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Chapter 341 One spit changes history?

"[True Thousand Hands·Buddha on the Top]." Hashirama immediately launched the unique skill of Suzusen, who had transformed into a ten-tailed white rabbit, and knocked away countless [Tailed Beast Jade] to defeat the Nine-Tails in one move.

Adding a sealing technique to [True Thousand Hands] can prevent it from being absorbed, and even for a moment, countless punches capable of defeating tailed beasts can fall on the Ten-Tailed Suzusen.

"Hmph." Suzusen snorted coldly, and the ten-tailed white rabbit opened its mouth and sprayed out beams of [Tailed Beast Jade] light beams like rail cannons.

"Boom, boom, boom..." No matter if the absorption is blocked, the wooden hand biscuits of the Thousand-Hand Guanyin Colossus were shattered by the light beams ejected by the white rabbit, and a beam of light broke through the huge barrier of Thousand-Hand Fist and blasted towards the Colossus.

When the caster was looking at Guanyin's head, the Thousand-Armed Guanyin Colossus disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, it appeared in the position facing the white rabbit's chrysanthemum. It was Tobirama's [Flying Thunder God Technique]. The flying thunder god kunai mixed in the water escape he used before was destroyed. Although those that came into contact with Suzusen were destroyed, there were still some.

Many were scattered around.

Facing countless Thousand Hands who were about to perform [Millennium Kill], Suzusen simply didn't look back, and controlled the ten tails of the White Rabbit to quickly extend and turn into hands. Each hand held up a weapon that rotated at high speed, almost turning into a Frisbee shape.

The [Tailed Beast Jade] turned into a spiral shuriken and continued to blast towards the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara Colossus.

There was another burst of sawdust flying, and two [Tailed Beast Jade] were grasped by the main hands on both sides of the shoulders of the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara. Just like they had done with the Seeking Jade before, they were thrown back at the white rabbit chrysanthemum.

It is very popular to treat others in their own way, but it is even easier for the Ten-Tailed Suzusen to recycle the energy released from his own body, and he directly swallows the light cannon thrown back.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Thousand-Armed Guanyin Colossus teleported again. This time the attack was aimed at the side of the white rabbit that had neither head nor tail.

But the white rabbit still has four limbs, and the rabbit is a little more agile than the Thousand-Armed Guanyin Colossus, which is weak except for its hands.

The White Rabbit began to jump and shoot in response to the Thousand-Armed Guanyin Colossus that kept teleporting and punching.

The energy recovery speed of the Little Ten-Tailed White Rabbit will not stop for days and nights with the current output. Hashirama now has unlimited chakra, and the strength of his Wood Release can directly withstand the explosion of the [Tailed Beast Jade], even if

Suzusen took the opportunity to use the Qiudao Jade to render his Guanyin Wood Release arm ineffective and unable to regenerate, so instead of regenerating it, he gave up the entire arm and used Wood Release to create a new arm.

However, the recovery speed of the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara Colossus cannot keep up with the output of the Suzusen. The battle can be balanced thanks to Tobirama's use of [Flying Thunder God Technique] from time to time to cover Hashirama and avoid the attacks of the Ten-Tailed Suzusen. Sometimes even

Deflect her attack back.

The four people who were maintaining the [Four Red Sun Formation] looked at the battle where every blow was enough to create a tourist attraction in the Valley of the End. They did not dare to relax at all. They were really worried that the aftermath of their attack would destroy the [Four Red Sun Formation].

Formation] was shattered. In fact, several stray bullets from Suzusen's attack landed on the flame barrier, which actually tore a big hole in the barrier at one point.

Kushina couldn't help but suggest: "Now that the Ten-Tails has become a tree that cannot move, we can maintain the [Four Red Sun Formation] here that cannot restrict the First-Daime-sama and the Second-Daime-sama from fighting their opponents.

Is that meaningful? It would be better to directly support the battle. For example...cutting down trees?"

Minato looked at the battlefield inside again, smiled, and said, "Thanks for the suggestion, Kushina, but it seems like we don't need to intervene to chop down the trees."

Suzusen didn't notice at all that his attack had completely destroyed the sacred tree's root cannon, and even the four people who were maintaining the [Four Red Sun Formation] combined could not match the destructive power of Suzusen and Hashirama by one finger.


Then, what they can do has already been decided.


"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, where are you Banban?"

Sunny hid her figure and followed the faint induction line to search for Madara Uchiha, who was shot into the sky by Winkworth's arrow.

Although Sunny has not practiced any magic from Ryūchidō, the mp mixed with natural energy is very useful. Even Sunny, who was not good at perception before, can grasp that Madara is mixed with the mp of her compatriots from a long distance.

s position.

"Huh? Madara is... moving?"

The translucent wings on Sunny's back shone brightly, and she almost turned into an invisible stream of light that streaked through the air and shot toward Madara's location.

It was a hilly area with sparse trees.

Sunny followed the direction of the induction and came to a trickling stream, and happened to encounter the whirlpool Jue Fei running along the stream.

The mystery of why Madara is moving is thus solved - the vortex is definitely moving around Madara.

Sunny felt that Madara's current vitality was very weak compared to his previous resurrection. She thought it might be because Hashirama had taken back all the power he had finally obtained, and now Madara no longer has the ability to "unprint self-healing".

When he was seriously injured, even if he got new Hashirama cells from White Zetsu to quickly fill the wound, they would only be degraded products. He could only quickly restore his combat power by wrapping himself in Uzumaki Zetsu.

Sunny immediately appeared and quickly landed in front of Ah Fei to stop him: "Madara's condition doesn't look good. Ah Fei, do you want me to help him treat him? Wait, Madara's eyes...could it be?"

"Oh, this is really terrible." A Fei twisted his body and said the terrible news in a funny tone, "The Samsara Eye... is over."

At that time, Tobirama seemed to be spitting at Madara, who was instantly hung up by arrows and flew away, making it difficult to pursue him, as if he was venting his anger. In fact, it was not the case. It was Tobirama's own assassination ninjutsu [Water Release: Sky Cry]


This technique is like rain falling from cloudless time and space. It is an unexpected water needle when attacking! The water needle sprayed out from the mouth at high speed will hit the enemy's vital points without the need to specifically mobilize chakra to form

A large amount of water is enough to activate a high-power water escape, so the surprise is quite strong. In short, it is an assassination technique that uses the amount of chakra condensed in the mouth to turn saliva or thick phlegm into a shuttle of bullets and spit it out.

This blow destroyed Madara's reincarnation eye.

All of Alfin's Samsara Eyes were destroyed in the battle with Metkai. The counterfeit Samsara Eye resurrected by [Wood Release: Reincarnation Technique] has a combat power no less than the real Samsara Eye under the improved operation of Himawari's Rebirth Technique.

, but cannot control the Ten-Tails and become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Madara's eyes under his eyes are probably unique.

"It doesn't matter, I'll treat it for you. Open your curly head and do it quickly." Sunny's healing and resurrection magic can repair damaged organs to a high degree.

Ten minutes later, Sunny gave up half of it: "Oh, my eyes are cured...it seems that Hashirama's power has been taken back by Hashirama, so I can't open the Samsara Eye?"

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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