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Chapter 0: The opening scene was beaten to the bone and proud of the sky

It has no name, and it is a bit depressing in this life.

If you want to ask why it doesn't have a name, it's because it is a tree, a big tree that "stands out" among the endless bushes. No one would give a name to a big tree.

Although it is okay to use the name of the previous life, I don't know why I can't remember it, and some important memories are missing.

So, if you want to ask why it is depressed, it is because - yes, it is a reincarnation through time, reincarnated from a person into a tree!

However, what is depressing is not the fact that I have become a tree unable to move freely.

The way of time travel is a bit too strange. In the past life in its memory, it felt that it was relatively smooth sailing. It had obtained all the academic qualifications it should obtain. It studied art, and it was no problem to get a corresponding job. The problem is, in the past life,

I'm a science student, so it's a bit awkward to use my science brain to analyze art.

But I understand very well that not everything in life can go as planned, so I just need to endure it. Besides, I don’t hate it, because in my previous life, I also liked the two-dimensional world of the 21st century. I also have time to play video games, but I don’t have it.

Why bother to play the big games that are currently popular? After the graphics software used for work takes up part of the memory of the computer at hand, the remaining memory is not enough. Isn’t it too wasteful to buy a computer specifically for playing games?

Therefore, I basically play vertical scroll barrage games or fighting games with older game modes.

But after studying art, even painting and sculpture, I can still make the things I like by myself. I can also do interesting things that can make money part-time, such as novel illustrations and handicrafts. When I am in a good mood,

It’s also fun to do.

However, if anything becomes your main job, you will probably get tired of it, but it is not impossible to do it. It is just that you have developed a bad habit of throwing things away when you think about work-related things that have nothing to do with your interests. It is not a waste.

, I will naturally look for things that are worthless and can’t be broken and throw them away, and I will clean them and recycle them afterwards.

No major problems occurred in the long run, except that one time I accidentally swung it into a goldfish tank that was very close to me. It was a carefully landscaped goldfish tank, and it just fell over.

Was he killed by a goldfish bowl?

How is that possible? It guaranteed to avoid being hit at all. Even if it was hit, it would only hit the feet. The goldfish tank fell to the ground, water spilled all over the floor, part of the landscaping and decoration was damaged, and the colorful fighting fish of different colors turned upside down.

The memory of struggling with my belly jumping on the ground is still fresh!

Why did he suddenly travel through time and become a tree? Is it retribution for smashing a goldfish tank?

But there is no point in thinking about it. Now it is a very strange tree. It is not completely unable to move. As long as it is willing, it can move its branches like the "Ancient Protector" in "Warcraft"

It can be used to attack, throw and grab other trees and eat them.

The Ancient Protector is a defensive building of the night elves in the stand-alone game "Warcraft". Therefore, it once suspected that it had traveled to "Warcraft".

But it is not sure, because there are still many differences——

Most of the time, it shrinks its body under the surface. This ability is not available to the ancient protectors. It also has detection capabilities. It can feel things within a certain range around it. This is actually called a three-dimensional 360° anomaly.

It is more appropriate to mix hearing and abnormal vision. Since there are no measurement tools, it is difficult to determine how much.

For it, in addition to bathing in the daily sunshine and absorbing nutrients from the earth, the greatest joy of being a tree is to observe the ecological activities of various animals and plants within this range. There is no other way to do this, and there are no board games here.

Entertainment methods such as mobile games. I don’t feel bored to the point of wanting to die. Maybe it’s because of the different mental structures of plants.

It's a pity that there are almost none. The only plants that are still within the range of perception are plants that are similar to myself.

Even some plants that have no hostility or reason to be hostile have climbed up the rock and grown on themselves. They coexist with other plants with the attitude of not paying attention to them as long as they are not growing on themselves to absorb and compete for nutrients. Biodiversity

He still understands the importance.

Even so, I feel that the nutrients in the land and the sunlight in the sky are somewhat insufficient, so it still takes away the nutrients and life of many surrounding plants, and puts most of the body into the so-called dormant state. What else can it do?


Forget it, I have nothing else to do, how many days and nights have I spent like this?

When the night of that day came, it all mattered no more. It was smaller than the surrounding "bush" and a group of monsters named "players" appeared in its sight. Only then did it learn about a secret that made it world-viewing.

Changed information——

The surrounding "bush" is not short, it is a forest of the same size as a truly lush tropical rain forest.

What's unusual about it is that it is a demonic tree hundreds of meters high when fully awakened! Perhaps it is also a terrifying existence speculated by some to be the "Destruction Dragon King"!

This is the world of "Overlord".

The players who arrived were a skeleton wearing a dark robe and equipped with various gorgeous props, and a little dark elf girl wearing men's clothing. She must be a girl. After all, these two characters are very familiar to Demon Tree in his memory.


It's Ainz Ooal Gown, the guild leader, and the dark elf Aura Bella Fiora, a level 100 NPC! Ah, what, it felt that its body was forcibly awakened by Yaura!

No, no, it consumes a lot of energy. Quickly turn the branches into "tentacles" to roll up the surrounding trees and eat them to replenish some energy urgently.

Ainz: "I've got a nasty premonition. Let's start switching to alert mode."

Aura: "Ah~~That...is so big~"

Also discussing with them were a tree fairy and a giant hamster, but the voices of those two could not be heard clearly.

However, they are really leisurely. Aura also did a level test and it was level 85.

But for Demon Tree, now is not the time to relax: "No! Why did you reincarnate into such a character who is destined to be eaten by the protagonist Gu Aotian!"

But we can’t just accept our fate!

I want to—surrender! Please show mercy to Ainz Ooal Gown and let me go! Level 85 will definitely help you conquer the world!

Eh? How can I tell them that I want to surrender? In short, let’s signal them with our movements first.

Ainz: "Huh? That guy noticed this."

Aura: "That seems to be the case. What should I do? Do you want me to kill it all at once with my monsters?"

Ainz: "No, this can be regarded as a good experiment. Do you want to start... I seem to be ready."

No, no, no, it seems that there is no way to communicate. Can you try to express your thoughts to the tree fairy? Send your thoughts, send your thoughts...

Dryad: "Well, two adults, it is expressing to you that it wants to surrender."

Aura: "Lord Ainz, it seems that even this tree is aware of your greatness."

Ainz: "Huh? Is that so? Maybe it's a rare species and can it be transplanted to the sixth floor?"

Aura: "No, I think there is a magic sun and water source on the floor, but the ceiling is not that high."

Ainz: "Really? That's a pity. I've heard that this can destroy the world. It's not comfortable to place around or inside the base. Besides, since I accepted the work commission from the Adventurer's Guild, deliberately failing it would be detrimental to Ainz Ou.

Er Gong’s reputation.”

Hey, hey, you just dismissed it like that?!

Just at this time, a thin, seemingly endless blackness, and a semi-elliptical blackness emerged from the ground. This scene was full of mystery, and at the same time, it made people feel uneasy and unspeakable.

Is it a portal? The idea of ​​the magic tree has been confirmed——

Out of the darkness: the female-clothed dark elf opposite Aura, if Aura is the sun, then he is the moon; a silver-haired girl wearing a black evening dress who is slightly older in every sense, but that one is 'bigger'

The breasts should be fake; a tall, beautiful woman with black hair in a snow-white dress, with black wings hanging from her waist; a giant insect that is two feet five tall and walks on two feet. If there is a mantis and an ant in the world that fuse together and transform, it should be

This is how it feels; a man wearing a red suit, round-rimmed glasses, a metal plate-covered tail trailing behind him, and a sinister look on his face.

Mare, Shalltear Bloodfallen, Albedo, Cocytus, and Demiurge, all beings who could basically destroy the world when gathered together are here.

The magic tree felt desperate about this, and after a moment of hard thinking, it decided on a way that might alleviate the pain.

PVP needs to try to understand the information, and my skills seem to be pretty good——

Special skills: High-level knockback resistance V (attacks cannot cause knockback effects), high-level arrow resistance V (arrow attribute attacks below level 80 are invalid), high-level arrow resistance V (arrow attribute attack effects are invalid)

reduced by 80%), food recovery increase V (the efficiency of using food to restore HP is increased by 100%), high-level abnormal status invalidation IV (abnormal status attacks below level 70 are invalid), high-level magic resistance III (magic below seventh level

The effect is reduced by 60%), intermediate magic invalidation III (magic attacks below level 50 are invalid), intermediate physical invalidation III (physical attacks below level 50 are invalid).

When thinking about it in this way, the magic tree felt the information. There was no such thing as "the sound of heaven" or "the sound of the system", it just felt like it.

However, I feel that these skills are useless against those level 100 beings. The "high-level arrow resistance V" can reduce the damage of bows and arrows, but will the attack power of level 100 bows be low?

Therefore, there is only one way to alleviate the pain——

There is no other option besides attacking first, but now they are outside the branch swing range, so there is only one way to attack——

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff!" The magic tree threw all the fruits it could throw at once at the group of people!

The only ones who reacted were Shalltear, Albedo, and Cocytus, who casually blocked the Demon Tree's full blow. Cocytus even blocked three shots, and Albedo even threw it at them.

The fruit came back.

It hurts! It hurts so much to be hit by your own fruit. This is the idea of ​​the magic tree.

However, there is also a super unexpected result——

Because Ainz, as the "leader", was talking to his subordinates, but he was far away from the subordinates who were surrounding him half a circle, he was hit by a single fruit!

Ainz flew around in circles! He was knocked away...

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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