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Chapter 13: Catch the Wolf First Catch the King

More than five months after conquering the natives.

The coast of Skull Island.

On the edge of a simple small village built with stones, thatch and wood.

Ding Zheng and King Kong each lay in a huge wooden barrel.

His eyes were closed tightly, and his inner energy could not help but surge, allowing the injured skin to recover quickly.

There was a fire under the barrel, and several natives stood beside it, constantly adding wood to it.

The method of hot water medicated bath greatly increased the progress of their iron cloth shirt cultivation.

But before in the cave, Ding Zheng didn't have much time to do this.

The only solution is to use dressings.

Originally, Ding Zheng planned to take the natives back to the island directly.

Help him and King Kong build a house.

But the total number of people in this indigenous village is less than 1,000.

And most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.

Ding Zheng gave up the idea.

It is impossible for it to bring the entire village back and make them live there.

It also cannot act separately from King Kong.

Although in the eyes of the natives, there is no difference in status between Ding Zheng and King Kong.

But in fact, King Kong is the guarantee of their safety.

Ding Zheng is just responsible for being cool.

Whether you stay here or bring some people to repair the house.

Ding Zheng cannot protect everyone from other predators.

Skull Island is full of huge beasts, so Ding Zheng has no problem protecting himself.

But if you want to protect others, or even kill most predators, it is difficult to do so.

Fortunately, although the geographical location of this island is not as good as Ding Zheng and King Kong's cave.

But it's pretty safe.

Except for those dire wolves, there are no other predators that come here specifically to deal with these humans.

After all, there are too many traps and obstacles here.

The prey is too small and the price/performance ratio is really not high.

The medicinal bath is over.

The two brothers came out of the barrel.

Ding Zheng felt very happy eating the fish, shrimp and cooked meat offered as tribute by the natives.

It likes to eat raw seafood, which is fresh and moist.

But I like the meat well-cooked.

Although there is no seasoning, it is still better than drinking blood with raw hair. The most important thing is that these trivial matters do not require hands-on.


Suddenly the shouts of the indigenous people sounded outside.

Ding Zheng was speechless.

After these natives heard it communicating with King Kong, they actually began to imitate their calls.

This is to make Ding Zheng and King Kong feel more friendly to them, without any provocation.

But it still made Ding Zheng feel a little awkward.

Can't you just be a good person?

Ding Zheng knocked on the drum that appeared next to him.

The native immediately ran in quickly, his face very anxious, and kept saying words that Ding Zheng couldn't understand.

Then he lay on the ground dancing and dancing, growling with his teeth bared, and lunging forward to bite like a dog.

Ding Zheng understood the meaning immediately.

Those dire wolves are coming!

However, Ding Zheng did not show any trouble. Instead, with an eager expression on his face, he called King Kong and drove him out together.

These dire wolves were Ding Zheng's most troublesome opponents after he conquered the natives.

Not just frequent attacks on villages.

They will also attack villagers who go out hunting.

He even stole the prey of Ding Zheng and King Kong several times.

Ding Zheng had long wanted to deal with these troublesome guys, so he made special arrangements, just waiting for the wolves to come.

Even if they can't be exterminated, they can still teach these wolves what cruelty is.

But the countdown is getting closer and closer, and now there are only 9 days left.

Originally, Ding Zheng thought that he would have to wait until the end of the second mission world before he could deal with these dire wolves.

But I didn't expect that the other party would just come to my door——


Aboriginal village entrance.

King Kong stood on the spot holding a steel spear and a large golden sword.

The surrounding natives were all shrinking, and although they had weapons in their hands, their faces were full of fear.

But Ding Zheng was nowhere to be seen.

These dire wolves will launch a general attack on them every half a year or a year.

But they were unable to resist at all and could only watch their loved ones die from the wolf's mouth.

Only the lucky ones will survive.

Over the years, these natives' fear of dire wolves has become deeply rooted in their hearts.

That is to say, only with King Kong in charge did they dare to show resistance with weapons.

"Woo!" Team leader Jushan suddenly shouted, and then he clapped his hands and made a crisp sound: Bang Bang!

"Woo!" Bang bang!

The rest of the villagers followed closely, shouting and high-fiving.

Hundreds and nearly a thousand people cheered and high-fived together.

Suddenly, the entire seaside resounded with these indigenous "war songs"

The noise made the dire wolves on the opposite side become irritable.

These dire wolves did not attack directly.

I just stood in the distant forest and stared at the indigenous village.

In fact, they are waiting for the Wolf King's command.

As the number of contacts increased, Ding Zheng became convinced that there was a wolf king among the wolves. Every time the wolves attacked in large numbers, there must be a wolf king commanding them.

Therefore, the Wolf King must find a place with a clear line of sight and an overview of the overall situation every time!

And the reason why Ding Zheng did not appear at the entrance of the village was.

Just when it had already arrived at the location it had found, it wanted to see where the wolf king was hiding!

Most of the wolves hide in the woods.

Only the strongest ones stood up. Their four to five meter tall bodies were full of muscles and looked quite strong.

Dire wolves will never be exposed in full numbers easily.

This is the essence of human warfare.

Some smaller dire wolves were running around the village.

Most of them are flexible, thin, and extremely fast. They are responsible for detecting the situation and then feeding it back to their king.

Just based on these dire wolves who were investigating the situation, Ding Zheng knew that the number of the other party coming this time was definitely not low, and maybe even all of them came.

"Are you looking at the good development in the village in the past few months and planning to come here? Or do you know that King Kong and I are here and want to take back the food that originally belonged to them?"

Ding Zheng stood on the highest rock on the coast, motionless.

Take in a panoramic view of everything below.

Soon, the dire wolves responsible for investigating the situation began to run back.

Ding Zheng narrowed his eyes and stared at a few of them, watching them run into the dense forest.

Under the cover of branches and leaves, run towards the mountainside to the left.

There was a bulge at that place, which was obscured by a few big crooked trees, and the scene below could not be seen clearly.

Ding Zheng already understood.

It planned the route and walked slowly down with the steel spear.

As long as it waits for these dire wolves to attack, it will run directly to its destination.

The indigenous people can definitely hold on. The most important thing Ding Zheng has done in the past few months is to have King Kong push away several boulders connecting the land of Skull Island outside the indigenous village, leaving only one as a passageway.


The current Aboriginal village is like an island outside Skull Island, with only two roads to reach it.

One is the one Ding Zheng was taking at this time, leading to the back of the village.

It is extremely steep, and only it and King Kong can climb up and down at will.

The other one is the "bridge" at the entrance of the village.

The width is only three meters, and it is impossible for those dire wolves to rush through it at once.

With King Kong guarding it, the indigenous village will be safer.


A long wolf howl suddenly sounded.

The dire wolves in the forest suddenly moved, like a black and gray wave, attacking the indigenous village.

Ding Zheng climbed down from the tall boulder and rushed towards the mountainside not far away.

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