after conquering the natives.


Ding Zheng plunged the steel spear into the seven-meter-tall wild boar in front of him.

King Kong was wandering beside him. After King Kong injured the wild boar, Ding Zheng took over to practice his combat experience.

He looked down upon his brother's shameless behavior.


Help me get it!

Ding Zheng glared at King Kong.

This idiot always shows disdain for its strength.

Ding Zheng secretly made up his mind that after he surpassed his opponent, he would take revenge severely.

King Kong did not dare to waste time, walked over and put the body on his shoulders.

Ding Zheng and King Kong have conquered the natives.

But now it has just begun, and the situation of the indigenous people is not very good.

Most of the daily food is used to honor King Kong and Ding Zheng, but there is not enough for the two brothers.

Ding Zheng also did not want to oppress and exploit too much.

So every few days, he and King Kong would go out to hunt and eat.

Today's wild boar is considered the best prey these days.


Suddenly a wolf howl came.

Ding Zheng's expression suddenly tightened.

It’s those dire wolves again!

as expected.

After a while, a large group of dire wolves with gray and black fur emerged from the surrounding dense forest, each of them more than three meters tall.

The strongest ones can even reach over five meters.

Much more powerful than what Ding Zheng and King Kong encountered when they rescued the natives.


Another wolf howl came from nowhere, and these dire wolves immediately received the command and charged directly towards Ding Zheng and King Kong.


Ding Zheng shouted: Run first! Protect the prey!

King Kong responded and took steps, but the wolves had already ambushed him and soon entangled King Kong, and his body was bitten with small holes one after another by the sharp wolf teeth.

Its iron cloth training is not yet at the point where it can completely ignore the sharp teeth of these ferocious beasts.

Because I was carrying the pig carcass, I couldn't attack with all my strength.

King Kong could only temporarily leave the pig carcass behind and plan to deal with the dire wolf seriously.

But this just suited the dire wolf's wishes, and the long wolf howl sounded again.

The pig carcass was dragged away by the wolves.

Ding Zheng and King Kong were both held back and unable to stop them.

After the pig carcass disappeared, the wolves immediately dispersed like a tide.

As quickly as it comes, it goes as quickly as it comes.

Only five or six dire wolves were lost, and they robbed King Kong and Ding Zheng of their food.

This is already the second prey snatched away by this group of dire wolves!

This group of dire wolves is extremely numerous and has clear command and division of labor.

The strongest dire wolves are responsible for keeping King Kong in check.

Each time, you only have to sacrifice a limited number of dire wolf lives, and you can even escape unscathed.

Dead dire wolves will also be dragged away and eaten by them as food.

Not even a corpse was left for Ding Zheng and King Kong.

Moreover, Ding Zheng and King Kong were specially selected to go out when they caught big prey.

The opponent is outnumbered and does not care about sacrifice.

Ding Zheng and King Kong have no effective means of group attack.

The dire wolves didn't fall for the trap they set.

There is simply no way.

It was like facing a group of small skeleton lizards.

The lack of powerful group attack methods is a common shortcoming of Ding Zheng and King Kong.

The only good thing is that after the wolves robbed once, they will not rob a second time in a short period of time.

"MD, sooner or later I will make you vomit out whatever you have eaten!"

Ding Zheng cursed in his heart and set out on a hunting trip with King Kong again.

He also planned to teach the natives how to catch more fish and prey after returning.

Half a month after conquering the natives.

Ding Zheng taught the natives how to make nets to catch fish.

Improve traps and improve tool quality.

The amount of food in the village suddenly increased.

Ding Zheng and King Kong don't need to go out specifically to hunt.

From then on, I lived a life of seafood every day.

Of course Ding Zheng would not eat octopus under any circumstances.

One month after conquering the natives.

Ding Zheng taught the natives to identify the medicinal materials needed to practice Iron Clothes.

Although I still admit my mistakes occasionally.

But there are still many correct ones, and there are more and more of them.

Finally, Ding Zheng no longer needs to take King Kong into the mountains to collect herbs every once in a while.

It also saves a lot of time.

40 days after conquering the natives.

Ding Zheng started making a small wooden barrel.

He also ordered the natives to follow suit and make a large barrel that King Kong could use.

It took five days to finally complete.

They can finally abandon the practice of prescribing medicine.

Switch to a medicated bath that is more effective, more effective, and absorbed faster.

Ding Zheng is very satisfied!

Although at the beginning, Ding Zheng did not have much hope for these natives.

But it gradually increased over time.

These natives gave Ding Zheng a big surprise.

With the protection of King Kong and Ding Zheng, the crisis was greatly reduced.

These natives burst out with very strong enthusiasm and motivation.

Nowadays, Ding Zheng and King Kong no longer need help with food.

Instead, they brought large amounts of fish and shrimp as tribute to Ding Zheng and King Kong every day.

Secondly, the residences of Ding Zheng and King Kong were also built very quickly on the beach.

Although it is crude, it can still be used.

Ding Zheng no longer needs to find many of the medicinal materials needed for Iron Bushan's cultivation.

It only requires picking the hard-to-get parts.

Only less than two months passed.

Ding Zheng and King Kong don't need to worry about almost anything.

Only occasionally taking time to drive away wild beasts that pose a threat to the natives.

The rest of the time can be spent on cultivation.

During this period of time, the strength of the two brothers has improved several times faster!

Time continues to pass, the countdown ends, and the time for Ding Zheng to start his second time travel is getting closer and closer.

"We were attacked by dire wolves again? One of them died? It's okay, okay..."

Although he was thinking this in his heart, Ding Zheng was still a little helpless when he saw the number of natives declining.

It is here to control its subordinates for its own convenience, and it is impossible to protect these natives anytime and anywhere.

But this group of natives is really too weak.

The group of dire wolves around us are really hateful.

This problem must be solved!

It has to find a way to drive these dire wolves out!

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

After thinking for a while, Ding Zheng gave instructions to the patriarch Jushan.

After a while, Ju Shan walked away quickly with joy on his face.

Ding Zheng plans to recruit some people.

Teach them some martial arts.

Allowing them to have a higher survival rate when they can move outside.

At the same time, a magical weapon and a foreign gun appeared, temporarily increasing the ability of the natives to protect themselves.

Dealing with dire wolves is not an easy matter, and Ding Zheng still needs to make more preparations.

But it is urgent to improve the strength of these indigenous people.

After enjoying the benefits of having slaves under his command, Ding Zheng no longer wanted to go back to the days of doing everything by himself.

These natives are very obedient and helpful, and their beliefs are very firm.

They really regard it and King Kong as gods.

But unfortunately the quality is really a bit poor.

Thanks to the boss of "Ye Shao Dim Sum" for the 100 book coin reward~ Thanks to the boss of "Carp Yue You Guo" for the 100 starting coin reward~

This chapter has been completed!
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