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Chapter 331: Soul Requiem, Granbell VS Nagato

An Qi separated three clones, and together with the main body, they jumped back to back, jumped down from the tall sealed earth mountain, and met the four people in the east, west, north and south respectively. The main body just jumped to the north, and they were working together to prepare for the powerful Ninja.

A skilled man.

The person who saw Angel's body rushing towards him was Asuma's colleague as the Twelve Guardian Ninjas of the Land of Fire. His actual combat experience and mentality were quite powerful. When he saw Angel approaching, he already knew what Angel had done.

Without panicking, they directly released the ninjutsu they were preparing [Thunder Release: Thunder Dream Thunder Man].

This is the four thunderbolts among the Twelve Guardian Ninjas: Beigen, Hoshito, Dongyu, and Chengma. The thunder and lightning emitted by each of them are gathered in the four directions at a point above the area where the four people are, and then all objects in this area are

A powerful ninjutsu that will turn everything into ashes. Not only that, the four of them also have the [Thunder Release Charging Technique] that absorbs nearby lightning energy and stores it in their bodies. The natural disaster created by the Ten-Tails previously contained a large amount of lightning storms, giving

This is a great opportunity for them to recharge.

These thunder and lightning are all natural thunder and lightning caused by natural disasters caused by the Ten-Tails, which are of the same kind as the mountains, rivers and rivers, so Angel cannot absorb it!

However, Angel's power is not only what the reincarnation eye and the whirlpool bloodline bring to her, but also the "dark perpetual motion machine" that creates each other.

She jumped out of the thunder that turned some to ashes almost unscathed. She was wrapped in a cola-colored chakra coat, with six tails wagging, and a fox skull mask on the side of her head.

In fact, her body doesn't have to worry about attacks that can cause serious injuries at all. This is just to allow the foxtail clone to respond to her and launch a defense that can definitely block a blow. After all, the clone will disappear once it is hit.

"Look at the triangle scarves with the word 'fire' on their waists. Are they Asuma's colleagues?"

"That's right." Beigen immediately targeted An Qi and took action, picking up a long conductive stick. As a ninja who sacrificed his life to protect the country, how could he shrink back out of fear when encountering an enemy he couldn't defeat?

An Qi glanced at the symbol that symbolized the Fire Nation's protection of the Twelve Ninjas and stopped paying attention. Without looking at Beigan a second time, she ran straight past him and towards another group of guys who seemed to be gathering together to do something.

And go.

As for Beikan, no one is there anymore.

The moment the fox tail chakra on Angel's back turned into giant claws and came into contact with him, he disappeared.

Angel's Samsara Eye is not exactly the same as the Samsara Eye known to the Ninja Alliance. Angel can absorb it in a wider range. [Ultimate Earth Reincarnation] is also a ninjutsu, so Angel directly gave Beigan who was resurrected by [Ultimate Earth Reincarnation]


All four members of Lei Dun met the same ending.

"The next one is a loser of the same race." An Qi happened to see Nagato, who had just broken through the army of the dead summoned by Himawari, and was preparing to go to support other battlefields, so she ran towards him ignoring the little movers she was worried about before.

It was my first time to "eat a human" directly. It felt much more refreshing than catching chakra with a fishing rod and then absorbing it. It felt like red wine was added to chocolate. Take Nagato, who is also a member of the Uzumaki clan and has the Rinnegan.

It will definitely be more enjoyable as a main meal.

"Huh? I just decided to eat, and I was robbed?" An Qi couldn't help but slow down, "It shouldn't be easy for her to deal with Nagato, right? Just like the daughter of Pisi's father?"


Granbell, who joined "Akatsuki" with Deidara in the early days, came to Nagato: "Why did the leader betray himself instead? Don't you understand best that this world has no hope of the harmony they said? As a result,

What was the point of letting me and Beier join Akatsuki at all costs?"

"'Akatsuki' is an organization founded by Yahiko. Now, I have just regained Yahiko's original intention and want to believe in the determination of Jiraiya-sensei and Naruto, master and junior brother again."

"...Hmph, I waver, and in the end nothing can be done, and it's all wasted. Bei'er hates unprofessional guys like you. Did my brother die in vain? Feel the dead who died because of you along the way.

Be resentful."

Granbell pointed towards the ground, then turned upward: "[Magic Ascension is the Strongest·Army of the Dead [m-b-m·e-u-a]]."

After Nagato became Pain, he killed a large number of people in Amegakure Village who had nothing to do with the battle but were just leaning towards Sanshouyu Hanzo, including the people. However, none of the large number of companions he had recruited for his innocent ideals in the past were left. He only knew them.

He died and how he died was solely attributed to Hanzo and Konoha.

However, it was taken away by Shiro Zetsu and Obito. Shiro Zetsu also knew where the body was buried. After Nagato died, it was handed over to Granbell as a material to expand his combat power. Together with Pain, he was massacred in Amegakure Village.

Together with the dead of a large number of people, the souls were made into undead and the corpses were made into bombs.

Countless undead souls emerged from the ground, and the undead souls that were originally full of resentment towards Payn pounced on Nagato. However, they were close friends with Nagato, but they were wiped out by Granbell using the "Dominate" magic.

Losing the consciousness of love amplified the little bit of blame they felt towards Nagato in their hearts because they refused to close their eyes to death, allowing them to launch a siege against Nagato from their immediate hearts.

"You!" Nagato originally thought that Granbell's ability was very convenient as a weapon for the organization, but now!

Nagato wanted to launch a special attack on souls [Human Path], but among the countless dead souls, there were figures of Yahiko and Konan!

Granbell smiled kindly and said: "Yahiko is here, Konan is here, Jiuzuke, Dabutu and other former friends are here, and they are with your enemies. If you want to believe in the innocent ideal of the past, you must stop it.

Beier, to stop Beier, you have to deal with the soul in front of you - please kill your former companions with your own hands, not with your own mistakes, but with your own hands. By the way, kill Beier,

These undead spirits will lose their restraints and follow the instinct of the dead to find companionship and attack all living things."

There was even a hint of unpretentious sympathy in her tone.

Nagato could only defend passively, staring at Granbell. There was a wall of undead between them. If he wanted to attack Granbell, he must first break up the people who depended on each other, including Yahiko and Konan.

Companions who follow and support each other from the bottom of their hearts.

"Were you the one who turned them into this?" Nagato roared.

"It's Bei'er, but if they didn't have this idea in their hearts, Bei'er wouldn't be able to do it. You did let them down, right? Yahiko asked you to protect Xiaonan, but you failed to do it; Xiaonan wanted to conquer with you

In the ninja world, you haven't done it either. Former leader, you haven't done anything. What else can you do except keep going back and forth between failures in different camps? Is Samsara blind?"

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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