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Chapter 1898 The dark tide is coming and the terrorist attack

 This black blood is surging, and almost everywhere there is water in Yaochi is covered with black water.

Some monsters cautiously touched the black water.

In an instant, like corroded bones, it poured directly into the demon clan's body.

The black blood seems to be conscious.

Along with the screams of the demon clan, the internal organs and soul in the body were swallowed first.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood were devoured.

Until the end, only a body was left, which turned into ashes with just a slight touch.

This state of affairs is shocking.

"Don't even touch the black water, push back," God Lord Tianju yelled.

The entire demon tribe immediately took several steps back.

But Black Water is not over yet.

I saw black clouds covering the sky that was originally clear.

The whole world instantly became dark.

In the dark clouds, thunder began to roll and lightning crackled.

Small raindrops fell from the sky.

These small raindrops are also corrosive.

Even if I use spiritual energy to defend, it has no effect.

This kind of corrosion seems to be able to penetrate anything.

Although it had no lethality for a short period of time, many monsters roared in pain.

As time goes by, I'm afraid the casualties will become greater and greater.

Earthquakes began to occur on the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The earth dragon turned over and the world turned upside down.

The entire Yaochi, or rather the entire Kunlun Mountains, fell into a doomsday state of destruction.

On the ground, countless black pillars spurted out.

Just like a black pillar.

Once hit by a black pillar, it will be instantly destroyed.

"Damn, damn, what on earth is going on?"

Someone yelled angrily.

On the other side of Yaochi, the Queen Mother of the West stands on the Taoist platform, blessed by mysterious power in her hands.

A transparent barrier covers the entire fairy island.

It can protect the children of Yaochi from this disaster for a short time.

"What did you do?" Long Wu looked at Queen Mother Xi and asked angrily.

"I just let the evil place appear in the world," Queen Mother Xi said calmly.

"Kunlun is a realm of its own, and you force me to destroy the great mountains and rivers laid out by our ancestors.

No one can leave today."

Hearing this, the expression of the strong man with three flowers from the demon tribe changed slightly.

They bombarded the sky with infinite power, trying to break the space wall and then leave.

This space wall is not the space wall of the Nine Realms, but the space wall of Kunlun Mountain.

Originally, this was not uncomfortable and should have been a breeze.

But several people continued to bombard for a long time.

The space wall is as solid as a rock and indestructible.

The Yin-Yang Ox King even charged away with its horns, trying to punch a hole in the space.

Just listen to a "bang" sound.

He was actually ejected by the powerful force of the space wall.

Before anyone could take action again.

Someone suddenly pointed to the sky on the other side and shouted: "Everyone, look."

Only the top of the sky can be seen.

Suddenly a very large black hole opened.

Countless black tides surge out of the black hole.

The black tide is endless.

Like a waterfall falling from the sky.

This black tide is different from black blood. It has no shape. Sometimes it surges, sometimes it flows silently.

At first, the demons didn't know what the black tide was for.

A Daoguo strongman from the demon clan stepped forward.

This Dao Fruit powerhouse is one of the sixteen demon clans, the Kongming Beast.

Its body is very huge, with no hands and only two thick and short legs.

But its body is very long.

The neck is as thick as the head.

Moreover, the face is a black hole with no other facial features.

This is the void beast.

I saw it opened its mouth and wanted to swallow the black tide.

He stood alone in front, and the terrifying suction swallowed up the sky and the earth, and all the black tide was sucked into his stomach.

"Okay," the demon clan shouted.

But gradually, everyone discovered that something was wrong.

When the Kuroshio absorbs up to a certain limit, the Kongming Beast stops absorbing.

And he slowly turned around, with empty eyes and no emotion at all, and walked towards the demon clan step by step.

"What's wrong with you?" A demon clan asked in confusion.


The next moment, the screams of the demon clan and the roar of the Kongming Beast sounded at the same time.

The empty beast actually lost its mind and began to kill the demon clan.

"What on earth is this black tide?" A strong man from the Three Flowers tribe took action.

Finally subdued the empty beast.

After everyone inspected it, they found that the void beast now had no soul and intelligence, and was just a killing machine.

"It can't be cured," someone from the demon clan sighed.

Finally, he raised his sword and killed the empty beast.

This kind of thing can no longer be called a demon.

It would be a disaster to keep it.

The black tide is so strong that it can kill even Daoguo strong men, and these Sanhua strong men don't even dare to test it.

"Everyone, hurry up and don't touch the black tide," the strong men of the demon clan began to organize.

Today, Kunlun Mountain is no longer the fairy land it once was.

This place is more like a ferocious land.

The black tide cannot touch it, and the black blood cannot touch it.

However, the black blood between heaven and earth turns into drizzle, and the black tide is like a waterfall.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the entire Yaochi Lake is flooded and spreads across the Kunlun Mountains.

If you continue to retreat, there will be no retreat.


The strong men of the demon clan gathered together.

The clan leaders of the Sixteen Demon Clan and the three-flower strong men from each clan began to discuss.

"A hole was opened that day, and the black tide poured in from it. If we don't block the hole, we will definitely die."

The Yin-Yang Ox King was the first to say.

Now Kunlun Mountain has become its own realm and has been sealed off, and even the strongest Sanhua warriors cannot leave.

"How to mend the sky?" someone asked.

"We use our supreme magical power to seal the hole.

I don’t believe that dozens of us Sanhua experts can’t seal a hole together,” Lord Tianhuan shouted coldly.

After hearing this, everyone agreed.

"Then try it."

In this era where three corpses cannot emerge and Taoism is not revealed, Sanhua is the strongest.

Therefore, it is not for nothing that everyone has this determination.

At this moment, dozens of Sanhua strongmen were seen rising into the air at the same time, heading towards the source of the black tide.

There are not too many magical powers, but the most basic space seal.

Everyone formed a circle and surrounded the cave.

In an instant, everyone formed a seal with their hands.

Powerful space power burst out.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Invisibly, the entire sky was sealed.

The wind has stopped, the water has stopped flowing, and even the dark clouds have difficulty moving.

Everyone looked happy.


Sure enough, as the increasingly intense power of the void filled the air, they finally gathered together.

The hole between heaven and earth gradually closed.

The black tide can no longer flow out.

Finally, everyone shouted in unison: "Feng."

In an instant, the power of space increased greatly, completely blocking the hole.

But it didn’t wait for everyone to be happy.

From inside the hole, a particularly large hand suddenly stretched out.

This black palm seemed to have earth-shaking power, breaking the seal in an instant.

This chapter has been completed!
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