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Chapter 221 The real world is completely complete

 The moment the Chaos Bead appeared, boundless power spread out, and a stream of gray gas emitted from the Chaos Bead, shrouding the black and yellow air in it.

Immediately afterwards, the Chaos Bead was seen dragging the black and yellow energy into the world of true life.

In this gray mist, no matter how hard the black and yellow energy struggled, it could not break through.

The sky is yellow and the earth is yellow, which is the color of heaven and earth, and the air of xuanhuang is also the air of the earth.

At this moment, in Xu Zimo's real life world, the whole world was changing.

The sky was filled with wind and clouds, and the sound of "rumbling" echoed around.

The Xuanhuang Qi and the Yin and Yang Qi are intertwined and integrated into this world.

The rules of this world have been perfected, and everything has begun to evolve in an orderly manner.

The sun and moon rotate at the same speed, and night and day come as scheduled.

The originally dead earth also gained strength, and the land began to become fertile, suitable for planting and nurturing living things.

Yin and Yang transformed into the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and various attributes began to appear in the world.

The four seasons are equally distinct: spring breeze, scorching sun, autumn rain, and winter snow.

After many evolutions, the whole world can be regarded as a real world.

The long river of destiny is flowing in the void, and it is at this moment that it really starts to work.

And in the deepest part of the void, there is a piece of nothingness. At this moment, in this piece of nothingness, the power is astonishing. There are many changes appearing in it, and there seems to be something contained in it.

This is the way of heaven preparing to be born in this world.

The existence of the Dao of Heaven is to allow the world here to operate safely and normally, and it will suppress any existence that is harmful to the world.

This world is not that big, because this world has just been born, and its entire area is not even much larger than the Eastern Continent.

But as the world here grows and evolves, Xu Zimo's strength increases little by little.

The area of ​​this world will also begin to expand.

At the beginning of the world, most of the area was still ocean, and in these oceans, there were many continents rooted in them.

If you look at it from the outside, Xu Zimo's real life world is like a blue ball.

Seventy percent of the sphere's surface is ocean, while only 30% is land.

The world has just been established, and there are no living things here yet.

"This is a new era, it has opened its first chapter.

Let’s call this world China Continent.” Xu Zimo stood in the sky and said in a majestic voice.

The sound of responses kept ringing in the empty air, and at this moment, China mainland had time.

The world begins to move, this is its first day, first hour, first minute, first second.

From this moment on, China mainland will truly exist.

"Let's call this era Guixu," Xu Zimo said again.

At this moment, he is like a god who created the world, with boundless power spreading around him. Here, everything is running according to his purpose.

In the mainland of China, the era of Guixu, the mighty torrent of the times begins at this moment.

Everything in the world returns to nothingness, the world is truly established, the continent is named, and the era begins.

This is a moment that will be remembered.


But at this moment, when the world is truly established, there is only one problem before Xu Zimo.

How to make this world have biological existence.

Creatures do not appear out of thin air, nor does it mean that they will appear on their own after the world is created.

Regarding the origin of creatures in Yuanyang Continent, there is a story about Sun Candlelight and Taiyin Youying.

Legend has it that their fusion gave rise to monsters in the world, and later some of the monsters evolved into humans.

Xu Zimo is not sure whether this news is true, but he now has Taiyin Youying.

I obtained it in Youlong Stream of Zhenwu Shengzong before. Now I just need to find Sun Candle and fuse the two to verify my idea.

It's just a pity that Taiyin Youying and Sun Zhuzhao are not in the evolution of fate.

He was already lucky enough to get Taiyin Youying before, but now he doesn't even raise an eyebrow about Taiyin Zhuzhao.

But the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, and he doesn't want to think too much about it now.

In fact, the simplest way to deal with creatures is to capture the creatures in Yuanyang Continent and put them into your own Shenzhou Continent.

It's just a pity that the rules of the two eras are different, and creatures that do not belong to one era cannot be forced to live in the other era.

Even if Xu Zimo is the founder of this world, if he allows Heaven to open the back door, he can only let in dozens of creatures at most.

But the development of a world requires more than tens of thousands of creatures.

This is a rejection of the rules of the world, and even he, the creator, can't do anything about it.

Moreover, the creatures in each world are the foundation of this world and an indispensable part.

It is naturally impossible for Xu Zimo to let creatures from other eras become the foundation of his true life world.

The most important thing is that the era in which Yuanyang Continent is located has not yet been destroyed, and the way of heaven still exists.

Usually, the old era is destroyed, and then the new era appears.

If the Tiandao of the era where Yuanyang Continent is located knows that there are other Tiandaos in this world that threaten their position.

Xu Zimo felt that he would definitely be hunted by the entire world.

Although he is not afraid of anything, the premise is that he has to wait until he is ready, which is obviously impossible in his current state.


When the evolution of the real life world in his body ended, Xu Zimo only felt a powerful energy coming back from him.

This is the power that belongs to creation. It is different from any other power. Creation represents the supreme and dominates everything.

This chapter has been completed!
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