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Chapter 1783 The small world of the ancient relics is deeply hidden

 Seeing Du Xiaozhuang being helpless, Xu Zimo shook his head and laughed.

Said: "Brother Du, it's not a big deal, don't be nervous."

"You're not nervous at all," Du Xiaozhuang quickly replied.

"The patriarch is dead, and our ancient remnant clan doesn't even have a great emperor anymore. I'm afraid we won't be able to survive in this ancient town."

Xu Zimo continued to shake his head.

"Don't worry, the sky won't fall, and the ancient relics are not as weak as imagined."

He patted Du Xiaozhuang's shoulder.

Said: "You go back and take a nap now, and everything will be fine again when you wake up tomorrow."

"At this time, am I still in the mood to sleep?" Du Xiaozhuang said.

"Brother Du, you can't see many things clearly," Xu Zimo shook his head.

"If you can trust me, come and see me tomorrow.

If we inform the tribe now, it will only cause unnecessary trouble."

Although Du Xiaozhuang was anxious, he still believed in Xu Zimo's words.

He hesitated.

Asked: "Then shall I go back now?"

Seeing Xu Zimo nod, he thought for a while and finally said: "Brother Xu, I believe you.

I can keep this matter secret until tomorrow, just in case someone discovers the death of the clan leader."

"Your clan leader is not dead," Xu Zimo waved his hand.

I don’t want to say too much.

He looked at Du Xiaozhuang's leaving figure and slapped him on the old man's body.

Just hear a "boom".

The corpse was directly separated and exploded. Instead of being bloody and bloody, it dissipated like dust into the sky.

"The fake death body, although clever, is still accelerated," Xu Zimo shook his head.

This kind of fake death body may be able to deceive ordinary people, but once it reaches the level of a great sage.

Being able to distinguish the real from the fake is not life after all, and it is difficult to fake it.

He walked into the thatched house.

I saw that the scene was very simple, with only a stone bed, not even a table or chairs.

Xu Zimo knocked on the bed.

Then he smiled and said: "Is this the way your ancient relics treat guests?"

There was silence all around, and no one responded.

"Since you don't want to come out, you just want me to come in," Xu Zimo said lightly.

He clenched his right hand into a fist, and powerful power seemed to condense on his right fist like a twisted void.

I saw Xu Zimo punch down, and the powerful force fell on the stone bed like a stone.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The slate bed was completely shattered, and a bottomless hole appeared on the ground.

From the mouth of this cave, thick blood filled the air.

"There is a cave inside," Xu Zimo looked at it with interest.

Then he said: "It seems that your ancient remnants have a big plan!"

Inside the cave entrance, black light began to surge, and with powerful power, a figure slowly rose up surrounded by black light.

It was a figure wearing a robe, his whole body shrouded in darkness.

There was a heart-stopping aura floating around him.

His eyes fell on Xu Zimo through the black robe.

"Who are you, trespassing on the territory of my ancient clan," the man in black robe asked.

"You ancient relics know how to calculate, so you can calculate my origin," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

The man in black robe glanced at him.

Said: "Leave quickly, we don't care about today's affairs."

"It seems that you have anticipated my arrival," Xu Zimo smiled.

"It just so happens that I also want to visit the Ancient Relics."

Xu Zimo stretched out his hand forward, powerful force burst out, and directly grabbed the opponent's collar.

Deep into the cave entrance, the two of them fell in together.

"Are you crazy?" the man in black robe shouted in anger and fright.

"There are thunder and fire seals and cursed beasts outside our ancient clan.

Anyone who dares to break in will be killed.

Don’t try to harm me.”

"Don't worry, you won't die," Xu Zimo smiled.

"And you have to lead the way for me. I don't intend to let you go to bed so early."

After Xu Zimo finished speaking, his figure quickly fell into the cave.

Not long after, he encountered the first level of thunder and fire.

Thunder and red flames merge into one, blocking everything with powerful power, as if they can extinguish all living things.

Xu Zimo's figure passed through, accompanied by a "rumbling" explosion.

The first layer of thunder and fire seal exploded directly.

Immediately afterwards, he came to the second floor.

There are actually countless eggs on the earth walls inside these caves.

Inside each of these eggs, there is a living thing.

These creatures are all lizard-like, all covered in red skin and with pus-prone pimples on their bodies.

It looks very disgusting.

This is a self-exploding lizard.

They don't have any fighting power, but if any creature passes by here, these self-destructing lizards will explode immediately.

Don't give others a chance to hide at all.

Seeing this, the man in black robe quickly shouted: "You can't go down, otherwise the emperor will not be able to withstand this explosion."

"It's okay," Xu Zimo stretched out his right hand.

The thunder and fire that had been shattered on the first level were all condensed at this moment, as if they had become Xu Zimo's power.

The torrent of thunder and fire went directly towards the self-exploding lizard eggs on the second floor.

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom."

This cave entrance and tunnel seemed to be unable to hold up and kept exploding.

It seemed like it was about to collapse.

Xu Zimo's whole body was wrapped in a layer of power, and several roads began to appear in front of him.

"Which way to go?" Xu Zimo asked.

The man in black robe was silent for a while.

"Do you want me to throw you away," Xu Zimo asked.

"On the left," the man in black robe said hoarsely.

Xu Zimo felt that light appeared in front of his eyes, and there was a mysterious power wrapped in this light.

Xu Zimo felt his feet hit the ground.

Looking around, he saw that it was a wall made of steel and iron bones.

There are countless densely packed eyes around this wall.

"Clan leader of the Ancient Relics Clan, why don't you come out to meet him?"

"No one is welcome here, especially those who force their way in," an old voice said.

"You yourselves know best what the ancient relics have done, and my arrival is inevitable," Xu Zimo said.

He closed his eyes and felt it.

Everything around him is within his perception.

There are dozens of people in the Great Emperor alone.

The secrets of this ancient relic are really deep.

And in the deepest part, there was a faint and terrifying aura spreading out.

"Who are you?" someone asked.

"Everyone, I think we can have a good talk. If we have to use force, then I don't mind destroying the ancient clan," Xu Zimo said.

He snapped his fingers.

Bai Meng's figure suddenly rose into the air.

The terrifying power of Dao Fruit spreads out, directly suppressing everything.

The mighty force suppressed the small world of this ancient relic.

"Who are you?" At this time, an old man from the ancient tribe came out.

He was wearing a red robe, had a beard, and had the most powerful aura, vaguely possessing the peak strength of the Great Emperor.

Baimon smiled.

This chapter has been completed!
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