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Chapter 373 People from the last era?

 The beating of his heart accelerated too much, and Xu Zimo felt flustered for no reason.

He looked at the triangular island and it seemed familiar.

But I can't remember where I saw it.

Still in a dream?

The island is getting closer and closer to the ship, and the tourists on the ship are talking about it.

This ship is controlled by a force called the Ning family.

At this moment, the ship slowly stopped not far from the island.

The guards on the ship seemed to be asking the captain for instructions.

After a long time, a fat man wearing a white sailor uniform walked out.

He said angrily to everyone in the cabin: "The captain allows everyone to go to the island to explore.

The ship will stay here for three days, so please be sure to come back after three days.

If you don’t want to go to the island, you can rest in the cabin.

For those who haven’t come back after three days, we won’t wait any longer.”

After hearing the fat man's words, the people on the boat dispersed in a hurry.

They each jumped into the air and flew towards the island.

Although this kind of floating island has constant opportunities, it is also accompanied by crises.

There are even rumors that the entire island is in danger of being destroyed.

It's just that the first step of cultivation is to conquer the heaven and earth, and it is beyond the control of the great road.

Everything depends on the word "struggle".

Xu Zimo slowly stepped into the air. He didn't know why, but he always felt that the island in front of him brought back many memories.

But these memories are unclear and unclear.

It's like there is a key point connecting them together.


The appearance of the island is golden, and the golden light is very dazzling.

But after people landed on the island, they discovered that there was a strong evil spirit here, and all the plants on it were eroded by the evil spirit.

This is simply a devil's paradise.

Most of the plants on the island are of the dark type.

You can land on the island from all sides of the island.

When Xu Zimo shattered the void and landed on the island.

He found that his heart was beating faster.

Everyone around them rushed into the island, fearing that the opportunities inside would be snatched away by others.

Xu Zimo had just walked a few steps when he heard someone shouting.

"I picked up a weapon, an ancient magic weapon."

He turned around and saw a man in a green shirt not far ahead. He picked up a dusty sharp ax under the black pine tree next to him.

The surface of this ax head was originally petrified, and there were many cracks on it.

It was just when the man dripped his own blood on the axe.

I saw the petrification on the surface of the ax head beginning to fall off.

The whole sharp ax actually bloomed with blood energy reaching the sky.

The blood is bright red, and the killing begins.

This is clearly a murder weapon.

People around him cast envious glances, but they never thought of snatching it away.

But before the man could stop laughing while holding a sharp axe, evil energy suddenly rolled out of the axe.

It turned into a ferocious face and swallowed the man directly.

Devoured until not even the dregs are left.

With a "clang", the ax fell to the ground.

The people around him quickly took a few steps back, away from the position of the axe.

"Why do I think this island is a bit evil?

Otherwise we’d better leave!”

"Look again, the greater the risk, maybe the opportunity will be much greater."

"No matter how great the opportunity is, you have to take it with your life!"

People around were talking a lot, and some people were just taking chances.

Some people also backed down.

Xu Zimo frowned slightly, this sharp ax felt very familiar to him.

But he didn't know why.

In short, this whole island gave him a very strange feeling.

He walked forward slowly and picked up the ax under the surprised eyes of some people.

The demonic energy on the sharp ax sensed Xu Zimo's presence, but surprisingly he didn't resist.

Instead, I felt a little excited and respectful.

It's like a lost believer encountering faith.

The sharp ax was trembling slightly.

Waves of faint demonic energy entered Xu Zimo's body along his arms.

At this moment, Xu Zimo froze on the spot.

Some strange and familiar pictures began to flash before his eyes intermittently.

"We demons are born to be abandoned by heaven."

"We must break the hourglass of fate and contend with the law of heaven to the end."

These pictures look like a big war.

The sky was blood-red, and the earth was cracked with countless cracks.

Tens of thousands of creatures fight together.

Every minute and every second, countless people die.

The battle was very tragic.

And the owner of this sharp ax is just the most ordinary member of the thousands of warriors.

These fragmented and intermittent pictures flashed before Xu Zimo's eyes.

When Xu Zimo came back to his senses, he saw that the sharp ax in his hand had cracks.

With the sound of "click, click".

The ax was completely shattered.

And Xu Zimo also sensed something different about himself for the first time.

Originally, he was fused with the prison-suppressing demonic body.

Initially, he was a fused war body bead. From Baimeng's mouth, he learned that this demonic body was originally with him.

Let’s not mention the relationship between Xu Zimo and the Demon Lord in this life for the moment.

But there is a gap between the prison-suppressing demonic body and himself.

After all, it is a foreign object, not part of himself.

Only when it is turned on specifically can the power of the prison-suppressing demon body be used.

But now, the demonic energy of this sharp ax has been integrated into Xu Zimo's body.

He unexpectedly found that the relationship between himself and the prison-suppressing demonic body was closer.

Although this close connection is not worth mentioning.

But what if there was more of this demonic energy?

Xu Zimo had an idea.

And the most important thing is that some pictures flashed before his eyes just now.

Intuition told Xu Zimo that the story of this picture was related to the demon lord and the demon clan.

In other words, the island in front of you is also related to the devil.


With curiosity in his heart, Xu Zimo walked forward again.

As he walked further, Xu Zimo discovered that there seemed to have been a battle here.

There were many deep pits around.

Although due to the long history, many things have been buried with time.

Along the way, Xu Zimo also picked up some broken and damaged weapons.

The evil energy hidden in it was absorbed by him.

The connection between himself and the prison-suppressing demonic body is getting closer and closer.

As he was walking, Xu Zimo suddenly heard an inhuman scream.

His eyes narrowed slightly and he quickly ran in the direction of the screams.

Passing through layers of trees and countless bushes.

Xu Zimo looked at the situation in front of him.

I saw a man with disheveled hair, dirty body and wearing rags.

He couldn't tell the difference between male and female, but they were squatting on a corpse and chewing on it.

This corpse had just died and should be someone who was on the same ship as Xu Zimo.

Hearing the news of Xu Zimo's arrival, the disheveled man suddenly raised his head.

Only then did Xu Zimo see this man's face clearly.

The flesh on its face had long since rotted, and its eyes, nose, ears, and mouth were all shapeless.

This chapter has been completed!
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