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Chapter 2316 Chaos in Cangxuan Realm, war between monsters

At this moment, a catastrophe seemed to have occurred throughout the Nine Realms.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, volcanic eruptions, sandstorms...

Countless disasters are happening all over the world at the same time.

Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

He could feel that the quality of spiritual energy in the entire world seemed to have gotten worse, and many things were disappearing.

But the world still exists.

This proves that Emperor Zhenwu failed in conquering the sky.

The next moment, I saw that the originally fragmented sky was intact again.

There was an unknown object burning with flames, falling from the sky to an unknown destination.

Xu Zimo looked at the falling thing and wanted to chase it.

But this thing is very strange. You can see it with your eyes, but you can't remember its position or direction.

Can Emperor Zhenwu have a backup plan?

Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

However, this thing is not in the world below, but in the first few layers of the Nine Realm World.

As long as you keep walking up, you can always find it.

At the same time, the channels that originally connected the nine realms began to close little by little.

The weather is over and everything is back to normal.

Perhaps for most monks, they don't know what this means.

But for the truly strong, they can definitely understand.

At this moment, countless powerful people all over the Nine Realms World had different reactions.

Some people gloat, some sigh, some feel regret...

No matter what, no one can change the outcome.

At this moment, Xu Zimo has passed through the barrier of the Ghost and God Realm and arrived at the Sky Realm.

The area of ​​the Sky Realm is larger and more vast than the Ghost Realm.

Even though Xu Zimo had been to Cangqiong Territory once, he had not visited all the places.

At first, the Sixteenth Demon Clan wanted to destroy Yaochi, but later because of Xu Zimo's intervention, the matter ended with the failure of the Demon Clan.

That battle was unprecedented.

The scale was so large that it even affected the nine regions.

At the end of that battle, both the Holy Court and Emperor Zhenwu came forward.

Xu Zimo even had no choice but to use the power left to him by the previous generation of demon lords.

Later, it finally ended due to the intervention of heaven.

But in that battle, all the strong men of the demon clan were killed by Xu Zimo.

Although Xu Zimo faked his death and left Cangxuan Territory due to heavenly reasons.

But the demon clan suffered heavy losses, and Xu Zimo could also understand that Yao Chi would definitely benefit the most.

When he obtained the inheritance of the goddess Xuanming in Yaochi, he fulfilled his promise.

I just don’t know what the Cangxuan Territory has become now.


After Xu Zimo came to Cangxuan Territory.

First, we came to the northern part of this domain.

This is the territory of the Demon Fire Phoenix.

A long time ago, when the Sixteen Demon Clan ruled the Cangxuan Territory, Demon Fire Phoenix was one of the Sixteen Demon Clan.

How brilliant they were then.

They rule tens of thousands of monsters, and there are countless races and monsters that submit to them.

At that time, once they were spoken, it was an absolute will.

But soon, this peace was broken as the powerful men of the sixteen demon tribes were killed.

Many people think that the demon clan is united.

The sixteen demon clans are at the top, and the other demon clans are all under their rule.

But in fact, there is no peace within the demon clan at all.

Just like the human race, there are all kinds of intrigues and intrigues within the human race.

Then the same goes for the demon clan.

It's just because the Sixteen Demon Clan are too strong. Before they suppressed them, no demon clan dared to resist.

Even if there were demons that resisted, they were all killed.

But since all the powerful men of the sixteen demon clans died, the entire demon clan has completely changed.

Countless demon clans began to resist, hoping that a new era of demon clans would emerge, and the sixteen demon clans had become a thing of the past.

During this period of time, wars within the demon clan continued.

There are those who support the Sixteen Demon Clan, and there are those who don’t.

It was under the different ideas of the two parties that the war began.

But overall, the Sixteen Demon Clan is weak.

Because most demon clans are unwilling to surrender and also long for their own freedom.

They rose up in resistance in the hope of giving future generations a new era.


The territory of the demonic fire phoenix.

They originally controlled thousands of territories, but now they have all been lost, leaving only the position of the ancestral court, which they are still struggling to hold on to.

Xu Zimo had no intention of getting involved in the demon clan's affairs.

He came here just to find something about the things that Emperor Zhenwu had dropped from the sky when he defeated the Queen of Heaven.

See if there are any clues.

Another point is that I want to find the hometown of Emperor Tianqi.

Emperor Apocalypse is already a very ancient figure.

Although he was once famous in Cangxuan, time is crueler than anyone else, and his reputation has long since disappeared in the long river of time.

His family has long since declined.

Whether it even exists or not is an uncertain factor.

After Xu Zimo arrived at Demon Fire Phoenix's territory, he wanted to ask the master of Demon Fire Phoenix.

After all, as the former rulers of this land, they must know much more than others.

"Phoenix prisoner phoenix!"

This is the ancestral land of the demon fire phoenix.

Led by Demon Fire Phoenix, there are three major demon clan forces who are their followers and guard this place together.

These three major demon clans are the Luan Bird clan, the Long-haired White Dog clan, and the Jinshan Jia clan.

On the periphery of Feng Qiuhuang, the forces that resisted them were actually much stronger.

Among them, twelve demon clan forces surrounded this place.

I originally wanted to break into the ancestral court of Demon Fire Phoenix in one go, but the opponent's resistance was also very tenacious.

The rebels suffered heavy losses and made no progress.

So it's a stalemate right now.


Among the twelve demon clan forces that resisted, the Tyrannosaurus demon clan was the strongest.

They seem to have gradually become the new leaders here.

The demon clan enjoys that every race can be free, but in fact this is impossible.

Because even if the Sixteen Demon Clan is overthrown, other powerful races will rule.

This is a law that has remained unchanged for millions of years.

Whether it's a demon race or a human race, it's all the same.


The contemporary leader of the Tyrannosaurus clan is named Baotian, and he is a person with a temper as fiery as his strength.

He never considers the consequences of his actions, and he can be said to have been reckless all the way.

As the saying goes, if you are violent, you will risk your life.

The Tyrannosaurus clan led by Baotian is such a desperate race.

They are not afraid of death, even some monsters who are stronger than them do not dare to compete with them.

Because everyone cherishes their lives and no one wants to mess with these madmen.

Relying on their unafraid of death style, the Tyrannosaurus clan gained the most in this melee of demon clans.

At this moment, Baotian and others were discussing the next action in the tent.

Suddenly a demon clan came to report.

"Clan leader, there is a clan member outside who wants to enter the ancestral court."

"What did you say, human race?" Baotian snorted coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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